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Here's to the Fall..

Between now and Autumn.
Babyfarts tax returns will be published.
This will at last expose.
What a fraud he is.
Can't wait.


T. W. said…
Thank you Jesus!

Thank you all that is Holy!
Anonymous said…
The rain during his Trumpganza on the 4th of July was an omen. The VIP section looked like drowned rats.

Chick'sOpinion said…
Well Trump has has a talent for turning mythologies into an art form

And the New York Times said today... about Trump hiding the truth, 'the way it stands in U.S politics today...

'Even a stopped clock is right twice a day'

The article continues.

To describe a new America. Where its become Okay to stiff people...Okay to lie'

Trump style

I guess they are also referring to alot of them currently in office. Not sure.

But the question in the hell did U.S politics go down this road in the first place?

Well for Trump its a fact now.
Congress IS 'on a fishing expedition into his taxes'.

And Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin wont be able to refuse yet another of 3 requests to access Trump's tax details .

Or a subpoena Steven Mnuchin has already refused.

Yeah Steven Mnuchin is an odd fellow. Thoroughly stupid.

Cause Christian is predicting, Pandora's Box will be opened.

And the devil is in the detail of how Trump's been conducting his financial affairs.

Apparently, quite rightly, theres a clause in the U.S Constitution.

That its illegal for a President to profit from his position.

For most of us. That's a no brainer.

But not for Donald Trump.

He thinks he can mythologolise his Tax Returns.

Turn Red into Black.. Black into Red.

With a wave of his hand towards Republican supporters.

Now you see it. Now you don't.

Rabbits out of hats.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I finally noticed your question.

Yes it was me who got money stolen when I was in Italy last year.

On a Europe tour.

The Roman hotel staff broke into the safe in my hotel room.

Ironically while we were in the Vatican City in Rome.

So.. as we were staring at their over-the-top opulent statues, Basillica, Alters to the glory of God.

... the Italians are stealing. Our money

It was an inside job. They were all in on it who was profiting from it.

So our Tour Director had big problems with them.

Didn't get the money back.

I think the big Hotel in Rome was called the Ergife Palace Hotel.

Do not stay there!!

As a word of warning to people in Europe (you guys already probably know) or those planning to go to Europe. Especially Italy.

Do not use the safe in your hotel room.

Maid / Housekeeping staff know how to just re-set it.

And open it.

I was just grateful they didnt take my Passport as well.

The Italians also stole 400 Euros out of one of the hand bags of one of the other tourists.

When she got out the bus to take a pic. Encouraged by the temporary Italian Driver to do so.

An inside job once again.

There was just a sense of heavy foreboding in Italy for me.

Rome was particularly unfriendly. And they seemed to resent giving you. What you just paid for.

Nope. Italy is off my list forever.

There should be another Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in my view.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD has Adam Lambert, the singer just admitted to maybe issues.

He's said in The Daily Mail today that he finds Red wine and Weed good for sensual adventures.

Okay?? Well the world knows he's gay. So that's not what hes referring to.

He's been lead singer for the old band Queen for way too long if you ask me. Claims hes re-focussing on HIS music now.

I really like him. And he has style in abundance in his dressing sense.

I just feel like he's a way under utilized talent.
Chick'sOpinion said…
In all the speculation over whether Meghan and Prince Harry's baby Archie has red hair.

I think yes.

I don't doubt for a minute that...Meghan or the surrogate who had Archie for them.

Was subject to, I think,

..whats known as 'designer baby'

And his genetic make up was selected. To look more like Harry.

With them selecting only embryos with the desired genetic make up.

Blue eyes
Light skin

You know, that sort of thing.

Seems its a process known as pre-implantation genetic diagnosis.

I remember reading one psychic's prediction. That Meghan was going off to the U.S with Harry before the marriage.

To get this genetic design right with top IVF Doctors there.

She did have that 'you's don't know, but I'm pregnant' expression on her face. At her wedding.

Well..Anyway. He's clearly a super cute baby. Whatever his genetics.

But despite Red hair. And light skin. And the genetic engineering.

He seems at this stage to look more like Thomas Markle senior, Meghan's father.

Not Harry. That can change though as baby ages.

I really don't like this Genetic Selection thing. It's going too far.

Breeding out what the parents don't want. Accept. That's wrong I think. Unless it's disease.

Babies are not f..cking Crufts Show dogs.
Having a baby is not a Breeder's Canine Event.

And another thing.

Prince William, who is a First Class misery guts these days.. looks absolutely pissed off in the Christening Portrait of them all.
Anonymous said…
Hallelujah if they are. He is such a Teflon man though, nothing sticks to him at all.
T. W. said…
Thank you Anonymous 5:11!

