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So............. Enjoying the RIGGED Election, Babyfart?

So as we awake (Ha ha) from a no sleep night.

We face the unexpected that is.......
The "New" Pres Elect Trump.
I would like to point you to the prediction, 
from over a year ago. 
(see below).
Until Jan 20th he won't be there.
If you think that he'll be allowed,
 to get through this.
I have a tower in Paris I can let you have.
As though this man, 
needed anymore brushing up of his ego.......
I know that many people today, 
don't understand the many Worlds of Politics.
Most people don't.........
Including me...........
Take a look at the 1930's & 40's......
It's easy.......
Just go to the History Channel, or The Destination Channel, The AHC Channel.
Type in Hitler, then watch.....
It's as though we have decided to time travel back to those times.
Or, ask your Jewish friends, 
what their family had to endure.
Putin, Kim Jon Un and all the other despots are rubbing their hands in glee.......
Lastly I feel very sorry & sad for Palestine.
Trump, will simply turn his back on their plight.
Just to keep Israel in his pocket.....

Friday, September 11, 2015

NO WHITEHOUSE for Babyfart ...

So as Donald "Babyfart" Trump,
 surges in the polls.
He is in real danger of winning the nomination.
(Then some nutjob NRA will then knock him off)
But he won't get the keys to the Whitehouse.
I can't wait till the news,
 re his support to/from the KKK.
Becomes known.


Anonymous said…
The outcome of this election just did not feel right to me! They rigged it for Trump! The republicans rigged it!

T. W. said…
Thank you Christian. I have hope but I am still going back to therapy because I believe I need help.

God called Trump Hitler when He spoke to me.

Let me be woman enough to say I was wrong to do a write-in vote. Yes, I had my reasons but I should have remembered STD - Stop The Donald. Friends, please forgive me.

I believe in you Christian. It is not January so Hillary still has a chance.

What bothers me most is that the Republicans have control of Congress. Yes, they have SOME Christian values but those people are nuts just like you said.

Goodbye women's rights. Goodbye minority rights. Goodbye Obamacare. Goodbye jobs. Goodbye social welfare programs. It was nice to know you.
Anonymous said…
What concerns me most is how did the Gods allow this to happen? We were moving towards a more peaceful time and only to be taken backwards by Trump!

Interesting how the Republicans now control everything! They are pure evil!

Anonymous said…
I've been crying non-stop. Not only is Trump elected, but Republicans have control of the senate.

Reasons that caused his rise:
Apathy from the extreme left.
Socipathy from the extreme right.
My generation always perceiving everything as a joke.
Third Party voters refusing to Compromise to simply have Moral Superiority.
False Equivalencies of believing that Hillary is as bad as Trump.
People saving face by pretending to hate Trump, while secretly voting for his(white women and young college educated whites).

Make America 1861 Again!

Anonymous said…
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
my stomach has been upset since and I literally threw up...I hope something good can come of this at some point
OWS99 said…
Why are you thanking him, T.W.??? Do you think vagina probe Pence is going to be any better?? Come on get real. How the F does Hillary "still" have a chance?? Explain yourself??? They will give it to Pence. You can't re-do an entire election. This thing stinks to high heaven.

What now Christian? Please be specific this more riddles, please. What are you saying happened?? Even if he doesn't get to the WH....then who will??? This is such bullshit. I"m beyond pissed.

The last time someone rigged an election w/FL it was Bush and he and his rubber stamp morons waged war all over the world that we are still embroiled in and sunk this economy.

WTF?? are we supposed to do now. Him not getting into the WH will not fix this
Anonymous said…
What I feel most would keep this immoral man from taking up residence at the White House is something in his past coming up to bite him, and having the GOP "impeach" him before mid-January. Maybe there will be more about his Russian ties and his server that routinely communicates with Russian banks, or his fraud trial will do the trick. Maybe the rape trial will derail the Rapist -Elect. I get a feeling of his fans being set on their heels, thinking, "did I really not see this before I pulled the lever." Or maybe it's just my angels trying to encourage me to continue to believe in humanity, which at this point in time, I can't claim to have much faith in people of the US.
Unknown said…
I just had an epiphany. Clinton WAS going to win. It WAS written in the stars (just ask the astrologers) and that is WHY so many psychics predicted it. BUT, God gave us free will and the power to CHANGE the course of the future that has already been laid out before us.

