The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
I've been trying to tell people. Do y'all remember I told y'all about the alleged time she allegedly entertained rasPutin and he broke bones in her body and that rasPutin is known to be sadistic with women?
As you know. I share information for entertainment purposes only...
And it got to the heavy stage. Naomi Campbell released a statement to the media. With the usual denying... That she didn't know about his activities, didn't know him well etc etc. The usual lying drivel.
Well. This phone throwing, tantrum throwing Diva, Naomi Campbell. Who has been charged more than once for assaulting her staff. Was predicted long ago by Christian. To finally get her Karma.
For the nasty stuff shes done to people.
Is Christian saying that shes gonna be arrested for sex trafficking. And much more serious, sex trafficking minors?
She's always known plenty of models. And unfortunately a vast majority have to hook anyway. Cause there is not enough work available for models.
Plus some have serious drug issues.
Naomi Campbell is historically a ruthless cow. I could easily imagine her coercing a very young model into agreeing to fly to meet Epstein. But only if Naomi was gonna get a huge amount of money out it.
Naomi lives today off the wealth of old billionaires she shags. But got used to a Jet Setting lifestyle in the early 90's.
But maybe in the early days. Her unbelievable income also came from being a procuress (madam) for Epstein.
She earned the most money a model can earn as a model in the 90's. But perhaps she was greedy and wanted even more.
Is Naomi Campbell going to jail? Maybe.
She's also assaulted her New York housekeeper. She threw her phone at her.
Part of her sentencing was to go to a Anger Management Program and pay for medical expenses.
Also for this she was ordered to do 5 days Community Service at New York Sanitation Dept.
So what did she wear there?
Fedora hats, designer outfits and furs.
I guess this was her attempt at humour. And it is funny.
But it demonstrates I think, her general lack of remorse and shame for assaulting staff. Everywhere.
On the last day at the Sanitation Dept. She wore a $300,000 Dolce and Gabbana gown.
She pleaded guilty in Toronto for hitting her P.A with her phone.
She also assaulted 2 Police officers at Heathrow Airport, London, over lost luggage. She kicked and spat on them.
She is also banned from British Airways for life.
Further, she was sentenced to 6 months probation in Italy for attacking a Papparazzo photographer.
In 2010, she was at the centre of a War Crimes court Trial in Sierra Leone because she received Blood Diamonds from Liberian President, Charles Taylor.
She received the the Blood Diamonds when she attended in 1997, a Nelson Mandela Children's Fundraiser. She lied and claimed she didn't know they were blood diamonds. When they were passed to her.
Mia Farrow attended this Children's fundraiser and put in a testimony proving Naomi Campbell was lying.
Blood Diamonds are diamonds mined in a War Zone and sold to finance an invading army. And all War Lord activity.
Blood Diamonds finance many Wars and conflicts. Particularly in Africa.
Adam Clayon from U2 dated Naomi Campbell. He's probably relieved he didn't have children with her. She's had a pretty serious Cocaine addiction in the past.
So its maybe good she didn't ever have kids. She's way too violent.
Given her past behaviour... no one should be surprised if she ends up in jail. I think it's a sad end.
She really broke it through globally for black models in late 80's-90's.
Saying 'if they worked together at an election they will be unstoppable'.
The prediction was, I believe.... that Nigel Farage gets invited by Boris into the British Conservative Party.
Yes dear Nigel Farage, the 'Oswald Mosely' of modern British politics is going to get the opportunity to re-brand himself. From Neo Facscist to respectable genteel Westminster man.
Yes. It's an 'electoral pact' he's putting out there today to Boris Johnson. But will Boris bite the bait.
Probably. They're almost 2 of a kind.
Rumor has it that Naomi snuggles things & that she smuggles diamonds into Russia for rasPutin.
She is another human being who believes she is above other human beings. Being blessed with genetics that a majority of people find pleasing on the eye does not make you a superior human being.
Nothing claimed about Naomi Campbell should be doubted. She is notorious. And has been living a very exclusive existence since very young.
She's come along way from humble beginnings in Streatham, London. That's where shes from.
She lived in Italy for a while as a kid. And went to stage school in London.
Great pity part of the curriculum didn't teach how to be respectful to fellow man.
Perhaps she'll learn that in jail.
Cause in jail she'll have to coexist with those she'd veiw as below her.
But if she assaults/spits on them, fellow prisoner's and criminals in there...she'll just barely live to regret it.
Cause for some of them in jail. Assaulting people, murder and violent crime is a full time occupation.
Naomi is a complete amateur compared to them.
And if she assaults prison staff. They'll re-classify her. Which has its own consequences. How do I know?
I worked in a jail for a year.
And hated it by the way.
Perhaps having to live with people who choose violence all the time is more specifically the Karma Christian thinks is coming her way.
I agree with your comments.
I can't imagine working in a prison. That sounds terrifying.
Have you ever seen the HBO show "Oz?" If you haven't, you should, it is very good! The show was cancelled after season 5, I think because of a writer's strike. Viewers wrote in and demanded the show be returned. HBO gave in. The final episode was worth the wait! You can watch every episode free if you have Amazon Prime Video.
I can honestly say. Working in an Australian jail would not be comparable in danger to U.S jails.
But it was enough for me. I only ever planned to work there a year. But I learned alot about criminals. By spending 12 hours shifts with them.
That would be far far more extreme I think in the U.S. and way more dangerous.
And I can tell you...I was just as scared of the male prison workers.
Cause alot of them. Are far worse than people we lock up.
I can state here. That women working in Prison systems are high at risk. Of being raped. By prisoners. Yes.
But the male staff as well.
They can arrange that opportunity very easily.
Especially on night shifts. And cover it up.
Unless your the wife/gf of a male Prison worker... you are NOT protected.
