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TOLD YA.. If you think this is bad...

He's DEAD....

For those that think Jeffrey Epstein. 
Is alive.....
He isn't.....
He was MURDERED.....
He's not liking the HEAT.
But all will still be revealed.
Just give it a little time........
Ms Maxwell, on he other hand.
better watch out.


Chick'sOpinion said…
Well. If Ghislaine Maxwell isn't dead soon. She'll wish she was.

Cause she is not able... as she has in the past... to make it all go away.

The FBI, it seems, are pursuing all of it now.

And they have no choice either. Because the media have devoured every detail that has emerged.

And will continue to do so. The world wants justice served to all those involved.

And anyway Federal Police all over the world, I think. Are seeing this as a great opportunity.

To net international sex traffickers they have been trying to catch/jail for years.

I've checked. The story of these French girls hasnt hit French newspapers yet.

It will.

And the French police will easily locate these girls. Cause the date they travelled will be available.

Did Ghislaine Maxwell fly them? With her pilots licence. Like how she flew alot of Epstein's victims all over world for him.

Maybe not. Cause it appears they travelled to the U.S. From France.

Hopefully they flew Commercial. If so, there will be CCTV video of them arriving in airports. At both ends.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Since when has Elton John become a Royal Toff. Mixing wjth Royals.

He's just admitted paying for the flight of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to go his South of France house. For a holiday.

He probably didn't pay it. Just lying. I guess.

To control the negative perception that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle spend their lives Jet setting around the world in luxury. Claiming they are doing it all for good causes.

I call B.S on that. Yeah maybe some of the time. It has a charible element.
But most of the time it's just part of their glamorous life style.

Meghan Markle is a powerful figure for the causes she chooses to support. Good ones too

But it's time she ended the Globe trotting Glamour. And the Jet Setting.

And started working on home grown issues in the UK. For acceptance. And popularity.

She is supposed to be a British Royal Duchess.

But at the moment shes lookin clearly like Wallis Simpson. Who I might add, as many will know.

Was exiled by the Royal family, with her husband, Prince the South of France.

They were reduced to leasing and living in a mansion there, called Chateau de la Croe in Antibes, The Cote d'Azur..South of France.

Did Prince Harry stop to consider the comparison to his disgraced Nazi loving relative, Prince Edward? And Wallis Simpson.

Looks like he didn't.

But I have no doubt, Queen Elizabeth would have immediately drawn the comparison. The second this latest 'holiday' of theirs reached her ears.

Prince Harry would be well advised to keep Meghan out of the South of France.
Jules said…
Sir Elton John has a long history with the royal family. He has been a guest at many events attended and thrown by royalty since the 1970s. Elton John claimed he danced the jive with the Queen at a party at Windsor Castle. He was also hired to perform at Prince Andrews 21st birthday celebrations in 1981, this was when he met Princess Diana. Elton claimed he bonded with Diana over a Charleston on the dancefloor and later went on to become a close friend of the princess, sharing a passion for raising awareness of Aids. Elton is also very close to Diana’s sons; he was a guest at Prince William’s wedding and performed at Prince Harry's lunchtime wedding reception. He has also worked closely with Harry on Aids causes, continuing Diana’s legacy.

It matters not who steps forward and says they paid for the flight, it is the hypocrisy of the couple who like to portray themselves as being eco-warriors and have the sheer audacity to lecture the (British) public on climate change, then take four private jets in quick succession.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Interesting. Thanks for that. I think Elton would have made a good friend for Princess Diana.

On the days he wasn’t high.

Did you see the movie on him recently.

It was so good. Try and see it. Loved it. But he was sooo crazy on Cocaine for so many years.

Good point. Meghan and Prince Harry claim to be Eco Warriors. Environmentalists. Yet spill millions of litres of Aviation Fuel over the

Ozone all year round.

Real Environmentalists travel in a VW Kombi.

Guess that’s makes my late father an Environmentalist. Of sorts.

Every year, for some crazy reason he drove the VW Kombi to Woomera in South Australia. Right through the outback and deserts.

I thought he was going to visit an Airforce Museum there. In that total middle of nowhere. God forsaken place.

Nope. He wanted to drink with his friends who live there. Okayyyyy.

Well, Harry and Meghan could learn a lot from my dad anyway.

He hated Mass Consumerism. A lot of old people think this, ‘why buy it again when you already bought it once.’

Fair point.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And when was the last time you saw a serious Environmentalist wearing Ralph Lauren?
Chick'sOpinion said…
And fact. All Europeans know.

You dont need to fly to the South Of France.

You can drive there from the UK.. easily. And they do. In 1000's. Every year.

Time Prince Harry and Meghan loaded up an Electric Car with Meghan's Louis Vuitton luggage.

