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CD what's going to happen?

This is the answer.

Meanwhile, The 1st Lady's redo of 
The Rose Garden.


Anonymous said…
It's already starting people are getting attached outside!
Susan Miller said…
Could use some good news right about now. (not shooting thr messenger! You're awesome.) Its been such a bad year for the world.
C said…
First Lady Dolley Madison is not going to like her garden being revamped.
T. W. said…
I don't know anything anymore.
Anonymous said…
I watch tv and see all these people being attacked and it seems like we went backwards in time! My heart breaks but this election woke us all up! if someone does not assasinate Trump the American people will take him out in four years! We are awake now and watching him!!
Anonymous said…
And Trump chose Sarah Palin to join his team, who really knows nothing, leading with his brain in his pants.
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian!
Change of subject: could you please comment on prince Harry and Cressida Bonas, will they ever get back together or Harry's meant to marry somebody else? It's been over 2 years since they broke up and feels like this chapter is closed for both of them.

It seems that Harry is really into this american actress even if it's partly pr.

Thank you.
Anonymous said…

I don't know if it's the sleep-deprived delirium, but CD your post made me think of this. I don't know if Americans know about Trumpton (adorable and beloved vintage UK children's programme). They are probably even less familiar with Half Man Half Biscuit (1980's satirical indie band from Liverpool). I know there are some regulars on here who have an interest in English culture. You have a two-fer-one here, I just hope Trumpland USA doesn't end up like this tragedy...

Unemployment’s rising in the Chigley end of town
And it’s spreading like pneumonia
Doesn’t look like going down
There’s trouble at the fire station someone’s had the sack
And the lads are going to launch a scheme get rid of Captain Flack

Tell PC McGarry to get himself a mate
And arm themselves with CS gas
They’re gonna be out late
We’ve had Cant conformism since 1966
And now subversion’s in the air in the shape of flying bricks

Someone get a message through to Captain Snort
That they’d better start assembling the boys from the fort
And keep Mrs Honeyman right out of sight
‘Cos there’s gonna be a riot down in Trumpton tonight

All this aristocracy has really got to stop
We can overthrow the surgery and kidnap Dr Mopp
And Chippy Minton’s Socialists could storm the Market Square
And make plans to assassinate our autocratic Mayor

Windy Militant leads his Basque-like corn grinders to war
With windmill sails and bombs with nails they smash the town hall door
But Snorty and his boys arrive with one big erstwhile crew
Whereupon they bring about a military coup

Someone get a message through to Captain Snort
That they’d better start assembling the boys from the fort
And keep Mrs Honeyman right out of sight
‘Cos there’s gonna be a riot down in Trumpton tonight

Anonymous said…
@ 1.09: I know it's bad manners to pick on typos, but your post has a reassuring 'make love not war' tone. More power to your elbow, my friend!
dream kardashian was born today...any thoughts? is it really rob's
Anonymous said…

I hope you don't angry with me for posting this, but...this numerologist named Seriita basically reassured what you've been saying all along...give a read to her post about Donald Trump, it is spot on as well.

"The 45th president elect will not finish their term".....
Anonymous said…
For those possessing an open mind go to 101.05

It begs the question - for those with "abilities, those that know better and were asked several times about the intentions of the Clinton's, why was the choice made to keep this in the dark? The uranium deal and their power mania was asked about specifically. Does this site harbor an agenda like our media does? Was it a tool for the elite to keep us from vetting Hillary, to keep us dumb and numb? How far did her power reach?
As of now, I don't get the warm and fuzzies from this site. I don't think there is enough "light" to keep me connected here. There is a lot of lower level vibrations here that I chose to ignore because I thought that the snark would out weigh the dark. But it really doesn't, and never did. The answers were one sided. For sure. For one who "knows" so much we got so little.
I can only blame myself for putting up with it for this long.

