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For real........

OK RANT........

If I get one more comment.
"That there are more important things, 
to talk about, other than equal rights.


Patworx said…
I hope you don't mean literally. If you stop talking they win after all. Besides, according to your Predictions, Trump won't really get to be President.
Anonymous said…
Please don't shut down the the site, we need you and your voice supporting equal rights for everyone!

There are times where I feel defeated but you let me know I'm not alone. Please don't leave.
Anonymous said…
OMG, CD...please don't allow those ignorant bigots hijack the important work you do here. Yes, we get laughs from your comments re:the celebrity types, however you offer really significant insight and counsel to us during such turbulent times. Perhaps we'd sign up for the privilege of commenting/responding to your blog...instead of allowing trolls and nasty folks access. No matter what, please don't let such hate penetrate your loving spirit. As another poster wrote, I hope you can develop a protective shield from such dark energy.

Hugs, hugs, hugs and prayers for you my friend.

~ Johanna ~
Arshes said…
What the fuck are wrong with people? The White house is being taken over by ultra right wing facists and that's NOT including Trump. The future is going be a constant battle for human rights, we weren't deligent when it came to the election with republicans owning the Congress white house and Senate we need to be more diligent.
Anonymous said…
Keep fighting the good fight Christian! People NEED to speak up and speak out on this issue. It's too important not to!
Anonymous said…
Wow. I'm sorry to hear that is being said. Equal rights are a fundamental part of a healthy democracy. I know I've seen some real hate mongers on here, who obviously don't get it, but I didn't realize they were that ignorant. Is there a way you can remove them from this site?

Anonymous said…
what a bunch of morons. we need more equal rights with many issues on this planet. how dare someone say there are more important things in the world. i guess it came from a straight male with a high paying job and a woman doing his same job is getting paid half.

CD... just ignore the spammers posting here. We love you no matter what.
Jackie from Canada
T. W. said…
That is what the trolls want. This is clearly identified as a psychic gossip site, so why are they complaining? I think you hit a nerve somewhere and the person wants the site shut down. Could it be Kris Kardashian? Who knows.
T. W. said…
I thought equal rights were important...
Anonymous said…

Please continue to provide predictions for the US post-inaguration. I'm afraid President-elect Dump will try to take away our rights!
Anonymous said…
CD please do not let rude ignorant people ruin this website that we all love and we love you too!!! Let it go and let's keep raising awareness and have fun!
ali michelle said…
Please don't pull it down.
You are appreciated and needed despite what you maybe feeling at this time. I honestly believe those comments are just coming from just one person and not many others. Although they all sign as Anonymous it is hard to tell. They're just saying it to get a rise out of you. Just ignore their ignorance.
Besides, along with many others, I really could do with your help at the moment but am at a loss on how to put it into words. I have wanted your guidance on a situation I am going through but I have been waiting for all this election stuff to blow over and have still not found the right time to ask. My mind is blown! (That's a hint by the way referring to a post you put up a while back, lol).
Please remember you are needed and loved despite this unexpected outcome that has caused you much upset and pain.
Don't give up on us Christian please. Ignore the negatives and focus on the good ones. Love and much light to you! xxxx
Anonymous said…
I completely understand but these people are trolls my friend. They hate you because of you're Hillary support and because you see Donald Trump for what he is. People will always love you as long as you agree with people they love, and make a prediction that goes along with what they want to happen, but as soon as you give you're visions on this fool they become offended and attack you. Please don't shut this site down because then they win and with what these power about to come into power are thinking of doing to this country,we need you now more than ever. I send light to this country and planet every day for the highest good for all and i am empowered to get as many democrats back in office now more than ever, however we need new leadership in the party, Hillary's time is over. The love that gays and lesbians have with their partners is no different than straights, love is love. Stay positive and keep, keeping on Christian !! Love and Light will win out.
CyndiTx123 said…
Please don't shut your site down CD. there are always gonna be trolls on any site. These "trolls" have nothing better to do than go against what is truly right for our human race. Trolls want to get people upset with their troll rudeness…. Laugh at them, they are the ones in the dark….

Love & Hugs CD!!

Maria said…
I agree and concur!

No one gets to tell you how to run your site or tell you what matters.

Anonymous said…
Seriously one has to master not letting other people get under your skin.

There are just some people that don't get it, so it's not worth discussing the issue with them.
Maurietta said…
Don't let these people upset you. :( You are very good at what you do. Just keep doing it, you will get haters and lovers. For the most part we love what you do!!! :)
Anonymous said…
Why are you letting people get to you? Some people are just not worth it.
Anonymous said…
Don't cut off your face to spite yourself, or is it something else, I can't remember.

Anonymous said…
CD, don't let them get to you. Now more than ever, your voice is needed.
melmomma6 said…
CD, Please don't shut your site down. Don't let them win! <3 WE NEED YOU!
Anonymous said…
I understand. Equal rights are very important. For someone to think they're better than someone else can't be tolerated. We're all equal and no one should look down on someone else. Sometimes it just seems that people want to hate and that's what they do, they find people or a group to hate.

