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NOW......... There is no later..

If someone who maybe cares.
Doesn’t get this spoilt brat into proper rehab NOW...........................
He will not see Xmas...
He’s strung out on so man drugs & booze.
Including HEROIN.
It’s a wonder he can stand up.
So to those that are living on his gravy chain.
Then, get off your arses...
Or you’ll be broke.........


Chocmint33 said…
I hope he gets the help he needs. White light and pray so he gets treatment. I like Justin even though he's a rascal. He's talented but has many on his gravy train. His father isn't the best influence.
Kittmed said…
Tell'em CD!
Chick'sOpinion said…
Well, Its satisfying to know that the parasites who are living off the earnings/wealth of this deranged addicted person. Will end up with no income whatsoever if he passes.
And have to get another job.Even the drug dealers.

What isnt satisfying. Is that Hailey Baldwin. And her parasitic family... who are rubbing their hands together with happiness at the prospect of the amount of money Hailey stands to get. Of Jusin Bieber's money... if he passes.
They will go after every last cent.

What better way to make yourself rich. Marry/have a baby with a millionaire who has a serious outa control drug problem.

Sorry but, Hailey Baldwin is a Black Widow in my veiw. Sorry to people who believe in this shambolic fairytale drug romance.(think Amy Winehouse and Blake Fielder-Civil)

But I Dont believe Hailey Baldwin is in love with Bieber either. Not buyin it. And i believe her family are to some extent manipulaing her into this very profitable scam.

Smarter move ... Amy Winehouse's father got Amy to agree to issue and sign divorce papers while Blake was in jail. He had to sign them in jail. And that totally protected her wealth upon her death. Blake Fielder-Civil got nothing. Her family got it.

Chick'sOpinion said…
Christian. Are they Accidental ?? Set explosions at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire...on the new James Bond film. AND Daniel Craig off work with an ankle injury.

Plus, due to this he cant get his schedulde fo meet up with Rami Malek's to do this new James Bond film. And the roll out of the new James Bond is going to be very delayed.
Whats going on here?

Is the universe trying to get Daniel Craig off this new James Bond Film.?

Personally I think Daniel Craig is way past it. Should have stepped aside years ago as Bond.
What is it gonna be? The walking stick version of James Bond.

Or James Bond chasing villians using his pensioner bus pass.
He probably wears his slippers all weekend. Taking nana naps. And only wakes to read Readers Digest. And chew Werther's Original Butter Candies.
Hes not even good looking. Over-rated!!!

T. W. said…

Look at his face. Drug users get bad skin because their digestive and urinary tract systems no longer function properly. Death begins in the gut...

I understand some people who were prescribed pain medication end up on heroin because it costs less. Other than that I do not understand why some people use heroin.

People who want their kids to be in show business had better take notice.

Speaking of which, I wonder if River Phoenix accidentally overdosed, took some "bad" drugs, or was murdered. Too many conspiracy theories around his death. I read he was trying to expose the darkness that is Hollywood and that is why THEY killed him.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion - I agree, Daniel Craig is not handsome to me. To be fair, some people do look better in person. I also agree with you, someone else should portray James Bond. They should have hired Idris Elba. Blind items claim the executives involved are racist and that is why he was not cast. They would have been better off with Tom Cruise. At least s/he does his own stunts.

I was told that the novels do not state James Bond is a white man. People assume he is because he is a British Spy. Well, I was taught that Great Britain had colonies all over the world, including Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. Some African, Asian, and Caribbean nations are currently part of the British Commonwealth today.
T. W. said…
I meant better off with Tom Cruise over Daniel Craig.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And a Soul Rescue by all of us for Justin Bieber would be good also.

Yes. Thats one conpiracy I do believe .. that young actor River Phoenix was about to try exposing the dark people in Hollywood... who prey on very young actors. And then suddenly hes dead.

Yes Idris Elba is hot. Should be James Bond for sure. And he has so much grace about him..

Well Daniel Craig has learned that as James Bond you really do "only live twice". And 3 times .. 4 times. 5 times?

Maybe that broken ankle was the universe's way of getting him off James Bond Film. And give a rightful opportunity to another younger actor. But nope. He' probably finish the filming.
T. W. said…
How much money does Daniel Craig need?

Some sources claim North Korea manufactures narcotics and that is how they generate income.
Anonymous said…
Justin Bieber has been a train wreck from day one. His parents sold him out. Now they are seeing the impact of their greed. Shame! May Justin triumph over his demons and free himself of all negative influences and leeches. Amen. So be it. And so it is.
T. W. said…
Dear God,

I agree with Anonymous' prayer for Justin Beiber. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.
T. W. said…
Today's Blind Item #5. Be sure to read the comments.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Wouldnt surprise me if north korea derived income from making and exporting narcotics.
But really they dont have to.

Cause the U.S gives them tons of money. To stop them threatening/setting off nuclear missiles all the time.
Been happening for decades. And it works.

...the problem is.. Trump has found out about it since he became President. And wants to put a stop to it.

Cause its costing the U.S sooo much money.
It explains his enthusiam to end the hostilities between the U.S and North Korea. And his Summits.

I dont belive he cares particularly about the safety of the Korean Penninsula.
Just infuriated about that asshole North Korean Regime getting their hands on U.S money.
Fair enough.
But if you live in the Pacific Region. Like i do.
An end to the hostilities on the Korean Pennisula would be very welcome.

Cause as Tweety Bird said
'That way too kwose'
T. W. said…

Trump is right to stop the gravy train. What money doesn't go into weapons goes into Kim's fat pockets.

Meanwhile the North Korean people die of starvation, disease, torture, murder, or sheer exhaustion.

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