Anonymous 3:33 He is Teflon Don. I think the feds finally got the original Teflon Don.
Anonymous said…
The judge who is going to make the ruling about releasing Trumps tax forms was appointed by Trump.
T. W. said…

I'm sad you didn't get your money back. God says a thief has to repay what they stole 7 times over. Sometimes you can't recover from the person who stole from you. When that happens God pays you. The book of Job is a prime example of how this works.
T. W. said…
As you all know I've been to an Adam Lambert/Queen concert. His voice is absolutely beautiful and the queens (not a typo) sound better in person as well. By they way, that was not a real concert. They gave us an experience.

I wonder if Adam is leaving Queen because he is just now finding out Brian May has been supporting Bryan Singer on Instagram. May supported Singer after the pedophile allegations became public. What does that tell you about Brian May. Oh the tea I could spill. If you're a longtime reader of this site you have seen some of that tea.

Adam is open about worshipping the Dark Lord (aka Lucifer, Satan, Goat Lucy, The Devil, The Old One, Old Slew Foot, Baphomet). He even has tattoos on his body to let people know.

Adam is quitting a sure thing. I wonder if Queen is retiring? I wonder if Adam saw or experienced something I have suspected and mentioned on another site? Something strange going on.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 5:35 PM

I wonder if THEY are turning on Trump? Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh has not been ruling the way people expected.

The eclipse is coming soon and its gonna bring bad things for Trump and America.
T. W. said…
Rose Hanbury is allegedly still with Prince William.

Blind Items Revealed #4
Chick'sOpinion said…

I didnt know that about Adam Lambert.

He seems to have so much confidence in himself.

Arguably one of the best dressed men in the U.S.

Some people would say

'Yeah, in a gay way'

But I'd say, in any way. He's exceptionable.

Yes. And. It's high time he quit as lead singer for Queen.

Did his own music.

And that's disgusting about Queen's Brian May

I never thought I'd perceive him as an old fool.

He seemed impervious to that description as he aged.

Cause He's super smart. Dapper and sensible.

But if he's supporting Pedophile Director Bryan Singer then he must be developing Dementia.

Get out the wheelchair Aadvarks.

And wheel Brian May into a Nursing home.

For the confused about morality.

T. W. said…
Brian May is wishy-washy and weird. Roger Taylor is mean but at least he tells you what he really thinks. John Deacon is wisely living his best life out of the public eye.

As for Adam Glambert, how do people know how gay people dress? What does being gay have to do with clothes? Someone sounds jealous.

I have no problem with Adam and the gays. They are happy else they wouldn't call themselves gay. I wish them no harm. The gay bashing and killings must stop.
Letty said…
I pray you are right

But I think this fight will go to the Supreme Court
Chick'sOpinion said…
I have no issue with Adam Lambert being Gay either.

Or anyone else who is gay.

My brother is Gay.

Yes. I think people developed a belief in the old days. That ALL gay guys dressed in a certain way.

Some say better.

My brother just dresses like a city office worker.

But he did refuse to allow one of his friends though... to get outa his car at Bathurst, Mount Panarama race circuit in a Apricot scarfe.

He said to him.

'With this crowd. We're liable to get bashed senseless with you wearing that Apricot scare. So take it off'

People forget or dont know about how prevalent assaulting Gay people was. Back in the day.

Far worse than now.

Chick'sOpinion said…
And you can easily see.. my brother's friend was full out pretentious...wearing an Apricot Scarfe

Cause of that song.

You're so vain by Carly Simon

Big Hit back in the day.

So most people believe that she wrote that song about Warren Beatty.

Who she dated before he was global famous.
(He also dated Madonna)

Carly Simon claims the song is only partly about Warren Beatty.

And she claims its about a composite of 3 men.

And she won't reveal who the other 2 are.

But the possibilities are..

Rhodes Scholar,Kris Kristofferson who she dated in the Summer of 1971

Cat Stevens who she also dated.

Novelist, Nick Delbanco who she lived with in the South of France in the Mid 60's

He wore an Apricot Scarfe. And a hat strategically dipped below one eye back then.

Writer, William Donaldson..who published successful fiction novels as Henry Root. He was also oddly, a moderately successful Chelsea Pimp. She had an affair with him. But he went back to his gf, nutty actress, Sarah Miles

She's denied the song is party about singer, James Taylor. Who she also dated. I think married.

Ive often often wondered..if Carly Simon would have ever had the big singing career she had.

If she wasnt from the wealthy publishing family

Simon and Schuster.

T. W. said…
I didn't know Carly Simon was from that family. Well then.

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