And took the car Ferry to France...from Dover. Like everyone else.
Stef x said…
Chick’s Opinion - that comment about your late father (sorry) made me laugh at the thought of him driving by himself through the Australian desert ! I love it! And can picture it! I’m from Australia too - I noticed you are as well. Have you been to rural Australia / the desert ? It’s amazing and I kind of don’t blame him for travelling there - its very crazy being in the middle of no where - good for speeding (making an assumption here but there aren’t really proper speed limits there) and drinking - so he knew what he was doing. Haha. Hope I haven’t offended or anything with this comment. Xx

Chick'sOpinion said…

No not offended at all. Thanks for fully appreciating how funny my dad was.

Yes my late father (not my stepdad) was full on crazy.

You get it Stef X... How remote Woomera is. It's fully in the desert. I never went. It was a solitary thing he did.

And he was still driving there himself in his late 70's. When really sick.

He was a total alcoholic. A full out tantrum thrower, very irresponsible, was never home when i was a kid. And owned VW Kombies all his life.

He would have loved the no speed limits of the desert.

When I was a kid ...teen in the late 70's. All the local surfer boys boys thought I must have a cool dad. Cause he drove a VW Kombi. With a Sylvester, the cat sticker on the back.

Perhaps he was cool. You dont see your parents as cool in anyway as a kid. I learned in old age my dad had Autism. Explains alot of the tantrum throwing. Obsession in Model Trains...all trains. And extreme selfishness.

I'm from New South Wales. I've backpacked/hitchiked alot of Queensland. (When Ivan Milat, the serial killer was active. And miraculously survived!!! LoL)
But never been to the deserts.

Did you see the Aboriginal community have closed Uluru? I kinda agree with it. Unusually.

Cause i agree. Takin naked selfies is not respectful to a sacred site. Or a sacred stone.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. So glad you appreciate dad's unique eccentricity all round.

He used a CB radio to talk to all the truckers in the Outback. On his way through the deserts to Woomera. And when he spoke to them. Or anybody on CB Radio...for some bizarre reason he spoke with an American accent.

Like that song Convoy, by C.W McCall.

Like 'Pig Pen, this here's the rubber Duck, 10,4'

And further nutty behaviour of my totally irresponsible crazy father.
Before he died. And was really sick.

He kept getting me to get prints done...of a pic of him at a fancy dress party a few years back.

In the pic. He is dressed in work overalls... with a bomb disposal unit label on it. But he'd rubbed soot in his face. And tore rip and holes all over the uniform. To make it look like he survived a blast.

He then asked me to post the prints of the pic to all his drinking buddies. Before he died.

Invitations to dad'sfuneral were made by me visiting every pub he frequented in New South Wales. At least in our part of it.

But I found. You only have to tell one guy in a pub dad had died. And they tell everyone.

You know, I think Dad is driving VW Kombis in Heaven. With his CB Call Sign on the back.

If I wanna communicate with him in Heaven I say, 'Break 19'

That's CB Radio lingo for gaining access to a Channel.
Chick'sOpinion said…
For folks who don't know. The Movie, Wolf Creek is based on Australian Serial Killer, Ivan Milat.

Thank God above, we never come across him, hitchhiking in Queensland 1986. Cause that's when he was killing up there. Workin as a long distance Truck driver.

My memory is... truckies were friendly. And nice.

Though I do remember in 86, in Queenland, being in the back seat of a car... hitching a ride. From a guy. And noticing immediately a rifle under his front seat.

I whispered to my friend, 'as soon as he pulls into a Servo we're makin a run for it, right'

And we did.

Interesting fact.
The guy who played Serial Killer,Ivan Milat, in Wolf Creek, the movie. Is called John Jarratt, Oddly he has just been found guilty. And sentenced for a rape from 40 years ago.

So perhaps John Jarrett channeled his acting in that frightening movie from real life experience.

Guys I must be born under a lucky star to survive. Ivan Milat apparently lived in my town as an adult. For a long time. Sometimes periodically.

And we have 3 Cold Cases of missing young girls from the area where he lived.

Amanda Robinson
Gordana Kotevski
Leanne Goodall

CD. We're they abducted by Ivan Milat?
T. W. said…
Next Top Model scout Jean-Luc Brunel flew poor 12-year-old triplets in from France as a BIRTHDAY PRESENT for Jeffrey Epstein to abuse, unsealed documents claim
T. W. said…

Igor Zinoviev, the former bodyguard of disgraced financier, Jeffrey Epstein, has gone on record stating he is of the belief his one time client had help killing himself in prison.
T. W. said…
Jules spoke the truth.

Prince William and his family flew on a discount commercial airline (Flybe) to Scotland for official business. Of course the press was there to capture every moment. GOOD.

Prince William And Duchess Kate Took A Budget Flight To Scotland


The future King and Queen of England had to fly to Scotland with their three kids. Rather than sneak off into a private jet like some people, they took a commercial flight. And according to The Daily Mail, Prince William and Duchess Kate doubled down on the positive exposure by choosing a budget airline and getting “caught” by a photographer upon arrival.

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan’s friends continue to publicly defend their right to take private jet flights, regardless of how much climate change bums them out. This private jet debate feels like the kind of mess Harry’s family would want to stay out of, which is why there has been no official statement issued from Buckingham Palace. But William and Kate look like they wanted to make a subtle statement about the whole thing, which might explain why we just so happen to know all the details about their not-private, not-expensive family flight.

