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Odd Couple, indeed ODD...

is dating SNL comic Colin Jost...
The only thing that Scarlett Johansson should date.
Is a full length mirror.
Even then it wouldn't work... 
Feels like it will be 
delayed, delayed, delayed.


Jessica said…
Thanks for the post! This makes sense, no wonder I was so thrown off by the rumors of them dating.
Letty said…
I wonder how long this will last.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD are you sayin that she loves herself to a totally narcissistic level ?. It wouldn’t surprise me. She has always been incredibly beautiful. But that short hair do. Ruins her looks. Maybe her experience of working on a Woody Allen film sent her nuts. She was fantastic in Girl With A Pearl Earing. She has a unique ability to come across authentically innocent and shy when acting. But it wouldn’t surprise me by what CD is sayin that she’s a full out drama queen. Or a stage 5 cling on. Maybe the men ended up running away screaming. And in therapy.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Speaking of mismatched couples. CD can do a prediction on how Prince Harry and Meghan (I’m addicted to fame + $) Markle’s marriage is gonna work out. A lot of psychics/tarot readers have predicted huge fights between this pair. And Meghan rejecting the quiet reserved persona she’s obliged to adopt. As a Royal in the UK monarchy. ..+ her rejection of this Resulting in the Royal family disliking her intensely. And the Queen particularly hating on her. Eventually. Imagine what princess Anne will do to her.
Yeah she wants to be a princess, yeah she wants the extravagant lifestyle. But when she discovers Royal life requires silent public duty, a closed off sedate life. No opinions. (Trust me the Royal family won’t be interested in HER opinions). She will explode with frustration. At English reserve. No talkin about emotions, just polite small talk. Or she faces the wrath of their hostility.
She did a degree in Communications. Oh the irony. Cause the Royal family won’t be interested in communicating with her in the slightest. Nor any of the toffee nosed aristocrats that hang around them. She doesn’t know English history, ancient or modern. And has no clue about English culture. Some psychics are predicting Prince Harry loses interest in Meghan rather quickly. And takes up with other women. Does anyone else see this. I see big arguments ahead. Bigger than the ones you’ve had with ex husbands/wives. The kind where you chuck their shit on the front lawn. Harry better get Divorce lawyer to the monarchy Fiona Shackleton on the phone I think.
Anonymous said…
Can you do one on Tom Hiddleston and Chris Pine?
T. W. said…

Your insights are sharp. No, you are not the only one seeing the disaster. My sister & I have had prophetic dreams. Megan spoke to me in one of them. Prince Harry spoke to my sister in her mist recent dream.


The Firm will ruin her. Harry was never interested in her. There is a hidden agenda that I cannot work out. I do see the Queen is allowing this so The Firm's public image can improve.

Friends, I have said this repeatedly. Lady Diana got off easy compared to what is coming for Miss Markle. We all know Diana was murdered. Think about this.
T. W. said…
I just wanted to add Miss Markle knows this union is not to be but she wants to save face. That and her desire to be a princess are preventing her from doing the right thing.

Pride goes before a fall...
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes, you are spot on too. This is gonna ruin a big part of her life. CD said Meghan will end up wishing she was dead. I agree. They are gonna be so nasty to her. She has enemies jus because she’s new, biracial and a whole heap of other things. They will see her as totally non deserving of being there. In that role. And You are right, she knows it’s not gonna work, BUT as u say, she wants to be a princess (don’t we all) . If she refuses to toe the line, even easy goin Harry will go off her. The good thing for her tho, I think she will sense when it’s time to walk away. And survive. Unlike Diana. Who, as soon as she got her own life seperately. She’s suddenly dead.
I think the Queen is pissed off about this marriage. She’s just humouring her grandson ....for now.
CyndiTx123 said…
Colin Jost is a harvard grad and his gf is ScarJo....Maybe fawning over her is what she is wanting and they are together because as this time it fulfulling for them, but will break up because of her vain-ness will creep in and Colin might just get tired and his rose colored glasses he is wearing now will become clear....
Jules said…
I heard rumours that the union between Harry and Meghan is not a love match at all that is an arranged one, and that Harry has been forced into this marriage.

TW - have you seen the video Mary40 has done on Princess Diana? She is convinced she is still alive. Whether or not its true it makes for interesting viewing
T. W. said…
Everyone has good insight, as usual.

More Friends need to comment. I miss you guys.

Jules - I have seen part of the video. The only way I can see this being true is if either Lady Diana was not the woman's true identity or something sinister happened to Lady Diana in Paris. If the Lady Diana we know & love is the real Diana then I cannot see her abandoning her children like this without "programming."

Another possibility is Mary40 is making up the story so that if THEY try to come after her, Mary40 can claim mental instability or she was making a joke because she knows people into "conspiracy theories" are likely to believe it. In other words, the story could be a red herring for her own protection.

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