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Fibs & Lies of the rich & famous.....

So as the Palace PR team.
Goes full on to get us to believe that,
 Andrew & Fergie.
Are an item again....
(As if they ever were)
Just more distraction, 
from the Jeffrey Epstein fallout.
Oh, there’s much more to come.
Pictures, videos, letters, text.
Plus the interviews with,
 at least three of the victims.
Whom all tell the same story.
It’s going make QE2 blush so much.
She won’t be wearing scarlet for a long time.


diviner21 said…
I can't believe how haggard Fergie looks. Superficial , I know, but they say at 50 one gets the face one deserves. One more reason not to lie.
Chocmint33 said…
Yep CD and what's more Fergie is having her 60th birthday soon and you can bet your bottom collar that Andy and the Palace will have a big celebration and knees up as another distraction. There will be pictures of them together, all in their finery at the party, making them look lovey dovey.

Today is the 22nd anniversary of Diana's death. There are those out there marvelling at how they got away with it.

I had a strange dream the other night - don't know whether it is prophetic or not. I dreamt I was in a large boat or yacht and that there was this huge oil spill in the ocean. The fumes were so bad that we had to get away from it as soon as possible. I think people were coughing it was that bad.

I'm not into boats or cruises, so I don't think it applies to me unless there is a symbolic meaning behind it.
T. W. said…
Valerie Harper has died.

I'll be back later tonight to share some gossip.
T. W. said…
Legitimate news outlets have reported Epstein's properties were wired for video and sound. Randy Andy is toast and I "feel" he will be the death of Lilibet.

More gossip to come under this post...
T. W. said…
Friends, how did I miss this gossip about Naomi Campbell? She was given the Eye of Horus House in 2012. Interesting. Don't take my word for it. Look at the pics for yourself.


2) Naomi Campbell’s Egyptian Eye of Horus on Cleopatra Island in Turkey’s Gulf of Gökova.

3) Naomi Campbell’s Horus-Eye Eco House

4) Naomi Campbell’s Billionaire BF Buys Her A Eye Shape House On Cleopatra Island

The British-Jamaican supermodel’s Russian billionaire boyfriend, Vladislav Doronin, gave her a 25-room a 5-lounge eco-friendly retreat home for her birthday. The eyed-shape home is situated Turkish island of Isla Playa de Cleopatra.

5) Amazing Eco House of Naomi Campbell in Turkish Islands

"Billionaire Vladislav Doronin gave to his black girlfriend, Naomi Campbell, a supermodel house on one of the Turkish islands. The house outlines an ancient Egyptian symbol – the eye of Horus. The house was designed by Spanish architect Luis de Garrido."

Royal gossip coming under this post...
T. W. said…
Epstein & Royal Gossip. One more post after this.

1) Friday, August 16, 2019 Blind Items Revealed #2

According to the infamous Blind Item site, Lynn Forester de Rothschild was seen in photographs with underage girls provided by Jeffrey Epstein.

2) Today's Blind Items - Mystery

3) Today's Blind Items - It's Happened Before

CDANers identified the suicided/Arkancided Madame as Debra Jean Paffrey
T. W. said…
Friends, I finally found it!


Is Prince Charles the Antichirst? A Look at His Royal Coat of Arms


Here's an In Depth Analysis of Charles' Coat of Arms as it Relates to the Book of the Revelation
T. W. said…
Speaking of Sex Fiends...

Marlon Brando said he believed Michael Jackson was a pedophile.

I want to know if it's true Marlon Brando had sex with Michael Jackson, Marvin Gaye, and Richard Pryor.
T. W. said…
Chocmint 33

Perhaps your dream is telling you the Epstein scandal will not go away quietly and that the yacht circuit will finally seen for what it is.
Apple Monkey said…
FOr people who don’t do much, they look so haggard. Sarah is a heavy smoker. I can’t wait till they get their karma.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I definately think you dreamed about a future oil spill that is going to happen.

Wonder where it will be. The environmental consequences are always so bad when this happens.

And it may serve a purpose. To wake people up who are not aware enough of how at risk the ocean is.

If you are regular swimmer at the beach. You become acutely aware of the shit people are throwing in the sea. Pretty much everything.

The waste must flow from Indonesia. Because Indonesia and China are currently are the worst ...with poorly managed plastic waste polluting Oceans.

Has anyone seen that documentary Blue ? Apparently it's about this issue.

Would love see it.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yeah I can believe the evidence that supports Prince Andrew's guilt in all this will continue to turn up in the media.

For some reason the Palace are not able to shut this shit down. Is it because Epstein was an American? And alot of the victims are all different nationalities?

So as its a global issue. So is the public and media interest in it.

I think this is Prince Andrew's big Fat problem in this.

It's probably all over the newspapers in Europe too.

The English Monarchy and Palace does not control the whole global media.

Which is bad news for Randy Andy.

And that Tart, Sarah Ferguson.

I seriously dislike her.

