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Dark Arts... demand a "SOUL"....

For those that have asked re the rumours.
Of Beyonce, being a Witch......................
Lets' just say the rumours aren't wrong....
Dealing with the Dark Side....
Will put you there in time.......


Letty said…
She is an MK ultra for the Illuminati

Never liked her evil energy

She is a dark spirit

She has so many people fooled
T. W. said…
Christian, the prediction does not show in mobile format. I saw the Patreon post.

Christian is right. Goat Lucy demands payments. Bee Yawn Say will offer up Jay Z. Watch.

Anyone seen the twins Sir and Rumi?
T. W. said…
That Formation video (and the rest of them) is straight up porn. A lot of occult rituals involve sexual activity.

Laugh all you want.

You are being placed under a spell when you watch these entity's music videos, tv PROGRAMS, movies, and especially their award shows.

Laugh all you want.
T. W. said…
Thank you Christian!


Beyonce reached goddess level when S/he was allegedly pregnant. That is why she was wearing that gold outfit with the matching headdress at the Grammy Awards.

Christian is right. The only level after that is pure evil. After that, there is no redeeming Bee Yawn Say's eternal soul.

Goat Lucy is thrilled because the pied piper known as Beyonce is taking souls to hell with her. That is all Goat Lucy cares about.
T. W. said…
Anyone been to that church she bought in New Orleans?

New Orleans is another evil place too

Bee Yawn Say's sister is a witch too. Google the pics. Their mother taughtvthem well.
quiet said…

Some days or nights i read a lot of stuff all over the place when I have down time.

I have only seen one real pic of of her twins since born, aside from the fake one of her holding them right after they were born. The daughter looks EXACTLY like jay z. Jays mother was also in the pic caring for her grand daughter and jay z's face looks exactly like his mothers face. All three generations have the same face on jay z's side.

Beyonce was holding son and sons face looks exactly like beyonces face. But you are observant as no pics no word on her new babies at all.. like some big secret she has kids or something.

I have seen no other picture no where and i read lot of stuff. this was a year ago or less.

i have read whitney houston had to be killed to make room for blu ivy ??? a little too deep for me to follow up on.

I also read recently beyonce will give up jay z.. but again this topic too deep for me on giving up peoples lives so i read and click next article.
quiet said…
I wonder if the remake 1970's movie A Star is Born will be a hit with lady gaga and bradley cooper. releases oct 5th.
quiet said…
oh.. and T.W. I saw a you tube on britney spears and they broke down one of her porn videos and occult stuff in it.

Totally makes sense when someone spells it out for you or talks it out to you when watching the video. Such bad stuff out there
Jules said…
And there we have it .. .an official confirmation that this demonically possessed woman is what the conspiracy theorists have been warning people about for years.
T. W. said…
Letty, thank you for your kind words.

quiet, is Jay-Z's mother really his father? You know what I am really asking because you know the conspiracies. Is a woman really a lesbian if she was born a biological male?

Are these kids clones? Genetically modified? Androids? Sound far fetched? Did you know by the time technology and medications reach the general public the military and the government has been using those things for decades?

Yeah, Jay-Z is literally on the hit list. He even looks scared.

I don't know why Ray J ALLEGEDLEY killed Whitney. His family is into the occult. His sister Brandy is now series regular on the FOX show "Star." Interesting...
T. W. said…
Christian predicted it will be a hit even though every other blogger trashed it. CDAN reported they had to re-shoot scenes and such cuz it was trash but it did improve.
T. W. said…
Britney never had a chance. Her family is from Louisiana. We know what goes on there.
Student said…
Does anybody know why she chooses to mock the Virgin Mary?
T. W. said…
Roman Catholics teach Mary is the Queen of Heaven, worthy of worship. This is not in the Bible.

Roman Catholics teach Mary died a virgin even though the Bible states Jesus Christ had siblings.

Men, if you married a young girl (legal age) would you remain celibate or would you have sex with her as much as you could?

Roman Catholicism also teaches people cannot access God direct. They are to contact or be contacted by Mother Mary who will then pray for them, then they can go to Jesus, then to God.

None of this is in the Bible.

The Bible is clear, we are not to contact the dead.

The Bible is clear, Jesus Christ is our heavenly advocate.

