The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Ugly is the operative word here..Cause this guy looks more like a Plastic surgery victim. Rather than benefited from it.
Well Aardvarks, speaking of those with Nazi/Fascist ideology.
Greece saved itself this year from losing its democracy. And as I've mentioned before, the Greek Neo Nazi Political Group, Golden Dawn has been smashed. And is no longer powerful.
Thank God. You would have thought they'd had enough with the Italian Fascists that invaded and then the Germans in WW2.
Perhaps they came to their senses. And realised Golden Dawn is Deja Vu, French for, already see.
I prefer to call it ' Deja Poo, I've seen this shit before'.
The young Lefties have also lost power in Greece this month. And what was hoped a normal government come to power in the form of new leader, Kyriakos Mitsotakis.....Democracy is not happening as claimed.
Cause, the Greeks have soon discovered this new government is a bunch of Right Wing arseholes.
They call themselves New Democracy.
Umm no.
The first anti-democracy move new leader Mitsotakis made. Is a big one.
He abolished the essential agencies that protect/regulate the countries finances, workforce And environment. Good when he wants hide corruption. For his friends.
Dear Kyriakos Mitsotakis also claims he's against Nepotism. You know, hiring your friends or family.
And yet. Immediately, after a quick Greek salad, he hired his nephew as Chief Of Staff.
He obviously got that idea from Trump giving Jared Kushner a key U.S high security Government position. But really nepotism is a long term Greek problem.
My advice. Have big Fat Greek weddings/holidays in Greece. But don't live or invest there.
Wonder if leader,Mitstakis has fake Olive Groves.
Boris Johnson will soon know. He hates the Greeks for claiming E U subsidies for fake Olive Groves.
Don't blame him. What theft of public funds is that.
This is just wrong. Hes an obvious, proven troublemaker.
The face of evil indeed.
Did he get these men to perform the surgery?
1) A Man Tried to Smuggle Cocaine Into Spain by Hiding It Under His Toupee
Reuters reports that the man aroused the suspicion of police due to his nervous appearance and unusually large hairpiece.
2) Brazilian gang leader dressed as daughter in wonky prison-break attempt
A Brazilian gang leader tried to escape a high-security prison by dressing up as his teenage daughter — even planning to leave her behind in jail, according to authorities.
Clauvino da Silva, 42, pretended to be a 19-year-old girl Saturday to walk out of the front door of Rio’s Gericinó prison, with smooth skin, long black hair and a cute pink T-shirt with doughnuts and love hearts.
The convicted drug dealer’s amazing get-up was so convincing prison staff only stopped him at the end of visiting time because he started acting too nervously, according to authorities.
3) Gang leader disguises himself in silicone mask of daughter's face in jailbreak bid
He’s also a liar. And has been charged with a kind of electoral fraud.
He’s also a thief.
The funniest thing is. Years ago. He stole KKK klan funds to refurbish his home.
The KKK members weren’t too happy about that.
He also believes the Holocaust is a myth. And Josef Mengele was a medical genius.
He has a pathological hatred for Jewish people and blacks. Even old George H W Bush called him a racist. And a charlatan.
And he appears to never have been particularly successful politically.
Cause he’s seen as a total nut. And con artist.
And some of the bills he’s proposed over the decades are just idiotic.
He’s now claiming he’s given up his belief in White Supremacy. And become a born again Christian.
Welll, he must think the American public were born yesterday.. if he thinks they’re gonna believe that.
Anything goes in the United States if Amerikkka.
Dear God, please forgive me and my sense of humor.
The things people do to get out jail.
Well. This David Duke should be in jail.
How can someone so dangerous for American society ?
Be permitted to run for Office.
UK people. Have a long long look at the macabre face of this villain, American, David Duke.
This is Tommy Robinson in future.
If he lives that long.
Who is Voldemort ? I don't know these characters.
I go under the name Musaka Now Guys - have My reasons //Love Sana
PS Happy B day T.W miss ya’ll
Yessss. It's so creepy. His face. It's like from a horror movie. I dont know which one. Cause I don't watch them. Perhaps someone can suggest one.
He was considered good looking when young. I agree.
But. It belied the ugliness that is David Duke.
The universe has ensured that his true self and ugliness is now on show. So people no longer get charmed by this manipulative character.
I refuse to read them, I refuse to watch the films. Some of the occult things described are legit.
Well the Neo-fascist group Golden Dawn had to get their strange name from somewhere.
It's good they have lost popularity in Greece too.
A releif to the people who opposed them.
I do apologise. Didn't realise the change.
Musaka it is !
I have never read Harry Potter books either.
Thanks for letting me know who Voldemort is.
Interesting...Mort, means death in French.
If Democracy started in Greece. It certainly didn't stay there.
I think Rome was a republic. US government is modeled after Rome's. So all these people thinking we have democracy in America have been misinformed.
If you study the reasons for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire you will see America is currently suffering those same things.
History always repeats itself.
Rome became a welfare state. They had to pass a law that made quitting a job illegal.
Rome was attacked by Barbarians and others. Naturally Rome's military was spread thin because Rome was huge. Can't cover every border all the time.
There was a problem with taxation.
The infrastructure was crumbling.
Illegal immigration.
That's interesting bout Rome. I did not know that.
Ahhh Mahhh Garrrrd. The U.S is ending up like Rome.
The Decline And Fall of the American Empire.
The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire was a famous book by Edward Gibbon.
It kicked around our house when I was a kid. I have no idea how it got there cause we didn't read books like that. Ever.
And I certainly didn't read it. Of the few books in our house.
The only other one i remember we had. Was dad's gruesome paperback on Idi Amin; that brutal despotic Ugandan leader, of the 1970's.
Why the hell my father was reading that I don't know. It mystifies me today.
My advice people. Ask your parents things you've always wondered about while theyre alive. Cause once they are dead. You wonder for decades about things. And regret not asking.
Or. You have to spend a small fortune on Mediums. Contacting them in the afterlife.
Fact. All the well educated read The Decline And Fall of The Roman Empire.
Wonder if they still do.
The vibes there are bad.