But good people at least try not to do this. We need to stay focused so rights aren't taken away. We can not become compliant. This can not become the norm.

Anonymous said…
Welcome to Trumpland!
Anonymous said…
You're awesome CD and I wish I had your gifts! Please don't shut your site down.
Anonymous said…
Rejoice for equal rights
Leave the ignorant in their plights
Hang on with all your might
And carry the torch to win the fight!
Anonymous said…
"We live through times when hate and fear seem stronger

We rise and fall and light from dying embers,

Remembrances that hope and love last longer.

And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love, cannot be killed or swept aside.

Now fill the world with music, love, and pride."


~ Johanna ~
Anonymous said…
For people who say there are far more important things than equal rights, watch theirs be taken away. Watch them cry and no one hear them watch them be ignored karma karma karma just take a break cd I took weeks off instagram you can do it too. Detox ... seriously Detox come back when you come back. People will be ignorant... so just turn your back on them give them no satisfaction
Develyn Quinn muaawww get some rest
Xoxo said…
I'm not gonna like I like your fiestyness... Muuaaww oxo lol
Anonymous said…
CD, please don't close your site because of comments from the "lowest common denominators" you'll only give them what they want. Give them what they don't want, your insights and the truth.
Matilda x
Anonymous said…
Please keep the site up. And T. W. , honey, you need to grow up with your Kardashian hate, as these people have done nothing to you. Focus on people who will and are doing things that will impact others negatively. Get up and do something with your life already. T he Kardashian's are not bad people and have nothing to do with this site and Christian being attacked. Please get the counseling you desperately told us you need and deal with your jealously honey. It's getting old.
Anonymous said…

It is a simple mathematical equation....(as you know)...

Without "freedom/equality"...there is NO democracy/ which the USA was founded on....

A complacency in that liberty we all have the privilege to exercise( in which our ancestors shed blood for)...will be raped from us, if we don't protect, respect and take for granted.

For that the idiots, CD...they don't realize that they are able to spew their garbage freely on this Blog you created...because of our first amendment and individual rights......

T. W. said…
You are all in the kool aid but don't know the flavor. You are all in the toilet but don't know the $hit.

You missed the purpose of the post. Please see a tutor about reading comprehension. Please see your parents to learn why it is bad to call names.
T. W. said…
Pointed out Kris because that is the first name that came to mind. See how popular she is?
T. W. said…
It is his site and he has free speech, so he can say what he wants.
T. W. said…
Hi Anon. I forgot to thank you for your concern about my mental health. Have a blessed weekend!
Maria said…
Anon 7:11 - I can't stand the Kardashians either. Doesn't make me crazy. They're Gdamn narcissists and I'm forced to look at their asses everyday in one capacity or another, and those stupid duckface selfies even as I seek to avoid them. All this along with seeing their vulgar collections of fur ripped off animals used for their sick sense of vanity. Oh yeah, they're such good people. So enlightened and respectable. Good for you if you've made peace with those attention whores. The rest of us have HAD IT.

And you asshole Anon 2:38 who left the anonymous cowardly post to CD, how about you GTFOH. You don't get to tell the person who runs this site to shut up. How delusional are you? If you object to this man then no one has glued your search provider here. Buh-bye! Seriously we'll all be better off without your toxic energy. We're here because we dig CD and appreciate his gift. Why are YOU here? Go find a friend. Go to church. Scram!
Common Sense said…
Good god, I go away for a couple of days and all hell's breaking lose!

Looks like some of the NUTTERS are back and they've either been given a day pass or their parents allowed them to use the computer again!
Anonymous said…
Cut the drama and do what you do best...swallow.
Anonymous said…
Thats why I posted GENIUS.
Anonymous said…
The sooner the better.
Anonymous said…
I'm sure the anonymous troll is some lonely teenager or an adult hiding in their parents basement with nothing else better to than constantly harass and be mean to people. To everyone else and Christian: You guys made me smile and laugh so hard, I honestly needed that. This week has been horrible, I lost my little cousin who was only fifteen to suicide and it's been rough-Katelyn.
Anonymous said…

I think is very brave that you allow yourself to be challenged and potentially be dismissed by opposing oppositions!

Bravo...for in my opinion, allowing the opposition to 'speak'...keeps your gifts in 'check'/balanced...Right?

For you are wise enough to know, that God gave you a gift....and you are at humility of God's will/word.

The human condition makes us "all" flawed...and equally predisposed and
inclined to use self-preservation to defend our beliefs.

Even if a select group doesn't respect or understand your balanced platform you conduct on this doesn't matter...because God is using you as vehicle to convey information to those WHO WILL CHOOSE TO LISTEN.

Just like you have chosen to use your 'gifts' in a balanced and objected manner...despite you being human, and sometimes feel burned/scorned by those who deny, mock or belittle you.

T. W. said…
I am sorry this happened Katelyn.
Anonymous said…
wow.. A few days off the internet and I missed a lot. please don't let hate win. keep sharing your gift.

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