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A Little Sunday BF Meme...


Tony said…
That's if it still takes place!!
Chick'sOpinion said…
It’s rather ironic that the U.S ended up the ones creating this G7 meeting with North Korea. Cause let’s face it. It was the U.S who created the North Korea area. (Or ‘problem’, depends how see it).

After they created the 38th Parallel demarcation line. After WW2,..when Japan lost the war, the U.S divided Korea into North and South. They didn’t even consult the allies when they did this.(which was wrong). Yeah yeah it was supposed to be a temporary situation. But this effectively kicked off the Korean War by 1950. A war where 1000’s of people died. As North Korea managed to get Soviet backing for a communist regime. And Nth Korea started aggression towards poor South Korea.

Democratic elections never went ahead in North Korea after the 38th Parallel was created. So who started it? The U.S

Successive U.S govts have failed to fix this problem. So I myself am really happy the U.S seem to be the ones at this stage to bring this insanity to an end.
T. W. said…
Don't worry. It's all part of The Program. Read a book, don't get brainwashed by the entertainment and news industry.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Summit or no summit. Trump has just said ‘it’s one shot at peace’. Ummm hello there’s no ‘one shot’ at peace. There are always endless opportunities for peace. In any situation.
Truth said…
Hi CHRISTIAN......when is it the light goes on. Hillary...failure. If Trump brokers a peace agreement your going again to look suspect as to your readings. I don't give a damn about who.. it's all outcomes, we don't control what the 1 percent do...we never have. Report outcomes not perceived politics. It's a rigged game.
T. W. said…
Thank you Christian. Neils actually proved your point about Trump & proved my point about everything being part of The Program.
Chick'sOpinion said…
How disappointing CD if this Summit achieves nothing as you say. It would be far more effective if China were brokering the deal to a demilitarised North Korea. Not Trump.
He’s the problem, the barrier I think. China have far more influence over North Korea. They share a border and a political ideology.. to a degree. And I think both North Korea and China are pissed off about the U.S keeping a military base in South Korea, even though the Korean War was over decades + decades ago.
Jules said…
Some people believe they want to "ruin" every economy so they can usher in a one world currency. There is an infamous cover of the Economist from 1988 which features a Golden eagle with a fleur de lis on his head, the eagle is sitting on top of dollar bills that have caught fire, around the eagles neck is a coin that has the date 2018, the words on the cover says Get ready for a world currency.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion - The Korean War never officially ended. We are at a stalemate.

Another psychic predicted last year that this summit will take place but it is all for show. I will not post a link out of respect to Christian.

Jules - Yes! I have seen it. Thank you for talking about this! I keep saying all of this is part of THE PROGRAM. Get on the Jesus Christ plan and you will have nothing to worry about.

Not only are these things part of The Program, they are in fulfillment of Biblical prophecy down to the letter. Will people still make fun of the Bible after the one world government and currency are in place?

Jesus is coming, if you don't know him get a Bible, ask your Christian friends, and ask God to teach you. Bibles are available online and in print for free.

Make up your own kind after you have looked into it. Only you can decide to accept or reject Jesus. I hope to see you all in the Millennium if not before. God bless you.
Chick'sOpinion said…

What is a World Currency? I am aware that there are secret two tiered economies goin on big time. An Australian psychic The Vine has discussing it at length. All about how the Australian tax system has been abused so much causing a housing crisis. Apparently big businesses are not payin near enough tax they should and hiding profits in off shore tax havens. And then using the money to buy up huge sections of real estate. We have a housing crisis here because of it. Or they are not payin Tax at all. Apparently big companies are doin it all over the world now. It’s shocking.

Well, it may be all about to change here. To a degree. Cause the public are becoming aware of it. So the Australian Govt are now bringing in Anti Money Laundering Laws this year. Australia has been an easy target for money laundering for too long. Plus no more transactions to take place in cash over 10,000. Must be done electronically. No cash beyond $10, 000 to be moved in a business. If they try. It will set off a Taxation investigation. It won’t eradicate it. But will control it it abit more .
Mmmm The drug dealers will go broke/ and or go to jail if they start movin money electronically. Oh I know, they’ll open a gym. A fake business front.
Jules said…
TW - How about this for predictive programming, apart from the cover of the Economist in 1988 telling everyone to get ready for a one world currency, which will lead to a cashless society, an episode of the Simpsons years ago, I am not sure when it aired, but it warned the stock markets would crash during Trumps presidency.

TW is correct, please please I urge you to follow her advice what we are living through today and what we are seeing in the middle east and i Jerusalem etc is the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. As TW has urged please research this for yourself.

I cannot being to imagine how very difficult it must be for Christian having to cope with the visions he must be getting of what it is a head.
T. W. said…

The Book of the Apocalypse, also known as The Book of Revelation, talks about the one world currency. It is a continuation of the vision God gave Daniel; it is the portion God told Daniel not to reveal because it was not time to do so. Daniel was absolutely HORRIFIED.

The Book of Ezekiel talks about World War 3 and reveals Muslims and Jews will share the Temple Mount. Revelation says the same. When you see this come to pass you will know we are almost at the end-game. If one has not decided whether or not to follow Christ by then they need to decide. If one is still unsure then do NOT receive the Mark of the Beast, that is a one way ticket to Hell.


Thank you for your support. I stopped watching The Simpson's a long time ago because it outright promotes The Agenda. Seth McFarlane (Family Guy, The Orville) reveals a lot about it too. So does the show South Park.

The prophets of Old wrote about the horror they felt as God revealed "The Last Days" to them.

I cannot speak for Christian but I have a theory. Christian knows Satan/Lucifer has been defeated. Humanity has to feel the pain of the band aid being ripped off.

The Rapture has been up for debate within Christianity. I asked God for myself and was shown it is real. God will always confirm what was said with 2 or more scriptures.

I also asked about prepping (getting a bunker, food and water storage, etc.). God said the items are for the people who will be left behind.

Friends, if you are killed when war breaks out do you know where you will spend eternity?
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion - A one world currency refers to a currency that is used and transacted internationally with no set borders, simply put every single country in the world all uses the same currency.
Jules said…
TW - You are very much welcome. I also very much believe in a post trib rapture.
T. W. said…
Thank you for sharing Jules!

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