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A Pair of Queens?...

Watch this space....
"Outing" ahead....


T. W. said…
I wonder what Rami Melek's parents have to say.

I wonder what Lucy Boyton has to say. Will she play victim claiming she didn't know she was being used? Will her career tank?

Who is the other man in the pic?
Anonymous said…
Good luck to them. I hope they can live their lives , on their own terms.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Rami Malek sure does dress well.

He has Egyptian family background. And loves Egyptian culture. But was born in L.A.

Loves Omar Sharif.

For those who don't know, Omar Sharif was an Egyptian actor who really broke through. And became a Hollywood A Lister decades ago.

I know cause my Nan loved him.

I hope if Rami is outed. He doesnt lose popularity. Cause I think he's really good.

And could appeal to Nan's. Around the world.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Can someone please explain to me what Channing Tatum and Jessie J have in common.

They are an odd couple.

When I look at these two, the Sesame Street song comes in my head....

'One of these sounds is not like the other'

And now this peculiar pair are buying a house in Suffolk, UK.


And next, they'll have a baby with a square shaped head like Jessie J's.

No. 'One of these sounds doesn't belong.

And baby's with square heads are not cute.
Anonymous said…
My mother met Omar Sharif in an elevator in some European casino back in the sixties. He was very drunk and said to her "where are you going, my dear?"
Quinhas said…
Wait, is that Joe Mazzello? He looks like him and it's in the tags. He starred in Bohemian Rhapsody with Rami Malek.
T. W. said…
Thank you Quinhas!

His Two Concert Dates
T. W. said…
Rami Melek's family is Coptic Christian. If he comes out or is outed he has trouble coming.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Hmmmm, that's kinda cool. Your mum meeting Omar Sharif. He was really good looking when he was young. Cause I saw him in 2 movies, Dr Zhivago. And Lawrence Of Arabia.

If my nan loved him. (She was Australian) And he was Egyptian. Imagine how many other Ethnic stars could have been successful back then. Based on their looks.
Had they been allowed in to the Hollywood big time Movies.

Some did break through. But not many.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Which part did Joe Mazzello play in that movie? I did see it.
Chick'sOpinion said…

What's a Coptic Christian?
T. W. said…
Hi Chick'sOpinion! I was tempted to give the wikipedia answer. I saw it was technical and I "felt" the information would not tell the truth.

I did not want to go by memory so I got out some textbooks and theological dictionaries.

I will tell you now the Coptic Church has heretical teachings.

Crap. I'm gonna say it. The Coptic Church is ANTICHRIST.

1) There is a Copt ethnic group in Egypt. I do not know if Melek is Coptic by ethnicity.

2) Copts are the native Christians of Egypt.

3) The Coptic Christian Church teaches the christological view, monophysitism, which means they do not believe Jesus Christ is both God and human. THIS IS ANTICHRIST TEACHING.

Source - "Monophysitism." The Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms, Second Edition by Daniel K. McKim (page 202)

4) According to Essential Theological Terms by Justo L. Gonzalez page 115, churches of the monophyte tradition officially teach Jesus Christ was 100 percent divine, he was not human. However, some church members confess Jesus Christ is both divine and human.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Mmm. Thanks for that TW.

Odd Christianity. But let's face it. Alot of races have alot of takes....on Christianity.

Even my stepdad has his own version. LOL

I wonder if Rami is practicing. He certainly loves and adores Egypt.

Seems it was fated that his destiny was to play Freddie Mercury in that Bohemian Rhapsody film. When Sacha Baron Cohen got angry and withdrew from the production.

I'd say, Freddy Mercury was controlling from above. In those events.

I say that. Because I firmly believe Freddy Mercury would have preferred Rami to play him.

Based on the fact that Rami has North African roots...Egypt.

Freddy Mercury was originally from Zanzibar, an Island just near Tanzania.

Also, Freddys parents were Indian. Why they had Freddy in Zanzibar I don't know. Think his dad was working there.

But one things certain. Freddy Mercury was interesting and exotic. From top to bottom.

Although I like Sacha Baron Cohen as an actor. He dosent have that kinda interesting ethnic background.

He was born in Hammersmith, London. Is Jewish I think. And went to Cambridge university, UK.

Freddy Mercury would have viewed that background as a typically English upper class/middle class bore I think.
And not a reflection of him.

Not sayin Sacha Baron Cohen is boring. Ummm. Far from it. Obviously. He's totally eccentric.

