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TOLD YA #2 TOLD YA Bit of a long corner..

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What a DICK......

Mega Moron Ego fame whore,
 Kanye West.
Is claiming that he has the point creatively that Michael Jackson didn't.
Some kind of glassceiling
Well Kanye here's some news for you.
It isn't a ceiling. it's floor.
Very soon you will hear,
 the sound of breaking glass.
As you topple from you own,
 imagined pinnacle of fame.

Can't wait.


Melic21 said…
i feel really sorry for him especially when the Kartashians dump and run from him for ruining their already tarnished reputation, good luck with that!!
Anonymous said…
CD you were correct on Nigel Farage he thought he was going to become UK Ambassador to the USA but Downing street shut him down! LOL he is a very sneaky troll!

That is why he was butt kissing Trump!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
CD is Kanye in love with Jay Z? Lol
He seems jealous of Beyoncé and is so consumed with jay z not paying attention to him.

Anonymous said…
Kanye must have burned every bridge maybe even the one back to Ricardo...Now watch the Witches of Calabasas turn this sad story into ratings gold!
Anonymous said…
sorry for him?? oh brother
auntliddy said…
It annoys me when people blame the K clan for his obvious mental problems. Sometimes no one's fault, it just is. He has some faulty wiring, needs help is all.
T. W. said…
AuntLiddy is right. Kanye started acting strange when his mother died. Mental illness is not fun.
Anonymous said…
Heard it was to collect the insurance on his cancelled tour, medical clause.
T. W. said…
Is someone after Kanye? MediaTakeOut thinks so.
Anonymous said…
Karma at its finest plus the Kartrashians kurse. This guy has been mean to people he thinks are beneath him after all he's a god as he claims. The new Trashians storyline.....
Anonymous said…
Please tell me, Jay Z is next! I hope he, (Jay Z) is never able to buy any of Prince's music!
Anonymous said…
I hope he finds himself and breaks away from the wring crowd. His mother gave him stability, let him find that again too.
Anonymous said…
I strongly dislike the Kardashians, but Kanye is to blame for neglecting his mental health issues.

Do I believe that the Kardashians enable his mental instability? Absolutely, but Kanye has been mentally unhinged long before he met Kim.

I have a mental illness and have never gotten as close to uttering some of the nastiest things he's said or done to people. This is a man who thinks Bill Cosby is innocent. This is a man who supports Trump. This is man who has bragged and exhibited extremely controlling behavior (in my opinion degrading) towards Kim. This is a man who said that racism doesn't exist, and yet every time his clothing line doesn't sell well or he doesn't get the respect HE thinks he deserves cries racism.

I wish people would stop this stigma that being an asshole is just a symptom of mental illness. Kanye is an asshole, and he also just also happens to have a mental illness as well.


I hope this hospitalization helps him. Because being held on a 5150 is a very humiliating and traumatic experience that I wish on no one!
Hannibal Haze said…
Good point. Put very well. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Anon 12:12 you knocked it out of the park
NicQuerica said…
Damn I havent even thought of that but it sure makes alot of sense.
NicQuerica said…
"The Witches of Calabasas"<---Now that's TRUTH right there. The Kardashian-Jenner women are brides of Satan for real!
NicQuerica said…
Kanye's onetime step-father says it was Kanye's mother who fueled Kanye's mental illness by constantly telling the boy all his life that he was a "genius" and above everyone else in this mortal coil. And it was she who kept it in check in public. When she died there was no one there to rein in his madness like she could, and so he went off the deep end.
Anonymous said…
And he's lost his fortune he was better off without Kim K and her clan. He is of no use to her now, but who is going to want her now?
Anonymous said…
A lot of people think and act like a lot of people but some know where to draw the line.
Anonymous said…
You said.this.before same.chyte different day
Can you be any more vague?
Psychic Gossip said…
Funny how you can spell VAGUE but not SHYTE..
I suggest you FICK OFF and go annoy the Psychic Twins, you'll have twice the range to practice you GRAMMER CD
Anonymous said…
Just speaking your language CD. Any NEW predictions fudge packer?
Psychic Gossip said…
Clearly Mr Chyte is a basement dwelling, benefit abusing, ugly closet case....... no shone in been ugly, but heap. Garantted to loose their "Pink" card. Assuming of course they ever had one. I get the feeling that this Poor Soul, it the kind of Fashion plate that wear last seasons outfits, and wonders why people point and stare CX Happy Thanksgiving. , ps remember to wash your hands before you stuff the Turkey
T. W. said…
Why can't Mr. Chyte go away? It's not funny anymore.
Anonymous said…
CD lay off the CRACK. Oh wait its what you live for. Hey leave Bieber alone you closet pedo!!
Anonymous said…
Chyte, you ought to print out and frame what CD said. It's the kindest words anyone will ever say about you.

Common Sense said…
The Kardashian women are CHOOSING these guys, okay? What the attraction is I will never know. Perhaps they all are good in the sack and that's what the Kardashian women want -- who knows, who cares.

Kanye West began to unravel after his dear Mom passed away. I also think she was his rock (NicQuerica @ 6:22 AM) and when she died, his world (mind) started to crumble.

I do not like Kanye West but as Anon @ 12:12 AM has stated that he is a bonafide arseholic with a severe mental illness, we should pray that he gets the help he needs and soon.

Then, and only then, is when he will find out who his true friends are.

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