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22 Ducked up, again....

Just when you may have thought.
These two had turned a corner....
BINGO, they do it again.
Another bad PR job.........
Prince Harry is to sue the Uk press.
Well, he thinks that they are being unfair.
To his escort, er sorry wife.
Has he not learned anything form his mothers life.
Now it will be much worse.
Harry, people who live in very large Palaces.
Shouldn't throw stones....


Erika said…
The obvious part of this is that Harry has not resolved the grief at the loss of his Mother. This has much more to do with his spiritual lessons and working through his "issues" that marrying Meghan had triggered. I feel so much compassion for Harry and the very dark place he is finding himself.
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah I think they're going to make matters worse for themselves. The UK - Fleet Street Press has always been a very cruel beast and always will be. There's no point in trying to control them - it just won't work and will cause Meg and Harry even more stress. Hey Chick's Opinion remember the treatment they gave to Fergie in the 1980s? Very mean and nasty, much like this couple's getting now.

I understand why Harry is comparing the treatment they gave to Diana to what is being done to Meghan. But Harry has to realize or someone has to tell him that the treatment they gave to his mother was much worse.

With Diana the media and paparazzi would follow her with their cameras on a daily basis. They would chase her as soon as she left her Kensington Palace home whether it was to go the gym, engagements or the shops. They didn't care how they got their shots whether it was close-up to her face, or secretly while she was in the gym.

It was truly abusive how they physically chased her to get that valuable picture.

But that all changed when Diana died and they changed the laws where it was illegal in the UK to stalk celebrities and Royals with this paparazzi chasing.

Meghan is shielded from this stalking and Harry should be grateful for that.

Unlike Diana, Meghan just gets negative media coverage by the tabloid newspapers. The solution is to work hard, stop flaunting your wealth with extravagant high fashion couture and be more frugal, start acting like a Royal and not a celebrity and learn the difference. And lastly don't read the tabloids - it will only give you a bad day and harm your self esteem.

Chocmint33 said…
I too agree Erika. Marrying Meghan has triggered memories of how his mother was treated and brings back the trauma. I hope he gets counselling.

I think that the trauma has made Harry believe that Meghan is being treated just like Diana. But as I explained in my earlier post, Diana was treated much worse. His trauma has made him feel like it is happening all over again. I feel for Harry. White light to him.
Sana said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes. I agree. Suing the UK Press is a very bad idea.
They are known to be merciless. With celebrities.

But. The members of the Royal family are treated differently. By the UK Press.

Individual UK newspapers consult with the Palace before they consider publishing. And are generally only allowed to go ahead with stories that are accurate.
The Palace will not allow stories that are not fact based or too inaccurate.

And that's backed up by English Journalist, Duncan Larcombe. He consulted with the Palace on a regular basis. And worked as Royal Editor for The Sun UK.

But I get the feeling that the Palace's Media Unit are no longer protecting Prince Harry and Meghan.

And don't care. And are not putting their foot down on the many news articles. Fact or fiction. Just letting it happen.

So Prince Harry is on his own with this.

I wonder if it will ever be revealed. That Meghan worked as an Escort.

We shouldn't worry too much about Prince Harry's future.

When he divorces Meghan Markle. He will move on quickly. To a girl far different to Meghan.
And probably start getting some real stability.
And dealing with his issues.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And it's quite possible. The UK Press's revenge on Prince Harry for suing.

Will be the finally releasing of the story that Meghan worked as an Escort.

I don't doubt that the UK Press have known about this for a long time.

They would have had private investigators. And investigative journalists looking into her tax records. Movements. Hacked her phone records.
Contacts, friends. Friends selling info they know.

Long ago.

But they won't publish till the moment suits them. They will wait till Meghan is completely out of favour. Or they want her to be.

The optimum time to have wide readership.
Or when they have an axe to grind. Like Prince Harry sueing them.
And also the Palace allowing them to publish.

I get the feeling Meghan has no clue the UK Press already know about her previous occupation as an Escort.

She needs to stop focusing on which earrings go with what outfit. And on her personal security.

And I also think she's being naive about some of her so called friends.

