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On Holiday..... Yah Right...


Chick'sOpinion said…
Very strange. The The Guardian UK reported yesty the comments Trump made about Hollywood being racist.

Yes his rant about 'what they're doing in Hollywood is terrible'. And 'You talk about racist, Hollywood is racist and doing a disservice to our country'.


'What they're doing with the kinda movies they're putting out is actually very dangerous for our country'.

Maybe he's learned of the controversial forthcoming movie coming out, called The Hunt.

It's a satirical thriller. And sounds absolutely shocking in content to me.

I will quote the Guardian UK, 'It's a vision of America where the elites are allowed to hunt so called deplorables for sport'.

It stars Hilary Swank.

So infuriated is Trump. He claims 'all the heads from the studios will be coming to discuss it at the Whitehouse'.

I feel yes. He doesn't like the idea of this film The Hunt. Probably.
That is possible.

But he didn't seem to object to Jeffery Epstein hunting down female minors, raping and detaining them. For decades.

I absolutely do not believe Trump didnt know about what Epstein was doing. For decades. They both lived in the same are of Florida.

All Epstein's friends knew.

Trump may not have approved. But Trump could have used influence to get Epstein locked up.

As for his new attack on on Hollywood. Someone in the film industry has maybe 1pissed him off. But more so....this shit storm he's created is maybe to take our eyes off something else.

Defer the blame of El Paso.
Onto Hollywood.

Hollywood needs a kick up the rear for overt violent movie scenes anyway.

And the more and more extremely sexualized themes in movies. So i think good.

They need to be controlled. And some decency comes back. Netflix' s nosedive in subscriptions indicates the public are sick of it too.

I also think its Karma time for Hollywood and HBO too. I think the universe sees theyve pushed it too far with The Hunt. And other shows/films.

They need to be forced to re-think what they sell as entertainment.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And I don't think Donald Trump is in any position to critiscise Hollywood anyway.

The Guardian UK also reported yesty, that in fact, Donald Trump appeared in 2 Softcore Playboy films himself. Decades ago. And a bit in a Home Alone movie.

TW, get out your Silver Spade and dig out what these 2 Soft Core Playboy films were called.

If Trump had a brain he would have got one on his Republican politicians, who haven't appeared in Softcore Playboy films. To criticise Hollywood.

Trump has also criticised heavily yesty, video games, as 'grisly, gruesome and a culture for violence'.

I agree with that. They're not helping. And I don't beleive they are not influencing alot of people who play them.

To be violent. And be de-sensitised from killing.
Anonymous said…
It’s hard to believe that in the 21st century and the global village we live in, that this kind of thinking prevails. But I guess these governments are run by greedy dinosaurs . This notion of white privilege irks me. These dinosaurs are everywhere, On every continent. I hope they die out soon. I put this behaviour down to not growing up watching Sesame Street and seeing the absolute positives of diversity ! 😊
Chocmint33 said…
It looks like it could be a dramatic week ahead for Trump and his mates regarding the Epstein scandal. Here is a juicy link from my local Brisbane paper.

T. W. said…
Friends, take a good look at the photos. Don't worry, no one is naked. Tell me who you see in the first pic...

Donald Trump Porn Video? A Softcore Trump ‘Playboy’ Video Has Emerged To Counter Donald’s Alicia Machado Video Tweet

As noted by the IMDb website, the softcore porn video in question was created by Playboy in 1999 and distributed in 2000 with the title of Playboy Video Centerfold: Playmate 2000 Bernaola Twins


In the Trump Playboy video – and to the relief of all assembled – Donald Trump apparently keeps his clothes on throughout the entire film. However, the same cannot be said for the Playboy Bunnies “acting” in this video epic.


For much of the softcore porn video, the ladies in question are partially or entirely nude, and they are often caressing one another in a manner likely to appeal to the fantasies of teenage boys or misogynistic, billionaire real estate developers. It should be noted that Donald Trump has often associated himself with the Playboy empire – and more significantly – Playboy Bunnies
T. W. said…
I swear. The things I do for your entertainment:



I refuse to type the name of the video but please watch it. I have been saying these people are all in bed together.

Watch Hitlery Clinton and Fuhrer Trump laugh together at Hitlery's expense.

Watch as a Roman Catholic Cardinal laughs while FuhrerTrump tells dirty jokes.

Watch Fuhrer Trump admit he used to be a Democrat.
T. W. said…
Can someone please translate what Joe Biden said?

Joe Biden: ‘Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids’


There's an old saying that goes, "If you let a person talk long enough, they will reveal their true intentions." Presidential frontrunner Joe Biden, who has dubbed himself the "gaffe machine", made another Freudian slip while speaking to voters in Iowa on Thursday.

Biden raised eyebrows during his speech at an Asian and Latino Coalition town hall in Des Moines, when he seemed to imply that all minority children are poor.

