The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Today's Blind Items - The End Of A Brand
CyndiTx123, Hugh Jackman gets paid millions of dollars to play make believe. Of course he seems nice.
People are more likely to be sexually assaulted by someone they know. If Hugh Jackman and others like him were mean people would know to be careful around them.
All celebs are trash to me. They are part of the occult elite else they wouldn't be able to get work. Even Christian films, tv shows, print ads, etc. are displaying occult symbols. The easiest ones to spot are butterflies, pyramids, owls, and the hiding of one eye.
I'm serious. If Trump causes World War 3 I will be thrilled because that means Jesus's return is close at hand. Until then we will always remain 7 years and 1 day away. The final 7 years begin once a 7 year peace treaty giving Jerusalem to the nations takes effect.
Hugh was couched, he finds victims for his unnamed director friend (most likely Bryan Singer), and Hugh couches other boys and men. The blind says his movie sets are full of his victims. I should by stock in Pfeizer labs, they make Viagara...
Good point CyndiTx123....Singer is being bought down, but how many will he bring with him. What a sick person he is. Glad he's been exposed to get those kids away from him. No parent should EVER leave their child at the mercy of these people for hours, over night, and without a guardian present. It should be a "law" in Hollywood built right into their contracts that they cannot demean them, get physical with them in anyway, nor should they have any one on one time out of eye site. All interactions should be recorded. Too many evil things have gone on for them to object either, unless they want to look guilty. Just some quick thoughts on the subject.
Christian's told ya is imminent!
1. Christian's Bryan Singer prediction and a told ya, January 24, 2019
2. Pic of Hugh Jackman with Bryan Singer and underage boys
3. January 27, 2017 blind item #1