I think that Clinton's loss was caused by angels and spiritually-enlightened people intervening through prayer, because they foresaw that her presidency (through no fault of hers) would have resulted in WW3-level calamity. As strange as this may sound, we just may have dodged a bullet by electing Donald Trump. The future can be weird that way.
Anonymous said…
Christian if your 2016 predictions were terrible, I fear your 2017 predictions will be ... I have no words to describe the despair I'm feeling right now about the future. Can we have any hope?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I agree. Not time for riddles but hard hitting predictions as raw as it can be.
Anonymous said…
At this moment Hillary is giving her concession speech. And at this moment, I'm thinking..."it's not over"....
Anonymous said…
She is giving her concession speech.

Christian, I feel you. This is not over.
Anonymous said…
At this moment Hillary is giving her concession speech. And at this moment, I'm thinking..."it's not over"....
Anonymous said…
So... if I can get this straight...

You're saying Trump will continue his Presidency, but just not in White House?
T. W. said…
PBS news claims the Russians had a hand in our election. If this is proven true, Hillary has a chance. It's not January yet. We will see. Keep hope alive.
Unknown said…
I just figured out why Beyonce was singing with the Dixie Chicks or whatever their name is. She was there to "relate" to "redneck" Republicans so it would seem more inclusive when she soon thereafter entertained for the Clinton campaign. It was an epic fail, because she was very out of place at the CMAs, but at least they tried.
Anonymous said…
This isn't over, the winner won't end up the winner.
Unknown said…
"HE is the one that wants to bomb everyone. Wake up."

Calm down and educate yourself, silly Internet person. I've seen more elections than you have. Trump is the most honest candidate, warts and all, that we've seen in a very long time. He's on YOUR side, unlike many politicians, unless you're here illegally. The only one you have to fear in the White House is the staff member who is going to poison Trump. He'll survive, though; sorry.

Trump will surround himself with capable people, just as he did during the campaign. It won't go as badly as you think, but we are in for a wild ride because he's going to fight the establishment with every fiber of his being and they're not going to go quietly.
Unknown said…
If you're going to call me names, how about coming out from behind your anonymous handles, cowards.
Anonymous said…
I'll believe your prediction when I see it. We'll probably have to endure Trump for four years.
Anonymous said…
CD is right, Trump wont be President.

Putin won the election last night. He will run the government of the US from Russia, therefore, not be in the White House.

Watch for the economy to collapse after the Solar ecilpse sweeps America next year. Huuuge inflation starts. The younger generations have never experienced rampant inflation and are in for a shock as prices spiral up for everything, and wages stagnate.

For the Boomers, life winds down the same way as their adult years began--poor economy, inflation, nation in turmoil.

Anonymous said…
If he won't get keys to the white house, does that mean PENCE becomes president?? I hope not. Also I wonder if the RAPE case ...."One woman is currently suing Trump in a civil case, alleging that he raped her when she was 13 years old."... which is supposed to start in November will be what prevents him from being in the white house??? Or maybe some of the other sexual scandals you eluded to about a week ago, CD???
Anonymous said…
So disappointed in your incorrect prediction CD. I want to believe in you, for sure. I have followed you for a while and want to see at least some of your predictions come right. Here is to hoping you will do better with 2017 predictions.
Anonymous said…
I still believe CD I still believe she will get it. Polls or no polls. His ego will be his downfall, love you CD stay blessed. anyone whose calm right now please give those who need it a hug for those who are feeling sad or upset nothing is ever permanent. The government never had our backs but we will have each Others it may not seem like it love you stay blessed. God sees it, he sees you he has you. Quinn, love you all.
Anonymous said…
It's going to take a lot to heal and bring this country back together! Trump does not have the temperament to do this!

I am in pain for Hillary and this country! We are suppose to be the light beacon if the world! Other countries look at us to follow our example and lead! Just look what who we have selected to represent America! So so sad that we selected to go backwards rather than move forward!
Common Sense said…
Okay 7:47 and 8:15 PM, you also missed the Civility 101 class.