Biden told the crowd made up of mostly Asian and Hispanics voters that "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids."
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. And isnt the Star Witness, Virginia Roberts, Guiffre. Living in Queensland?

Apparently when she was 18. She ran. When she was sent by Epstein to Thailand, alone, to recruit.
She met an Aussie guy while there in Thailand. A man who became her husband.

And they fled to hide Virginia in Queensland Australia, I'm sure.
So Epstein could never find her. Seems he never did.

I certainly hope this girl is being protected by the FBI. Who came to visit interview her in Australia some time ago.

Cause she's in real danger with how much she knows. And who.

She's a brave American.
I'd say the Australian Federal Police are guarding her.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Well Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York is up to old tricks again.

She's been soliciting cash for introductions again. This time shes been extracting big money from a man The Daily Mail describe today, as Dr Hon. And his Hong Kong Global group

He needed to be introduced to the 'right' people.

Last time The Duchess Of York did this... she explained on Oprah she was drunk when she did it.

Umm. No. Ya just an obscene Royal hustler.

And let's not forget. In 2011, Jeffery Epstein bailed Sarah Ferguson, The Duchess of York, out of bankruptcy... With big money.

Perhaps she said to him. 'Pay up or I'm going to the newspapers about you raping and abducting minors'.

I get the feeling dear Sarah raised her daughter's to be just like her.

But I don't think its entirely worked. Though one of them is currently looking like shes gonna marry an Italian millionaire' s son.

Oh and Zara Tindall, Princess Ann's daughter has been hustling too. Alot. And for alot of money.

But at least shes providing a legit service. She's supplying information and guidance on Racing. And race horses.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Well Aardvarks.

Theres continous 'talk' in newspapers/magazines about Prince Andrew and The Duchess of York..Sarah Ferguson possibly re-marrying.

Well firstly... they're 2 of a kind. So no surprises there.

But I believe if they do. It's to try and restore their public images in the media.

Cause so many love a Royal Wedding don't they?

For him, the 'wedding' will be to smooth over his now known relationship with Jeffery Epstein.

And for her reputation, as a money hungry greedy immoral cow. Who probably even sells Royal Palace stuff shes nicked on EBay.

Plus. Her 2011 financial connection with Jeffery Epstein too.
T. W. said…
Jeffrey Epstein died today and Prince Andrew's official webpage is offline. Interesting.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for digging up Trump's 'flirtation' with Softporn for Playboy.

Yes. I'm not claiming Hollywood isnt Racist. It is. Always has been.

It became far more obvious to me when I saw the 2015 movie, Joy. With Jennifer Lawrence starring in it.

It was a crap movie in my view. I hated it. It was pathetic. It was supposed to highlight women who made in business. In a challenging era. But it didn't work.

And Chris Rock who had the lead as commentator.... with the media at the Oscars in 2016 where this crap movie, Joy, that starred Jennifer Lawrence. was nominated for Best Performance in it.

Said on air.... he said words to the effect

'so the Academy chose to nominate a stupid movie about a woman who invented a mop and ignore great movies like Creed'

As many will know, 2015 Creed movie, starred Black actor, Michael B Jordon.

Further outrage to me. The shit movie, Joy, won at the 2016 Golden Globes Awards.

A movie about a White woman and a fukn mop invention.


Chris Rock went on to say at this time 'Damn right Hollywood is Racist'.

But him. And Whoopi Goldberg, highlighted perfectly that year 'That black actors need opportunities'.

Hollywood, shamefully. Is not giving them. Even now ...very often.
T. W. said…
Chris Rock and Whoopi Goldberg made excellent hosts. Chris lost out after telling the truth.

Christian did say Sarah & Andy would get back together. I think the prediction was made several years ago. I'm too tired to look it up.
T. W. said…
Does Britain have spousal privilege? Can spouses testify against each other? Suspicious minds want to know.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Good Question. So thats why they are marrying.

Makes perfect sense. If they can't testify against eachother as husband and wife.

Unbelievable ! these horrible people.

Chick'sOpinion said…

Chris Rock has gotta be America's funniest fella. Ever.
T. W. said…

You should look into Dick Gregory and Sinvad. The book Sinbad's Guide to Laugh had me crying from laughter!
T. W. said…
Prince Andrew's official site is still down. I read Her Majesty the Queen was seen riding to church with Prince Andrew.

Are they praising the LORD or the Dark Lord...
Chick'sOpinion said…

I will look into that book Guide To Laugh. I think my neighbours think I'm weird when I'm laughing here on my own.

I try to muffle it. Doesn't work well.
T. W. said…

I make myself laugh all the time. My family thinks I am insane. As you all have figured out by now, I do not care.

I forgot to tell you about Pail Mooney. You will love him for sure! His Negrodamus skit from The Chappelle Show is hard to find. I hope you find it!
T. W. said…
*Paul, not Pail

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