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T. W. said…
The entire article is worth reading.

I wonder if HillBilly Clinton are running scared. I doubt it. People who cross then get suicided.
T. W. said…
Blind Item #5 - Jeffrey Epstein Revisited
T. W. said…
More Epstein blinds revisited. Expect more to come out today. It's hitting the fan.

Blind Items Revealed #34

(Jeffrey Epstein, Jimmy Saville, Pete Townsend, Prince Andrew)

Blind Item #6 - Jeffrey Epstein Revisited

Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book
T. W. said…
Entry has given Jeffrey Epstein the title of pedophile king. More blinds are being semi-revealed.

If you read the comments and click on the este to read the original post you can figure out who the other players are. I'm not gonna post anymore links after this. I suspect more will come out today. I'm also not going to identify the island known as Pedo Island. It is in the Caribbean and rumor has it Epstein put a plastic cow on it to signal when it's time to rape kids.

Just go to the site to read the rest. Make sure you have an ad blocker.

Blind Item #7 - Jeffrey Epstein Revisited
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes. The Unsealing of Jeffery Epstein's court documents now.

Is gonna finally bring him down.

Very dangerous man


Protected by the wealthy and powerful for years

And then theres Prince Andrew's part in all this.

That I described in a lengthy earlier post the other day

On Jeffery Epstein.
Chick'sOpinion said…
All the well known high profile names who were involved in sex trafficking under age girls.

Through Jeffery Epstein is about to come out.

All will be revealed in those court documents..

Journalists ! Hang around the Ink Well today.

With your fingers ready at the key board.

Cause Prince Andrew may be named in this Court document.

You see...That dear jeffery Epstein's maggot lawyer insisted way back then it was sealed.

Not anymore.

T. W. said…
What is done in the dark comes to light. God sees all.
Chocmint33 said…
Fascinating how this is coming out during eclipse season. Another accurate CD prediction. The Lunar Full-Moon eclipse is happening next week, July 16/17, so you ain't seen nothing yet! Meuller testifies on July 17. Get the popcorn.
Jules said…
Amen TW

I can well imagine Prince Andrew is seeking legal advice
Anonymous said…
People in the indictment have 2 weeks to file an appeal, as noted in the CDAN posts. So you have 2 weeks to sit and stew, maybe a lot longer if appeals are given extensions.

On the phone book list: Republican David Koch, who has financed the Republicans, DONALD TRUMP along with Ivana, Ivanka and the boys. Rupert Murdoch, who gave us Fox news (faux news). This is not getting much mention.

Also, the phone list is really really old, with old 80’s and 90’s stars, and beeper numbers. Clinton (either one) is NOT on the list, but an obscure aide is. Trumps first wife Ivana is on the list but no further wives, that’s how old this phone book is. The Trump kids must have really been kids when this list was made.
Anonymous said…
And I think it's a FULL MOON on the 16th!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Good. So the public can access the lists of Epstein's contacts.

From what contacts you have put here.. it's

immediately obvious how well connected Jeffery

Epstein is. Still is.

Yep. And this is how he got away with high level prolific sex trafficking for years. In plain sight. In modern America.

And pretty sure, from my previous reading he and his gf accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell (daughter of a Publishing baron and Bristish MP, Robert Maxwell),

...were charged with kidnap too.

Of a minor.

Nice people huh.

How many cops knew years ago ...about this?

How many of them were paid off?

How many people in Scotland Yard UK knew about Prince Andrew's involvement in this?

Well don't be surprised if the Queen shuts this shit regards to Prince Andrew. His part in it.

As it's not all about saving his reputation.
It comes down to saving the reputation of the entire monarchy. And the Crown's reputation..

And lets face it. The Royal Family have had plenty of practice. In shuttin shit down.

Suppressing the reality.

Theyve been doin it for decades.

In fact from what I recall, it was actually illegal to openly criticise members of the Royal family in British Newspapers in the 1990's. And 2000's

Probably still is. I'd have to research the legal aspect. But it Probably comes under Treason.

Put it this way. Back then newspapers had to be very careful what they wrote.

And I am not convinced.. that vulgarian, The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson. Did not know Prince Andrew was into this stuff.

With Jeffery Epstein. She's probably got Jeffery saved in her iPhone contacts.
Chick'sOpinion said…

So do eclipses always result in a period of big secrets being revealed?

Wonder what other scandal is gonna hit the headlines.

Probably Robert Mueller's response to the Whitehouse.

That will be history making.

On everything he dug up.
Chick'sOpinion said…

But does Prince Andrew need to get legal advice?

When the Queen only has to intervene.

And he can be absolved from it all. By her.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Full Moon on the 16th!!

Robert Mueller spills the beans to the Whitehouse.

'I see a bad moon arising'
T. W. said…
Hi Jules!

Hi everyone!

Ferdie has thrown hints about Randy Andy.

