Closer & Closer Iran v Israel... WAR ??? April 13, 2024 You asked........ November 17, 2012 I have been asked by many of you what I think, about the current Israel/Palestine troubles. Well the pic above should be a clue. If you think it's bad now. Just wait till you see what the idiots in Israel, Palestine Hamas & Iran get up to in a decade or so. Sad they can't all grow up. War on the horizon. STAY TUNED... ************** Iran 'to launch revenge strike within 48 hours' as state media releases vid of missile launch & mocked-up Israel blitz | The Sun
But I'm really I'm pondering on something and it's doppelgangers. I keep seeing Mila Kunis working on the supermarket...only its not her. Its a 41 yr old woman from turkey who I SWEAR is an exact copy of Mila Kunis. Lips, eyes even her pig nose.
Mind you I'm not a fan at all of the so-called actress Kunis, but seeing her double ganger is a real creeper. I also occasionally feel strange energy around me every 3 o'clock in the morn. But really what do you think it means seeing someones double ganger
Anything helps y'all
Much Love and Light to all of you, God is working
I'm sure Cuba would love to purchase Miami. Miami is full of them and the LGBTQTIA+ community. They have the right to live too.
And Miami has hurricanes. Right?
You dont want hurricanes at G7's. G7's are supposed to be relaxed.
Yes. Well so far, this seems one of Trump's key contributions to this year's G7.
He told a news conference on Monday at the G7 in France. That he proposes his Florida Country Club as a venue for the next G7.
Immediately he denied he would make any money from this. Well if he owns it....surely he would.
But the fact is. Even if this went ahead. There's no way anyone on the European Council would approve payment I don't think.
They already dislike him. Cause Trump supports Russia over the illegal annexation of the Crimea area. (Formally Ukraine)
And Trump's pressure to try and re-invite Russia back to G7's. I've said before, pissed those on the European Council off.
So they will veto any payment for this Miami, Florida idea.
Polish, Tanorexic Tusk, head of the European Council will be pissed off I think that Trump is getting to host a G7 in future.
As Donald Tusk is acutely aware of the Ukraine's and the Crimea area War fiasco. Cause Ukraine is right next to his beloved Poland.
Is Donald Tusk anti Russia? Hell yeah. In fact, Donald Tusk has thought up more reasons to keep Russia out of G7's.
For a start the EU and the U.S have actual sanctions against Russia. Backed by Germany, France and the U.K.
For no small reason.
The Ukrainian/Crimean conflict caused by Russia helping themselves to the area has resulted in the death of (last count) 13,000 People.
And continues.
Tusk has stated himself. That...
'When Russia was invited to the 2nd G7 for the 1st time, it was believed that they would pursue the path of liberal democracy, rule of law and human rights, no one can say with pure conviction Russia is on that path'
But overall, the U.S has offered to host a G7. So a site has to be found there. Somewhere.
And Miami was only one of them considered.
I'm not a Trump fan but I wanted to report something nice.
Have a blessed week everyone!
Mila Kunis is Ukranian. I think Turkey is nearby. People of the same ethnic group (not race) tend to share common ancestors and look alike.
Now having said that, some conspiracy theories could explain what you are experiencing. However, not everything is conspiracy.
Donald could get a tax break if the G7 delegates take him up on his offer. That is really the best way to make money. Get that tax break to reduce your taxable income.
The golf resort with private bungalows and villas are in Florida. The offer is for next year's meeting.
Will Trump even be president next year?
If he's not, he still wins. His golf resort gets massive publicity that money could never buy. He will get tax breaks that reduce his taxable income.
Some people stay winning.
If being trans is a reason to be fired then Hollywood, politics, and the military would have no one working for them...
Cisgender means the person identifies with the sex/gender they were "assigned" at birth.
Sex is a big topic on the US Supreme Court’s upcoming docket
An upcoming high court case, to be argued in October, asks whether transgender employees are protected from discrimination under a federal civil rights statute known as Title VII. The Department of Justice says no. It is siding with a funeral home owner who fired a transgender employee.