William, Kate, George, Charlotte, and Louis flew from Norwich International Airport at around 8:45am, to Aberdeen Airport, on a Flybe UK flight. Flybe is a discount airline. Will and Kate’s tickets were £73 (or $89.50). Vehicles were waiting for them when they arrived, where they were assumed to be taken to Balmoral to visit The Queen and Prince Philip. Here’s the video of the family exiting their flight.
T. W. said…
What do you mean you can drive from the UK to France? England is on an island.

Please explain this to an American who has never been to either country.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinon, your dad sounds like he was fun.
Chick'sOpinion said…

France is just across the water, the English Channel..from the UK.

English people drive to their Ports. Of either Dover, Portsmouth, Plymouth or Folkestone.

Wait in their cars in organised queues. And drive onto the Roll on Roll off Ferries there. And in 2 hours they arrive. At either Calais, St Malo, Dunkirk, Caen or Le Havre, France.

Actually more places. But it depends on which British Port you use.

European trucks cross the English Channel this way too.

It's the cheaper. And ordinary way to go to France. For UK people I guess.

But most UK cars crossing by Ferry are going to other places in Europe. As Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark isnt far. You just drive through the French countryside to get there.

It's pretty simple. Alot of the Ferries dock in The Netherlands too.

Love The Netherlands. The Dutch. They are so much more than Clogs, Cheese and Porn.

Their Art Collections are astounding.
T. W. said…

Is the English Channel ITV, BBC, BBC America, Brit Box, or Channel 4?

Just kidding!

I'm not sure I understand what you are saying. Do the people drive their cars onto a ferry, which takes them to France or is there an actual bridge or tunnel? I have heard there is a tunnel but I do not believe this. This is wild!

I didn't know England and France were that close together.
T. W. said…
Clogs, cheese, and p0rn. Cheese will clog up your guts and you can't make amal p0rn...

Seriously, I have seen Rembrandts in person and I cannot wait to see Vermeers in person!
Jules said…
TW and Chicks Opinion - There is also the euro tunnel that connects the UK to France.
Jules said…
TW - The English Channel, also called simply the Channel, is the body of water that separates southern England from northern France and links the southern part of the North Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. It is the busiest shipping area in the world

The euro tunnel runs under the channel.
Chick'sOpinion said…

They are very close. The ferry goes slow across the Channel so it takes about 2 hours approx all up.

Yes...the cars and trucks go on the Ferries. You go thru immigration 1st at the Port. If you are not an EU Passport Holder.

Then you park on the dock according to the Port Officers that supervise it all.... very carefully.

And you wait to drive on. One by one sort of.

Then once you are on. You can hop out of your car. On the Ferry when they say so. And go and have a good time. There are bars, shops cafeterias on the Ferry. But alot people just sit. And relax.

All different people from all over the world are on board. But mostly French and English.

Yes. Jules. I forgot about the Chunnel. The Tunnel the Eurostar Train goes thru to France and vice versa. It's my dream to go on a trip in the Eurostar.

Have been on it?
T. W. said…
Thank you Jules!
T. W. said…
Let me get this straight.

There is an underwater tunnel in the English Channel.

Did the British not learn from the Titanic incident? I ain't going into no encased tube that is surrounded by water.

Besides. Where does the car exhaust go?
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion - No, I have not been on the Eurotunnel. The idea of it unnerves me, although I will not rule out the possibility of travelling in it in the future.

TW - Yes, there is an underwater tunnel called the euro tunnel in the English Channel. A rail tunnel was chosen over proposals for a very long suspension bridge, a bridge-and-tunnel link, and a combined rail-and-road link, The Channel Tunnel is 31 miles (50 km) long, consists of three tunnels: two for rail traffic and a central tunnel for services and security. Digging began on both sides of the Strait of Dover in 1987–88 and was completed in 1991. The tunnel was officially opened on May 6, 1994.

The tunnel runs between Folkestone, England, and Sangatte (near Calais), France, and is used for both freight and passenger traffic. Passengers can travel either by ordinary rail coach or within their own motor vehicles, which are loaded onto special railcars. Trains can travel through the tunnel at speeds as high as 100 miles (160 km) per hour; the trip takes about 35 minutes.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that info. 35 minutes to France. From England. Pretty good.

I remember when it opened ... the Channel Tunnel ... but we were apprehensive about going on it to France cause we heard on TV there were a few fires in the Tunnel. That was it for my husband. He said ....that’s it ! we are not going in that Tunnel till they sort it out. . I recall there were many teething problems with it.

And initially the French and British Rail workers differed in practice. When they met in the middle so to speak. And that caused operational problems.

Funny ones. That the Press had a whale of a time with . Making fun of the French in a mean way.

Sounds like the initial safety issues have been sorted out a long time ago. It’s an engineering genius.

And beats going all the way to Heathrow. I guess.

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