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Not as high as he hopes.....


CyndiTx123 said…
My worse fears happened at my office... discussing political crap. This pt puts off such negative vibes that even my head nurse refuses to treat him. I never felt easy with this pt since day one. We got into it on Friday... I had CBS on in the morning only because my co worker did one of her bucket list... getting on the Price Is Right. We got to see her jumping up and blowing kisses and waving widely in the background. What a joyful sight. We both screamed when we saw her. too funny. Anyway, this man was so hateful towards the victim that was testifying in the Kav case.. I am like you don't believe her... this azzhole was a complete azz. I kinda taunted him and showed him a pic of what my husband has in his "pub" aka man cave that includes a pool table, etc and a large pic of PRez Obama... which we have on the table sitting up and anyone comes in my home knows where we stand.... and we have a Beto sign up as well. This guy got angry I felt it and I didn't like his energy. ANyway, he ended up calling me a leftist and that Obama was a commee... I just laughed and giggled at him but i did feel the hurt. I then said with my finger pointing at him... mark my ward this Kavi dude will not fulfill his path as a judge... trust me on that... He got so angry with me...but i did say it and he left and after the Price is Right show was over I put the channel back on a DIY program....Got home and found out that its another week for the evil Kav is to be voted in... I hope he remembered what I told him about evil Kav.... Ok that's all and thank you all for letting me vent.... Hugs, Peace, Love to all who voices their opinions to bullies!!!
Letty said…
I still think that bitch kavanaugh will get
Confirmed and go to the Supreme Court

I think he will try to buy mark judge

I hope I am wrong
T. W. said…
CybdiTx123, I am happy for your friend! I hope she got some sort of prize.

I am sorry you all had to deal with that patient. I know you can't violate his privacy but I bet he has cardiac, bone, or cancer issues. Hatred causes that.

I hope he has his smelling salts and fainting couch ready this week.
CyndiTx123 said…
Thanks T.W. My co-worker said she wasn't exciting enough to get picked, but at least we were able to see her jump up and down and blow us kisses and wave madly! It was funny when we both saw herself on tv. Screaming like we were in a concert! If you were with us-u too would have screamed with us and laughed! They made her sign a clause that she is not to comeback to Price is Right for 10yrs....WTHeck! Never heard such!
Oh I left out the most important thing that happened with my Bully PT on Friday....IN the vital area, the bully pt came into and I have written on the board in big letters. "Surprise Someone with An Act of Kindness!" So when I read that when he was in the room - I did just that and said you look like you need a first he said no and then changed his mind and I gave my political bully a hug... :) :) I guess I switched my bruised half of my self to the other half that wasn't bruised/hurt by his anger & name calling to me. I surprised him. :):):)
T. W. said…
CyndiTx123, see, your friend should have purchased a shirt from Weekly World News and worn that. Maybe she can dress as a naughty nurse and go on Let's Make a Deal.

You were the hands and feet of God when you gave your patient a hug. Maybe he is mean to people to keep them away. If people get too close to him he will get hurt. So he hurts others before they get a chance to hurt him.

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