The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
And often die from them.
You would have thought he learned from that very serious near death experience.
Because he was in a Coma. Had 12 heart attacks and 6 strokes as well.
Im very surprised he's alive. And that he has any memory ability after that.
Apparently he now suffers from memory loss due to that medical incident.
That is sad for someone his age.
He did a Salsa on DWTS. But halfway through it was obvious he'd forgotten the choreography.
He's just amazing to look at.
What a waste of an awesome guy.
But I remember Christian sayin that at the time. Of Lamar's overdose. And downward spiral.
That in fact, Khloe Kardashian's Cocaine addiction was/is just as bad.
But did the Kardashians cover that up about Khloe very efficiently?
Like everything else they do. Non reality.
Will Kanye West spill everything he knows about the Kardashians....eventually.
I hope he does. I will enjoy every drop of real reality info he rants about them.
Kanye West needs to be rescued from that family. He needs a comeback. To get back on track.
The music track.
Though I am fearing that it may be too late for Lamar Odom.
He needs a woman or friends/family to come into his life to rescue him. From addiction.
We should start a series of prayers to healing angels. To kick off his rescue.
She's promoting it everywhere.
Is it because her career is pretty much over. So she's got nothing to lose.
Shes even talking about the time she bonked Two and A Half Men actor, Jon Cryer when they were makin a movie back in the day.
Does she need the money?
Cause some people would pay her I thi k to not include tbeir secrets.
There's pics of the interior of her house in the Daily Mail tonight.
I swear she needs an interior designer.
Cause her house looks like it's been decorated by a granny.
Dear God, please help Lamar Odom choose to seek help for his substance abuse issues. Please link him with those who are both willing and able to help him. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu kissed the child on the forehead.
Who kisses children that aren’t related to them by blood?!
What if the baby did not have all his immunizations yet?
I swear.
I think humanity is trying to go to hell.
I agree, we need a prayer circle around Lamar Odom, Kanye West, and Britney Spears.
God worked miracles for Wendell Brown and Keanu Reeves.
Be still and receive from God!
Look at the pose Demi did for HIS book cover.
I saw a pic of Demi promoting his book. His hair was hiding one eye. That is a DEAD giveaway a person is owned by the occult elite.
Have you seen pics of Demi’s first spouse (Freddy Moore)? She looked like a poor man’s James Spader.
I will say it again.
THEY have a breeding program. Being transgendered helps them Square the Circle (become a god). They don’t care about the LGBTQIA+ Community.
I would say MOORE but I need to live.
Please rescue Lamar Odom from alcohol and drug addictions.
And. Protect him from the Kardashian family.
So clearly Ginger nuts, Prince Harry. And Meghan Markle were holding out for a long time too.
With showing the world The real 'Archie'.
So they could choose the highest bidder for pics. Of Archie.
Cause you know, Meghan's turned havin babies into a cash cow.
For her.
When in the history of Royal babies. Have they ever been turned into cash cows?
Sorry. But its disgusts me.
And I'm so surprised Ginger nuts is allowing it.
When Prince Harry was with Chelsy Davy for all those years.
Her and his number 1 priority. Was privacy. Chelsy Davy never shared 1 thing with the Press.
When the Press turned up at her her doorstep in South Africa when the Press finally caught wind of the relationship.
She was caught out once.... answering a question from the Press. Never again.
Nor did she ever speak to the Press when she was studying for her law/economics degree in the UK.
And they harassed her. Photographed her on campus.
She's never sold one story. And boy has she got some stories about Prince Harry.
Is Chelsy Davy going to remain silent? Well past behaviour is the best predictor of future behaviour.
But if Meghan does anything more extreme that ticks Chelsy off. She just might.
The only reason Prince Harry didn't marry Chelsy Davy. Is because she didn't want Royal life.
Now. She is probably looking at Royal life. And the things Meghan is getting away with.
And thinking.
Well. Maybe I could have handled it.
Controlled it.
Rather than being controlled by it.
Cause Meghan Markle appears to be calling the shots. As a minor Royal.
Well. Meghan Markle would be advised to get out of the Royal Family before Prince William becomes King.
Cause my gut feeling is. That he is gonna cut off every avenue ...source of Crown money to her. Once he becomes King.
She will become like Sarah Ferguson.
And NFI to Royal Events. Like Weddings etc.
Not F..cken invited.
Scheming energy
Like he us always running some kind of