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Jesus, loves me, Ben says so.........

Well, seems "BabyFart" is on real romp today.
He's named 
DR Ben "I love the painting of me as Jesus" CARSON.
As Secertary of Housing & Urban Development.
So, all those HUD housing "Tenants"
Had better start packing......
For those awaiting,
a house or development under HUD.
It's going to be a very long century.


CyndiTx123 said…
please not ben carson! whats this world coming too?!?!?!

We were discussing crazy events with Trump-aka crazy man in power….. and whats funny my hubby said to check with my friend Christian Dior and see what he says…. then I said CD's name is Christian Dion and but thanks for complementing CD with such a lovely name… I love Christian Dior fashion too. :)
Anyway- we are bracing for a roller coaster of a ride and we will be wearing our life jackets, etc….for whats to come from the crazy trump world……

Peace & Love CD!! We think your awesome and we enjoy reading your site and your feelings and thoughts about this crazy world we live in!! Hugs & Love!
Anonymous said…
Can it get better?
T. W. said…
HUD and public housing lists are already several years long. I love America, but I hate Amerikkka.
Anonymous said…
The irony is that Carson doesn't even want the damn job. lolol He's been trying to wiggle out of it and tell Trump that he doesn't know anything about this area but yet he wanted to run for President. What a village of idiots we've got going into office. lol I know I shouldn't laugh but it's so bad that I have to try to find a little comic relief.

Thank you so much for your humor and predictions.
Anonymous said…
Seriously, if this appointment does not say how ill-equipped Trump is for office, nothing does. Carson? HUD? I could understand Surgeon General -- that makes sense to me. Hey CD -- any links to the Ivanka Trump overseas biz moves? Would love to do some social media around that BS.
Anonymous said…
Well I just moved out of an apartment I had under HUD. Now if you ask me...I'd say I missed a bullet. I am in a condo that my mom bought taking care of her along with my son. I always felt insecure with HUD believing I'd get thrown out because of all the vile Republican policies and the fact that stupid people keep on voting them in again and again and again, even after they destroyed this country under Bush. Dumb people, the baby boomers to be exact are the ones that voted for Trump and now they are whining about losing their healthcare. How stupid is this group? They're the same idiots that voted in Reagan and Bush too. Blind, dumb, and gullible is not a good way to go through life.
Anonymous said…
I wish the electoral college would do something about this and vote alongside the popular vote.

All of these people Trump has selected for his cabinet should be evidence enough to show that the U.S. is in for a "HUGE" sh8t show.

I keep praying everyday for a miracle.
Anonymous said…
Trump's thoughts: Black man=HUD.

Mr. Carson probably wanted to be Surgeon General of the United States, so he could straighten out the health policies of the nation.

Just Kidding? times 2
Anonymous said…
8:16: Younger end of the baby boomers here. Both me and hubby are Independents who voted Dem since 2000. We both cut a lot of friends out of our lives over Trump. All YOUNGER than us. If I can judge by their ages, it is the Latch Key generation who went nuts for Trump. The Daddy they never had.

Since forever, nursing home patients have been rounded up and taken to the polls, and told who to vote for. Our generation happens to be the ones who are beginning to be homed in mass now. In 10-15 years, it will be the Latch Keys, and then they will get all of the blame! Whatever gen you are, if you live a lucky life, you will someday be old enough to be the scapegoat for all of life's problems. Enjoy.
Anonymous said…
Thanks to the 10th amendment, blue states have a way to fight loss of federal services:

"After all, if Republicans cut taxes — in particular, taxes on investment income — then the biggest winners are going to be the residents of Democratic states where incomes, and thus income taxes, are significantly higher. Governors and legislatures in those states — home to roughly half of all Americans — will now have the financial and headroom to raise state income and business taxes by as much as the federal government cuts them — and use the additional revenue to replace all the federal services and benefits that Republicans have vowed to cut."
Anonymous said…
Right. But can we move away from the orange man now. No more attention for him. More about actual Hollywood people.
Anonymous said…
Is CD receiving his emails in Europe?
auntliddy said…
I cant believe trump wld choose him. He is not fit for office, and not only that , i think he's a coupla quarts low.
Anonymous said…
When are you going to say something about the disappearance of Julian Assange? I thought this was a psychic blog.
Anonymous said…
Why HUD? Why not DHHS? Oh that is not a "colored" post.
Anonymous said…
I'm not surprised that two out of your six commenters are HUD tenants. Explains a lot.
Psychic Gossip said…
NOT SURPRISED??????? WHat aa arrogant, ignorant thing to say, By the Grace of God go you. In your mansions tower so high in the Clouds you can almost see Trump from your bathroom window CD
Anonymous said…
An non 8.08 am , your rude and judgemental. A reminder , we all come into life the same way and we all leave the same way.
Psychic Gossip said…
No doubt the HUD comment is from the same NUT who said This is supposed to be a Psychic blog IT IS.
THen demands I say something about JA well if you search the blog you'll find something.from a while ago, hence this PSYCHIC part.
I do take requests but demands are NEVER ANSERDED Cd
auntliddy said…
Perhaps it will be i revealed in predictions. I dont ike this manipulative man at all.
Anonymous said…
Speaking of requests- with all of your travel, will you get the time to work on 2017 predictions? When it comes to seeing who will be inaugurated, I still draw a blank screen.

Enjoy your time abroad, and have a safe trip home.

CyndiTx123 said…
You Go CD!! Love ya to the moon and back!! You do make my life more enjoyable considering I am such a worry wart….. yes, you have told me stop being that…. It's a battle I do every day. :) Thanks for the insight and funny puns you tell us and the trolls that come to your site.
Why do the negative always sign Anonymous….. why are they scared to show their name when they are being a troll ??? The trolls always love to stir _ _ it up….. j

Have a great Tuesday my sweet friend!! If your ever in my area- please stay at my home and bring Lady Gaga too! :) I will give you the room with the animal print carpet…. :) Hugs & Love!
T. W. said…
Way to go Christian!

People need help, so if they live in HUD or public housing so be it.

HUD policy also affects private homeowners, I hope the Republicans are happy.
T. W. said…
Use the search function to find the prediction he already made.
Anonymous said…
Well, I'm not a HUD tenant, but if I was I have every right to enjoy this blog and to post. Christian's predictions are for all of us, and we're very happy that he's around. We're all God's people.

Anonymous said…
CD Its time to shut these trolls down. By printing their vile comments you are giving them air and fanning the flames. This is your blog. BLOCK the B*llSh*t and bullies. They anger us as much as you. Save up all those choice comments for a takedown at your choosing. And a word to the vile trolls -- find another blog to read or maybe invest in an adult coloring book to channel some of that anger...Safe Travels CD. xo
Psychic Gossip said…
Re emails in Europe I am getting some bit spotty here. CD
Will catch up when I can
Anonymous said…
Anon 10:16

Bullshit!! You can't blame the gen Xer's, because WE gave you Clinton. Baby Boomers are the Fk ups that gave us Reagan, Bush & now Trump. BB crowd is the "oh it'll be alright...." crowd, so try again. Oh an btw Gen Xers aren't a large enough group to have the impact that your group has. I don't care if some were younger than you. Gen Xer's or "latch key" kids are those born between 1966-1976, Generation Y is 1977-1987 and then Millennials, the other group, your group tried to blame. Read the article and face the music and stop lying to yourself.
T. W. said…
Christian, today is June 7, 2018. If Carson's plan goes through then your prediction has come to pass:

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