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As the Clouds gather...

As my trip to the UK, 
draws to a close.
It has been a 
roller coaster of events.
Many, many good ones....
But, it saddens 
me to see the way people,
are becoming so dark & hateful.
Towards one another.
Especially the open homophobia.
It was never that bad before.
So much for progression.
It's just Same back home, in the USA.
Due to the "BabyFart" effect.
The next part of the trip is to "Gayee" Paris. 
With the very dark shadow of,
Marine Le Pen, & her group of Facists.
(She'll end up in JAIL)
Looming over The City of Lights.
As well as the rest of Europe.
We are indeed in for a very bumpy ride.
Doesn't look like the seatbelts,
 are going to be enough. 
Maybe Elon Musk has it right. 
Get the "HELL". 
To Mars


T. W. said…
I am glad you got to get away. Take me with you next time! ;)

I see history repeating itself ...
Anonymous said…
Here's hoping there is a safe passage through all of this
Anonymous said…
CD Please give us more information when you see Trump leaving office in a caskets.
Anonymous said…
Like shooting a man in rage and getting away with it and having a record of previous offenses. Pence hates himself so he has to lash out somehow. CD gets more comments than Perez Hilton.
Anonymous said…
Maria, your post is one of the few posts since I've been on this amazingly valuable & insightful blog site that speaks to me fully! You are so bloody right! I'm sick of hearing/knowing of so many backward progression.....what the heck is wrong when UN state Standing Rock issue needs a rethink but the politicians do NOTHING. Where are those Foundations , the clintons, the Obama's (doesn't seem authentic to put Trump or Bush's in this list) the WWF, the ..... oh I get it, we the individual need to take back self power & show up enmasse to give back solutions to ourselves. Collectively we are even more powerful. Seriously, we need to BE THE LIGHT, get real, get plans, get smarter, show up, negotiate back hard & wise to change the direction we're heading. I'm extremely angry at injustices .
Wrt homosexuality, once 3 main man made religions are gone we may get real progress in people genuinely knowing that homosexuality is not wrong. We have laws saying homosexuality is legal, those "haters/"put uppers with it" are invisible - or as CD said they're showing themselves more which I'm shocked but believe it is happening in U.K - but cultured in their thinking usually by adopted religious ideology. Law is useless when people's hearts do not believe in the first place. Pity none of those 3 main man made religions accept homosexuality. I do.
After anger I hope comes humour cos if you don't laugh you'll cry & your head might explode (sorry had to add that in to cheer myself on xx)
Anonymous said…
You know what. We pat ourselves on the back and think we're more tolerant and smarter than generations before us in passing legislation for equal rights and so on but the reality is we're turning full circle and heading back to the days of total discrimination and intolerance. Trump, Pence, Le Pen, Farage and Australia's Pauline Hanson and the like all know how to stoke the fire. They remind me of cult leaders.
Anonymous said…
It affecting everyone it is weird, but most people are ignoring it but wait until 2017.
Anonymous said…
Well the door has been opened and the results are not what is intended.
Tony said…
It is very sad the ways things are going. I never thought it would be like this. CD you are absolutely right. Here in the UK I have noticed how much things have changed. People have negative attitudes and you can definitely notice hate in some people's eyes. But on the other hand have a lovely and safe trip and time in Paris. I was there many years ago and it was a lovely few days out there.
Anonymous said…
5:04, add Putin to that list. He has authorized violence against LGBTs in Russia.
Anonymous said…
As wise as we are, human race never learns... It's like History doesn't exist and we never learn from past mistakes, we only regret when it's too late.
Anonymous said…
It saddens me greatly too. We've come so far and now it seems like we are moving backwards. And, with all of the rising anger and some juncture something will have to give. And, when people move in fear, ignorance and hatred then it can feed the collective conscious and actually manifest really bad events. That's why it is so critical to send out positive, loving energy to those that are caught up in this wave of hatred. PLEASE stay safe in your travels dear CD. Have a lovely trip!
Anonymous said…
Trump is now attacking SNL for making fun of him! He seems like twitter consumes him and needs a fight to pick at all times. Very dangerous and reckless!!!

He needs to move to Russia to be with Putin! Or we can ship him to an isolated island far far away! Or better we can send him to colonize The planet Mars!
Anonymous said…
When you have an infection under the skin, it needs to rise to the surface before you can pop the pimple and be rid of it. This is going on now at a societal level. It took Rump's win to make these folks climb out of their closets and spout their views again. We have learned from history. Hitler and his ilk rose to power by people not standing up to take sides. There are still those who are indifferent, but look more closely at what is happening. The KKK announced their rally to celebrate Rump's win. People showed up to show them that love will overcome. The media was there, the cops were there, and so were hundreds of people. Who didn't show? The KKK. Their numbers dwindled to 20 cars and they had to pick a random alternative spot to do a quick drive by because they were outnumbered. Pence has a new home in DC, and neighbors all started hanging up rainbow flags to welcome him. There is gerrymandering in many states, stacking the odds in favor of one party over the others. Obama had a democratic senate and congress when he started, but still had difficulty getting as much done as he had hoped. People are motivated now to not just sit and watch from the sidelines. Donations to organizations that may be targeted are up, as are volunteers.