No, though short, Rami Malek fitted the bill perfectly. And what a performance he put in. In Bohemian Rhadsody.
He nailed it.
T. W. said…
Freddie's parents were ethnic Persian. Their people lived in India to escape religious persecution from Muslims. I can hear influences from their religion (Zoroastrianism) when I pay attention to the song lyrics.

I have not seen the film but I agree with you. Rami was meant to portray Freddie on film.
CyndiTx123 said…
I heard that Sasha Cohen quit the movie due to he wanted to show the raw side on Freddie but the Queen band members didn't want that side shown of Freddie. Would like to have seen what Sasha could have done with his portrayal. I did love the movie though.
T. W. said…

You heard right. Sascha's interview with Howard Stern is on YouTube. You can also hear him report that one of the original members of Queen said the best part of the film is when Freddie dies. I'm guessing Riger Taylor.
Chick'sOpinion said…


I always thought Roger Taylor was kinda cute. Now I've gone completely off him. After what he said.

Yes I agree with you CyndiTx123. And T.W. I would have liked Sacha Baron Cohen to play that part of Freddy. He certainly looked alot like him.

But the performance he would have put in would have offended alot of people. And I get that.

I saw Sacha Baron Cohen in The Brothers Grimsby. Or Grimsby... as it was called in the UK. And it was just too much. Sacha Baron Cohen just went too far. And offensive. And wrong in so many places.

I almost did not enjoy it.
Which is unusual. Cause Sacha Baron Cohen has a genius for knowing what amuses people no end. Way beyond standard comedy. Or ordinary comedians.

He is a fascinating talented character. For someone who had an ordinary upbringing.

His portrayal of the characters he created...Ali G, Borat and Bruno. Will go down as the funniest things I've ever seen.

Hollywood have wasted an opportunity in my view, of not fully utilizing that 'prodigy' like talent of his.

Or has Sacha Baron Cohen wasted it.
And continually turned down great movie offers from Hollywood. Cause he wants to be extreme. In everything.

I think audiences want to see Sacha Baron Cohen grow up. And take on serious acting roles. Without the extremities. If he did, I think would accept it. They'd be relieved I think.

His fans from the 90's have grown up. He needs to see that.

Or has he got cold feet. Over legal issues.

He made the show, Who Is America.

And disguised himself as an Israeli anti terrorist expert, who has a device that beeps in the presence of paedophiles. He wore this fake beeper technology when filming/interviewing U.S Alabama politician Roy Moore.

Who has actually been investgated for sexual misconduct with 9 women and girls. And was endorsed by Trump.

The machine beeped during the interview. When Sacha Baron Cohen continually waved it over Roy Moore.

Later, U.S politician, Roy Moore filed a law suit Against Sacha Baron Cohen, Showtime and CBS. For defamation.
T. W. said…

Yeah, Roger Taylor doesn't talk much but he is mean. He is on record saying John Deacon is a psychopath. His daughter Tiger Lilly looks like a MTF transgender person.

Except for Doninique, Roger's women all look like tall, blonde men with wigs. His current wife had his/her face chopped to pieces and had fake ta-tas put in after s/he married Roger.

There was a blind item that appeared to be about Taylor finding men to sleep with in Hollywood around the time of the Academy Awards. I believe it. Brian May is a prostate cancer survivor. Taylor is known for not keeping it in his pants. He was also Freddie Mercury's roommate for a while. Look at the body language.

Dude dressed like Santa Claus when he was at the Oscar's. That was the best part for me!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Roger Taylor's wife Dominique Beyrand was naturally beautiful.

What is it with famous men and ridiculously tall women? It's weird.

Singer, Rod Stewart is totally obsessed in vertically different women.

Cause that's what I call them. It's an unusual genetic thing to be overly tall.

Did Rod Stewart want to be tall as a child?

Gawd, psychologists would have a field day with him.

He marries the visually same person every time.

Swedish Britt Ekland was lucky he left her. Presumably because she wasn't Vertically Different.
She was actually was quite short.

Capital crime as far as Rod Stewart is concerned.

Peter Sellers' kids where quite hostile to her. When Sellers married her.

It's suffice to say they weren't thrilled to have her as a stepmother.

Maybe she tried to get them to eat the Swedish diet back in the 60's.

Lingonberry jam for breakfast. Instead of Marmalade. That wouldn't go down well.
T. W. said…
That's a good question. The average height for human females is 5 feet, 4 inches. Maybe the men are thinking about the legs...
T. W. said…
Rumor has it that Rami and Lucy will announce their engagement soon. Be on the lookout!

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