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She maybe a Billionaire, but she's still a pisshead.

So after her,
 "Pissed as a Newt",
 performance the other night on HSN.
Jessica Simpson, needs to go to rehab asap.
Or she'll be in court for DUI.


Unknown said…
She is not a billionaire trades her name, rehab is band aid the real problem is she is unhappy.
Apple Monkey said…
CD is it your birthday today? If so happy birthday. Have a fab day and hope all your birthday wishes come true.
Psychic Gossip said…
Hi No not today Sept 29th..
Apple Monkey said…
Sorry CD. Ok I will wish you again then!
Lovely Libra said…
Christian --- I'm 9/29 too! Why has this Libra had such a hard, challenging time the last few years? Has this been true for you too? At any rate, I'll be thinking of you on the 29th --- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
T. W. said…
The YouTube video was taken down. They claim copyright infringement. Bull.

Jessica is always drunk and I don't think a DUI will force her to seek help.
Psychic Gossip said…
Lovely Libra OH YEAH... more than you'll ever know CDX
T. W. said…
Hello Lovely Libra! My Libra relatives have been having a multitude of problems this decade too. Many people are having problems that are not of their own making and I have some trouble understanding this. Sometimes I think this is a sign of the times and the celestial event that started yesterday along with the eclipse are a signal things will turn. We as humanity are about to reap what we have sown.
Anonymous said…
I'm a Libra as well, and I landed a temp job and it's only for a few weeks and if I work hard and I'm friendly then it could change to permenant :) Thank you guys for your prayers and well wishes. I love Jessica she's fabulous, I hope she gets the help she needs.
Lovely Libra said…
Katelyn --- CONGRATULATIONS --- you're going to do well with your positive attitude! TW -- thank-you ... as an empath and Reiki practitioner, I can FEEL the changes ... my only hope is that I can be of service ... and keep laughing!! Peace to all.
T. W. said…
You all are always welcome! I pray we all continue to receive the blessings God wants us to have.
Apple Monkey said…
Congratulations Katelyn. All the best with the new job.
Anonymous said…
Thank you guys so much :) My birthday's Monday XD
T. W. said…
Happy Birthday Katelyn!

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