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Just a reminder for Trump Evangelicals from YOUR BOSS....


Chick'sOpinion said…
And he's sayin to that kid sittin on the wall,

'Are you one of those kids Trump locked up in a Dtention Centre in Texas?'
Chick'sOpinion said…

So apparently John Landis..the sex offender director you were talking about not long ago.

Appears to have been the director of Michael Jackson' famous Thriller movie/ video. Way back in the 80's.

The girl in that video, Ola Ray has finally written a book. About having sexual encounters with Michael on set. The story is in today's Daily Mail.

She talks about how her life spiralled out of control into drugs after it. Due to drugs.
And the Jacksons

The Jackson Family have stopped payin what they owe in Royalties to her.
Actually they stopped as early as 2 years after she signed tbe contract to appear in that video/film.

Which stated she was to always get 2.5 % of the Royalties from Michael's music video, Thriller.

It was the biggest most expensive music video of the 1980's. And very successful.

And in the period after it. And the Royalties stopped...someone tried to blow her up in her car.

Further, when she was having a little affair with Michael on the set of makin this music video with Michael.
Michael told her 'it couldnt go any further.
Because he promised someone else it wouldn't'.

Seems someone else had their eye on her. And she was very pretty back then.

She dosent reveal in her interview who that person was ...that wanted her instead. And she knows who.

But my guess its the director, john Landis, the sex pest.

This woman has big legal bills with the Jacksons.
And a big secret.

I wonder how much longer she'll live.

Cause the Jacksons in this period now.. are picking over the dead carcass of Michael Jacksons's financial empire.
And they dont want to part with any millions owed to someone else at this stage.

I always say. Michael Jackson was the Goose that laid the Golden Egg for the Jackson family.
They all lived off it ever after. Including Janet.

Although they had amazing success they worked hard for in the 60's and 70's.
By the time Michael succeeded with his solo career.
The Jackson Five were over.
And his brothers only had moderate solo success.

If this Ola Ray woman survives TW
Whats her chances of getting what she is owed by the Jacksons? Via the Courts.

T. W. said…
Thank you Christian and Chick'sOpinion!

Some people left my church because they got mad at the pastor for saying he personally does not agree with Trump banning immigrants from foreign countries. Plus, it's no secret the pastor supported Hillary over Trump.

Apparently these so-called Christians did not stop to think that American Christians do little to support missionaries and people training for Christian ministry.

Could it be God is bringing people to the Gospel because we Christians are failing to bring the Gospel to the people?
Chick'sOpinion said…
And for those who think Ivanka 'I vanka everything' is sweet.

And Jared just an ordinary squeaky clean, Upper Class American. With white cotton sox.
Think again.

For a start, Jared is the son of a Real Estate Mogul. Who was jailed. For illegal campaign contributions, witness tampering. And Tax evasion

But that was in 2005.

Lets look at Jared (and Ivanka's) recent swim in the corruption cesspit. Cause they love it. And money.
And have learned alot of skills off their dads.

A Chilean Billionaire named Andronico Luksic bought a 5.5 million house in Washington.
Just before Donald Trump took office as President.

Sound fair.

But not long after, when Trump was finally in Office. Jared and Ivanka rented the Washington house. From Andronico Luksic.
How Sweet. Home Sweet Home.

Andronico Luksic controls the conglomerate called Antafagasta. A mining company.

Immediately once they moved in, , the new Trump administration reversed Obama's policy or position that said no to a proposed Copper mine. In Minnesota....That Antofagasta had already proposed and failed to under Obama.

Antofagasta were originally not permitted to construct a mine there ultimately because of the environmental concerns.
Particularly the lakes/Wilderness near the Canadian- Minnesota border.

But its clear to me, the Trumps and Jared are 'in' with Andronico Luksic. Knee deep. And Antofagasta.

In fact I wouldnt be surprised if Jared and Ivanka lived in his Washington house for free.

