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An apology of sorts ....


After a sleepless night & an uptight day.

Of trying to work out why I missed this.

As well as trying to explain to all that wondered, quite rightly what went wrong. Just like myself.

So, back to the beginning.
I started this bog almost 6 yrs ago.
I went through every prediction.
Well sometimes, at the time of making the prediction it doesn't make any sense.
Or, you think it's about one thing.
Then Bingo, the penny dropped.
Well, after many hours of looking.
I came across the "TOLD YA" below.
It's not directly about the election.
But it is about Trump....
What he's doing/about to do.
I knew that somewhere something so "HUGE".
Would have been mentioned somehow.
What do you all think......

Friday, April 2, 2010

Trump’d himself………

One day, 
Donald Trump,
Will get the comeuppance….
That the Karma Gods have 
been saving for him.
It’ll be a big one…..
But not till after he pulls a stunt.
That no ones seems coming.
He'll go far, with it.

Then, an upset, after a huge success....
Clue, Even when his family turn against him. 
That it has to be very bad.
then we all will know that he's nuts/insane.......


Anonymous said…
It has already started the campaigning on the street.
Anonymous said…
That actually makes a lot of sense. You don't have to be sorry.
T. W. said…
He will finally prove himself unfit for office to his supporters. Hillary will take office because of it.

A lot of psychics, astrologers, numerologists, etc. said Hillary would win. She did win the popular vote so you all were right about that. If only she had not conceded last night.

God can change a person's heart. Let us ask Him to help ALL of us.

Anonymous said…
I've been enjoying your blog for some time now, and have found you to correct on so many things, that to me it's clear you have a gift. Please don't beat yourself up about it, nobody is correct 100% of the time. Many other psychics and astrologers were predicting Hillary to win as well. I feel like her destiny was stolen from her due to human ignorance. Praying that the karma gods get him good someday!
Anonymous said…
I have no doubt this insane person will be his own undoing. I just hope our poor country survives in the meantime.

Blessings on you Christian.
Anonymous said…

You have NOTHING to apologize for. This whole nation is under an umbrella of stress, sadness and uncertainty. YOU are human, and we need to understand that, you possess a gift, a rare gift, and guess we all learned you are human and guess what, we appreciate you more for it. Trump was up to no good from the get go...either way, justice will be served.

Keep up the good work, we got your back my dear.

Love and Light
Anonymous said…
CD, what about Baba Vanga predicting Obama will be the last President? If you don't see Trump getting into the Whitehouse... Question is what happens next?
Anonymous said…
Another psychic I read said they picked up that Trump made a pact with the Devil in June of 2015, talk about scary stuff! It is weird that he won the way he did when he is so unqualified, not to mention how awful of a person he is. I will pray and pray about all this, light can overcome the dark! Thanks for all you do Christian, always love reading your predictions :)
Anonymous said…
Wikileaks is not your friend liberals. Christian, could you please look into how Julian Assange feels about the results of our election? I want to punch him in the face.

His personal vendetta against Clinton and the hoopla of releasing the DNC/anything Clinton related is not worth what so many Americans will have to experience for the next four years.

Does Assange have anything on the Republicans or Trump? Or are we supposed to realize just now that Wikileaks was never this impartial haven of justice.

Anonymous said…
Hugs to you my dear CD. BTW...I still wish you could do live events...forget TV and all the nonsense they could offer it on your own terms (like Sylvia Browne used to do...and I find you so much more entertaining/compassionate and wise...)

OK...on to my comment about Trumps mental state, which I've been sharing with any/all who had the patience to deal with me of late about him...(I am a trained counselor...finished first in my class...trained behavioral observer...okey dokey, enough about my credentials). Your line: "we all will know that he's nuts/insane" ...gave me pause.

We all know he's a textbook, classic case of narcissism. However, more about his pathology, I see a personality so very fragile, that he has to defend the least possible slight, he doesn't possess a secure internal construct. In basic terms, this defense mechanism could/shall be easily shattered under attack from the most innocuous perceived criticism. He assiduously has avoided this, it would seem, his entire life. From being totally in control of his world, he now embarks upon a position which in reality involves pressures/expectations from all angles, in which the safeguarding of a nation and beyond is at stake. What a far cry that is from masterminding his brand, feeding his every impulse. Further, I'd venture to say that again with such a fragile ego construct, his insatiable need for attention could not continue to be fed from his traditional business pursuits. It compelled him to seek fame on the grandest scale. It seems more than probable that he will crumble in that crucible, the presidency.

One last thing, about Burke Ramsey...his eyes reveal all, don't they...just jumped out at me before you reminded us of his issues. I came across a slide show of youngsters who had gone on to be serial killers. They captioned the photos with references to the children's innocence, i.e. Bundy. Well, for me, the eyes were a dead give away...mirrors to the soul, as they say.

Sending healing energy to all who participate on your blog...lets hope we at least enjoy more peaceful sleep tonight.

~ Johanna ~
Kristy said…
You don't need to apologize! We should apologize for the way some of us reacted and treated you. As someone said Hillary did technically win the popular vote.

