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Well now watch the markets fall and everything else

So as you see, it appears that I got the Trump thing wrong.
Well, the prediction does say.
But he won't get the keys to the Whitehouse.
Now the World will begin to shake.
Like never before.......


Anonymous said…
Wrong again!! Not only will he get the keys to the Whitehouse He WILL make America Greater than it already
T. W. said…
Maybe Russia's hand in our election will be discovered in time for Hillary to take office.
cristaluv said…
This is a sad for humanity.
But what do you mean when you say he won't get the keys to the White House??
Anonymous said…
I bloody hope so. This has affected me deeply.
Anonymous said…
I'm french i don't understand
Anonymous said…
Oh lord, what a mess. I can hardly believe that we are going the Al Gore thing again. Maybe this will change today, but as of now, Clinton has won the popular vote and lost the electoral college. Maybe she wont wimp out "for the good of the country", like Gore. We all saw how that worked out for the US.

This could be what CDs post means, Clinton not conceding, and fighting for recounts. Pray Pray Pray this happens.
Unknown said…
Christian, you know I follow your blog and believe in your gift, but you were so confident about him not winning. What exactly happened that made this shift and happen?
Anonymous said…
i'm not American citizen, ....really shocked with the ??
Unknown said…
The silent majority has spoken. I believe that Clinton would have won if the MSM hadn't communicated so confidently that she was going to win. Had they not done that, more Clinton followers would have shown up at the polls. MSM is a key tool used to ruin this country. They used to report the news; now they help create the news.
Anonymous said…
Forget what I wrote earlier about a fight to the end. Dems fold once again.


Now Im praying for my CD friends. God bless you and keep you safe from the coming "world-quake".

Susan Miller said…
I'm do depressed and sad for this country.
Anonymous said…
Most of the election happened during a void of course moon where events of unintended consequences can happen. Electoral college aside, it was a knife edge's the best wake up call to the Americans to get their house in order. Trump may be a disasater but it will be more a damp squib. According to Australian Ed Tamplin 2020 will be the year a candidate who can bring real change will come.
Anonymous said…
Aha, this is similar to what I just typed somewhere else. This storyline isn't going to play out as expected. It ain't over yet.
Anonymous said…
Ok, I"ll be the first to congratulate Trump -Republican on their remarkable win at the U.S. Election with the people who pipped it for them.. Take care everyone. CD, Spirit does work in many ways. Hugs to you, CD, Lh, London xx
Anonymous said…
CD don't beat yourself so hard for getting the prediction wrong. You are not God, only man. Maybe, what it means is that he may not actually occupy the White House despite of his win. That''s victory too!
Anonymous said…
Christian, I'm so scared of a Trump presidency. You have no idea.
Melic21 said…
I hope trump has good security!!
Anonymous said…
I think I am still in a state of horrified shock. Well, obviously the people are sending a big FU to D.C. that they are tired of the Bureaucratic BS and Obamacare. One thing is for certain...we are in for BIG change. And, probably not for the better.
Anonymous said…
I'm disgusted as one of THE BLACKS
I have decided to save all my money except for items needed to survive
I will not buy anything extra
He and his economy can F themselves as he says i am not contributing a dime to it. Starting tomorrow that 180 dollar a month cable bill will be gone. I don't want to see his stinking low life face or his shit family or any shit TV or anything
I am DONE.
Thank god I live in NY.

Anonymous said…
I am sad and very disappointed that most of the country voted for Trump! What kind of country is this to want a man like him to lead us! It makes me question everything we stand for!

CD- I do think he will make it to the White House! He has won the election! Your prediction was way off and maybe this one is too! I understand that predictions are not always accurate!
CyndiTx123 said…
i feel down trodden this morning…. i am grieving …. what will become of the lower income families and health insurance - any wars happening….. you did mention there is another bullet with his name on it….maybe thats why he won't get the keys to the white house….

I just can't believe this has happened …… i am stunned… My mother is visiting me and she is a trump supporter… i wil leave to let her know do not rub it in my hubby's face nor mine… I even got a text from my daughter at college and that she was afraid and sad…..

Anyway- peace and blessings my friend…

Does this mean that Hillary will no longer run in 2020 ???
Anonymous said…
Was it rigged?
Anonymous said…
CD, what went wrong? Trump won with a decisive vote against Hillary!

