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Showing posts from August, 2017

BF Bonus Meme of the Day

BF Meme of the day......

NOT forgotten...

BF Meme of the Day

Some presents are already wrapped...

Poundshop? Tesco? no 99c store...

Wait till Tesco closes down stores......

Slithering ahead....

Taylor Swift, has lost the plot. Her latest "Snake" music. Clearly shows,  that she needs therapy. But no doubt won't go. She needs to be careful. Or this will be her last release.

BF Meme of the Day

Lifebelt will be required.......

Russell Brand, 42, ties the knot    with Laura Gallacher, 30...............  It won't get to it's 2nd anniversary. As he can't keep "IT" in his pants.  Let's hope she got........................... a "tight" pre-nup.................  

FINAL WEEK. Last chance for this year....

August 04, 2017 Until Midnight (PST) Labor Day... Sept 4th 2017. All email readings will be half price. As requested & to celebrate the end of Summer. Email Readings  Normal Price                   Special Offer 1   Question     $20  USD           $ 10 USD 3   Questions   $50  USD           $  25 USD 6   Questions   $80  USD           $  40 USD 8   Questions   $100 USD          $  50 USD   10 Questions   $120 USD          $  60 USD   (recent picture required) Send pic & questions t...

Sunday BF Meme of the Day....

TOLD YA #3 bites the dust...... Won't work......... January 13, 2013 Supertart Katie Price aka Jordan,  is set to marry again. Maybe she's hoping the 3rd times a charm. The idiot who she is marrying is  Kieran Hayler  a builder and part time stripper. Don't you just love the sanctity of marriage? ps He's a real danger.


BF Memeof the Day... Ha HA

Another one bites the dust..... another Babyfart NUTTER August 21, 2017 Sebastian Lukács Gorka.  (who I feel is a complete fake.)  Is a deputy assistant to Babyfart. He was born in the UK. But trust me his accent is completely FAKE. Mind you, Trump loves FAKE...................... However, as the Eclipse passes over the USA. I feel that it heralds the end of this moron. So looks like this is his week. TO GO.........

Peace & Quiet RUINED......

Kanye West, has been so quiet of late. I tought he'd gone away. Sadly. no such luck... I sense a major rant very shortly. Which will make him look like a bigger idiot. Than he is already...  It'll start abut another artiste... But, he won't win the scrap.....

BF Meme of the Day

Scoot on up to Scarmento ...

Seems Scooter Braun,  wants to be the Gov of California. If you don't know who he is... He's .................... Justin " My Favourite Lesbian/Jesus Hunter" Biebers'" Manager............. Well, that's enough qualifications, don't you think? Yeah me too.................... What an arrogant idiot....

Times A'Ticking.....

August 19, 2017 August 04, 2017 Until Midnight (PST) Labor Day... Sept 4th 2017. All email readings will be half price. As requested & to celebrate the end of Summer. Email Readings  Normal Price                   Special Offer 1   Question     $20  USD           $ 10 USD 3   Questions   $50  USD           $  25 USD 6   Questions   $80  USD           $  40 USD 8   Questions   $100 USD          $  50 USD   10 Questions   $120 USD          $  60 USD   (recent picture requir...

BF bonus MEME

BF Meme of the Day, Diddums....

Photoshop least of her worries...

Everyone seems to be having a go at Mariah,  for "editing" her pics. For Gods sake, they all do it. What she needs to be concerned about is her health. Her mental health. She is tittering on the edge of the abyiss. Seems no one her team, cares................. Of course not....... Shes their payroll. But someone better, or no payroll.

Engaged or Not....

The rumour mills are a buzz that Prince Harry,  has already asked.  "Actress" Meghan Markle to marry him. Seems she accepted. BUT.......... The engagement won't be annouced till December. Maybe so........... But getting to the altar is a very different thing. She's yet to win over the top courtiers. Now that is one major block. (Then there's the "Dirty" little secret Guy) But, should Harry go ahead with this. I give you one word.... "FERGIE"

BF Hump day meme

I wannbe the "Son" of a Preacher Man...

