Well, seems "BabyFart" is on real romp today.
He's named
DR Ben "I love the painting of me as Jesus" CARSON.
As Secertary of Housing & Urban Development.
So, all those HUD housing "Tenants"
Had better start packing......
For those awaiting,
a house or development under HUD.
It's going to be a very long century.
We were discussing crazy events with Trump-aka crazy man in power….. and whats funny my hubby said to check with my friend Christian Dior and see what he says…. then I said CD's name is Christian Dion and but thanks for complementing CD with such a lovely name… I love Christian Dior fashion too. :)
Anyway- we are bracing for a roller coaster of a ride and we will be wearing our life jackets, etc….for whats to come from the crazy trump world……
Peace & Love CD!! We think your awesome and we enjoy reading your site and your feelings and thoughts about this crazy world we live in!! Hugs & Love!
Thank you so much for your humor and predictions.
All of these people Trump has selected for his cabinet should be evidence enough to show that the U.S. is in for a "HUGE" sh8t show.
I keep praying everyday for a miracle.
Mr. Carson probably wanted to be Surgeon General of the United States, so he could straighten out the health policies of the nation.
Just Kidding? times 2
Since forever, nursing home patients have been rounded up and taken to the polls, and told who to vote for. Our generation happens to be the ones who are beginning to be homed in mass now. In 10-15 years, it will be the Latch Keys, and then they will get all of the blame! Whatever gen you are, if you live a lucky life, you will someday be old enough to be the scapegoat for all of life's problems. Enjoy.
"After all, if Republicans cut taxes — in particular, taxes on investment income — then the biggest winners are going to be the residents of Democratic states where incomes, and thus income taxes, are significantly higher. Governors and legislatures in those states — home to roughly half of all Americans — will now have the financial and headroom to raise state income and business taxes by as much as the federal government cuts them — and use the additional revenue to replace all the federal services and benefits that Republicans have vowed to cut."
THen demands I say something about JA well if you search the blog you'll find something.from a while ago, hence this PSYCHIC part.
I do take requests but demands are NEVER ANSERDED Cd
Enjoy your time abroad, and have a safe trip home.
Why do the negative always sign Anonymous….. why are they scared to show their name when they are being a troll ??? The trolls always love to stir _ _ it up….. j
Have a great Tuesday my sweet friend!! If your ever in my area- please stay at my home and bring Lady Gaga too! :) I will give you the room with the animal print carpet…. :) Hugs & Love!
People need help, so if they live in HUD or public housing so be it.
HUD policy also affects private homeowners, I hope the Republicans are happy.
Will catch up when I can
Bullshit!! You can't blame the gen Xer's, because WE gave you Clinton. Baby Boomers are the Fk ups that gave us Reagan, Bush & now Trump. BB crowd is the "oh it'll be alright...." crowd, so try again. Oh an btw Gen Xers aren't a large enough group to have the impact that your group has. I don't care if some were younger than you. Gen Xer's or "latch key" kids are those born between 1966-1976, Generation Y is 1977-1987 and then Millennials, the other group, your group tried to blame. Read the article and face the music and stop lying to yourself.