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"You complain of averse comments but I feel you in actuality don't really care and it's your way of gaining sympathy along with attention. It's no different than you being vague as fawk on here.Grow some balls already and save us the gay boy drama. Get to the point or shut this chyte DOWN. 

So the above one of the Negative comments.
As you see it was sent anonymously.
Go figure.....
Clearly they are not educated, or choose to play a Moron.
I didn't publish it in the Comment the section.
But thought it needed to be shown, as to some of the hate that gets sent.

As many of the positive comments have said.
THis isn't about SPECIAL RIGHTS.
It's about Equal rights.
In fact the whole point of the Original POst.
Was/Is to celebrate a special time for two people.



Anonymous said…
CD - Please rise above and ignore haters. Nobody keeps them here except themselves. Just block them. It's your blog and you can post anything you want. I look forward to each post but may I suggest taking a step back from politics during this highly charged time. Please do keep up the good work. Thank you!
Anonymous said…
CD you are incorrect. I am not a hater. I enjoy your site. But let's be honest, you are tripping. Stop with the "Woe is me" drama" I guess like Mariah Carey (let's pray NOT) you are loosing your mind in the South Bay. Really C.D.??
CyndiTx123 said…
Know that your loved by us and not to be torn down by these type of rude and dumb comments….
Something came to mind… an old Ricky Nelson song… Garden Party….
But it's all right now, i learned my lesson well.
You see, ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself…..

So remember you can't always please everyone, but you have to please yourself!

Much love and happiness my sweet CD!!
people are crazy! that person obviously doesn't get it or respect you like your true friends and fans do...maybe they feel emboldened because trump won? so they feel that kind of rheteric is acceptable now...just keep shining, the light always wins!
Hannibal Haze said…
I had no idea that you were having to endure and filter such comments privately. Am disappointed in my fellow man. As a fellow Libyan know that you can be the balance for this murky dark side. I had a reading from Christian for the first time recently and have to say he is both accurate and funny and we should all thank him for letting us share his site and also be grateful he exists to give us all wisdom. Hazel.
Anonymous said…
CD as I have been saying these narrow minded idiots can't see the light! So we just need to move on from them and let them live the life that they create full of racism and bigotry! They are not our responsibility! There is a place in Russia waiting for them!

They need to find themselves another website that resonates with their ignorant racism little opinions!!!

The door can hit them where the good lord split them!!!
T. W. said…
OMG! That comment was so hateful! These so called equal rights trolls want people to be just as miserable as they. They talk about equal rights but ignore the right to free speech.

Christian, I am so sorry you had to read those mean comments. Friends, we need to continue to lift Christian up in prayer.
chris said…
CD -- Thank you for standing up to hate. The HATE communicated in that comment reflects the new Supremacy Hate-attitude we are about to RE-LIVE. Calling out hate in all forms is needed. Thanks for taking the first step. No Tolerance for HATE here. This is a community of people who are curious for answers, not here to pick fights. All you anonymous haters need to STFU or better yet, go to and find your friends.
Quinhas said…
Are the trolls from the Republican party or their friends/peers, such as Stephen Bannon?
Anonymous said…
Christian, I'm happy you stood up to those hateful morons and decided not to let them get to you. It really broke my heart and made me sick to see and read all those nasty comments. Hate is NOT weclome here <3 Preach it you guys!-Katelyn
Xoxo said…
When you do well people notice.
Me I've already had a reading mines won't come true till the end of the year or somewhat. "Somewhat" being my own words so I'm waiting for my aha Moment lol. Guess that bitter person didn't like what you posted... real fans no matter what, are concerned for your well being, know your human and try to uplift. Real fans (though we don't experience what u go through)know it isn't easy for you.
People who claim to be a fan of the website / who are bitter... from the post above are just leeches waiting for the opportunity to kick you when you're down. Like most leeches they stay anonymous so not to feel the burn that naturally comes when people notice there's a leech on their skin/ (site) if ya get my meaning boom lol, Muaw kisses xxo
Anonymous said…
Such a shocking lack of empathy...just woke up and checked in on your site, CD. And, it is YOUR site, thank goodness. I was discussing empathy recently with my best friend while commenting on my continuing journey managing my knee(s) disability. Too many people have to literally be in the same struggle to 'get it'...I simply fail to understand why. Further, I am reminded again of the power of's really quite amazing how one can choose not to 'see'...and that is the most troubling development of all, to me.