You are amazing and we love you!
Common Sense said…
I thought Hillary's speech was very heartfelt and sincere.

Just wondering what Myles Standoffish thinks about all this. He must be happy with the outcome!

Anonymous said…
I still believe CD I got you boo lol. Quinn
Jessieann55395 said…
There are weeks before he will take office. There is still time, and still hope. As has been said, you weren't wrong, Hillary won the popular vote.
C said…
Have faith Christian. Everyone. This battle is not over. I made a connection with Trump and banning guns. I want to see if it plays out. I also did sense and hear (clairaudient) that karma would be huge for him. One thing is for certain....the shadows of the past have come out to be exposed and now they must have a light shined on them for good. It's time to clean up and fight for the future we deserve and our children deserve.
Anonymous said…
I'm fearing what will Trump do, for the world to realize that he is nuts/insane. What will be the prize to pay for humanity? I'm terrified. And I am European. I can't imagine the unrest many Americans will go through while this man is in charge at the White House.
Melic21 said…
CD do not feel bad, things change from the time you made the prediction there can be so many other shifts that it may have been right at the time but then outside influences or the veils of illusion can distort everything!! i think there were so many closet Trump supporters to afraid to speak out who are so disenfranchised with the state of the American economy and who is the running the show that they just said Fuck it on voting day! You are amazing and we love you CD so know that you have a lot of positive supporters here xxxx PS. would love your take on Julian Assange, do you think he will get out of political imprisonment? thanks Get onto the Vloggingxx
Melic21 said…
also, you are 100% correct about this look
Anonymous said…
You weren't wrong CD as you know there's more to come.

''Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it." is a saying that applies to Mr Trump right now. He's bitten off far more than he can chew and he knows it.

Reality is setting in, he can only bluff for so long, his mind is racing, how can he back out? What excuse can he use?

Being President of American isn't a game. He knows he won't be able to bluff and bluster his way through, too many educated people in the circle will see through him, many already have but they let him carry on to save their own jobs and promises that have been made to them by him.

He did this for his ego, he's gone too far but how far will he take this before he can't take it anymore?

Anonymous said…
CD it must be bruising to make such public stands on things with the risk of appearing to get it humiliatingly wrong. But I for one didn't doubt any of it. I've been banging on myself about this election not playing out to the usual script. It's not done and dusted. Events Will Occur.

You must have have had such an anguished couple of days (you're not alone on that one, at least!) But now you have found the puzzle piece. That's impressive, and all the way from 2010! It's difficult to mentally go back even a year when the idea of Trump being president was ludicrous enough. How much more 'out there unimaginable' would the possibility have seemed 6 1/2 years ago! And yet where we stand today those words look exactly right. I think you should give yourself a break, this is one moment in the longer story. In another year's time you may not appear to be wrong after all.

And to Johanna - as someone with an interest in psychology and related matters, I enjoyed your post. I agree and feel that, even though his narcissism has been well reported, people generally don't realise that it's not just a matter of bigging himself up a lot. It's a pathology. There's a fatal crack in his core make-up that will inevitably lead to something shocking and catastrophic later on. He's gone bankrupt several times. Those were his personal business. Now his business is the USA. He can't afford recklessness and over-sensitive meltdowns. Plus he needs to practice diplomacy in his role. Is that even possible!? Given the amount of unrest and aggression that followed him around during the campaign, how can he be a force for peace and understanding now on the world stage? He's just not wired that way.
Anonymous said…
Interesting times, let us all be patient and let see how the story unfolds. My very strong feeling is that we have still a lot see and will be exposed before this is finished. I sense that whilst baby fart is in line for the White House , there are going to be some very nervous republican members of congress because they know baby fart is not going to do what they say. This is going to be better than " days of our lives".
Anonymous said…
CD we love you and we know that things do not go as planned or as predicted! Trump winning the election was allowed by the Gods so there is a reason why this has happened! The country is split with the 3rd dimension people versus the 5th dimension people. The third dimension is over and these people are hanging on to it with all they can!
Anonymous said…
I think that trump winning the presidency will be the worse thing that has happened to his family and this country!
Anonymous said…
CD can you please comment on what you see for Hillary now that she has lost the election???
Anonymous said…
CD, no one is perfect, but you made great efforts to get people to vote responsibly and with a heart (which I personally appreciated.) Perhaps Hillary defeating Trump was the outcome that you wanted to manifest so badly that it interfered with the accuracy of your election prediction? I still think that you are fabulous!
Anonymous said…
Ah, CD, I too was so tired yesterday, and fell asleep early, only to be awakened throughout the night. Johanna- I'm no college graduate, but I'm smart, and intuitive. I knew Rump was a narcissist from way back-when he did his tv shows. I was married to one, know the syndrome well. However in my research yesterday, I was looking at the psychological profiles of past presidents, and there is a fair amount of narcissistic tendencies in many of them. It either makes them great presidents, or leads to their destruction-like Nixon.

