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Ends Nov 2020


Chick'sOpinion said…
So what memorial is this inscription on ? It's a nice poem.
T. W. said…

The Statue of Liberty
T. W. said…
Serious question.

If the Amazon is/or contains the world's largest rainforest, why hasn't the rain put out the fires?

Perhaps I am ignorant of the climate in that area.

I do know that some fires should not be put out with water. Like grease fires and electrical fires...
T. W. said…
I might not be online tomorrow.

Don't worry. I just need to recuperate. The weather is causing severe joint, bone, and sinus pain. I'll be back.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that.

U know, I worry about the Statue of Liberty. As so many psychics have said they have visions of it being attacked. And falling in the sea.

Hope this never comes to pass. Because I myself, think its a beautiful statue.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Chillax. And recuperate. Ask healing angels to work on the source of your pain while you sleep.

Always works for me. I sleep. They work. Sounds like a heavenly deal hey.

Chick'sOpinion said…

The Amazon fires are very suspicious. For good reason. Brazil's Environment Minister is claiming they have been caused by dry weather wind and heat.

Well that's not what CNN's Meteorologist Haley Brink states.

Haley Brink said 'those fires are human induced.' 'And no way were they caused by lightening strikes'.

Why the lying?

Well the fires are caused by agriculture in Brazil. Smallholders burning after harvest. Or clearing for more crop land. Also illegal land grabbers start fires to get rid of the trees to push up the value of the land.

Brazil's Environment Minister, Ricardo Salles is a big Fat liar. And needs to be barbequed. Australians could do it. We excel at barbequing.

And putting out Bushfires.

Anyway, even worse, Brazil's President, Jair Bolsonaro is a bit of an environmental thug. He's been attacking conservation NGO's in Brazil... Encouraging logging.

And has weakened Brazil's Environment Agency.
All round Environmental Villain.
Jules said…
Christian, I was wondering how is your father?
T. W. said…
Jules is so sweet.

I pray Papa Dion is doing excellent!
T. W. said…
Hi Chick'sOpinion!

I've never been to New York. I would like to but I do not do well in the Big City.

I agree with you, that statue is a major target. Especially since it is an occult symbol. Those in the know have been trolling humanity since Adam and Eve were exiled from Eden.

You just reminded me! I spoke with one of my professors about The Garden of Eden. I mentioned that I have heard that the Garden of Eden was located in the African nation of Uganda. Keep in mind this professor is white. That is relevant here.

I forgot everything he said, but he did say that:

1) There is mounting evidence that all of Africa was Eden.

2) Bible scholars are debating whether Adam and Eve were kicked out of The Garden of Eden or out of Eden itself

3) Scholars are saying the English translation that says "Garden of Eden" should have been translated "Eden."

Class was about to start so I wasn't able to talk with him about the 4 rivers of Eden. I do know that if you can access a copy of The Geneva Bible with the original drawings either in person or free online, that Bible talks about the rivers. According to the translator, the River Nile was one of the original rivers. The authoritative occult text, "The Secret Teaching of the Ages," may have the drawings. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Part 2 coming...
T. W. said…
Part 2

I have been told by mother and many Africans that the Nile did not always flow from south to north. I also remember seeing this on a show that was hosted by Sam Waterston, complete with satellite footage proving the Nile river used to flow in a different direction.

The entire earth was once a tropical rain forest. I do not know what happened to cause the climate change. I do know that the Earth never had rainfall until the Great Flood. I also wonder if that was the first time the earth experienced earthquakes. If you read the Biblical account, it says God opened up the fountains of the deep. As you know, water needs to evaporate and form rain clouds in the sky. The water had to come from somewhere. This would also explain Pangea and why the continents broke apart.

Oh! I heard a minister preach that the Fountains of the Deep exist to keep the Earth's surface cool because Hell is deep under the ground.

1) Scriptures say Hell is below us.

2) The ancient Greeks talked about the River Styx and the Underworld.

3) Scientists claim the earth's core is hot molten iron and such. Hmmm...
That sounds like Hell to me.

4) People who have died, gone to Hell, and came back to live have all reported that evil spirits dragged their souls DOWN into Hell.

5) People who have died, gone to Heaven, and came back have all reported their souls went UP.

Hell was prepared for Satan and his angels.

Humans were never meant to end up in Hell. A lot of "good" people will go there. Please ask God to show you how to have a reconciled relationship with Him and how you can avoid Hell.
T. W. said…
About the Amazon.

I'm going with CNN.

Critical thinking skills are no longer being taught. I'm glad someone at CNN has those skills. I'm glad the Friends here have those skills.

I asked some folks about this. I was told the same, that farmers do controlled burns every year, some fires get out of hand every year but never like this.

Something ain't right.

Watch THEM ask for money to fight the fires.

I wonder how money stops fires.

Shouldn't water be used for some fires, salt, dirt, or chemicals for other kinds?

Don't the multi-billionaires have enough money to purchase supplies and to pay people to fight the fires?

Economic recession is coming and THEY want to get all THEY can, can all THEY get, and sit on THEIR cans.
T. W. said…
Seems like Bethenny Frankel & Lionardo DiCatchaHo are using their own money to fight the fires.