~ Johanna ~
Anonymous said…
CD please give us more insight and what is happening with Trump!

Yesterday he had a meeting with japan,s PM and his daughter and her husband were present for the meeting! Neither who gave security clearance or foreign policy experience!
Susan Miller said…
Stay strong! We got your back.
Anonymous said…
CD, equal rights are vitally important. I live on Long Island. Today, I learned that two students from Hofstra University killed another student because he was gay. Ironically, Hofstra University was the venue of the first political debate between Hillary and Trump this fall. I have seen hate crimes go up since Trump's election. We cannot ignore this. Anyone who does not see this is living under a rock. I pray for everyone and am scared of this new Trump administration. I fear we are going backwards to a time where Hate reigns. Stay true to yourself and keep shining your light. I wish for you a healthy and blessed holiday season.
Anonymous said…
Unfortunately, you are always going to have clowns writing nasty things to get to get under your skin. Maybe it would do some good to take a break once in while and someone else screen comments and post what is relevant. The more you respond to these clowns, the more incentive they have to keep attacking as they have nothing better to do. Having said this, keep up the good work. I enjoy the site.
Tony said…
CD..Stay strong, stay positive. We all love you on here. We are all behind you..and you are always in our prayers
Anonymous said…
But it is still challenging for African Americans and natives. Trump brought his children and son in law to meet the Japanese prime minister all a conflict of interest he is out to make money for himself and his family.
Anonymous said…

Some people are nasty to the core! They want you to shutdown your site so you can stop telling the truth. Screw them! We need your visions.

"When they go low, we go high!"

In the end, I hope the good outweighs the bad. Will we see people fighting for equal rights on the streets and will democrats get back into power to solidify equal rights. Scared of supreme court appointments!

Anonymous said…
OMG. I am so sorry. I do try to fight the ugly commentators, and ignore some. Such hate and I guess we'll see more of that. I just want to let you know that we do love you and we think you are doing a phenomenal job. Some of us forget that you are here to also tell about the stars. We are all in crisis, over this. I don't know how this site works or I would say block them, but if you can't I usually delete stuff as soon as I see a trigger word. Or my dear....have someone go through comments for you and delete them before you have to look at them. I offer my services for that, if you want.

I am taking a break from FB because if people are not trying to argue with me they are trying to get me to "prove" stats on this or that and research this, that and the other. It's too negative an environment.

I hope to see C.D. on here again soon with more positive thoughts and vibes. It has occurred to me, from studying Nostradamus, that there are times when the forces of the Universe will NOT ALLOW the psychics to see what is to come, so that it will play out to educate, uplift, or teach a lesson to mankind. I think it's the latter. Nostradamus & Edgar Cayce, two of the world's most renowned psychics of all time, said that the future is not set in stone.

Peace and Love to C.D. & Everyone here,

Anonymous said…
Nobody thinks racism effects them until their right are affected. We can't ignore each others pain, have to try the interests of all.
Anonymous said…
What about Trump's meeting with the Japanese president and his children and son in law. This is bad but he is exposing them all he is no different either, he doesn't know what he is doing. Pence is the real boss.
Anonymous said…
I used to post hating comments to my blog, too, thinking I could counteract it by arguing but they only like attention. Sometimes it's better to just delete or block the negativity so it doesn't affect you more. Some people have nothing better to do than argue-too much time with no purpose. Pity them, keep up the good work and delete the negative so it doesn't stay on your mind- in 1 ear and out the other!
T. W. said…
This saddens me. I know! Let those students be killed because they deliberately took a life.
Unknown said…
Sending positivity your way! So many hating people, they just want to see you mad. They need to grow up.
T. W. said…
Yes. No one is denying life is difficult in America for certain groups. I am female. I want equal pay for equal work. I am black. I want my 40 acres and mule as promised by the Amerikkkan government. I am part Native American. I want my land back. I am part Jewish (Hebrew). I want my ancestral land in Israel back. I am part white. I want my land and title back. I am Christian. I want everyone to get along. Fat chance of these things happening.
Anonymous said…
CD calls Bieber my fav les...yet y'all drank his Kool Aid like a cult and kissed/licked his butt. Lol C.D the only one's after you are Donald Trump's cronies. Give us a break...are you on your period?!
Psychic Gossip said…
So as a couple of trolls continues to post awful stuff. I will post these low lives comments and let the public deal with them. I promise I have way more patience with them, CD
Common Sense said…
Mariah Carey losing her mind eh? Yeah, agreed, BUT she seems to be THRIVING. Her net worth is 520 million, she has a new TV reality show coming up, she's on some of the top television specials for the Christmas season, and is still selling out concerts worldwide, and let's not forget that she was recently engaged to a billionaire, and they didn't even get between the sheets yet.