I had no doubts that HC would win, not that I was predicting, but I know almost all reputable psychics saw her as president. I was blindsided. I felt betrayed by my country. I started even reading some material I'd normally scroll by-comparing Rump to Hitler's rise, and why no one stopped him. This is supposed to be a time when the feminine power is to move to the forefront-the age where we stop aggression and where we learn to nurture, and take care of what we have, lest we destroy it.

I even have been looking to leave the country, feeling so disenchanted with the US-and this is coming from someone who's ancestors took up arms in 1776, and joined Lincolns army a century later to protect what our ancestors accomplished.

Then in the wee hours when I could not sleep, the two sort of came together-the Hitler references I kept stumbling upon, and the psychological research that I had done. The two didn't jive. Rump is no Hitler-he isn't promoting the violence as Hitler did. But he was lying about everything he could to encourage the lowest common denominator to become a voting force. Even David Duke came out and publicly stated on Twitter that his KKK had quite a hand in this election. Hitler wanted to commit genocide, and sought power to do so. Rump has no such delusion, he simply used some of the same tactics to get the power his narcissism craved.

He will screw up big time-I can't say whether it will be before he is inaugurated or after, but it will come. People who voted for him will then face one of two realities-they will either be exposed for being racist, misogynistic, etc. and that is why they supported him, or they were gullible enough to follow someone, just as those who allowed Hitler to climb to power.

I personally hope Rump is not assassinated. I want him to either become impeached or jailed for committing a felony. It is the only way for those who follow him to see their error and not make him a martyr in their eyes. If he becomes a martyr, the lesson for the masses goes up in smoke, and the preemption of what should have been Hillary's win will be for naught.

TW- I don't believe that Hillary will take office. Unless it is proven that Rump and his cronies found a way to mess with the election-like having enlisted the KKK to aid in running polling places to dump votes, etc., the election results will stand, and Pence will be in office. But he'll be on a very short leash after being Rumps partner.

I also hope that Comey is investigated for his 11th hour email non-scandal. I don't know if it was pressure from Guilliani-his former boss, or he was paid (by Rump maybe?). It would fit in his pattern - he was losing, so it is well within his pathology to pay someone to throw a monkey wrench into his opponent's campaign unlawfully to save face.
Anonymous said…
You are an amazing and an incredibly gifted psychic. Please don't beat yourself up about the outcome of this election because so many other psychics predicted a Clinton win as well. I thought Clinton would win as well but a few weeks before the election I kept having dreams of Trump walking around the grounds of the White House (I think he has been invited to meet Obama at the WH today) and I just kept getting this dark/sinking feeling but I just could not let my mind go even imagine a Trump Presidency; but that gut feeling kept coming back so that is a big lesson to me to listen to my intuition no matter what. But, getting back to you. I have followed you for years and you are rarely if ever wrong. We may never know why the Cosmos twisted fate in such a way but I do know one thing in my gut. Trump truly does not realize what he is facing. I agree with the therapist's remarks above and his ego will have a very difficult time withstanding the constant scrutiny and criticism in the WH. I think he believes he can run it like he has his businesses and that he can just punish anyone who gets in his way. That won't last long and the mayhem behind the scenes will eventually leak out. Best wishes to you CD. I appreciate you so much.
Anonymous said…
These things work in mysterious ways. I don't think you are wrong, it just may not look how we all expected. Hilary won the popular vote, she is the people's President.
Anonymous said…
What better comeuppance than to have it come out that Trump made promises to certain people and paid big bucks to make sure he "won" the election. How many times did he say if he lost he would demand a recount? How many idiot cheaters point the finger at the other guy thinking we don't see what they're doing?
Anonymous said…
Move on Trump won!
Anonymous said…
Mail online is running this story now. Here's the headline;

The blind psychic who predicted 9/11 and the rise of Islamic State has also forecast that Barack Obama would be the 'last US president'.
Baba Vanga, who was known as the 'Nostradamus from the Balkans', predicted correctly that the 44th President would be African-American.

"Baba Vanga made the predictions before she died in 1996 at the age of 85
Pensioner warned that Barack Obama would be the 'last US president'
Donald Trump will not be sworn in as US president until January 20
Also credited with predicting 2004 tsunami and attacks on Twin Towers
CyndiTx123 said…
we are still grieving over Hillary's loss… But don't beat yourself over your prediction on HIllary….We got your back on this and know what is meant to be…. My hubby's job has taken a hit already… 2 companies has put an automatic hold on hiring till February… due to Trump winning….
It didn't help that it has been gloomy since he won… I need sun! Only got a fraction of sun late yesterday when I was feeding my CoCo Chanel and her bro Cooper… that made me feel a little better but my heart grieves….

Peace & Love CD!! Keep us informed.
Anonymous said…
Ok but I am still upset. Could you at least tell us what happens with HRC?? She is not going to be president then? Also I agree with you about the rigging....both MI & WI have GOP governors and have done it before. My problem with this prediction is not only that it's wrong, but that even if he dies doesn't fix the Senate, the gerrymandered House, and Pence & Ryan are two pigs just as bad as Trump.

So PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.....tell me where THAT is going. I've already accepted the fact that we are fucked for 4 years & so is the planet. Tell me if I am wrong......please. I'm begging you......

