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He's GONE........


Chick'sOpinion said…
Poor Vivian Balakrishnan, foreign Minister he.. hopes for a ‘bountiful harvest’ from this big summit in Singapore. Yeah well, only if they gag Donal Trump. And let’s pray that this stupid hostility in the Korean Peninsula and its hostility with the U.S is ended . There wasn’t even a formal Peace Treaty in 1953... just an armistice. It’s gone on ridiculously long.

Makes you wonder, though, What is Donald Trumps real intentions when he goes into this summit?.
Chick'sOpinion said…
The only thing I agree with is... that unfair trade practices that have destroyed or eliminated U.S jobs in the US. ..or caused them to go overseas are wrong. The tarrifs on aluminium and steel had to happen. As a wake up call to other countries, not suffering the way the U.S has been.
Cause the U.S has been at a disadvantage for too long. The American economy and American workers deserve a better deal. And a fair, long overdue pathway to economic stability. Personally, I think the U.S ARE gonna get back on top.
Jules said…
TW - Once again you hit the nail on the head. Summits are just entertainment to deceive the masses. All the worlds governments are controlled by the elites and all the people in charge nothing more than puppets. Some are predicting the elites have set in place motions for the entire USA market and economy to crash and that's going to happens soon,and Christian himself predicted the USA will go bankrupt, in fact all the worlds markets are going to crash its all part of their agenda of ushering in a one world currency.
Dianne Kalk said…
Chick's Opinion: Ask the teamsters in the USA how they feel about it. The auto manufacturing industry in the USA and Canada work hand in hand, lo these many years, re steel and aluminum (aluminium)? The facilities are just about within throwing distance. As well, Canada manufactures many automobile components. So, every time a border is crossed, big numbers start to add up...on both sides. Poor folks won't notice as they are not consumers of big ticket items, so Herr Drumpf will fly free from opposition from his base. I have previously read the story on dairy. Of course the information fell out of my ears that night when I slept. But can you really imagine that so-called information is true, when it comes from Herr Drumpf's mouth?

T. W. said…
Jules spoke the truth.

Diane Kalk - cars are made out of plastic now. Remember the Cash for Clunkers? The government gave people chump change and tax credits if they donated their older cars and purchased the newer cars made of plastic. Those newer cars run on computers. They are a nightmare to fix and oftentimes it is cheaper to buy a brand new vehicle. See how that works?

Most importantly, new cars will not function if an Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb goes off. Old cars will work and if it has a diesel engine you can make gasoline for said far using cooking oil and a few chemicals.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Dianne Kalk

Interesting comment. And points raised. I agree there’s gotta be fairness. I must mention tho, we in Australia are gonna be affected by Trumps new Trade Tariffs also. Big time. Unless a deal can be struck. But as the U.S is one of our main allies. Our government has not reacted too much to it. And we will survive it economically.

People don’t realise. We are way out here in the Pacific region. Near tiny Pacific Islands. The Korean Pennisula is not far from us. Neither is China. Our near neighbours are Asian countries, like Malaysia and Indonesia. We try to get along with them. But are they our allies? We are not in a position to have ANY conflict with the U.S. As we know know they will come to our rescue in war. So Tariffs... it’s not our highest priority. Protection is. I am personally happy the U.S now have a Military Base at Darwin, a key northern point of Western Australia. Canada needs the U.S ..the U.S needs Canada. I always think of the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO)
Jules said…
TW - Some people believe that they are going to test drive the electromagnetic pulse bomb soon, to see how people react to it. I only hope everyone reacts calmly and that people refrain from rioting and looting.
T. W. said…
Everyone shared good thoughts and I appreciate it. God bless all of you.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And to prove my point. The US military, Australian Defence force conducted a joint military exercise in Figi yesterday. It’s called the Indo- Pacific Endeavour 2018. And will end in Hawaii. it’s a big Maritime engagement activity. With a lot of Navy vessels, and military exercises. Conducted to reaffirm trusting relationships with islands near us like , Samoa, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands. Figi, And Samoa. To reaffirm we will help them in time of war.
As the Australian military and U.S military will use these islands.. that are in key places in the Pacific. And It’s also a show of military strength to our near neighboring countries, like China and North Korea.

And interestingly, China was banned from participating in this huge joint military exercise. The Indo-Pacific Endeavour 2018 will end in Hawaii. Anyone who knows the key role Hawaii played in WW2 will know that the Japanese had a pretty good, but ultimately unsuccessful attempt at invading and bombing Australia during WW2. They murdered 2000 Australian soldiers, when Singapore fell to the Japanese. This CANNOT happen again. We’ve covering all our bases. And together we’re stronger. Taffis are a minor issue by comparison.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And I guess it’s easier to discuss the possibility of war in an abstract way. But not when the possibility is real. And safety becomes the ultimate priority + only one. I had to fly my daughter home to Australia from Beijing last year, from her Chinese university. Because North Korea were making many threats at the time. And China decided wisely to move defence, tanks etc to the North Korean border they share. And Nth Korea launched missiles at South Korea. War seemed too imminent. And when it’s your child, everything else seems irrelevant.
T. W. said…

Thank you for reminding us about the important things in life. I pray your daughter can continue her studies.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thank you. No she can’t continue her studies cause I am not prepared for her to return to China. Until that insane North Korean regime is demilitarised. My daughter had trouble finding out about what was goin on there ..when she was there.. in a basic way. The Chinese government censor everything... news, TV , internet searches. China is still run by the bloody communists. Don’t ever let anyone tell u different. They control everything. Savvy Chinese buy Mac laptops, cause they can circumnavigate the censors I believe. And they use other ways too. So they can access the real world of the internet without govt.censorship. My daughter used this way to access BBC World to learn WTF was goin down. And rang me. To learn updates on North Korean missile launches and aggressive moves by North Korea. And how South Korea was doing. Scary phone calls for me.

The Chinese allow zones where capitalism can be conducted. It’s so odd. And Chinese people who live in the country are not allowed to move to Beijing unless they get a Govt. Permit to do so. Which most don’t get. Fukn oppressive. Yup, Communist decayed ideology. Don’t ya love it. Not!
Jules said…
Moe Othman tweeted on June 9th
"The worlds war generals of every large nation and NATO are meeting together to discuss 'war plans'/ The Vatican, for the first time ever, is also joining this meeting. Why is the Vatican joining this meeting and why are the worlds leaders discussing plans for a huge war?
T. W. said…

Thank you for confirming "rumors" about the Chinese regime. I hear they harvest organs and tissue from prisoners.

I keep telling people not to trust China and Russia. Even the Bible says that. Google what the Bible says about the kings of the east. TROUBLE COMING. They know how to play chess long term. China's symbol is the dragon, which is a flying snake. We all know what the scriptures say about that - the old dragon is called Lucifer/Satan.


The EMP bombs have already been tested.

Thank you for the Now Othman comment. Roman Catholicism is NOT true Christianity. Pope Francis is a Jesuit. Google them. If you don't know the prophecy of Saint Malachi then Google it.

If you want to know about The Program and what God says about it then do one or more of the following :

1. Read the Old Testament Book of Daniel, then Revelation (it is the last book of the New Testament).

2. Ask your Muslim friends about the Mahdi.

3. Go on YouTube and watch Jack van Impe videos. He and those who watch him are getting the last laugh.

4. Try to find Perry Stone videos on YouTube and visit his site. You can purchase audio & video.

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