Bethenny Frankel Is Sending A Supertanker Plane To The Amazon
Chick'sOpinion said…

It wouldn't surprise me that Eden as referred to in the bible is actually Africa. I will ask my stepdad today what he thinks.

He is the font of all wisdom. LOL.

He reads the bible continuously. And should run the St Paul Fan club.. fanzine, E-zine , blog and Forum. You have never seen anyone as obsessed in the Gospel Of St Paul like him.

Leonardo Di Caprio needs to read politics as well as articles on environmental issues.

If he did. He would know that the last previous President's of Brazil also have been winding down protections for Brazil's natural environments. In a big way.

Yes. It's an environmental disaster there. But it's also a huge political issue.

They will continue with the fires in the Amazon. The government doesn't actually care. And I'm pretty sure Trump knows.

As I said Brazil's President, Jair Bolsonaro needs to be barbequed. On my grill. With black pepper, Chilli. And a slice of pineapple.

Us Australians love pineapple on our food. And barbequed Brazilian politicians.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Rain is often ineffective in really controlling forest fires. Discourage it yes. Damp it down may be. But the fires still need to be put out.


Cause little fire spots can start it up again. Or continue it. I'm sick of bushfires. I had no clue when I moved I was moving to a bushfire prone area.

It pisses me off.
T. W. said…

Thank you for sharing with us and for explaining rain & fires.


Maybe it's so hot that the water evaporates before it can hit the ground.

I will not blame weather manipulation but something still isn't right.

I still say that CERN (Hadron Supercollider) will open portals to the spirit realm. Evil spirits will come through. The Bible tells us in Revelation that the entities will come out of the bottomless pit and hurt humanity.

The joke is on the researchers and scientists as there are allegedly 12 gates to the underworld. I knew a former sailor who survived the Bermuda Triangle. I'll sum up his story: believe what you heard about it.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I thoroughly believe in pretty much everything about the Bemuda Triangle. There's too many eye witness stories.

And it keeps on happening.
T. W. said…
Sometimes I believe I live in the Bermuda Triangle. So many strange things happening. Not all bad, but still. Very strange.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Put the story of what the Sailor experienced in the Bemuda Triangle. If you have to change some details to protect his identity, then do so.

I find the Bemuda Triangle mysteries interesting.
Share what you know. Cause alot of younger peoole don't even know about it. It was often talked about in the old days

Documentaries on it even on TV. People loved it. But now not much is discussed on the weird events there.

I find that odd too.
T. W. said…
Okay Chick’sOpinion!

I think THEY don’t want the younger generation to know about the Bermuda Triangle and the Devil’s Triangle. Rumor has it those are 2 of the 12 gates to “The Underworld.”

Going by memory, the sailor was on a US Navy ship. Let’s call this person Captain Picard. Picard says the coordinates of the Triangles are known. Those in the know do all they can to avoid them but just being in the vicinity can suck you in.

Why you ask?

Captain Picard told me the ship was sailing as normal. All of a sudden the navigational equipment went haywire. For example, compass would spin in a circle, that sort of thing. Picard says you lose all sense of place and time while inside The Triangle. He also said the weather and seas were very calm. Picard believes there is some kind of time travel involved because when they finally made it out, there was no logical reason for them to have ended up where they did and in the timeframe that passed.

Captain Picard also said some ships that have been “lost” at sea are in The Bermuda Triangle and there is no earthly explanation as to how and why the ships and the people in them are still alive. He told me some lost ships have come out of The Triangle years later and the sailors don’t know that much time has passed.

I hope none of those lost ships are Slave Ships. Reading about how those poor Africans were transported and treated will give you nightmares. I believe dna stores memories. Our own and our ancestors. Some researchers believe phobias are inherited. All of this could explain my claustrophobia.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Than you for sharing that about the Bemuda Triangle. It fits with the themes that people in the 70's shows used to claim.

All similar experiences. I noticed that Americans were right into trying to understand it. But they accepted it as a phenomena.

Rather than trying to pass it off as silly hype. It's not silly hype. Somethings definately going on in the Bemuda Triangle that's especially weird.

Try and find out the routes of the Slave Ships that they used. They probably knew very early about the Bemuda Triangle. And avoided it.

Cause as we know, the ships carrying Africans for slavery were so numerous it was shocking.

And there is a possibility African Kings sold alot of them to Europeans. For the profit.

I generally don't immerse myself in the subject. As its too sad.
T. W. said…
African kings did not sell slaves. Many of the slaves were in fact royalty.

You’ve been lied to.

Arabs and Irish would go into Africa and kidnap Africans.

I’m sick of white people saying, “You sold your own people.” That is a lie straight from the armpits of hell that is told by white people to make themselves feel better and superior.

The European, Jewish, and African concepts of slavery are different. For Europeans, any person they consider to be less than human is a piece of property to be used and abused.

For Jews and Africans, a slave is an employee who works for you for a set period of time, the person is still considered human and has rights. The person can even become a member of the employer’s family.

I recommend the book Prince Among Slaves. You can also watch the documentary if you have Amazon Prime Video. DVD is also available.

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