auntliddy said…
Please stop scaring us and find a positive for us to hang onto.
Anonymous said…
You do know that we are going to need you more than ever to help us get through the next four years? I think very few if any saw this coming or at least the way it unfolded last night. Love ya'!
Anonymous said…
It's oz girl, crickey we can't contemplate the thinking about electing this looney tune to be head of the states. Buckle up everyone, it's going to be a bumpy ride for all. I feel some true heart centred leaders will emerge and lead the way out of this mess. Importantly leaders to help unite what has come to emerge a great divide and it's not baby fart.
Anonymous said…
It's not just you Christian. Most psychics saw Hillary's win as well. Even those in my own family who give readings for a living saw her win, even tho they can't stand the woman (one even says she has a dark soul-which I've never seen or believed). No one is more upset that you were wrong than those of us who loathe all that Rump represents-hate, arrogance, entitlement, bullying, etc. I'm in a state of shock at how little I knew about this country and the people that live in it. I no longer believe in this country and it certainly appears that it does not stand for what I believed it stood for. Rump may not get the keys to the WH if what you see is correct (maybe Pence will get them?), but him not taking office will not undo the damage that he's done.
Anonymous said…
I have got that feeling that a bullet may get Trump. anon-2.15pm - Yes, I have had that feeling that Hillary has a dark soul .
T. W. said…
The Republicans are holding a rally in my state. Guess what Holy Spirit told me. HITLER YOUTH.
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian,
Could you please tell us if Hilary ever runs for presidency again in the future and maybe wins?

Thank you!
Anonymous said…
You're absolutely right! Every single renowned psychic online called Hilary. That's why this result is shocking to the bone marrow and even more baffling. There's more to this! Let's wait and see!
Anonymous said…
The ancient prophet Nostradamus predicted a Trump win in 2016 and he also predicted world war 3 to follow!!! He referrers to Trump as "Trumpet".

I read his prediction before the election but I just did
not believe it!!

I think we are in for some challenging times in this country!
Anonymous said…
I also no longer believe in what I thought this country stood for! I feel a great loss in my heart as if something huge has died!
Anonymous said…
So, why won't he get the keys to the White House?

Totally sad and disgusted this morning, running on 2 hours of sleep, too upset to sleep last night.

What is going to happen?

Anonymous said…
now it is that I am finding lots of prophetic video declaring Trump winning as ordained by God; Don't laugh. Its hard for me to believe why God would want such a terrible person as our President. Google "prophecy" "trump" and you will find many types such as this one:

And then there are these other prophecies ==serious ones like Russia invading the US or

that he will clean up hard to believe, but after the events of this landslide SHOCKING election, I don't know what to believe anymore.....also, if Trump will not get the keys to the WhiteHouse is this other prediction going to occur whereby Obama
declares MARTIAL LAW ?? and is this the reason Trump doesn't get in....
Also, wasn't it ODD, Clinton did not do a speech this evening; instead sending supporters home from the Jarvis Center?
T. W. said…
This is driving me to therapy. Oh. That's right. The Republican Congress plans to repeal Obamacare and I won't be able to pay for it. I will still seek therapy. I need help.
Anonymous said…
Can you elaborated on that what do you mean he wont get the keys to the white house
Psychic Gossip said…
Metaphor, as there are probably no keys to the Whitehouse. He's not there till he's there. Jan 20th 2017..See new post in big CD
Anonymous said…
CD Please shed light on this! We need your insight!
We are in pain and disappointed!

Anonymous said…
I always knew that America was racist and sexist, but I didn't think it was this bad.

When Obama was elected as minority (female and mixed) I finally felt protected, like my voice was finally getting heard.

NOW I know that many Americans still really, really, don't like me.

T. W. said…
We love you here. I pray you feel God's love everyday.
NicQuerica said…
This is confirmation about how the U.S. really feels about women and people of color. Now we're going to see people acting out their racism and sexism out in the open.
T. W. said…
As a Christian I can tell you these preachers are confused and should have said nothing. God honors our free will, so if the people vote Hillary He will honor it. Don't lose hope.
Anonymous said…
CD I know you said timing for you is the hardest thing to pin down, and it's fine if you got it wrong, and I believe you. I sat through the whole thing last night feeling sick to my stomach, believing that Hillary was going to win and defeat his racist, mean, bigoted ass. I've lost all faith in humanity, and I pray that he won't even get to the white house.
Anonymous said…
I am sad because the mask of democracy has been taken off this country! I now see how racist and evil people are! Democracy was just an illusion!

This election was rigged! I feel it in my heart!
For the first time in my life I am disgusted to live in this country!!!
Anonymous said…
Are you Fn' kidding me right now, are now telling us that no keys to WH is a metaphor....that's just great. Really. Dammit, stop with the riddles and address this....tell US SOMETHING PLEASE.
Anonymous said…
There are a lot of immigrants in the city where I live. My sister-in-law works for the county; department of human services (public aid). Our country allows immigrants to buy new cars (interest free for 10 yrs); purchase that car without credit. Live in low income housing (to establish residency), receive food stamps and free insurance for 5 yrs; no matter what their income is because, they have a difficult time learning our language; jobs are harder for them to find. They are even allowed to receive Social Security Disability without ever having worked in this country! I called for a U. driver. I got an immigrant, driving a new car, with GPS and a limited English vocabulary. But, he knew how to say: "Seven dollars and seventy five cents." I didn't get a hello, goodbye or a thank you for using my services. But I did say thank you to him. A friend works at the office in a low income housing project where the man lives. He isn't the only immigrant driver that lives there. I have no problem with immigrants coming to our country. I have a problem with our government helping them and not me. I call a driver because I cannot afford a car! I can't get food stamps and have to pay for my medical. So, if Donald Trump thinks he can change that, have at it.
Anonymous said…
You that are trashing immigrants coming to this country I am sure your family members were once immigrants too! You are a bunch of racists!!

