The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
What I do know is that World War 3 will usher in the Antichrist. The war described within Ezekiel 38 and 38 is known as the Battle of Gog and Magog. Muslims, Christians, and Jew's believe this war will take place towards the endtime. All three of us agree in it. That should tell you how important this is.
Here are some links. Please make up your own mind.
Israel and the Battle of Gog and Magog dvd
Israel and the Battle of Gog and Magog mp4 download
The Apocalypse Made Easy
What To Do If You Should Miss The Rapture
*Friends, do NOT, I repeat, do NOT take the Mark of the Beast. NO exceptions. If you take the Mark you will be eternally damned to Hell, Jesus cannot save you, no one can save you if you take that Mark.
Thanx for the 411 T.W there's been some conspiracy about WW3
Sana L, you are welcome.
Jules, you make an excellent point. More on that later.
When I first heard Jamal was missing I felt heavy sadness and felt he had passed away.
World War 3 is not an if, it is a when. If I understand Christian correctly, it does not have to happen anytime soon if Trump and his butt buddies do the right thing.
The Rothschilds have stolen an unmeasurable amount of wealth. They own 99 percent of the earth's wealth and resources. Ain't no way they did this the right way.
Don't believe me? Ask the Africans.
Don't believe me? Ask yourself why the wealthiest continent (based on natural resources) has the poorest people.
Going back to World War 3, I ain't scared. If I die I know I will be in the arms of God thanks to Jesus Christ.
Going back to what Jules said, we need to keep a lookout for a specific 7 year peace treaty. This treaty will last 7 years and give Jerusalem to the nations. Some scholars say this means Jerusalem will be under the authority of the United Nations, others say Jerusalem will be a sovereign entity.
In addition, the Anti Christ will broker this treaty and his reign will begin. I personally believe in the Rapture. Regardless of that belief, woe to anyone living on earth once this treaty starts. You will witness the worse period in human history.
If you are here at that time, I beg you, please ask God if Jesus is real and spoke the truth. I hope you decide to accept the gift of salvation provided by Jesus Christ.
If decide not to do so, then do me this small favor. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST.
Moe Othman, @MrMoeOthman, has just tweeted, 'The world is a stage, if you're born now you get a ticket to the freak show, and if you're born in the US you get a front row seat. '