Putting this together, Bee Yawn Say is telling people she is a divine Queen worthy of worship and admiration. Give her your soul so she can drag it to Hell.
Unknown said…
Well I don't take the Satanist stuff seriously, but I can tell you that Beyonce hasn't had a decent hit since "Dangerously in Love" and "So in love"...or whatever it's called. The thing I don't get is why she is treated like a queen by her fans and people in the industry. She is not all that. I mean she cannot hold a candle to Madonna, Aretha, Pink, or anyone else off the top of my head. I think the music awards are rigged by her husband & that's why weirdo Kanye thinks he's all that & a bag of chips because he's been getting deference and once again....he can't hold a candle to many others in the industry including but not limited to, Eminem, The Weennd, Bruno Mars, Michael Jackson, Marvin Gaye, Prince, Bowie, George Michael, Elton John, James Brown, Rhianna etc....etc....etc....

The pregnancies were just weird. Her daughter Blue looks just like her father though....soooo. I don't know much more about her, what's true, or false or whatever. I just know that she gets a lot of Kudos for someone that has limited or mediocre talent.
Unknown said…
Uhhhh T.W., while Catholicism is not perfect, they certainly DO NOT teach that Mary is a queen and/or worthy of worship. Catholicism has come a long way. I don't believe they teach that one has to go through a priest anymore. It is an option though. Frankly I rather like it, although I've never used that option.

Here's the deal. The Bible has long been misinterpreted. People make the big deal that Easter is about Jesus dying for our sins, when in fact, the emphasis is on the wrong part. The imp. part is that Jesus ROSE again on the 3rd day. In other words....he came back from the dead proving there is life after death, and making a good argument for reincarnation, which....I might add. are books in the Bible that have been torn out. Karma, Reincarnation, the role of women, and other books were torn out by Constantine.

No religion is BETTER than another. Rather, they are simply different flavors of how to worship GOD. They are just different ways of going about it. Do you like Lutheran? Do you like Methodist, do you like Baptist, etc..

To be totally is my religion. I would love to go to a church that had good music. I'm sure the Southern Baptist black churches are the best....I have no doubt, but I live in WI, so I'm out of luck. Now having said that, what I am NOT saying is that it is ok to worship GOD with Satanism, or other dark arts. I wouldn't touch a Ouija board with a 10 foot pole.

Interesting topic this is.....
Edgy said…
How about Angelina Jolie? I hear she does voodoo rituals when she’s in England.
T. W. said…
Hi Laura O'Donnell!

I know Roman Catholics that teach these things. If it were rumor I would have used that word or a word like "allegedly."

As far as missing books of the Bible, am I correct to assume you are referring to the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books? Could you be referring to unknown books hidden by the Vatican or books like The Book of Enoch and The Book of Jasher? Are you referring to both groups?

The Authorized King James Version of 1611 contains the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical
books and left it up to the reader to decide. If you have a King James Version that dies not say "Authorized Version" or "1611" then you don't have the original King James.

The word "apocrypha" means of dubious origin. One of the issues Martin Luther had with the RC church was their sale of indulgences. The RC church quoted scriptures from the Apocrypha to prove they were in the right. That is one of the reasons we Protestants do not consider these books canon.

Apocryphal books were part of the Septuagint. The Jewish Sanhedrin declared those books were not to be considered Holy Scriptures.

A lot of Roman Catholics do not know what the Apocrypha is, to them their Bible is canon. They don't tell you the Greek and Slavonic Bibles contain books the Roman Catholic Bibles do not.

The Harper Collins Study Bible contains all of the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books. This version is a requirement at seminaries and divinity schools.

The following books are in the Greek and Slavonic Bibles but are not consider canon by the Roman Catholic church:

1 Esdras, also known as 2 Esdras in Slavonic and as 3 Esdras in Vulgate Appendix

Prayer of Manasseh (in the Vulgate Appendix)

Psalm 151 (follows Psalm 150 in the Greek Bible)

3 Maccabees

The following books appear in the Slavonic Bible and in the Latin Vulgate Appendix:

2 Esdras, also known as 3 Esdras in Slavonic, 4 Esdras in Vulgate Appendix

The book of 4 Maccabees appears in the Greek Bible.