Trust immigrantion under Trump is the least of the worries for this country! Try thinking of world war three!
Bunch is small minded racists people!
Anonymous said…
How can a current President with an approval rating of 56%, polls reflecting 28% of republicans in florid alone voted for Hillary,
over 80% -90% of ethnic groups for clinton, with a majority of women not wanting asshole, how could he win?? Everyone was saying Clinton had anywhere from an 65% and up chance of winning. I BELIEVE THERE HAS BEEN SOMETHING NEFARIOUS DONE WITH THE VOTING/VOTES. HOW CAN POLL AFTER POLL, PROFESSIONAL DATA ANALYSTS, GET THIS SO WRONG. HE SWEEPED THE ELECTION, WASN'T EVEN CLOSE!! If Russia hacked the DNC, Podesto's emails, and who knows whatever else, who is to say they didn't hack into results OR one need to knows the majority of these electronic voting machines are republican owned. i feel like there has been a death in my family. I can't stop crying. It's more than crying. it is grief. How am I supposed to raise my hand and put it over my heart and look at our american flag and feel love for my country??? I can't. President Obama is such a decent man, he elevated our country at a time we most needed it. He made me proud to be an American. Trump is a racist, RAPIST, sexual preditor, ego-maniac, has no integrity, emotional, immature with REVENGEFUL and VINDICTIVE personality- how are we supposed to be proud to have him as head of our country??? CD you say he won't get the keys to the white house, YET you also said you feel sorry for palestine (so do I), which infers he will be president!!!????
Anonymous said…
You do need to get off your high horse and go to school, learn a skill, do something with your life. Don't blame immigrants for your obvious failures.
Common Sense said…
I gotta tell you, I WAS SHOCKED at the results. SHOCKED. Never in ten million years did I ever think Trump would get elected and certainly not a landslide. SHOCKED!

That said, it's not the end of the world, for god's sake. Trump is a lot of hot air and he says a lot of dumb stuff. The world is not going to end and I think once all this drama passes, it will be business as usual.

All this fear-mongering and scare tactics are just talk and a lot of bullshit. When you become the president of the United States, you may have the most powerful job in the world, but you can't really do whatever the hell you want, when you want. It doesn't work that way. There is so much for the new president to learn, he's not going to be able to do 90% of the things he talked about.

So stop worrying, and just trust that everything is going to work out. Let's pretend it doesn't, then what is the purpose of worrying until it actually happens? Everything is going to be AOK. My two cents...
Anonymous said…
So true what you wrote; Here's an article written regarding the obvious rigging.

Although Donald Trump liked to claim the election was rigged against him, an anonymous hacker on 4chan may have literally helped rig the election against Hillary Clinton.

On Sunday night, a post 4chan’s /pol/ board declared that it would perform a denial-of-service attack on any tools used by the Clinton campaign using a Mirai botnet code. This was not the first time 4chan had intervened in the campaign to help Trump and hurt Clinton, most notably in October when a 4channer used the password to John Podesta’s iPhone (as published by WikiLeaks) to locate and remotely wipe the device.

“List targets here that if taken out could harm Clinton’s chances of winning and I will pounce on them like a wild animal,” the post, written by someone dubbed Sparky, proclaimed. “Not sleeping until after this election is over.”
Maria said…
We love you CD. You are not the only person who said Hillary was going to win. Something fucking weird happened. Didn't most of you feel it? It was like a vortex took over. We slipped into an alternate universe. A gray chasm. IDK.

All I know is I've had two migraine episodes in the past week. Really severe ones. My mother has a mysterious cough and has been nauseous. There is/was definitely something going on. I guess we wait and see. In the meantime I'm sending you a hug. Because if you feel as shocked as I do, you need it. *HUGS* My friend!
T. W. said…
If I wanted to emigrate to France I would have to prove fluency. We don't have such requirements in Amerikkka.
Anonymous said…
The funny thing is, while my mom and I were watching the election coverage, the TV kept going out and all the cords were plugged in right, and nothing was tangled. I've been sick the last two weeks from a cold, and I really truly feel and believe something dark was at work this time. The second Babyfart Trump started talking in his victory speech, I felt so naueous and sick. CD I believe you, and I'm sorry you're getting attacked.
T. W. said…
Hillary won the popular vote. Christian was right about this. Let's stop bashing him.
Anonymous said…
Maria, I felt that too. Slipping into the "vortex" started around 3 pm on Election Day, for me, when I felt very depressed for no reason. I also wondered about the same things you did, and I felt like I was going to have a migraine for three days around that time period.

I don't think his victory was a natural event. There is something unnatural about that you and I, and many others, picked up on.

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