  Justin Bieber appears to have a crush on,  Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz... Well, that's one thing to call it. This pastor is a complete fraud. It's all about the dosh. Plus ??? There's no way JB will listen,  to anyone about this crook. Well, JB is in for a nasty shock in the coming months. Let's hope it's not too  late,  when he does get his eyes opened.

BF bonus Meme, couldn't resist

BF Meme of the day.. Idiot Idea

Last nail in the coffin...

Dear God, Kim Kardashian..... She of NO TALENT. Is to replace Ryan Seacrest on Live, with Kelly Ripa. While he, deserts ship to re Host American Idol. (Which will flop too) As tough poor Kelly needed anymore let downs. She has to deal with this stupid idea. After  the first day, ratings high. The show will sink to the lowest ratings ver. This will well and truely piss off Kelly. In turn getting rid of No Talent & Mr "I am showbiz".

Silly LITTLE BOY, thinks he's a man

Somebody....... (not the parents clearly, bring "CULT"nutters) Needs to put this child, Jaden Smith. Over their knee, and spank his bum. He is so out of control. As well as being totally stupid. Or the parents will be out shopping for a coffin.

BF Eclipse Meme

BF Meme of the Day...

The net is closing on exposing, another Babyfart NUTTER

Sebastian Lukács Gorka.  (who I feel is a complete fake.)  Is a deputy assistant to Babyfart. He was born in the UK. But trust me his accent is completely FAKE. Mind you, Trump loves FAKE...................... However, as the Eclipse passes over the USA. I feel that it heralds the end of this moron. So looks like this is his week. TO GO.........

Bonus BF Meme ha ha

BF Meme of the Day, As it's Sunday

The DH has gone home to CROW

So the good news is Bannon,  " The Devils Helper". Has gone............... But, not sadly far enough. He is going to go after Babyfart. Like never before. Bannon, isn't an idiot. OK he's a moron, but not stupid. He knows the,  "Trump Secrets".  He has kept detailed records. He is going to use these, and other tactics. To bring down hie ex friend.... The fuse is lit...

2 weeks left of the Special Offer...

August 04, 2017 Until Midnight (PST) Labor Day... Sept 4th 2017. All email readings will be half price. As requested & to celebrate the end of Summer. Email Readings  Normal Price                   Special Offer 1   Question     $20  USD           $ 10 USD 3   Questions   $50  USD           $  25 USD 6   Questions   $80  USD           $  40 USD 8   Questions   $100 USD          $  50 USD   10 Questions   $120 USD          $  60 USD   (recent picture required) Send pic & questions ...

Saturday BF Meme

Not so TRUE. Arnold... remember.....???

Arnold Schwarzenegger,  has come out against the Nazis. Which is very good. After all he experienced the aftermath. Of what those bastards did to his homeland. However............................. Once in the USA. He seems to have forgotten,  a little of what they stood for. Arnold, why don't you tell the World about. Your "Friends" and yourself. The Nazi uniforms..... The Hookers...... The Dogs...... Yeah didn't think so. Never mind one day. All will be revealed...... ps He needs to watch his health in 2018

TOLD YA Another one bites the dust....   Happy New Year ...or NOT......... December 31, 2016 These "Arseholes",  may all start 2017  on a high. But by the end of the year.  They "ALL" will either have fallen,  from their "Ivory Towers".  Or the masses will be planting,  the explosives in the basement. Pauline Hanson Australia Donald “BabyFart”Trump USA Marine Le Pen Franc Theresa “ I’m Maggie” May  PM UK David ”The Pope” Miscavige Paul Nuttall  UKIP Boss President Putin Russia Bashar Al Assad Erdogen Turkey Golden Dawn Neo Nazi Greece   Steve Bannon