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Prediction of his Reign...


T. W. said…
Trump giving a speech to the United Nations right now. I'm not home so I am not giving it my full attention. However Trump is making excellent points.
Letty said…
TW the world leaders at the UN also laughed at
Trump opening speech

The expiration date for these old tight ass Republicans
Has arrived!!!! Please vote
T. W. said…

I request your prayers. My life sucks. I want off this planet. This is not a joke. This is a real cry for help. I am cancelling the rest of today. Thank you all.
Psychic Gossip said…
TW not your time to leave work to do for you healing Angels sent Luv CD & Gang
T. W. said…
Thank you Christian. I didn't do anything to these people. I stand up for myself they get meaner. I told myself we are not fighting flesh and blood but the spirits influencing these people.

You all know I am emotionally and spiritually sensitive, that is a double whammy. I can feel the hatred these people have, I don't know how they can love with themselves. That kind if hate kills the soul and body. I feel it.

All the more reason to practice forgiveness.
T. W. said…
Tony called it. Cosby got 3-10 years in state prison. Just like Christian said, that is a death sentence in this case.

Friends from overseas, if you gotta pull time in America, you want Club Fed, I meant Federal prison.
T. W. said…
I forgot to thank all the Friends. Please forgive me.
T. W. said…
Letty, that was disrespectful. These elites act worse than children. They spend all this money in school but no one can pay for class.

As for Kavanaugh:

1. His college roommate thinks he is guilty:

2. Another Yale classmate is debunking Kavanaugh's virginity claim. Dummy. You don't need a dick to rape a person.

3. Trump is attacking victim #2. He says she admits she was drunk. STUPID JUST BACKED THE VICTIM. You cannot consent to sex when you are drunk.
Johanna said…
This is for you, TW...hang in there! You've got love and kindness here...and with CD in your corner...that's powerful. I've been watching films from the 40s, 50s, and 60s to try and manage the feelings I get from such mean spiritedness. I highly recommend them to you and to all who post here. I can't see the Sound of Music too many times...lifts me up always. Perhaps you might try it.

I believe we chose to be here during all of this...I'm trying to keep love in my heart, courage to continue on and sending kindness where every I can.

~ Johanna
Tony said…
T.W. Sending you thoughts of peace and tranquillity. Please don't let others get to you. We all love you here. We're all with you. God bless ❤
karen said…
TW I hope your okay prayers to you .....

My head spins 360 trying to understand the US politics...
I loved the Cosby show growing up ...Now can’t stand looking at this evil horrible man ....finally Justice...
It seems once people get money and fame they think they are entitled and are untouchable from the law....
Whatever happened to be grateful and gracious in life...
T. W. said…
Thank you Johanna and Tony!

Plenty of good stuff to watch on Roku, neex to manage my time better.
CyndiTx123 said…
T.W. I just read this and feel for you. I want to cry too. Your gonna be ok baby girl and know your loved by all and I am so sorry that I can't be there to give you a big texas hug and know that your good. Then of course drink some sweet tea- eat some good food- and talk about what CD is posting about. :) Hope that made you smile.
So know we have your back and I love it when you get really sassy. I pray for my angels hug you and comfort you during this low time for you. Remember this too will pass and what Scarlett O'Hara Butler said....After All, Tomorrow is another day. Yes, giggle cuz I am a silly chica. Here is another quote from one of my fav movies...“You is kind. You is smart. You is important.”
― Kathryn Stockett, The Help. Love ya T.W. I say that to my kids too. Remember it and never forget it. Be strong- keep your faith- know that you have us and CD. Be fierce too!! which I already know you are. hugs and love!
T. W. said…
Thank you Karen and Cyndi Tx123! I receive all your love, support, and prayers. I pray God repays all of you for your love and support.

God gave me a Scripture to teach me and to provide comfort. Ephesians 6:12.

I love being silly too. Laughter is healing. I did complete some overdue work. Will be busy this week but not too busy!

A portion of Ephesians 6 teaches on the armor of God. Long story short, I need to forgive and pray for the people. Their behavior is being influenced, they may or may not know it.
LM said…
Beautiful courageous loving truthful caring sensitive these are just a few of the words that came to mind for you TW when I read your cry for help.I immediately asked for divine help to be sent to you and for God to put his loving hands on and around you. I am also asking all the people that read this to also send there prayers love and healing to you.
TW you are one beautiful loving and caring person who immediately sent out the help (along with others) that we needed to help get us through a difficult time in our lives.
Now the time for you is to reap the rewards that you have sown. Please let us give to you the healing and prayers that you have sent and given to others in their time of need.
Gorgeous girl if i could i would take you in my arms and hug you forever.
God bless TW
T. W. said…
Thank you LM!

I receive your blessings now!

Please keep us posted on your situation. We are thrilled that things are not as bad as was once thought.

God is good. The year is not over. Mire goodness and mercy to come.
T. W. said…
God bless you too LM. God bless all of you Friends!
Jules said…
I have only just read this post and the comments.

TW - Sending you much love to comfort and support you. I was told recently that there is a lot of dark energy around at the moment and that a lot of good people are having a lot of unfortunate events. T agree with Christian you have work to do .. and I think that work is saving souls.
T. W. said…
Jules and Friends, I love you all! Your support is helping me make it through the week. Today was bad but I was able to calmly handle all 3 situations.

I think your sources are correct, something dark is afoot. These attacks make no sense. I use logic and reason to confront the people, they laugh and say and do things that confirm what I just said (about them being inappropriate and non sensical). They come across as psychotic.

What are the odds of me coming across several psychotic people several days a week for weeks on end. I have had people take up for me sometimes so that tells me I am not the one who is psycho.
T. W. said…
Jules, I thought some more.

I have seen God. What did I see? The Light and the source of The Light. In other words, the spirit being that created the universe and everything in it is both the Light and the source of The Light.

From what I saw, many people who are and will be with God forever did not expect this, they thought they were going to hell.

I have seen hell. It is a contradiction. Hell has flames but there is no light, only eternal darkness. Some people are trapped within compartments. Evil spirits are being punished as well but they play tricks on the human inhabitants. They trick them into thinking they can escape.

The time to escape is while one is alive on the earth.

The demons spoke to me. They said, "Hell hot. Jesus saves."

I believe Jesus. I trust Jesus. Everyone has the right and duty to decide for themselves.
Jules said…
TW - You know coming across psychotic people and being verbally attacked and mocked is not a coincidence. Its happening because you are spreading the word of God and saving souls .. you are a threat to the enemy and they will try everything they can do break you. If ever there was a confirmation that you are doing good work then this is it.. and I for one truly believe with all my heart God has your back. Keep doing what you are doing.
T. W. said…
Jules, I will continue.

My family and I agree these incidents are not coincidence.
Jules said…
TW - You have my deepest ad most sincere respect.
T. W. said…
Thank you Jules! You have my deepest and most sincere respect as well. You have my love too.
Jules said…
TW - Thank you so much! You also have mine!

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