In exchange for a U.S Govt Policy change on the mine construction.
The issue of the mine construction seems close to being resolved.
But there has been alot of environmental activism around it i believe.
And I think some mining leases have been issued.
Anyone from Minnesota could update me on that.

Jared and Ivanka made 135 million last financial year.

I wonder how much of it was 'gifted' by Andronico Luksic. Academic people like to call Ivanka and Jared's position 'a conflict of Interest'
I call it crime.

Chick'sOpinion said…
Love how the Palastinians boycotted going to Jared Kushner's Middle East Peace Plan Roadshow 'summit' not long ago in Bahrain.

The non Govt Palastinians didnt even go. Because theyve had it up to here with the Trump administration's Pro Israel stuff.
In fact im surprised Hamas didnt go. Just to bump Jared off. But Maybe they did go.

So even though Palastine is at the centre of Jared's 'economic miracle cure' for Palastine and the Middle East.
Not one leader of Palastine came.
Nor did anyone from the Israeli govt. Bit strange.

The Trump administration claimed they were not invited. Thats abit funny.

On one hand the business ..prosperity.. the plan. May be positive for Palastine. I agree.
And the plan involves billions.

But what makes me laugh is the Trump administration claim this 'as a way of solving the age old Palastinian - Israeli conflict'
Just like that folks.
....Ummm dont think so.

My 2nd Cousin went on a holiday to Israel in the 70's. God knows why. Shes Australian.
She'd only been there an hour.
And the Bus Terminus she and her friend walked away from was blown up. They both survived.

No. Jared. If only everything could be solved with money. And economic miracles.
Anonymous said…
A poignant reminder of true tenants of Christianity.
T. W. said…
I don't know what is going in with Michael Jackson and that woman but I do know:

1. Michael dated women who did not know he was using them as a "beard." I put beard in quotation marks because several transvestigators claim MJ was a biological female.

2. Michael deliberately sabotaged his brother's careers. MJ was so nasty that his brother Jermaine put out a diss album. No joke.

3. Michael deliberately timed the release of his Thriller album so he could permanently sabatage Jermaine's career. If you recall, Jermaine was supposed to be the lead singer of the Jackson 5. Papa Joe heard Michael sing and that was that.

4. Sad blind item that might be about Janet Jackson and Dana Plato:

Today's Blind Items - Cause Vs Effect

Today's Blind Items - Cause Vs Effect
T. W. said…
I left out the blind item link
T. W. said…
I love you Anonymous!
Chick'sOpinion said…

No i didnt know Jermaine was originally supposed to be the lead singer of The Jackson 5.

Maybe thats why their long term success didnt continue in to the 80's.

Also, Cause MJ insisted on a solo career.

Its good that he did though.

Cause he created music that defined the decade.

And all that great singing, dancing in unison thing...that the Jackson 5 did. Became increasingly outdated.
Seems almost totally Motown to me.

No doubt about too.
Joe Jackson was someone who could be described as an Evil Genius.
I dont think Beyonce's father manager is anywhere near the promotion skills of Joe Jackson.

And further, Beyonce's father didnt have to navigate the established racism and segregation rules that The Jackson's had to cope with in the 60's and 70's.

Not saying he aint experienced Racism. BUT Todays doesnt compare to what was goin on in the old days.. globally.

It disturbed me to learn when Michael Jackson was discussing how he and his brothers were not allowed to use the front door to alot of venues they performed at. To enter. Or leave.

That is fukn disgusting.

Chick'sOpinion said…

Hate to break the news to you.
But that Dingbat Tyra Banks.
Who you said changed her name to the ridiculous name of Banx.
Is going to be teaching branding at Stanford University's business school

What is the world coming to?

T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion, I agree with what you said about the Jackson's.

As for Banx, I do not understand this. If she has a bachelor's degree she can teach undergraduate courses. I hope this is not a graduate level course.

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