For your information, Christina G is correct. The Dixie Chicks have always been somewhat political, and the last time they pulled a political stunt, it cost them a lot of fans, concert dates, and revenue.

I like Beyoncé, I think she is a powerful woman in her own right, and I also feel that way about the Dixie Chicks. They are good role models and very talented women.

However, as powerful and controversial it was to see them together on the show, it was weird, for me too. No doubt there was some political message the Chicks were trying to send and maybe I am just personally sick of all these political innuendos and messages that we are constantly being spoonfed through the mass media, etc.

Can we not just listen to enjoy people sing just for the sake of singing? Leave the political issues at the door for one evening? Is this too much to ask?
Anonymous said…
An astrologer from Canada, Tara Greene has predicted that Trump will be assassinated in 2017 but she also says Pence is worse than Trump, so may God help us all.. Could this be true?
Ann said…
There's a lot of negativity and anger on this site. People should be allowed to voice their opinions even if they differ from CD's without being attacked, called names and told to STFU.
I used to enjoy coming here but no longer.
the cd haters need to chill or go away as they have no respect and no true awakened awareness for how it all works...peace and unity is needed
Melic21 said…
let's be honest hillary is not much better take a look at the interview assange did gives you a whole defferent perspective on the clintons
T. W. said…
I am not picking cotton. That was a racist comment.
Ann said…
Disagreeing is not hating. I wouldn't have continued to come to this site if I hated CD. But there are times that I do not agree and I have not been disrespectful.
Common Sense said…
It's so ironic isn't it? You have these cowards who post these nasty, horrible replies and yet they condemn Trump.

Get real.
T. W. said…
Yeah. Someone called me a hypocrite and told me to pick cotton. I don't care what people think of me but I refuse to accept a racist comment.
Anonymous said…
He cares about neither Palestine or Israel.
Anonymous said…
Common Sense, I somehow missed your condemnation of Brad and Carrie Underwood for their political comedy routines about trump and Hillary that went on and on and completely disrupted the CMA with frat boy jokes. What's that you say? Only black Beyoncé and the Bush bashing Dixie Chicks get called out by you?

You are the biggest bullshitter on here. You never make common sense!
NicQuerica said…
I don't think Trump is going to fulfill all those promises he made, particularly to the white working class people who voted for him. Do these people really think a BILLIONAIRE can relate to them in any sort of meaningful way? He just told them what they wanted to hear! This whole thing is a shit storm.
Common Sense said…
4:37 AM, sorry, but I did not see that part of the show, only the last hour.

Once again, I think you also missed the reading for comprehension 101 course, that said, go back and re-read my post. I think your perspective is WAY OFF.

I have never in my life ever read so many posts from such angry, unhappy people.
Anonymous said…
Ha ha ha ha ha....I'm sorry but this thread is so damn funny. LOL!! I have to say to "common sense" if you don't like politics leave the thread and go to another one. Don't tell us to leave a political thread, ok? Not very sensible of you to say that is it? I agree with 4:37, you are a bullshitter. Why don't you do some research and educate yourself about the issues before thinking you can tell others anything, all the while spouting ignorance. Hypocrite much? Ever notice how the dumb people like no common sense think they are smart. Amazing.

Listen dumbo, what you are spouting is nothing more than propaganda & lies. Now if you don't MIND some of us are having a hard time with the rigged election, while you jump around chittering like a chimpanzee....others are waiting for a sign of hope. Why don't you go climb back in the hole from whence you came, turd blossom, and leave us alone on this thread.
Anonymous said…
T.W. stop playing the victim. If you voted for Trump you are part of the problem. The point the other poster was trying to tell you is that IF you voted for stupid Trump than you just shot yourself in the foot. The poster that said that is NOT wrong.....sooooo. That's the point.
Anonymous said…
8:39 "chittering like a chimpanzee", haha, I would pay good money to read a book by you! Friend, as long as you are here, I'm here.
From 4:37
Anonymous said…
Christina G says she's not anonymous, but when I pulled up her profile, it says absolutely nothing. Nothing. She could be Mike Hunt, for all we know.

Oh, and since I don't want to hide behind anonymity, here's my name:

Yours truly,
Seymore Butts

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