It didn't happen to me... lucky. And left after a year.
I haven't seen that HBO Show Oz. Just looked it up. Apparently it was ground breaking in many ways. Maybe it paved the way for Orange Is The Black.
Prisons are effectively a man's world. And they are not too happy about women working in male jails. Trust me. Cause as a female, you are just another thing they have to watch in a male jail.
What I got out of it?
I'm rarely scared. My definition of danger was re-defined. And I had many weeks of useful training prior to 1st shift.
Why are people into shows about working in Prisons. Couple of weeks workin in one. Would knock that intrigue outa them. Also True Crime shows.
T.W. Did you see in the news? how a Latino Female inmate of a Denver Colorado Prison sued yesterday. Because quite knowingly...the prison staff left her to give birth alone in a cell. Feet away from a toilet.
They knew perfectly well she was in labour. They have intercom. They could hear her screams. They would have watched it happen on video from Operations
Being sued is why they didn't help her/intervene I think.
Well ring an ambulance if you are scared of delivering a baby. What Der brains the staff that shift there were. I can hardly believe they did this.
She told them she was in Labour as early as a
6am. I'd be interested in your legal thoughts on this event T.W.
The article and video of her giving birth is in yesty's U.S edition of the Daily Mail.
Please watch Oz. That show is amazing!
I saw the pregnant inmate fiasco on NBC Nightly News about an hour ago. They showed the censored video. The poor woman's private area was facing the camera. This is good because this will increase her monetary award.
She needs to sue for more money. One million US dollars is not enough. She could have died. Her baby boy could have died or ended up with cerebral palsy or another birth injury.
To make matters worse, she was in the medical wing of the prison!
Furthermore, the prison said the employees did nothing wrong. Well, then why did they change policy and procedures?
I hope that poor mother and child get financially set for life.
I noticed her last name was Sanchez and she was arrested for identity theft. Smells like racism, the prison guards might have thought she was here illegally.
I hope people coming to Amerikkka for a better life pay attention to this story. If a citizen is treated this way what will happen to them?
I am glad you were not raped. Prison work sounds like the US military. Your coworkers should not be your enemies.
Thanks for that. So why is her lawyer asking for so little in compensation?
It's crazy. Both of them could have died.
She was in a medical wing of the Prison. Omg. OK. How are they going to explain why she didn't even have a registered nurse with her in a medical wing. The whole time.
Let alone the on-call Dr.
And notice in the video. As soon as that baby is out of her body ...the Registered Nurse finally enters the cell.
No. It's the most outrageous level of neglect I've seen in a long time. And what really infuriates me. Is that there would have been plenty of staff.
Though around 6 am to 6.30 am Prisons often do a change over...of staff. They used to call it Hand Over. They prefer a lock down for that. Or while prisoners are still sleeping.
Even if they were in Lock Down between 6am and 10.45 AM... which I doubt cause that's way too long. It's not an excuse to not get her to hospital.
It's very bizarre.
Something about this stinks.
I hope this wasn't a preplanned incident designed to promote societal outrage. Even if this was orchestrated by THEM, the mother and child need a ton of money.
Crisis actors do exist. Pay attention to the videos the next time America has a national tragedy. Notice the people in the crowds. Notice the people being interviewed. You will see the same people over and over again.
Crisis actors. Hmmmm. Very intriguing.
It's a new spin on what they call in the UK, 'rent a crowd.'
Usually they try and claim that when there's a good crowd turn up for something the Left has been agitating for.
They'll say 'oh it's rent a crowd.
Well. If there's anyone with a intuitive impression.
Tell us if that birth in the Denver jail was pre planned and by who. Beyond the young mother.
Crisis actors should be charged with racketeering or something similar.
She may witness old texts, phone logs, and other bits of old communication (to Ghesline? Epstein?) come back to haunt her right out one of her Saint Laurent gowns. Some one, perhaps an old for,could release info on her she can't ignore. In Nov. 2020 a total Solar Eclipse will transit her Moon Antares in the 10th. Her work and career might suffer.
Maybe I'm being too suspicious.
I'm hoping THEY did not coerce or pay a pregnant woman to give birth alone in prison.
I find the timing of this story suspicious because this happened over a year ago.
Also, the mother has custody of her child. How many women give birth in jail or prison and get to keep their children?
Why was a heavily pregnant woman in jail to begin with? Unless she was placed there when she wasn't far along, she should have been on house arrest with an ankle bracelet. She was charged with identity theft, not murder or terrorism.
Why only sue for $1 million? In this day and age that is not a lot of money.
Isn't 29 a critical degree? Things will come full circle.
Yes well. I think you right. A witch hunt. Wouldnt surprise me if Naomi was subjected to that. Because shes black will be so much worse.
She's not especially liked by the public in the first place anyway.
And yes. Prison time seems to have a big transformation on your identity.
So that's spot on.
Luxury Brands won't go near her after shes been to jail. Or even charged .
And she will not be able to make a mockery of the Prison by wearing Couture clothes hats and furs in there this time. Like she did when she did Community Service at the The New York Sanitation Department.
All your outside clothes are taken from you. Everything. And stored till your release date.
And you have no access to them. Nor can you ever wear things given at Supervised Visits from family and friends.
So the future is Orange for Naomi Campbell.
But will she be jailed in Europe. Or the UK.
Good question.
I'm gonna check out this weird house TW mentioned. That was bought for her by one of her many elderly Sugar Daddies.
When friends visit Naomi at her weird Egyptian Eye holiday house.... in Turkey.
They probably hide their phones. Cause they don't to get hit in the head by it. Or her phone.
Also Naomi has been charged for hitting people with phones.
And as you mentioned. Epstein's homes have been wired probably by the FBI..... long before.