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Won't go down well.....

Will she ever learn.
1. Royals don't have side jobs.
2. She left off "Lillibet".
3. It's a copy of another front page.
4. It's crap..
5. She better not drive in one of Philips cars.


Letty said…
Her days are numbered! I bet the royal family is
Sick and tired of her

She is a train wreck!
T. W. said…

Christian, what you said is funny for all the wrong reasons.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Alot of the women Meghan has chosen to appear in this Vogue Edition. Have wealth.
And been wealthy for a long time.

Meghan seems to have hand picked all of these women for Vogue herself.

I really think that the amount of wealth and opulence Meghan Markle has become accustomed to over the years. And more recently.

Is confusing her view of normal things. And normal people.

All that hanging out with Hollywood Celebrities. And Sport Super Stars. Jet Setting everywhere.

Is not grounding.
Its an illusion.
And existing within Luxury is not going to teach you much about how most of the world lives.

Paul McCartney and his late wife Linda, made a conscious decision to reject all luxury after they married. And moved to an ordinary cottage in Scotland. Without any luxury.

And ground their kids that way. Forcing them too go to ordinary schools. Like everyone else. And do chores.

Good idea. And it worked.

Time Meghan started doing some ordinary chores.

Meghan Markle is trying to get ethnic females around the world to connect with stories about ethnic women. Who achieve amazing things.

Nothing wrong with that.

But oddly, Meghan doesnt seem to remember. Poor chicks/men. Ethnic or not....dont usually buy/read Vogue. As a rule.

It doesn't reflect anything. That ordinary people buy, deal with. It's for the rich. Their own newsletter so to speak.

And I agree. Queen Elizabeth will not be comfortable about Meghan's guest editorship of Vogue.

And the interview in it too. Her interviewing Michelle Obama. That's political.
Quinhas said…
I wish the British Royalty would just disappear. I was not born in the USA but I was raised here. I appreciate the USA even though it is not perfect. British Royalty is useless. They serve no purpose.
Stef x said…
4. This is so ugly. The original version that this is copied from is much more tasteful. X
quiet said…

Yup, CD !
Check mark!
All of the above!
Chick'sOpinion said…
Meghan Markle goes for luxury mags only. Vanity Fair was her 1st one. Next it will be the UK's, Country Life Magazine

The facts are. Meghan Markle was not offered the guest Editorship of Vogue. To do this 'Forces For Change' feature.
She asked for it.

This will be too much for Piers Morgan, of the Daily Mail UK.
He's gonna go Scitz about this.
Because he will see Meghan as now edging into part of a world. He controls.

Edward Ennisful is the black Editor of Vogue. He is the one who gave Meghan Markle the Guest Editorship she asked for.

This is how i think Meghan is off the mark.
The people who own, read, advertise their luxuries, Couture, luxury homes, holidays. And are usually depicted in Vogue Magazine.

Have absolutely no interest in redistributing power.
Or wealth.
I think its rather ironic shes used Vogue as a platform.

If there's a backlash for this. Will Edward Ennisful lose his big job at Vogue over this?

Good Question.
Chick'sOpinion said…
It's a wonder the Vogue 'Forces For Change' feature.

Didn't come with musical accompaniment.

Madonna singing Vogue. It would have been hilarious.

'It makes no difference if you're black or white.
If you're a boy or a girl
If the music's pumping it will give you new life.
You're a Superstar. Yes that's what you are. You know it

C'mon Vogue.

Vogue vogue vogue'.

Yikes. I hope Madonna doesn't read this. She will get on any controversial bandwagon. To keep her image relevant.
Meghan block her number now!!!
Girl from Oz said…
Meghan will never learn because she doesn’t want to learn. She’s not there because she has genuine feelings for Harry or to promote the Royal family or their patronage’s. She’s there for herself and to push her own agenda.

In regards to the Vogue issue not only is the cover similar but the whole concept is a rip off of the book. Even the title are pretty much the same.

I feel the Royals are just giving her enough rope.
Chocmint33 said…
People are polarised by Meghan - they either love her or hate her. I'm in the middle - I don't think she's good or bad. I guess she was eclipsed by the royal fairy-tale and is finding the reality another matter. I remember CD saying around 2017, when she just got engaged, that she thinks she can handle the media but she won't be able to cope with media backlash when it happens. The backlash is certainly happening now. Her mistake is that she still can't distinguish being a royal from a celebrity. Someone needs to sit her down and explain it properly before it all becomes very nasty. Where's silly Prince Charles - why doesn't he guide her more? I really think the Queen is too old to manage the Meghan scenario. Twenty years ago she never would have allowed such leniency that she is showing Harry and Meghan.
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Melic21 said…
Oh dear me Ghan is living in delusional la la land still!
LA - UK said…
Vogue is an elitist magazine, that sells fashion that costs thousands of pounds so sends out the wrong message about who she is 'trying to be''s double standards from Meghan, and I'm a big believer that all she is interested in is me, myself and I ..... does she want to save the world or make shit edits in an elitist magazine.
asm9950 said…
Meghan Markle may be married to a Prince but she's no princess. Not in the least bit royal. Never will be. She's got her eyes on the big bucks.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Agree with everything you said.
T. W. said…
Hi Chocmint33!