Anonymous said…
Jessieann....with all due respect, if you don't win the election but win the popular vote than she doesn't become president. The prediction was that she would be president for 8 years.....
Anonymous said…
She can't take office because of it
It would then go to Pence
She had to concede the woman has class
You didn't vote for her what do you care
In essence you voted for Trump
Anonymous said…
You're human...and amazing. No need to apologize. We are behind you 100%!

Anonymous said…

I have also been up all night combing through my previous thoughts, as well...

If you got it wrong...then I did,too...because I was EMPHATIC about Hillary winning the presidency for over 4 years now....I was 100% sure! Confidently expelling the "truth" to friends/family... or I were not wrong, she did earn the popular vote, which is the most important representation of what the American people want.(good or bad).

The electoral college was suppose to safeguard against larger states/populous overtaking the majority rule.(think Lincoln/slavery/unification of the states).

This electoral college can be a good or bad thing, depending on the circumstances in which it is enforced.

I don't think intuitively that the election was rigged, but a clear divison/dissonance of mentality within our country. Americans currently worship fame, superficial image,(fake boobs/plastic surgery,'selfie'culture/narcissism, materialism and power. It makes sense that 50% of our nation valued these attributes within Trump. Trump represents our current Moral decline as a nation/culture.

I think what we "missed" in our prediction was we undervalued the amount of shallow/self-serving individuals in this world. We were inserting our own values into the vision, because we couldn't comprehend that amount of ignorance people can behold.

I do think karma will prevail....Good always overrides evil....(for why is satan/evil always fleeing/running/covert). God/good always matter how horrific/irrational the current situations/actions of human behavior may be.(slavery, Jim crow laws, Hilter, women's rights/equality, human rights ect).

We may have stepped backwards a 100 years with this election...but, it will not sustain itself as history teaches us.

It is truly sad that 50% of the american population were NOT ready for a woman president, who was over-qualified for the job, despite her flaws. It wasn't her time...yet, people weren't really ready for the true "change" they were seeking.
Hillary represented the true "change"....and Ironically, Trump represented regression, supression and the current ignorance of our self absorbed culture.

Which I have also been up all night combing through my previous thoughts
Anonymous said…
CD how long do you predict before he gets knocked out of the presidency???
Anonymous said…
Hopefully, rather than nuking anything, he'll do something relatively benign. This all really dark stuff and bad vibes, though.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Apology accepted but you were still wrong.
Anonymous said…
This is for "Johanna"...

I just posted a commentary to CD, but I wanted to address you as well...

I agree will all you have stated...

I especially agreed with your observations about Trump. Hilter also had a underlying fragile self-worth/esteem, in which he compensates through control over others, acquisition, and expelling hate to compensate for his wounded ego. The root of dictators/bully behavior is compensation for a low self-esteem, what ever the initial cause. Trump feeds off of external affirmations from others, and when he is criticized, it deeply reveals his highly crafted and fragile facade.

Trump's family members' non-verbal language on stage when he accepted his presidency speech, spoke loudly to me as well. His young son, didn't want his Dad to win, because it would pull him away from spending time with him...even MORE. Objects/money can't fill the void.....that boy needs genuine love/attention from his father.

Trump's NO first lady. She is trash, and her usefulness to Trump has expired. She is getting old, and even with plastic surgery, it won't save her. She is fake...fake... fake...plastic....and reflects everything shallow about Trump. However, she realizes now, that she was part of Trumps collection and he has objectified her as well.

Melania has serious contempt for her husband/president elect....and secretly she wished/rooted for Hillary to take the presidency. She knows time is ticking for her, for Trump only values women for their looks and arm candy(again elevating is poor self-esteem by dominating and devaluing women only for their external attributes). The audacity! and arrogance!....that Trumps needs a beautiful, young/ size "0" wife to feel like a real man.(because he is so physically unattractive/unfit himself, he embodies/perpetuates the double standard). Women voted for this beast...the irony confounds me....
I see a 3rd divorce....without a doubt!
Anonymous said…
The hospitals were flooded yesterday with people suffering from anxiety and depression due to Trump becoming president! This decision has literally made many people sick! That is a huge sign of bad things to come from his election!!!
T. W. said…
I will pray for whoever takes office. That is why I care.
T. W. said…
I love Days of Our Lives!
T. W. said…
Thank you for your thoughts.
Anonymous said…
I believe the rape trial has been cancelled. The woman was full of fear and cancelled the case per Lisa Bloom, her Attorney.

Also, while reading this, my Kindle Fire turned on and started playing a Hillary Clinton book, Hard Choices. There was no movement towards it. I believe it's some kind of sign, maybe just an encouragement from the other side because I"m deeply depressed over this.

I believe what happened is simply that people did not get out and vote. Her vote totals were down and Trumps were up. She would have easily won if people would have voted. Vote in 2018 to change the house and senate.

Feels like a death here, so very, very sad.

