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Back to Mexico, ya go....

Thomas MarkleSnr, Meghan Markles' Dad.
Was supposed to walk her down the aisle this Sat.
But, he was exposed for doing, 
 with the paparazzi...
Seems he got more than $200.000..
So he had a heart attack.
Well, thats what the Palace PR team,
 would have you believe.
Heart attack my ???
He got caught.......
Lillibet not pleased.
Lucky he's not in the Tower....
Oh, there's more to come.
Trailer park.. is trailer park...


quiet said…
Its kind of funny.. See ..given his former profession working on the set of married with children and the years of experience he has working with actors etc...

He chose to use the papparazzi for cash for himself than be hounded by them.
Shame he wont be at his daughters wedding but he is set for retirement financially.
Letty said…
I really do not like Megan energy vibe.
She is not showing her true self. I feel like she is acting
Her part
Jules said…
The minute I saw the headlines claiming her father had suffered a heart attack and would now not attend the wedding, I just knew that had to be a PR stunt. There is more to come, is that before the wedding Christian? I wonder if her mother will attend?
Jessica said…
I know that most of the people in these comments unreasonably dislike Meghan, but I'll definitely sympathize with anyone having to deal with trashy relatives.

I wish trashy, shameless, relatives on no one.
Kay said…
I hope Meghan does well, is happy, and the marriage is successful.
Apple Monkey said…
Jules exactly. It’s so transparent. I thought they needed to do damage limitation in case details of the actual wedding was leaked.
The royals do like to be discreet. I do agree with you CD, that there is definitely more to come. I bet they are saving more stories until after they get married.
Apple Monkey.
T. W. said…
Hi Jessica!

I'm not feeling well today.

Wedding this Saturday. Bad mojo for the royals. Holler back if you will watch it.
Chocmint33 said…
I feel sorry for Meghan. Her father's side of the family are a train wreck. Maybe if she invited the half-sister and brother this crap would not have happened as they were the instigators who first spoke to the media and created a feeding frenzy. She needs to find a way to shut them up or it will go on and on. The half-sister influenced the reclusive father to do these paparazzi shots.
I can see why she wants to marry into the royal family - as she came from such a dysfunctional one. But the love Meghan will get from the royal family will be conditional - on the condition that she behaves herself and does what they say.
Jzgie said…
Hello everyone, here I am again. Sorry I was busy with my new job. I hope everyone is doing well. It's funny we come back on them .... a lot of history about her (sex drug money) hmmm Queen and Charles not happy Prince Harry may be losing his title. This week is going to be chaotic for these two
karen said…
It does seem to be the fathers side cashing in. Caught on the day of the heart attack getting McDonald’s Although I have read that MM mother is doing an interview with Oprah. I can’t understand how the Queen approved of this train wreck.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And it’s hard to imagine how any father, whose daughter is about to marry a royal, could even consider doin what he has done.
It’s a chance in a life time for her. The only good thing is, he is clearly banned now from future royal family events. Cause he may bring his own camera. And sell the pics.
Jules said…
I am firmly of the opinion that it was always going to be Meghan's mother to walk her daughter down the aisle and not her father. Harry wined and dined Meghan's mother and incredulously asked the mother for Meghan's hand in marriage and has made any effort to meet Meghan's father. There is clearly more to this than meets the eye.

TW - sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Sending you much love for a speedy recovery.

I am going to watch it!!!!

Jules said…
The Mail online is now claiming that Mr Markle will attend the wedding claiming that he wants to be part of history and to walk his daughter down the aisle. The Markles are certainly making history that's for sure. This has become so farcical
T. W. said…
Jeannine Poll - welcome back! Congratulations on your new job!

Jules - thank you for your blessings! I receive them. Are you hoping to see a trainwreck this Saturday or it doesn't matter to you? The festivities begin at 4:30 am Eastern Standard Time. I might hook up the Roku & record the event so I can sleep. Then again, it is Saturday...

See, the royals marry during the week to remind the "commoners" the royals don't have to work for a living. Miss Sparkles will wed on Saturday.

Friends, I am curious as to what the numerology & astrology say about this wedding date & the marriage itself. This is for entertainment purposes only.
Chick'sOpinion said…
On another note CD. Royal biographer Andrew Morton has jus been hospitalised with a suspected stroke. How timely. He’s the one who worked with Diana to write her book. Andi read it. It blew the lid off what goes on in the Royal family. However I’m I curious is he being ‘hospitalised’, perhaps permanently.. in case he has any ideas of writin tell all books with either Meghan, down the track , her mad relatives. Or her scamming money hungry father. It jus seems strange Andrew Morton being knocked out 3 days before the royal wedding. Or is it Karmic for him. Any thoughts CD
Jzgie said…
karma karma karma
Jules said…
And Mr Markle has pulled out again .. he is having major heart surgery tomorrow, he is blaming all of this on his son, stating that it was the letter to Harry urging him to walk away from his daughter that triggered this.

The tabloids are having a field day over this!

TW - I have just learned about this and I was wondering if you were aware that an order to arrest Queen Elizabeth was issued in 2013 by six judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. The Royal couple were found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia. The Grieving parents haven’t seen their children since they left for a picnic with the Royal couple on Oct. 10 1964. There were 7 boys and 3 girls, the most intelligent in their years. The visit was a private visit and the eyewitnesses all remember being told to kiss her feet. This video made for interesting viewing . Meghan Markle hasnt got a clue what she is letting herself in for.
Chocmint33 said…
Hi TW, This is what astrologer Ed Tamplin has said about the wedding. He is the link. He has called it Royal Mayhem. Great read.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks I will check out what Ed Tamplin the astrologer has to say.

T. W. said…
The karma chameleon is busy this year.

Jules - Yes! I have seen this video! I became enraged when I saw it. They might escape man's judgement but they can't escape God's

chocomint33 - I will go to the site & report back in Christian's Tit n Tat blog entry.
Apple Monkey said…
TW sending you get well wishes.
Am going to watch it.
Apple monkey x
T. W. said…
Thank you Apple Monkey!

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