According to CDAN, Scotland Yard interrogated Kevin Spacey to get information about Prince Andrew.
Chick'sOpinion said…


And Kevin Spacey is hell bent on proving his innocence at the moment.

And even if he does get that fictitious result.

It won’t repair his movie career.

It’s over for him.
Apple Monkey said…
Chicks - Fergie for sure knows all about Epstein. He paid off some of her debt supposedly. Also, I wonder if that is why she’s still in fold. She knows too many secrets and also Andrew has bailed her out several times financially.
Urgh it is so sordid. Those poor innocent children. How dare these vultures treat them so cruelly. I hope to god Epstein is put away for a long long time and all his assets are seized.
Apple Monkey said…
Wow TW didn’t know that about Andrew re Kevin Spacey.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

Yes. You and TW are right.

What Fergie, Sarah, the Duchess of York knows about Randy Andy, Prince Andrew explains the puzzling reason why Prince Andrew and her are supposedly such bosom buddies.

Despite divorcing years ago.

I never bought that. Cause I've never met a divorced couple yet.

Who don't hate each others guts.

And even if they do 'talk'. They have to limit the subjects. Or else it erupts into a full scale screaming match.

That's fairly normal.

What's not normal also.. is Prince Andrew's relationship with notorious Pedophile Jeffery Epstein.

And as for Epstein payin off Fergie's ..the Duchess of York's debt. I'd fully beleive that

Because... far out. By the time she divorced/separated from Prince Andrew in 1996.

She was 4.2 million in the hole. In debt.

Due to the non stop spending spree she'd been on since her marriage into the Royal family in 1986.

After all the shocking debts were revealed by Rupert Murdoch's News Of The World I think. she had to earn money.

Including a long endorsement with Weight Watchers.

She's also been filmed/caught selling for herself, opportunities for business people to meet Prince Andrew.

Cash for access. She claimed she was drunk when she did that. Umm no Madam. You were working.

Overall. She's the 'Hooker' of the Royal family in my view.

By 2010 she was broke again. In voluntary bankruptcy with debts of 5 million.

She also burnt down Dolphin House. Near the Royal Windsor Lodge. With candles.

Dolphin House was given to her to live in after her divorce.

I say she probably did an insurance job.

Cause I remember in 1995. She claimed about 250,000 Euros of jewelry was mysteriously stolen from her while traveling.

They were probably actually sold by her. To pay off debts.

T. W. said…
Yeah. Kevin Spacey ain't the only one that can hurt Epstein. Truthers are still predicting suicide or being suicided for Epstein.

Multiple rumors claim Prince Andrew's daughters were abused. I hope not but I would not be surprised if this is true.

I never knew about Dolphin House and stolen gems.

What on earth is Fergie spending her money on.
Apple Monkey said…
Chicks You are right about NOTW. What’s very weird is that Epstein’s so called long term girlfriend but more like his madam Ghislaine Maxwell is the daughter of Robert Maxwell the former owner of the Mirror who stole millions from his employees pensions. She also attended Chelsea Clinton’s wedding.
TW heard those rumours too. God know what Fergie spent her money on... snow?! She’s a heavy smoker.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey


Yes. I'd rarely make such a statement.

But there appears very compelling evidence that Ghislaine Maxwell is a pedophile.

She's fully involved.

And from what i've read..the U.S cops had her on their radar.

As far back as 2005.

She's considered a co-conspiritor. Without question.

She ran the Sex Trafficking of Minors part.

Yes. She grew up very Posh. Partly in Oxfordshire.

Where as you mentioned, Robert Maxwell her billionaire father. Owned a Mansion.

I hope this new legal case against Jeffery Epstein brings her back to trial.

And locks her away for the rest of her life.

She's a massive danger to community.

The international the community.

Because she has so much access to wealth. And well established contacts, globally .

She appears to operate all over the world.

Not just in South Florida.

Apple Monkey said…
Thanks Chicks. I keep seeing that picture of Epstein with his arm around her and she has such a smug face. I hope they lock her up and also throw away the key. Am so angry with what I have read. Why do such people end up so wealthy.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick'sOpinion!

Florida is a bad place to live if you need justice in this life.

May the LORD God render justice and mercy in this life according to His will.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Why is Florida a bad place to live Justice wise?
T. W. said…
They have Stand Your Ground laws. They are not the only state with these types of laws. Stand Your Ground places property protection above the value of human life. These laws also consider black people sub-human.

Ask Trayvon Martin's family what it is like to be denied justice in this life.

I also recommend the book Stand Your Ground: Black Bodies and the Justice of God by Kelly Brown Douglas.

Be sure to have tissues. The book cover is sad, imagine what you will learn as you read the book.
T. W. said…
Blind Items claim the FBI interviewed former President Bill Clinton on Friday (July 12) and that if they want to catch bigger fish then they need to arrest and interrogate the alleged Human Trafficking Queen, Angelina Jolie.

Today's Blind Items - Caught Up

Blind Item #1 - Monday, July 15, 2019

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