T. W. said…
I love you Christian and I love the people that come here.
T. W. said…
It is being reported Hillary had a meltdown which required sedation.
Unknown said…
Some of you need to grow up and learn some US history. Gore also won the popular vote, and challenged the election all the way to the Supreme Court. Did it work? Run to nearest library and find out.

For those of you who think you can "undo" this election, think again. There will be a lot of unhappy Americans if you try to reverse an election that was won fair and square. Do you think nearly half the voting population is going to let a bunch of Millenials undo their hard work? Maybe your parents never taught you this, but you're NOT the center of the universe. Sometimes you're going to have someone in the White House that you're convinced is the anti-Christ. Ask me how I know this.

For those of you who think we've elected another Hitler, RUN, don't walk, to the nearest library to learn about our civil government. We have checks and balances in our system. We have Constitutional guarantees. If you're placed on a train anytime in the next four years, it won't be because you're Jewish, it will be because you're here illegally. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll get a nice cushion seat and maybe they'll even serve lemonade and cookies on your way back to wherever you belong.

If you really want to fear something, fear the shadow government--those establishment members who were NOT elected, but nevertheless have been controlling our government for 100+ years now. Fear that we have more fake mass shootings, signed off by a sitting president. Learn about Operation Northwood and Operation Paperclip and put your efforts into making sure we never again allow our intelligence agencies to proliferate unchecked and under cover of top secret clearances. Learn about Snowden--the exact details of what he learned while working for the NSA--and how he sacrificed his life for you and your country.

Trump cannot and will not operate in a vacuum. No president does. If the elite establishment cannot control him, they will assassinate him like they did JFK. So sleep soundly, my pretties.

The prophet has spoken.
T. W. said…
Thank you for your thoughts too.
T. W. said…
I know some people who did not vote at all. Are people mad at them? Hillary called black people super predators. There is video of this. Are people calling her racist?
Unknown said…
Christina G:you are a smart woman.But I do not think that shadow givernment will assassinate Trump.They are in a trouble.
The Original Sarah said…

Chill out. I still love you! In fact, I may be setting up an appointment soon.
June said…
Christina G. I've always feared the Shadow Government, either in a democratic or republican presidency but now I also have to fear a "multimillionaire wannabe President" who wants to play politics because he got bored of making money, just for a change, like he will change his Barbie-wife for a younger one because Melania is already 45.

Christian I hope you don't mind my posting this letter here from a courageous and honest father to his 15 year old daughter after Trump triumph. It expresses my own feelings perfectly
Ann said…
Christina G: Thank you so much for that much needed voice of reason. Very well stated.
Susan Miller said…
We don't have any checks and balances, not when Republicans hold the House and Senate.
Susan Miller said…
Why we are afraid is that the Republicans hold the House and Senate now. So he can go on to be Hitler 2.0 and no one can stop him.
Anonymous said…
Trump has no idea what he has gotten himself into!
He is not cut out for this type of job! He will hate it with a passion!!! He will regret getting himself into this
Anonymous said…

You hit on exactly what I was thinking. The only thing I can think of that will possibly make his own family hate him, is if he is found guilty of that rape. I think they know what a scum he is regarding business, cheating, lying, and just being a cad, but raping an underage girl would be so over the top.

She has dropped the charges. I would like to know what caused her to drop the charges, or who?

Anonymous said…
Before I begin, I love you too, TW. You have a pure heart. And Christian too.

And, the Millennials are the future of our country. Change starts with the young and as they age, many of them will be in office and have shown their children, by example, how to change the system and move forward. It's not happening now for the Millennials, but it will.

This is the history of our country. Change happens slowly, but change will occur, especially as more people are less rural and have vastly different values than their parents.

I'm happy that young people are involved in politics.

Anonymous said…
Karma will hatch up to Ttump sooner than later and it won't be pretty! He has no idea what he has gotten himself into!

wow..this whole election is weird!
Anonymous said…
Hmm. Seems some in here have a reading comprehension issue. No one said Trump was going to replicate Hitler and cart folks off-in fact the opposite was said. What I read were ego, narcissistic personality and psyche comparisons, and that Trump's followers turned a blind eye to his faults just as Hitler's did. They missed the lesson facing them-identifying the live caricature of ego that confronted them and ignoring the spiritual. By embracing fear, hatred, hierarchy, dominion and eschewing love, acceptance, reciprocity, they totally missed the boat, and will be kicking themselves later when Trump either does something illegal, or when he makes their current conditions worse.

As for history, and knowing the law, we have a president elect, but until the electoral college votes on Dec. 19th this year, no matter how upset people get, some states have no laws prohibiting electors from changing their votes. Faithless electors have changed their ballots on 22 occasions in history, tho they've never before changed the outcome of an election. There is a petition at signed by over to 500K so far today asking for the electors so cast faithless votes. I don't think it will make a difference, but if it makes you feel better to sign...