I'd say that losing her mind is working out just fine for Mariah Carey.

By the way, 2:24 PM, your spelling sucks.
Anonymous said…
Oh my, this troll didn't do well in grammar class did it? Excuse me troll, but maybe you should hurry up and go back and get your G.E.D. so you can begin to build a life that doesn't revolve around your own insecurities. Usually, the ones upset about people talking about LGBT's are closeted themselves and enraged that they don't have the courage to come out and admit it. See, just like the other troll sniffing around here, this troll is a coward with very low-brow insults. You aren't even funny. Chances are that the person behind the anonymous profile is a COWARD, who is insecure and frightened of the world at large, hence; doesn't like the predicted outcomes that don't favor it. These types of trolls want a strong man like Trump to tell them what to do and direct them because they are weak followers who don't have the ability to lead or even to think for themselves or make their own choices. Sad really..... A troll this messed up requires therapy.

I'll give you a -1 on the troll scale for being so broken.

Anonymous said…
C.D. may I suggest Kotex extra thick ???
Anonymous said…
Not so much...ask James Packer,
Anonymous said…
C.D is obviously sporting his heavy flow...
T. W. said…
I think Christian was joking about Justin Bieber. Some people say he looks like Ellen DeGeneres, who is a lesbian. I guess you missed that joke.
T. W. said…
We love you Christian!
T. W. said…
You need to stop. You are mad because you can't have Christian in your life. That is why you stalk him on his blog. Stalking is a crime. You need to quit. On the other hand, keep going so you can go to jail and have all the dick you crave. You will need to wear pads because the men will rip your a$$ and you will bleed and leak their sperm. May I suggest Always maxi pads?
T. W. said…
All the Libras I know talk a lot and make me laugh.
ACDC said…
As a an avid reader of Christian's blog. I am appalled by the comments here. We are all entitled to our opinions, however there is no need to insult Christian for his beliefs.

1. If you don't like what he has to post, do not read it.

2. If you disagree with some of the things he writes, you can share how you disagree in a constructive manner. We are fortunate to have the freedom of speech and press. No need for name callings or personal attacks.

3. It is ironic that most of those who post positive comments are not anonymous. And those that do post the most negative remain so . If you want to be bold in your insults, be bold enough to stand by it , if it is so morally correct.

T. W. said…
The Trump children were trying to broker business deals. I can't get a read on Pence. All I know is that there is something about him that is not quite right.
T. W. said…
Your use of the word y'all and your reference to Look Aid tells me you are in the southern United States. Out of curiosity, are you a member of the Ku Klux Klan?
Anonymous said…
Looks like Justin Bieber discovered the anonymous posting option here.
Anonymous said…
This troll is dedicated I'll give him or her that. Honey you must be PMSING so hard so that you've got nothing else better to do than to attack poor CD who has done nothing to you. You sound like a bitter, nasty old hag. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and I respect everyone's belief's/opinions as well, but there is no reason to be nasty. Christian I'm glad you're not backing down and also not letting the troll get to you. I can't thank you enough for sending those angels to help heal my family and I during our time of mourning for my cousin who took his own life earlier this week.
Common Sense said…
The so-called troll is probably a female millennial who still lives at home.

The best thing to do is to ignore her comments; she'll get bored and move on.
Hannibal Haze said…
Cheers T.W. that's a lovely thing to say. You keep this site always on the positive, thumbs up.
T. W. said…
Hi Hazel! Keep posting!
Jack said…
Don't let these morons get you down. We love and respect you.keep up the good work. X

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