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TOLD YA.. Countdown is ON......

     Christian Dions’
       2018 PREDICTIONS.
             Composed between November 14th 2017  8.41am 

             (Partly on a plane not my favorite place ha ha)

               Finished December 14th 11.59pm. Los Angeles Ca

 Let me say this as I begin this task. By the time, I have to write the Predictions for 2019.......
 President Trump will be gone. But don’t let them fool you. If you think he’s been a monster so far. He’s going to be worse in late 2017 & 2018. The Blue touch paper has been lit????

If you thought 2017 was a mess in regards to Brexit. You are going to love 2018.  No matter what date Madame May sets to exit. I won’t happen. In fact it appears that she start the New Year as PM. But won’t be by the end of it...


Tony said…
She's definitely on the way out!! And one good thing came out of this..Esther Mcvey resigned..the nasty woman who said Universal Credit was working!! Good riddance to that nasty piece of work!!
T. W. said…
Tony, what is Universal Credit?
quiet said…
Written right above 94.Brexit

Christian writes.... by this time next year when I am doing 2019 predictions..Trump will be gone.

Thank God
Tony said…
Universal credit replaced several benefits to roll into one benefit. But a lot of people have lost money and have a stark choice..choose between food and heating. And people have committed suicide and others who are too ill to work but told they can work have died with their condition. Again another cruel idea brought in by this wicked and vindictive government.But the government claim it's working!! This has clearly left more people in deep poverty and also homeless. There are words I would like to use..but I won't. And the UN say our government needs to pull their socks up!! This government are incompetent and evil!! It truly makes my blood boil big time!!!
T. W. said…
Thank you Tony.

You know things are bad when the UN calls attention to it.

I feel bad for those people. I swear you are describing America...
Jules said…
Has Esther McVey resigned .. thank the powers that be for that one .. nasty horrible, horrible human being.

TW - Universal credit is a benefit for working-age people, replacing six benefits and merging them into one payment to cover the benefits for which they are eligible. Although the majority of payments will stay exactly the same if you are classed as unable to work you will, unfortunately, loose benefit as the rates under this new system are lower.

Previously if you were unemployed, lived in rented accommodation and had children you would have been given three different benefits which would have been paid out to you on three different days, the benefits you would have received would have been either income support/income-based jobseeker's allowance/income-related employment and support allowance for yourself and if you lived in rented accommodation you would be given housing benefit to pay the cost of your rent and if you have children you would have gotten child tax credit. Now you just get one lump sum at the same time.

There have been many changes to the benefits system in the past five/seven years plus and they have caused extra hardship to many vulnerable families. The housing benefit cap has caused homelessness as has the ludicrous bedroom tax. Under the old system housing benefit would have been paid directly to the landlord. Under the new system it is paid to the claimant who then has to pay the landlord themselves, this has caused problems as some claimants are unable to manage their money and have failed to pay the rent.

Many desperately ill people who are dying from cancer and other terminal diseases and many vulnerable people suffering with mental health and those with physical disabilities have been ludicrously declared fit for work by drs hired by the government, needless to say, this has caused untold havoc with some people taking their own lives.

Some years ago the government ran a very clever smear campaign against people on benefits they made it look as if they lived a rosy life, they tried to imply that they were to blame for the countries money problems - they used them as a scapegoat. The truth is life on benefits is hell, its surviving, not living, families with children are better off, but for single people its hell on earth.

Many families on benefits do go without heat in their homes because they simply cannot afford it and many also go without food for days on end.
Going without food and heat is true for many people today not just for those on benefits, a lot of elderly people cannot afford to heat their homes or eat properly, there are also a lot of families who work all the hours God sends and yet they struggle to pay utility bills and provide food for their families.
T. W. said…
Jules - I thank you as well. Please forgive me for my late reply.

I can see the theory behind Universal Credit. I can also see why it is a disaster. I feel bad for all in need and I wish I could help everyone. I can help everyone by praying to God. We do what we can with what we have.

You are correct, those truly in need do not live high on the hog from welfare benefits. Those that do either have additional undeclared income (sometimes temporarily), had resources at their disposal before the benefits kicked in (this is common), pool their resources with family/friends, or are scamming the system.

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