As for the tin foil hat folks talking about false mass shootings, yes, we all know about the German scientists coming here after the war, and the declassified JFK docs about the CIA's non-utilized proposal. Big whoop. As for the Karma you have coming for the harm you and your conspiracy affiliates inflict on the families of victims of mass tragedies, you have my pity. This is coming from someone who lost a child in a mass, well publicized tragedy, so I know first hand the harm done by the wild, erroneous speculations of those who feel they know more than those actually involved.
Anonymous said…
Oh please you proved you didn't care
Anonymous said…
Millions of Americans will be wishing for the vote for evil Trump to be overturned Good luck USA!
Anonymous said…
I am a lifelong Republican who was #NeverTrump from the start. I did everything I could to let people know this man is dangerous and should NOT be elected as President. My daughter in Law has a disabled sister and she is so upset this man is the President elect, she also tried her best to get out the word to people about him. My kids are worried about their future! there were some delegates that tried to get their voices heard during the Convention and they were shutdown by the RNC Chairman. I keep praying that he will do something stupid and have to bow out before he can take office in Jan. I just feel depressed and discouraged over it all. Thank you Christian for all you do! KC
Anonymous said…
I am concerned that we went backwards in race relations in this country! I pray for healing and got everyone to be kind to one another.

Anonymous said…
Hitler was a dictator yet trump was democratically elected. there are no comparisons. Go back to school and study history!
Anonymous said…
Hillary is more likely to go to jail than that happening
Jackie said…
But didn't she conseed to trump? Wouldn't that mean she us no longer in the race?
Kristy said…
I'm with you. As someone who is a minority and a woman it's painful that so many in our country are afraid of moving forward that they vote for someone who takes us back 50 years.

I actually cried yesterday because I thought of my grandparents who fought for all the rights they had and now it might be for nothing since our country elected this individual.
T. W. said…
That is your opinion. You have a right to it.
T. W. said…
I am sorry you lost your child.
Anonymous said…
Kristy, I cried as well too. I cannot imagine a more hateful, mean, and bigoted person to be our commander in chief.
Anonymous said…
Another psychic's line with yours, CD...something still to play out..."Something still feels off to me, unsettled, not locked in, like a crack in a dam that’s about to burst and blow the whole thing apart"

What a ride!

Let us give of our best selves, not cast aspersions, for that solves nothing. May we find our own inner peace, and offer compassion whether or not it is reciprocated...especially to you, CD and others who dedicate their energies to inspire, enlighten and comfort us.

~ Johanna ~
Anonymous said…
Most of the top psychics said Hillary the ones who said trump made their predictions in September and October, something changed. I think this a warning for America to change for the better.
Anonymous said…
Most of the top psychics said Hillary the ones who said trump made their predictions in September and October, something changed. I think this a warning for America to change for the better.
Anonymous said…
@12.42 Hitler came to power via democracy. Perhaps it's you who needs to brush up on your history...
Anonymous said…
My brother sent me this...for those of you who feel as sad as I do this illuminates the depth of our least it did for me:
Anonymous said…
The planet Neptune in Pisces & the South Node ruler of past life karma, loss, the strange, haunting & what is called the veil, align until Neptune resumes direct motion Nov.19th, when the veil is lifted & secrets are revealed. What will come to light? What 3rd party influence is interfering in your life? What secrets will be revealed? What will you see clearer? As planets aspect the Lunar South Node an opportunity exists to clear away, heal, and in some cases balance your karma exists, but it's always a little painful and sometimes collectively. Smile be happy & don't let anything rob you of your Bliss and happiness!
(From astrologer Terry Nazon)
Psychic Gossip said…
@12.42 I rarely loose my temper especially on MY BLOG. But you have to be FUCKING KIDDING ME.
"Hitler came to power via democracy " Did you go to school? Seems we won't have to wait till Trump starts running the Education dept. Seems some people either don't know their history, or don't even own a TV with the Histroy Channel/AHC/Destination Channel CD
Maria said…
TW stop repeating that superpredator refrain. What is the matter with you? There are plenty of people working in the area of criminal justice who disavow this smear and can explain much better than myself why it's not only false BS but patently unfair to target a single person for the decisions made back then. My God!
Maria said…
I'm really happy to see most of the people here are so smart and caring. CD does have a great following! I do believe there is something happening but have no idea what it could be. The vote does not feel just or real. Whoever said they read Trump made a deal with the devil, I would love to see that page. I'm sorry but it's the only thing that makes sense to me right now. I understand a lot of people wanted him to win and he got a lot of votes but I don't see him being our president. Being president isn't a game! My unhappiness when Bush won was deep. But I accepted he was going to be running things and in the white house. This feels very different. Very off. I'm holding on to hope.
T. W. said…
I am sad because we are fighting each other. This is what Trump wants. Don't give in to the hate. Let us all be friends again.
T. W. said…
Ok. Thanks Maria.
T. W. said…
Hi Maria! I did some digging. Seems she used the term to talk about gang members and such. Thank you for your correction, I respect you. I stand corrected.
Unknown said…
NicQuerica:USA has a problem with german history, with nazism also because of Hillary, Bush, Obama.
This is not about Mr.Trump!
T. W. said…
Here is a link to a psychic blog that predicted Trump's win and what is to take place:
Unknown said…
I have respect for you CD at least you can admit you were wrong. You are usually right, all we can do is pray and fight for our right.
Maria said…
Thanks TW. You have a great heart and are our unofficial leader here in the comment section. I value you very much. I'm glad when we can all learn things and change our minds, as adults do. I always am learning too. All the best and happy Friday! :D
Maria said…
omg T.W.!

