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The Day the Shit will Hit the Fan

JULY 17th 2019


Chick'sOpinion said…
Unless I'm wrong.
This is Robert Mueller and the date he testifies before the U.S House Committees

I'd feel sorry for him. The huge pressure and strain hes under.

But he can handle it. He's a VERY experienced lawyer. And went to Princton.

And was around in politics when Richard Nixon was brought down. He saw it all.
He knows all the big political games these lowlifes play.

Plus when he worked as U.S Assistant Attorney General, he prosecuted the 1988 Pan Am Flight Disaster - (Lockerbie Disaster) Libyan assholes.
The Gambino Crime Family boss, John Gotti. And Panamanian Dictator, Manuel Noriega.
Actually the list is endless.. of his successes.
Its outstanding.

He also served time as Director of the FBI.
And has the Purple Heart Medal. And many others.

As he served in the Marine Corps in Vietnam.
So im pretty certain...This guy knows how to handle the heat.

He also appears to be a straight arrow. So they'd struggle to discredit this guy.
Anonymous said…
Roll on July 17th. Thx for the prediction CD. Am looking forward to it ,
Chocmint33 said…
Holy Babyfart! July 16/17 is the time of the Full-Moon Lunar eclipse. It should be a dramatic event! July 2, next week, is the New-Moon Solar eclipse. So the next three weeks should be eventful.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes its Watergate all over again.

John Dean, the former White House Counsel for the Nixon administration. Testified earlier this month.

That 'the former Special Counsel, Robert Mueller's Report in the Russia Investigation.. is to President Donald Trump as the Watergate road map was to President Nixon'.

Well, John Dean laid 6 parallels between Muellers Report and the Watergate investigation. As it relates to obstruction of justice.

Here are his Parallels. And he should know. He was present during Watergate.

Parallel 1. Tries to shut down investigations

Parallel 2. The firing of FBI DirectorJames Comey and the Richard Nixon like firings. Exactly the same as Nixon's 'saturday night massacre'

Parallel 3. Dean's and former White House Counsel Don McGahn's refusal to carry out the President's orders.

Parallel 4. Efforts to exert control over the investigations.

Parallel 5. Attempts to limit the disclosure of evidence.

Parallel 6. Dangling of pardons to influence Witness Testimony

T. W. said…
That is Mueller and he is no saint. That's all I'm gonna say because this site is monitored.
T. W. said…
I agree with ChocMint33 about the eclipse.

God's timing is better than our timing.
T. W. said…
Christian, I think it's finally happening:


The Church Of Scientology Is Being Sued For Kidnapping, Human Trafficking, And A Slew Of Other Alleged Crimes
Chick'sOpinion said…

The beginning of Christian's prediction for the end of The Church Of The Poisoned Mind...Scientology.
T. W. said…
I wish they would calling themselves a church. A "church" by definition means "the body (people) of Jesus Christ."

L. Ron Hubbard was a disciple of Aliestair Crowley. I doubt $cientologists own bibles, let alone read one.
T. W. said…
Democrat debate tonight and tomorrow, 9 PM eastern time on NBC Networks.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Robert Mueller may not qualify for full sainthood. Few people do.

Cause i think we are all abit dark and abit Light.

But Robert Mueller is one of the better breed.

And its clearly his life purpose to bring to light on this date Christian predicts.

What has been hidden from so many

I think hes in personal danger. And fearful.

So I'm white lighting him.
T. W. said…
God bless you Chick'sOpinion.

You are right. None of us are perfect. None of us qualify as saints based on our actions. God uses those who are willing.

I also think you are right about Mueller being in personal danger. I do not know how to white light people but I do know how to pray for them and how to command blessings and miracles for others. This is hard to do for one's self. I could use prayer and healing concerning allergies, acid reflux, and "lady troubles."
Anonymous said…
Chicks Opinion:Robert Muller,Andrew McCabe ,Comey,Clintons,Obamas:tgey have jihad everywhere.Currupt,lazy,false people.Yes there has been hidden a lot.Awful people.
Jules said…
Interesting how a lot of evil is being exposed of late.
T. W. said…
Hi Jules!

You are right about evil being exposed.

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