And the fact seems to be. The American Press couldnt give a toss about 'saving' old Prince Andrew's reputation.

Why should they? They are a Republic.

Further... I'm certain that while some Americans may think the English Monarchy is quaint. They are NOT accustomed to perceiving a Monarchy as above the law.

That isn't something they have been brought up to believe. Or had imposed on them.
Jules said…
Isn't he lucky that his mother managed to deflect most of the media attention (for the time being at least) by agreeing to prorogue parliament? A touch of genius.
Chocmint33 said…
Wow Jules, I didn't think of the Queen agreeing about that parliamentary thing as her means of deflecting attention from the Epstein scandal. It's worked a bit, temporarily anyway. She's clever and cunning isn't she.

Thanks TW and Chick's Opinion about what the dream could mean. :) :)
Chocmint33 said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Erm mer gerd, just checked out pics of Naomi Campbell's home in Turkey that T.W is talking about.

It's full creepy.

So its based on... to look exactly like the Egyptian Eye Of Horus.

Does anyone know the symbolic meaning of this Eye Of Horus.

It definately has meaning too. To Naomi Campbell. Or what the guy she was shagging at the time who built it for her.

Because it is so odd. Deliberate.

No, There's something off here.

Perhaps CD knows the secret meaning. Or is there no particular meaning? I'd be surprised if it's just meaningless design.
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey, I didn't know the Duchess of Pork smokes cigs. Gotta practice so she can be ready for the yatch circuit...
T. W. said…
Jules speaks little but says much.

I'm sending out the Bat Signal for quiet, Johanna, and CyndiTx123.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Oh no actress Valerie Harper died. My mother loved that show Rhoda. Early feminist inspired TV.

Like The Mary Tyler Moore Show. So many women were getting easy obtainable divorces in that period. For the 1st time.

Participating in the workforce in huge numbers. Living alone. Without husbands and kids.

Those shows reflected life, social change. If I recall.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes A touch of brilliant stage managing the British Media. Agree.

Prince Andrew is a dirty old man. A Sex offender. And yet, here they are tryin everything they can to protect him.

No... as soon as Prince Charles or William takes over running the English monarchy. The better.

Because I believe the Queen now has dementia. And they are doing everything to hide it.

But have you noticed? There have been more than a few instances... where under normal circumstances, the Queen would have made far different decisions.

Some of her moves seem out of character to me.

It just seems obvious to me. That the Queen has mental decline. But they do not have the authority to remove her from power.

That's a fact.

Abdication has to be her own decision.

But people with advanced dementia do not have the capacity for such huge decisions anyway.

So its a Catch 22. No doubt Prince Charles and Prince William have had long discussions about the issue. Alone and with Palace Officials. But it all leads back to the fact that the Queen holds the ultimate power.

I don't think even an English Prime Minister can even intervene.

CD. Does the Queen have dementia?
Jules said…
Interesting that Christian has written, "As if they were" so does this mean that they never were a 'couple' to begin with???
Chick'sOpinion said…

And isnt it bad enough we are constantly subjected to faked PR Hollywood relationships. Without the Royal family starting this absurd crap too.

They don't usually sink to these levels.

Honestly. There's been nothing but trouble since the day Sarah Ferguson joined the Royal family.

Whoever in the Palace picked her for Prince Andrew's bride back when they were dating. Back in 1985. Must have had the poorest insight into character.

She was tough enough to handle the hostility of the Royal family. Which was good. But lacked the complete self control required for a Royal role.

Oh well. She's smoking. Well. She wont live long. Smokers die early. That's a statistical fact.
Chocmint33 said…
Chick's Opinion - you're thinking what I'm thinking.

The Queen is not as sharp as she used to be because of her old age and mental decline. She should have stepped down at least 5 years ago. In a way it's a bit cruel keeping her there, but that's the stupid royal rules - only she the Monarch can decide - and she doesn't have the capability anymore to make such important decisions.

Such silly decisions include allowing Harry to marry Meghan, her handling of Randy Andy and allowing Boris to suspend Parliament.
Cordelia said…
It'll all come out in the wash when Sally comes home with the soap.
T. W. said…
How many royal marriages are arranged?

Christian said years ago that the Queen will sit on the throne until it rots. Several reports claim she wants to die while still Queen. I don’t blame her.

Perhaps Charles can fake her death. Wouldn’t be the first time...
T. W. said…
I want to know if Rick Schroeder, Angela Merkle, and Madame Clinton have kuru.

How quickly we forget Angela and Madame were caught on camera shaking violently. You need to see the videos if you haven’t. THEY cannot explain this so they orchestrate distractions to divert our attention.

People are concerned about Rick, saying he has been acting out of character for a while. He beat his significant other, I think he was arrested twice. He is an avid hunter and used to post disturbing videos and pics on social media.

Rick would cover himself in the animal’s blood and entrails. He looked too happy.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. And it's the soap that brings out the dirt.
Love those old sayings of yours.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. It's obvious hey. That the Queen is no longer making decisions with a sound mind.