According to Christian and multiple sources, "they" have explained everything to MeAgain multiple times but she CHOOSES not to listen. MeAgain has her own agenda.

If you recall previous posts and comments made here or are willing to spend several hours going through the archives, you will see many of us predicted this.

Did you catch Duchess Camilla during the wedding? Camilla is down with THE PROGRAM
and knows what time it is. America loves her for some reason. Camilla knows she doesn't have to lift a finger to make Meghan look bad. Prince William's "alleged" infidelity was a gift to Camilla so to speak. She is jealous of Duchess Catherine. All Duchess Kate has to do is work royal engagements and stay classy. Then she will always have the public's support.

Some of us begged MeAgain not to marry Prince Nazi. Not because we hate MeAgain or are jealous. We knew this marriage would cause permanent psychological damage to her and other kinds of harm.

I stated multiple times Lady Diana will look down from heaven and realize her own murder was a better outcome. Duchess Meghan Sussex will wish THEY killed her.
T. W. said…

You said what I was thinking and did so eloquently!

I opted not to renew my free subscription but they still send me magazines every month!

I find the articles difficult to read. I believe the photographs are disturbing. As for the clothing being advertised, I have never seen people in "the big city" wear anything like it.

Most importantly, almost every image contains occult symbolism. That in itself is a reason to cancel. Unfortunately occult symbolism is everywhere now and the occult elite no longer hide who they are and what they are about. They know the masses do not believe it.
Chick'sOpinion said…


I agree with both your comments. And yes. Christian said very early. And that Meghan believed she can handle the Press. And what comes with marrying a Royal.

And he said she won't handle it.
But I think...She's not handling it. Cause she is refusing to conduct herself fully as a Royal.

I'm in the middle too about Meghan Markle. On one hand, she will modernize the Royal a degree. And that needs to happen. Cause it isn't 1865.

And her issues...she wants to campaign for... are good.
She's not prepared to sit back as a passive female. Looking nice. Sayin only nice things.

Makin babies. And shutting the up. While males in the Royal Family make all the decisions. And are the focus. For the strong issues.

But on the other hand.

Meghan is exploiting to a degree, the Royal family. For fame. For her own purpose/career I think. And exploiting Prince Harry.

He deserves a kick up the arse though. He's been treating women like shit. In all his relationships. Almost all the psychics mention that.

The infidelity. And lack of concern. The drinking.

And Yes. Absolutely. Vogue Magazine is in elitist magazine. Clothing in it worth 1000's of dollars.

How do disadvanged women connect to that?

Conde Nast... who own Vogue dont give a shit for disadvantaged women. Or women's rights.

Nor do the majority of avid readers of Vogue.
She would have been more effective choosing a little known Left Wing Magazine. Or environmental magazine.
T. W. said…
Do women still read Cosmopolitan or Glamour?
Anonymous said…
I wish Meghan and Harry a long and happy marriage. However, it does seem to me that Meghan sees her "role" as trying to change, fix, improve etc. the monarchy somehow. The arrogance of that is gross. She has been around for 5 minutes and her experience was as a c-list actress. Fine. Nothing wrong with that. But the Queen has been on the throne for 65+ years with never a step wrong. QE started by meeting with Churchill as her PM before Meghan was born. I mean - give me a break. I am an American, but I admire the Queen so much for her leadership. Meghan needs to lay low for a few years and learn. But instead Meghan insists on doing everything her own way instead of perhaps learning from an institution that has been around for centuries. Not a perfection institution, and institutions should change/learn - but Meghan is all about herself and not the country she is serving.
asm9950 said…
Remember how she blanked her dad and sister, because it didn't suit (I think she's ashamed of them)? What if the Queen, Charles, Camilla, William, or Kate really bug her, or maybe tell her she's acting outside of Royal Protocol, wait and see what she does. May be a one way ticket back to the Land of Opportunity (for an opportunist??).
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. And Meghan's father has finally been silenced.

Wonder when her crazy sister is gonna release that book.

She's gonna reveal alot of stuff. She's been holding back on. For her book.

Piers Morgan will stay up all night eating popcorn, reading it.
Gleaning what parts of it he's gonna run in The Daily Mail.
asm9950 said…
Chick's Opinion, Hahahahaha. You're probably right.
Anonymous said…
The Queen is not a change maker. All the bitching is about Meghan not following protocol and sticking to royal traditions. Can’t have it both ways.
T. W. said…
King Elizabeth was not qualified to be on the cover...
Anonymous said…
People don't really care about this. The trolling is coming from the palace. They are looking to humiliate her in return for the exposure of the Wills affair. The palace is suggested the Queen and Kate. The people do not care. Pierce Morgan is such a spurned little girl. He is the only one who cares about this.

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