You found the sold his soul to satan link! Thanks!

Can't wait to read it even though it terrifies the crap out of me. What a douchebag. Who sells their soul to the devil?! Only Trump
Melic21 said…
i agree T.W. please people need to stop hating on one another we are here because we love CD and his predictions and the community, peace out people xx
Anonymous said…
The National Popular Vote bill circumvents the presumptive Electoral College vote. This can be done with great effort. As Bernie Sanders says it has to occur grassroots local level up. Reference article:
Anonymous said…
I have read several psychic's page. This is one of my favs. as is the one I will share below. Here is an excerpt I hope will help bring understanding and acceptance to where we are IN THIS PRESENT MOMENT. Tomorrow is not absolute She writes:

"...As humans, we’ve been trained that we can’t trust ourselves. As such, our faith is rattled by external events. We give away our faith and hope and power too easily. Never let one Psychic gal from Montana rob you of your faith. Nor your Pastor, your husband, your wife, your government, election results, the President, your boss, your children, or your mentor. Never give anyone or anything that kind of power over your brilliance, your belief, your instincts, or your hope.

That brilliance is precious, and is yours alone.

We can be encouraged and uplifted by the many. We can rely on others for confirmation. We are here for each other. Yet if we allow one person to become the sole scaffolding for our faith in ourselves, in our nation, in our ability to bring change, in our ability to believe — then the faith never existed within us to begin with.

And THAT was the lesson in this election, which didn’t go as myself, dozens of other Psychics, or even the news stations — thought it would."....

Do continue reading her extensive and soothing share found at the URL below. I hope by passing this along it helps all concerned, including you, CD.

What Went Wrong with the Clinton Presidential Prediction
Posted on November 10, 2016
Anonymous said…
Returning to URL:

Danielle's perceptions seems to be in sync with CD and Sherita
"...I’m still feeling a strange, nagging wiggle in the time line regarding this election. Something still feels off to me, unsettled, not locked in, LIKE A CRACK IN A DAM THAT'S ABOUT TO BURST AND BLOW THE WHOLE THING APART. Perhaps it’s my own shock at the situation, yet I suspect due to the energetic nature of this wiggle that it’s more. I’ll wait for time to reveal that one. Not because I’m afraid of being wrong, but because I’m honestly not being told what that wiggle is about. ..."

PS, day 1, I was angry and I cried, day 2, woke up in shock and cried and more anger day 3 no tears. but angry still, internal struggle between the dark and the light. I hope soon to move into that space of positive energy, and ask forgiveness to the negative energy I myself have contributed during this critical time in our history. I know I will return to who I truly am.
Anonymous said…
CD a few days ago, you mentioned Trump would do something absurd involving Russia. Do you feel they tampered with votes, as it has been in the news earlier today, Russia had conversations with the Trump campaign. Seems to me this should not be allowed, another foreign nation, interfering with our democratic process. And several times Trump cited Russia while campaigning. Very odd. Also feels to be that Rudolph Giuliani has gotten away with murder. He is lying about not know in advance James Comey would be sending that letter to Congress. RUSSIA SEEMS LIKE AN IMPORTANT INFLUENCE IN THS.
CyndiTx123 said…
Also read up on Trump's astrological sign….. and also Hillary's… It seems that she has issues with her brain and lungs… as in Parkinson…. and Trump has karma waiting for him in the head…….
This too will pass…. Prayers and love to all as we get through this crazy time. Especially prayers and love to you CD….. know that your loved and cherished.
I feel that maybe the Russians did have a part in this election…. Trump was in contact with them during his election run and Putin was the first to congratulate him on winning ?!? well that was supposedly what was going on….Who knows… Anyway- Have an awesome Friday CD and everyone!!

PS. Do you see Michelle Obama running for office in 2020 ??
T. W. said…
Thank you for your kind words Maria! This blesses me. You showed you cared by giving me gentle correction. I appreciate you.
T. W. said…
You are welcome. The psychic claims Trump will be shot. This is an interesting read.
T. W. said…
You are forgiven. We love you!
Anonymous said…
Knowitnextpsychispredictions is a dead Wordpress blog, abandoned several years ago. You can still access some of the content. They will be missed.
T. W. said…
They still post content.
Anonymous said…
Hi, another option to consider, from a different channeled source..... Something nefarious did happen, polls and analysts were not wrong....however, it originated from the Clinton camp though! wtf?? Source communicated:

"...As for the FBI’s investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s hacked emails, Director James Comey bowed to pressure from Bill Clinton and other Illuminati to conclude that national security had not been compromised and using a personal server is not an indictable offense. The finger was pointed at Russia for the hacking incident.

Vladimir Putin was justified in claiming that was not Russia’s doing. Individuals in the FBI and other intelligence agencies who know the Clintons’ criminal history released the emails—they felt the public had a right to know the truth about Mrs. Clinton. But Mr. Comey had kept under wraps what the emails showed: She used her Secretary of State position to garner donations to the Clinton Foundation and issue favors in return and some Foundation funds benefitted terrorists.