By the way. I saw the new Australian movie, Palm Beach the other day. I didnt mind it i guess. I thought it rather weak.

It should be re-named How We Live.

Cause when you are watching it. It makes you think about how we as Australians live. Something we don't give much thought to.

It's based on the Sydney suburb of Palm Beach.
I'd kinda heard what they are like in Palm beach, Sydney... through my daughter. Cause she used to be, in one way, whats called a North Shore Girl. Well she went to school there. And hung out with North Shore Girls.

Nice gals. Usually rich.

I got stranded re routed to Palm beach years ago ...when severe bushfires closed the train line through the Hawksbury area.

So annoying.

I waited on the beach at Palm Beach, for hours with 100's of commuters. For the Ettalong Ferry to come get us load by load.

While waiting at Palm Beach I noticed they are quite rich. And have a good lifestyle.

Apparently Home and Away is filmed there.

Anyway, I think the movie was tryin to be a very old Australian movie you probably won't remember. Called Don's Party.

That was a good movie. Iconic.

But Palm Beach, the movie is just... in my opinion, Home And Away for grown ups.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Another thing about Palm Beach the movie.
A better, more informed Director would have been far more successful. In makin a movie or series about Sydney's North Shore Girls. And guys.

They are well known for their habits. Glamorous how they dress, cause their parents are usually rich. They almost all go to the Private Schools based on the North Shore of Sydney.

Or Kur-ring-gai Creative Arts High

And they live on the North Shore.

Their tribal meeting place is Hornsby Train Station. Cause as they use it for accessing their schools...and Sydney. As alot don't have their drivers license. When in school.

They swim at Berowra Waters and Palm Beach I guess. They used to dance at the Ivy. They take alot of expensive drugs. Cause they can afford it. And drink to excess.

The girls dress in a revealing way. But with class.

And they don't date Lads and Lasses, a loose Sydney gang.

A series on them would be good I think. An Australian version of The Hills.
T. W. said…
Anytime Chocmint33!
T. W. said…

Anytime you see a celebrity hide one eye you know that person is owned by the occult elite (THEY). If that person is not in the bloodline then that person is a mere pawn.

The Vigilant Citizen site is a good place to start to learn about these things. Be sure to check out “Symbolic Pics of the Month” series.

There’s plenty of information about that darn eye on YouTube and the rest of the internet.

If you like to read and are brave then The Secret Teaching of the sages by Manly P. Hall is the authoritative book on these matters.
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion – I wonder if the Duchess of York was chosen because of her friendship with the Princess of Wales.
Jules said…
TW - There is talk that when the Monarch reaches 95, in a couple of years, she could bring her reign to an end by invoking the 1937 Regency Act. The Act allows a reigning monarch to hand over power if they feel they are unable to fully perform their duties. She will still be Queen, but Prince Charles will, in fact, take over most of the duties, which he is starting to do so already.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. A Regency. I guess we can expect that possibility.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Jean Luc Brunel, Epstein's co conspirator and owner of a modelling agency who supplied victims to Epstein has been photographed wearing a black eye patch.
Mmm mmm.
Chick'sOpinion said…

If Sarah Ferguson was chosen because she was chummy with the Princess of Wales then I think it was a bad choice.

Diana, as you know, was a class act.
Dear Sarah... was a rough and ready ballsy aristocrat. Who went on to a life time of excessive debts.

Diana lived modestly. Quietly. And discreetly.

I will say one thing though. Sarah Ferguson has done ALOT of fundraising for charity.

Is it image repair? For selling access to Prince Andrew for £500,000.

Good question.
T. W. said…
Thank you Jules!

Chick’sOpinion, that is interesting. I guess Adrenochrome was extracted...

THEY all want to be Cyclops, pirates, and EYE doctors...
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion -
Sarah, the Duchess of York, is not an aristocrat. There is a connection to royalty, via marriage with her father’s mothers cousin Lady Alice Montagu Douglas Scott, who became the Duchess of Gloucester after her wedding to Prince Henry, and an aunt-by-marriage of Queen Elizabeth II. It was her father’s interest in polo that brought her into contact with the Royal Family.

It was Charles who suggested she could be a good companion for Diana.

As for Sarah raising lots for charity Jimmy Saville raised millions!!!
T. W. said…
Most charities are fronts anyway.

Prince Andrew is or was being pimped out by his ex wife.
Chocmint33 said…
Chick's Opinion - thanks for the info about Palm Beach. I've heard about the beautiful homes there. My dad's childhood home was in Botany. They had access to a nice beach behind their house. That was before the council and developers ruined that area. There's no beach there now. The house is on Dent Street, and is not far from Banksmeadow Park.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yahhh. So much of Sydney has been destroyed by developers. I hate developers more than I dislike Sarah Ferguson.

She's on the Chicks dislike scale of 8.
Developers are right up there as a 10

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