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Told YA .. Flip It is a Flop It.....

2018 PREDICTIONS.......

     Christian Dions’
       2018 PREDICTIONS.
                Composed between November 14th 2017  8.41am 
             (Partly on a plane not my favorite place ha ha)
               Finished December 14th 11.59pm. Los Angeles Ca

46 Scott Disick.
I don’t see him, beyond, 2018/19…


T. W. said…
His show was on the wrong network. No one watches E! Network for home improvement shows.
Anonymous said…
CD, what will happen to all of the evidence about the misdeeds of the rich and powerful now that Jeffrey Epstein is dead?
Apple Monkey said…
Well done CD.
TW you called it about Epstein. I am so disgusted that he never got any punishment for what he did. I know it is now in God’s hands. You were so right x Apple Monkey x
T. W. said…

I told you all he would commit suicide or be suicided.

The New York Times

Jeffrey Epstein Commits Suicide at Manhattan Jail, Officials Say

"Mr. Epstein hanged himself and his body was found at roughly 7:30 a.m. Saturday at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan."
T. W. said…
Was Jeffrey Epstein Secretly MURDERED - Twitter Thinks So!!


Police say that Jeffrey Epstein was transported in cardiac arrest at 6:39 a.m. from Metropolitan Correctional Center to New York Downtown Hospital - where he was later pronounced dead.

And while government officials and police are hoping to move on from Jeffrey Epstein - folks all over social media suspect that Jeffrey's death may have been the result of foul play.


It was not immediately clear on Saturday whether Mr. Epstein was under suicide watch or whether the authorities had put in additional safeguards after the earlier incident.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Ah mah gard. This must have happened while Australia was sleeping. I'm jus reading the news now.

Wow you were right TW. He attempted it before in custody didnt he?

Won't be surprised if Ghislaine Maxwell kills herself too.

I think she will dont you?

Cause unless she has coperated completely with the FBI. As victim Virginia Guiffre's solicitor suggested she has. She's going to jail for the rest of her ugly life.

I thought Ghislaine Maxwell was on the run too.

The Daily Mail revealed last night. Heidi Klum and Naomi Campbell were very good friends with Epstein.

Doesn't surprise me about 'I love money' Naomi Campbell

She's the one who loves Blood Diamonds too.

And spends her life with elderly billionaires as boyfriend's.
T. W. said…
Hi Apple Monkey!

Epstein was cooperating. Even if he were quiet he knew too much. Besides. Goat Lucy always collects in full. Notice how The Dark Lord has been collecting left and right since that celestial event occurred 2 or 3 years ago.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick'sOpinion!

There is something rotten in Denmark.

The earliest news reports said, and still say, that Epstein was found in his prison cell at 7:30 am, dead from hanging. Some of the news outlets reporting this story claim a prison guard gave them this information.

Later reports say he died of cardiac arrest while en route to hospital at 6:39 am. There are photographs showing someone who they say is Jeffrey Epstein on a gurney.

Let's think about this.

Did Epstein go to the hospital at 6:39 am, left against medical advice so he could return to his prison cell to commit suicide?

If so, how did he get from hospital back to prison in less than 1 hour?

Also, Sandra Rose posted a video of a Clinton associate seen visiting Epstein in prison before he died. Now the video is unavailable.

Why is Prince Andrew's official web page unavailable?
Chick'sOpinion said…


You are onto it. Something really stinks here.

Very fishy....all these media claims about Epstein's true cause of death. And the time line not fitting.

And Corrective Services officers who move staff. Move slowly. For many reasons.

Unless Epstein was seen as a VIP. And was transported/moved by them swiftly.

And Prince Andrew's official website shutdown!.

Yeah very fishy.

The Palace are dealing with a Media Tsunami because Prince Andrew's pedophilia is being exposed finally.

Btw what do you mean by Denmark?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Didn't Christian predict Scott Disick's gonna die soon too.

I'm sure of it. And it will be all because of that drinking.

When I look at Scott Disick I don't see a well man anyway.

I'd say he's starting to have uninary problems. Kidney and Liver.

Plus him and Kourtney though separated. Now have financial problems.

They have continued to live the high life. But seriously. No one is interested in their 'brand' anymore.

Or them thb...So the bills will be piling up.

And id say he has heart problems already. From long term alcohol abuse.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

I'm disgusted Epstein escaped punishment too.

It seems wrong on so many levels.
T. W. said…

The phrase "something is rotten in the state of Denmark" is taken from Shakespeare's Hamlet, Act I, Scene IV.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Ahhhh interesting. Shakespeare.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick'sOpinion!

Shakespeare was talking about corruption. Nothing new under the sun. Humanity never learns.
CyndiTx123 said…
I love watching DIY shows, I barely managed to watch 10 mins of this show, but got negative feelings about Scott D.... Don't know why Sofia is still with him. Anyway, deleted what I had recorded and decided not to even bother with watching him be mouthy with his co workers, etc. Soooo fake. Refuse to read anything about the jenner clan or the kardash clan... They do have adorable babies.
T. W. said…

What do you think about Love It or List It, Love It or List It Too, and The Property Brothers?
Chick'sOpinion said…

I swear Christian predicted those Property Brothers are in the closet. And at least one of them is engaged. Hmmmm.

I see an engagement ring being thrown in someone's face. At some stage in the renovations.

T. W. said…
I like the brothers, my mom doesn't. I don't have the best gay-dar but the brothers are flaming on my gay-dar register. I wish them well, they seem likeable.
Chick'sOpinion said…
By the way. I don't think I'm alone in assuming that Kris Jenner has advised Kourtney Kardashian, to get Life Insurance on Scott Disick.

Long ago.

Big life insurance. Big money.

It's one thing divorcing.

But gettin a big pay day from Life Insurance when your former spouse dies. Is rather obscene I guess.

But most divorce survivors would love it. I get that. Cause usually Divorce lawyers get both of your wealth.

And divorcing sends alot of peoole broke. Flat broke.

Some people profit from it I know. They do in Australia. With the 'live in ' legislation.

If anyone reading this knows the low down on U.S Life Insurance on spouses and its validity after you divorce.

Please comment. As I am curious as to whether Kourtney couldnt give a shit if Scott Disick died.

Cause it means a massive pay day for her.
T. W. said…
If Courtney took out a policy on Scott then he was dumb to consent. You have to have the other person's consent and signature to take out a life insurance policy on that person.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks T.W. I wasn't sure on that.

Maybe he was talked into consenting to Life Insurance... by her and her greed obsessed mother.

It would have made a compelling argument. Cause he has kids. And further... surely he knows he's a chronic alcoholic. And the Dr has told him.

Stop drinking or you will die.

They tell them all. Eventually.

But do they listen. No.

Noticed one of his former flames has a new job.

Bella Thorne is now going to be directing porno films. For PornHub. That's classy.

Shes going from bad to worse. In every way that girl.

If she turns up half smashed she won't be directing for long.

At least shes not in the Porno Films

I remember Christian made a prediction about her too.

And it wasn't sunshine and lollipops. Seems she has a drinking problem too.

And is doomed too. If she doesn't stop.
T. W. said…
Scott Sick Dick is stoopid.

I did not know about the porn. I agree, better to write or direct the porn than appear in one.

I don't hate Bella, I think she is smart. In my opinion, Hollywood programming is pornographic. Very smart girl.

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