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TOLD YA... Driving Ban enforced...

Neither stick or automatic..

Well, well, so as predicted.
The second version BBC show 
" Top Gear".
Which stars Brit DJ/presenter Chris Evans,
 & American actor Matt LeBlanc.
Isn't going too well to say the least.
Matt feels the Chris is too much of a diva.
Coming from dumbo, quiet a claim.
One, would have to ask who of the two,
 has the least talent.?
Any how, 
Matt is threatening to quit ,
if the BEEB don't fire Chris.
Well, I don't see Chris being fired.
But I do see the show going "Bye Bye".
Good riddance to over priced & paid rubbish.


T. W. said…
Never seen it.
T. W. said…
That blind item site claims LeBlanc was fired for groping women.

Another revealed blind claims Margot Robie got revenge against Prince Harry because he treated her badly years ago. Commenters are wondering if she had a hand in the photos that got leaked a few years ago. He was naked in Las Vegas.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I’ll never forget being forced to listen to that self obsessed, not funny, idiotic weasel Chris Evans on the radio. For 2 years straight, in my workplace in London. In the 90’s. You know the kinda workplace..where you don’t get to change the radio channel. I hated his radio show. And him. And all the twits who forcibly laughed at his jokes. It’s the truth. He is a diva.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Actually I feel sorry for Matt Le Blanc having to even share the same air with Chris Evans. Matt Le Blanc is a far more normal balanced person. With far better manners. I cannot believe any UK TV people would invest money in that stupid maggot Evans... ever. There were so many talented people in his era. Who were ignored, and yet he was even given a prime Friday night show and prime radio show. Plus he was a functioning alcoholic even then. Not remotely good lookin. And I could always tell he was drunk on radio.
T. W. said…
If Jimmy Saville could hold a job...

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