Peace, Out
OWS99 said…
To those saying maybe Trump'll get shot. I mean, that will not solve our problem, because Pence is just as bad and he'll have a rubber stamp congress. It's not something that I think is a good solution. I would rather tRump than Pence because he is so unstable and ignorant and will make a scene, but Pence will be just as cruel, capricious and smarter. That won't help us.
Anonymous said…
Bye don't let the door hit you on the way out
this is so interesting because many,many,many,many people are saying and feeling the same thing that like trump won't finish his term or something major is going to happen on his way to or before he gets to whitehouse or that there will be a reversal of the outcome and Hillary will get it... so it will be interesting to see what comes all of the same psychics and astrologers that predicted a hillary win are saying something still feels amiss with the energy etc
Anonymous said…
You've got it the other way around.

Anyone who voted for Trump is a lower vibrational being.

The media isn't biased. You have confirmation bias.

Anonymous said…
Condolences to the American people, even to those who voted for Mr Trump.
Matilda x
Anonymous said…
Propagandist 4:10, Hillary was vetted for thirty years. It's Trump who has been given a free pass. No tax returns, no FBI reports on his Russian dealings released, and on and on. You are a bot or making bank passing along the Republican Putin lies.
Anonymous said…
How in the heck are the history books going to explain an old whore and a corrupt to the core billionaire in the White House, running the country? The Republicans have brought the ultimate shame on America. It's like Ancient Rome, when Caligula ruled.
Anonymous said…
wow 3:34 AM, while I don't want to see anyone hurt regardless how bad a person can be, anticipating Trump not being in the Oval Office would be a blessing. THANKS for Sheriita's URL! however, could him not being in the Oval Office means he choses to stay at the new hotel he is building at the old post office in the area??
many people my age are (30-35 range) saying they don't want to have kids now and we are worried we are going to lose our health insurance...I am trying to stay positive but....:-(
CyndiTx123 said…
My hubby came home from work yesterday very upset….. He offices with a counselor for kids, etc. Well, there was a young teenage girl that kept her foot moving up and down and was upset and scared…. Her father and mom was with her… The dad had to be in front of her and let her know that everything will be ok and not to worry about the presidential elections…. It made my hubby upset and me too… Our young kids in our country are also worried and we should do not think that this election hasn't affected them- because it has… Just witnessing this and hearing that a lot of people and the young are getting therapy over Trump winning…. Prayers for this young girl and everyone!! We shall pull through this.
Much love and happiness CD and to all that reads your site. I am still grieving, but I am getting to feel better each day to coming to terms to Trump winning…. We have to stay positive for our country and it's people. love & prayers!
Anonymous said…
Even if Trump doesn't finish his term at he Presidency it will be of small consolation since Mr Pence is said to be worse than him, so all in all Americans and the world are fucked up! I'm so sorry for what's happening and the consequences of this infamous election is gonna have for Americans & world.
T. W. said…
Thank you for your kindness.
Anonymous said…
CD-It is being reported that Trump doesn't want to use Air Force One and may not move into the White House either. What the hell is he hiding that he wouldn't want to completely secure himself and his family? That makes me really suspicious. I mean WTH?
Anonymous said…
America will be bankrupt within 4 years
T. W. said…
Sign this petition to STD - Stop The Donald
Anonymous said…
LOL, CD. I will add a bit of my own sarcastic humor...I have a feeling she will be tending the rose garden while dancing in the moonlight, naked!
Seriously,I had no idea the amount of violence that would follow his victory. What the heck does that say about our country? We can protest without violence. I have no idea where these actions will lead us. Using the police will only lead to more innocent people being murdered. i will continue to pray.
Anonymous said…
Question: Is Hillary going to be President or are we stuck with the awful man?
Anonymous said…

I've already commented many times on the confusion and dissonance regarding Trump winning the presidency, despite intuitives/Clairscient, psychics, mediums predicted otherwise.

As I know that you already know...the information that is delivered to us, is not willed or a direct choice. God gives us the insight, but by no means does it have anything to do with us personally. We are the mediums..nothing more...nothing less.