I'm still not certain that everything that is going to transpire in this election has actually transpired. Rump may be trying to stop recounts because his ego can't stand being challenged, but he may also realize that any errors could change the outcome. He seems afraid someone is going to take this away from him, and energy you give off has a way of manifesting. There are going to be defectors on the electoral college. One from Texas quit, saying that being a good Christian, he had to keep his word, and this meant voting as his state voted. Here again, being a good Christian, he couldn't vote for Rump, so he quit. I don't think that if Rump actually gets into office, he'll last long. He'll do something illegal because he's so ego driven, and he'll be ousted. I'd much prefer that to a silver bullet. There should be no martyrdom for that one.

The bullet could also indicate the end of his political and business career. If he's rejected in disgrace as CD's 2011 prediction noted, it could be the death of both (which with his narcissism, could in turn kill him with no one actually pulling any trigger). There is only a two year period until the next election, so get busy working to end gerrymandering, calling your congressmen/senators over what they're doing, and keep advocating/making changes. It's not worth arguing with those who want to be right vs kind. Be kind, be love, be the light, and then you're unstoppable. We all gather Karma for our actions, keep that in mind. There are many out there who aren't and they won't be nearly as smug or happy when it comes time to pay the piper and settle their Karmic debt.
Anonymous said…
There is a heavy atmosphere in France.
When you come to Paris?
Anonymous said…
Over thirty percent of the recent donations to Planned Parenthood have been done in Pense's name. He is by far the biggest donor of the year, plus he gets notified and thanked for his donation every time. Must be eating him up.

3:55, Ohio passed a law against gerrymandering, but it won' take effect for seven years. IMO the republican majority will use this two years to consolidate their evil tricks. It will take a tsunami of voters like Obama got in order to get the power back to the dems at the midterm elections. Not going to happen, unfortunately. The republicans know if they save a popular public action until the summer before the midterms, their core of Evangelicans (plus the fringe hatred militia and the nursing home cadre) will come out in force to vote for them in gratitude. About ten votes per person, as usual. But I like your world, 3:55, and wish I could move there.
Your friend, HRH
June said…
There is still some common sense and hope in Europe. Austria voted against the far-right!
auntliddy said…
Im angry too!! You cannot tell someone not to be who they are. I got to talking the other day with an older woman and she confided in me her gren son is gay, and a few of her other relatives too. She said she accepted him being gay, but wonders if it comes from a certain lineage. She wonders what she dd wrong that he chose this lifestyle. I said gayness doesnt come from anywhere, it just is, and ts certainly not a choice, a person just is. She mentioned about god and the church and i said, if you believe in god, let him handle it when this person passes over, you can just relax for now. Pence is a lunatic, but dont get discouraged, things will get better, they have to!!!!!
Anonymous said…
HRH, I live in NC. We had to have a federal judge overrule the gerrymandering here. We only got the verdict 4 days before the election, so there was no time to inform any voters where their new polling places were. We only had billboards to advertise that we needed to check for changes. This meant we weren't notified and many -especially the poor- had no way to get to the correct polling place. We had reduced early voting hours and reduced stations (it was shown that liberals and minorities use this more often). Yet, in spite of this we booted our GOP governor (who still won't concede). Our districts are still gerrymandered to a certain degree, but we also voted in a democrat to the state Supreme Court. The GOP response? They thought they could add two additional seats to the court (our state constitution allows up to 9 seats, but we only use 7) and appoint good ole boys to those seats to cancel out the election results. Watchdogs caught wind of how they intended to do this and in which bill they were going to attach it, and it appears we've stopped them for now. It's odd that our governor was one term, endorsed Rump and yet he lost. He signed HB2 -the controversial bathroom bill, and folks of all walks wanted him gone. The same can happen to this bunch.

I read about all the PP donations in Pence's name. It's why I see some hope. People are countering hate with love and support. PBS is even reporting that the Army Corp of Eng. have halted the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline-at least temporarily.

I've lived through more than my fair share of tragedy and trauma. I've come to find that the world is what we make it. I choose to look for the positive, and I find I attract more good things into my life. The more we focus on the good we want to see in the world, the more we will attract and manifest it. There's nothing the haters can do about that. We can't change others, but we can change how we react to others. So, it doesn't matter where you live geographically, you're capable of living in the same world I do!

Anonymous said…
Well Italy voted no so ciao Euro :-)
T. W. said…
Hi CC! I live in eastern NC, but not too far from Raleigh.
If anyone comes to visit our state, be sure to eat a Krispy Kreme donut and some eastern Carolina barbecue!
Anonymous said…
CC and TW, Hooray! Good for you! The Supreme Court trickery, that takes the cake. How much power do the Repubs want, for goodness sake? Relieved to hear counteractions were taken.

You win "State Election of the Year"!
Hugs, a very impressed HRH

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