At the end of the day, God's written word still exists. We will know more when we cross over to the eternity.
Jules said…
Jesus dying for our sins IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART.
T. W. said…
Jules, tell us how you really feel. ;)
T. W. said…
Laura O'Donnell, I wanted to add Jesus never taught reincarnation. No scripture considered Jewish or Christian canon teaches this.

Ezekiel 18:20 says the soul that sins will die. Hebrews 9:27 says people are appointed to die once, then face judgement. Luke 16 shows the dead are confined to their location. 1 Samuel 28 tells us what happened when King Saul went to the witch of Endor to conjure up the dead prophet Samuel. She freaked out. If she routinely conjures the dead why would she react in horror? She did not expect to see him, she was expecting to see a demon.
T. W. said…
This article is a prime example as to why some people do not take these kind of claims seriously :

EXCLUSIVE: Beyoncé's former drummer tells DailyMailTV she’s been 'bullied' by the superstar, claiming she put a spell on her cat and ruined her love life by 'jumping into other bodies' to watch her be intimate with partners
Jules said…
TW - There have been a few articles recently in the press warning that the next recession will be worse than the great depression, and now 16 hours ago Moe Othman tweeted the following in regards to the world wide global crash that will usher in the one world currency.

"The World Economy Recession starts in 6 days. I've been warning about this for a very long time. Prepare yourselves, its going to get really ugly in 2019-2021. If you have any money, invest it in assets that don't depreciate it. Like Gold, Silver, etc. Time is ticking"

I sincerely hope Christian can spread some light on all of this .. how bad is it going to get? I sincerely hope Christian can also tells anything he knows about the rumors concerning the proposed microchip that will go with the digital currency as this will effect every human being on the planet. I for one will not be taking the chip for fear of it being the mark of the beast.

T. W. said…
Thank you Jules! Christian warned us about this when he made his yearly predictions last year. He also cautioned against bitcoin. I know some cryptocurrencies have ridiculously high values but I am suspicious. I think THEY are grooming us for digital currency.

I believe the sources who spoke to the journalists are predicting economic collapse because THEY are the ones creating it.

I don't want that chip either, I don't care if it is not the Mark of the Beast.

Oh! I heard an "unidentified" person say the government has been testing chips in humans. Not a secret, Prince William has one. What is interesting is that the source said some of the people ended up with a "grievous sore." His/her exact words. The source believes it has to do with the lithium power source. The element lithium burns in water, what did they expect.

We know the significance of those words. The Bible (Revelation) says everyone who takes the Mark of the Beast will have grievous sores.
CyndiTx123 said…
Love your informative-ness (is that a word?) T.W. Love all of knowledge of yours that you let us know whats underneath the facade with religion of the Catholics....Hubby was one and doesn't believe their ways to get to heaven...As with I, being raised Southern Bap...yes- sorry blame my parents... We do not practice what we were raised in-rules of being in a religion doesn't jive with us. Just be kind-good -compassionate person. **Also the news about Bey and her wicca ness. /dark pratices...I can't find it as important in the UK news..HMMM... wonder if JZ/Bey had them tke it from the top page. I pray for the drummer and her pet. The dark practices can do a spin on you
T. W. said…
Thank you CybdiTx123!

In my opinion, the Roman Catholic Church is not fooling anyone who doesn't want to be fooled. I am referring to people who are familiar with Christian teachings. In many places the people have never heard the true gospel and/or have no access to a Bible in their native tongue. They accept RC pagan teachings because they are similar to the religion of their ancestors. No alarm bells would go off.

I am not Southern Baptist but I know enough about their teachings to avoid going into one of their churches. Plus I am female. Imagine their horror if I were to walk in and challenge their denomination's teachings. They will need a fainting couch.

Jay-Z and Beyonce must have put the fear into the press. That story has died down quickly. I saw a story about Beyonce claiming Jay-Z cheated on her with a "white b***h" Her words, not mine. I knew she put that story out to quash the witchcraft story. I peeped that game.
CyndiTx123 said…
So true T.W. Ps. Alcoholism is rapid in the good ol'southern bap religion... you know you cant drink dance and have to be submissive to your hubby... no way hose....
T. W. said…
CyndiTx123 told the truth. Many Southern Baptist men are high ranking Freemasons.

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