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Babyfarts latest idea....


T. W. said…
Did he really say this?
Tony said…
Welcome back T.W and I hope you're ok. Trump is just full of wind!!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes he did suggest this. More than once. In meetings apparently.

His objective is to stop hurricanes reaching the U.S mainland.

The intention isnt bad. It just sounds crazy.

And anyway, hurricane damage and relief costs a fortune. That's a fact.

Nuking hurricanes, it seems is not a new idea. A long time ago, National Geographic ran an article on it.

They asked the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration for comment on it.

There response was 'Needless to say, this is not a good idea'.

And i guess we can conclude, if nuking was a safe effective way of eliminating an oncoming hurricane they would have been doing it years ago.

Trump's lack of education in areas beyond university post grad Finance and economics gets him into trouble.


In some ways it means he's not afraid to say things highly educated would avoid. At all costs.

That's good. Cause political correctness is affecting far too much. In most things. People too scared to state the obvious.

But Trump is so inappropriately educated in so many areas. He's behind current commonly known science.

An example is... him returning the U.S to Fossil Fuels. This is crazy.

But is he doing this cause he wants a quick fix for the U.S economy. A quick fix had to happen.

But contributing to destroying the environment is a step in the wrong direction I think.
T. W. said…
I see. Nuclear fallout and nuclear winter is a small price to pay to stop a naturally occurring phenomena...
T. W. said…
Hi Tony! I pray you are well. I remember you were having some difficulties. Please know I have been praying for you and all the Friends.

I am getting better in some aspects. I'm really tired and have too much to do. I'm laying low so I don't make poor decisions. I'm also finding out who really cares about me too.

I consulted Christian. I always pray first, then I pray after he replies back. Everything he said rang true and I know I got the "right" answers. I'm pissed because primary care should have caught one of the problems and diagnosed it straight away. I go back tomorrow.

Cam Newton hurt his foot when the Panthers played against New England Patriots last week. I also noticed a lot of empty seats. I had planned to go see the game in person but I have a lot of school work to do. I wish I had gone, but I still think I made a good decision. At least we have no class this week, so I can work on things that are due now and possibly work ahead 1 or 2 weeks.

The Panthers always get physically hurt when they play against the Patriots. Panthers play American football, Patriots play rugby. I prayed for Cam and the rest of the Panthers and I believe my prayers have been answered. Cam is no longer using an orthotic boot to walk with.

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