When we insert our flawed human perspective with the God given information/vision that is when we perceive the outcome as Wrong!

We have to leave our egos behind....and except we are flawed human beings who make mistakes.

CD, I know you know this already...and what is bothering you(as I), is how we missed it this time around.

God allows freewill...despite the known outcomes. It's obvious to me...there is a lesson to be learned not visible at this time. Maybe for Trump, may for Clinton...or both. Maybe God wants to wake up our complacent nation....for real "change" is not implemented until people are basically forced.

The illusion is that "Trump" doesn't represent that real change....but, may be the catalyst for it.

My empathetic side feels very sorry for him...for I wouldn't wish malice/danger on anyone. Trump is not a totally 'bad' individual' despite some 'Hitler' characteristics he beholds. He is a actor/entertainer...and
that is his true place. His ego is too big to become a effective president for all....for he doesn't have the objectivity or empathy to be president...despite ALL presidents having a large ego...his is disproportionate to his very fragile self-esteem which drives his impulsivity and bad judgement. Trump truly is a baby fart...a spoiled child trapped in a grown mans body. Which could truly define 90% of the celebrity culture, in which he resonates with.

Unfortunately....running a entire country is quite different than hosting a TV show or owning a business.

Anonymous said…
Karma is going to kick trumps ass!!!
In the news today middle school children were shouting to latnos children "build a wall" in scho! The kids were crying and scared!

For this Trump will burn in hell! All the negative karma he continues to accumulate will come back threefold!
Anonymous said…
I signed the "Stop The Donald" petition. It has almost got 3.000.000 signatures. Fantastic!
Anonymous said…
For everyone who posted awful comments about the Donald:

I'm HRH, and I approve these messages.
Anonymous said…
The only way we can get him out of the White House is if someone assasinates him or wait until four years to vote him out! The signatures will do little to change the election, the damage has been done.
T. W. said…
Thanks for my laugh today!
T. W. said…
At least people are trying to do something about it.
Common Sense said…
Ha Ha Ha Ha, that's funny HRH!
Anonymous said…
I do not understand, this is not the first time you have got it so completely wrong, looking at your predictions you would be lucky if you are 50% correct.
Anonymous said…
More truth than most of you can handle. But you an try anyway.
Anonymous said…
You do have a gift Christian, but you have allowed your dislike for him to cloud that gift. Right now your ego is promoting rioting! The riots are simply ADULTS crying/whining/stomping their feet because they did not get their way! No wonder our children are scared! We all need to just calm down, I'm sending love and light to all! XOXO And don't ever stop using your gift Christian, much love to you my friend XOXOXO
Anonymous said…
7:42 : Your harsh critism of CD makes a lie of your statement to just calm down. You accuse him of promoting the rioting and then you send him love and hugs and kisses and tell him to never stop using his gift? You need help. Seriously.
Common Sense said…
No, no, 7:42 PM has a point, 6:19 PM. I too have had to back off from this site for a few days because it is just TOO NEGATIVE, TOO FEAR-MONGERING, TOO UGLY.

When you get people wishing others to be assassinated, dead or killed, that's a little much for me.

I do not agree with all this hatred and anger that is being spilled all over the internet and in the streets. Violence begets violence.

Be the change you wish to see. Remember what Michelle Obama said during the election campaign: “When they go low, we go high.”

I think this can be applied to how we approach everything in life, especially NOW. My two cents.
Anonymous said…
Let us not act hateful and wish harm to others, making us no different than the opposite side. It pains me to read that young people don't want to have children in fear for their future. Let us try to move out of our hate and fear and elevate our vibrations (energy)..."where two or more are gathered"....we can shift out of this negative space. I know it is hard. Every day is hard for even myself. We must not become complacent nor give up. We are not powerless. Now is the time to serve others, be kinder to others, help one another and be gentle with ourselves. PLEASE!

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