When those individuals later discovered that Anthony Weiner’s computer contained evidence of the Clintons’ involvement in a pedophile ring, they insisted that Mr. Comey reopen the investigation. Once again he gave into Clinton camp pressure and stated that none of the emails pertained to Mrs. Clinton.

"The aforementioned individuals then enlisted the aid of Wikileaks’ Julian Assange to have the incriminating information passed on to “whistleblower” Internet site operators. To counter the fallout from that unexpected exposure, Illuminati minions quickly set about manipulating voting mechanisms so the larger count would go to Mrs. Clinton. Perhaps the haste required is what led to the errors that caused this ploy to backfire—the larger count was mistakenly registered to Mr. Trump.?....

..."The “stunning upset,” as political analysts and the media are terming the election result, has motivated crowds of impassioned citizens to take to the streets in protest and some are calling for an investigation into the vote counting. If that does materialize and it is discovered that voting machines were faulty or not all mail-in ballots were counted, the election would have to be annulled. In such case, President Obama would remain in office until another president is elected.

The negativity created by those whose intent was to deceive and of the deceptive acts themselves is up against the force of ever-heightening vibrations. Republicans are the majority in the House and Senate, but few are pleased that Mr. Trump is their standard-bearer. Democrats are bitter and apprehensive; many feel that if Bernie Sanders had been the party nominee, he would have won the election, and positive energy around Mr. Sanders continues to grow."

wow! it would be better than if ended up being Bernie still
Anonymous said…
wow. here's a different play of events from another channel ultimately in accordance with others TRUMP WILL NOT BE IN OFFICE:
"For the people of America the result of their Presidential election was a complete surprise as it was much closer in the end than had been anticipated, and Trump gained a late rush of strong support largely from those who were undecided until the last few days. Neither of the two candidates was particularly well received for such an important position as the President of the United States. However, within a probable period of 3 months or less there are likely to be events that will overshadow everything else that has taken place so far. The new united States of America is waiting in the wings to be announced, and it means that the election result will have no standing where it is concerned. In the circumstances it is expected that Trump would resign and thereby make way for new candidates in a new election. In that event Paul Ryan is considered to be the most likely one to be appointed as the interim President until new elections can be held.

These events were inevitable and major changes cannot be stopped from taking place, as they are already written into the future and will manifest quite soon. It will be the turning point for all of Humanity, as they move onto the path that will free them from the control of the dark Ones. It will enable Humanity to take great steps forward that will see the introduction of beneficial and welcome changes that have been held back for a long time. So many events have been waiting an opportunity to reveal the true future for Earth and its inhabitants."
Common Sense said…
Christina G, so glad you have come aboard!
Anonymous said…
Looks like the seer needs new glasses.
Anonymous said…
I think quite a few well known psychics got the Trump winning the election wrong not because they were wrong per se but because I think something shifted within the energy. Another psychic Michelle Whitedove explained more on her blog as well:

I think the universe wants us to pay attention. By having Trump elected as of now- everyone is watching his every move including other countries watching what is happening. You can only hide things for so long but he was able to do what he did because half didn't take him seriously and the other half bought into his crap. Now everyone has to pay attention.

Anonymous said…
Anonymous said..8:21 am...please share your source.
Anonymous said…
Hahaha, Common sense welcoming himself aboard! And the crazy train rolls on.....
Anonymous said…
INCREDIBLE....this is a 4th prediction I've found since the election of the ELECTION BEING REVERSED!!:
Predictions 11-11-16
Posted on November 11, 2016 by Eric Leigh-Pink
Thank you all so much for your support and well wishes. It was very heart warming. Thank you.

And now the Spirits have responded.

“Wait.. Wait”

The Spirits felt I need to wait till the dust settles. They imply something else is coming around the corner. However I personally can’t imagine any circumstance where the elections are reversed. Its important to just heed their advice and wait.

Then the next day the Conductor and I conversed : “So much unnecessary emotional focus on this one event.. the sum of our work outweighs the one. We have made mistakes in the past and we will make them in the future. Just to be clear the reason and purpose of our work is to help the individual, to help groups surrounded by tragedy, to help humanity. When we fail to help those seeking counsel, those in need, then we can have a conversation of concern. But we feel we have.. and will.. help so many people. That’s the only thing that counts. Move on.. its time to get back to what we do.” – Macabe

The predictions:

“Get the generators out, get them on line.

There is an epic bombshell coming, other bombshells follow, the US politics continue.. disarray?y.. topsy turvy

Russia.. back door deals.. tape-taps.. the strain between the US and Russia mounts so bad that a new cold war is inevitable.” – Spirits Voice"
Sashii Ayer said…
Christian Dion you have an amazing gift and you were on target as usual. Their seems to be a wave across the world, a lot of right-wingers are coming into positions of leadership (including here, in India), probably as a result (partly) of Islamic terrorism. Anyway, your blog is the best.

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