They would have been offered huge sums to sell info on her. Enough to make them do it.
And sell the info they know. About her now.

And her past.

I'm not saying any of this is right.
I'm just suggesting the probable.

If Harry was on speaking terms with his brother. Prince William would immediately stop Prince Harry suing the UK newspapers. Prince William hates the Press.

But he's mature enough to read danger with the Press. In fact, Prince William was careful to only sue once. And not British newspapers.

He sued a French magazine in 2012 for € 1.5 million in damages for publishing pics of Kate sunbathing topless in a villa.
And the CEO and magazine editor were also fined £45,000 each.

The Palace sued the Daily Mirror in 1993 for publishing pics of Princess Diana in the gym.

It's very rare for the Royals to sue British newspapers.


Cause ordinarily they don't need to.
They have a good relationship.
Cordelia said…
Sad but true.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I remember vividly how they harassed Sarah Ferguson ... Fergie.

She was another one that wasn't suitable for Royal life.

And she was caught out many many times.

Mmm. Yeah. Agree. The UK Press drove Diana crazy. But she did eventually get a better relationship with them. A working relationship.

And they respected her for that. Despite the fact that the Palace pretty much stopped protecting her.

I believe that. Because of the occasional things that the Press were allowed to publish.

Diana learned to protect herself from the British Press.
By developing a workable relationship with them and Her Royal Protection officers would have managed most of the agreenents. They get a pic. And then they agreed to her alone for the day.

This all fell apart in Paris that fateful night. Because Dodi insisted on using his own Security men that night. To protect Diana in Paris.

Not her usual VERY experienced Royal Protection Officiers.

And we all know about the disaster of that chase that ensued with the Foreign Press that night through Paris.

When they left the Ritz Hotel.

We can argue all the theories on what really happened that night during and after the chase. But it's a fact that inexperienced security men took over.

Diana should have never agreed to it. I'm certain she only had 1 of her own guys with her that night. In the car. And it was a disaster.
As he wasn't making decisions.

Prince Harry is understandably concerned something like Diana's chase is going to happen.

But really Meghan is so different to Diana.
Diana hated the Press intrusion in her life.
Meghan loves it.
And Prince Harry doesn't realise this yet.
He will.

The Press know Meghan loves the media attention.

Well. Prince Harrry is going choose a totally different kind of person as a next wife I believe.
Chocmint33 said…
Chick's Opinion - remember that Squidgygate phone conversation between Diana and James Gilby in the early 90s? The Sun newspaper had the taped conversation locked in a safe since the 80s, but didn't publish it until years later - after the Andrew Morton book Diana: Her true story came out in 1992.

So you're right - they often know a lot more about the royals. But sometimes don't think the time is right to publish.

They must have a good relationship with Paul McCartney. It wasn't until he split with Heather Mills did they publish pics of Heather regarding X-rated photos she posed for way back.
Jules said…
There is something very sinister about all of this. There is more to these lawsuits than meets the eye. There are rumours circulating around that these lawsuits are not just a means for the Duke and Duchess to gain financially but to keep ‘something’ sinister about Meghan from being made public.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I remember squidgeygate. I thought that was weird. I'd only been in the UK since 1988 when that story broke. If I recall they were the recordings of lady Diana's conversations with her boyfriend James Gilbey.

You are right. The Sun Newspaper sat on those tapes for a long time. Because they were recorded in at least 1989.
And there's evidence Diana contacted the Sun newspaper herself about them. Highly unusual.

With Royal Editors of newspapers this is how it usually works. And Prince Harry knows this routine.

The newspapers develop a story/pics about a Royal person/persons. Usually something boring. And as a routine they ring the Queen's/ Palace Media Unit at Clarence House. And let them know what they are intending to publish.

To sort of get permission. And clarify accuracy.

Usually it's the decision of the head person running the Palace unit as Media Adviser. That says yes or no to the publishing to stories.

When Prince Harry was younger. This used to be be a hard nosed very upper class... astute older man called Patrick Harverson. Who disliked the newspapers. But was very professional with them. And he worked directly for the Queen.

Also involved in these decisions is Prince Harry's private Secretary. Or the Royal in question' s Private Secretary.

In the days of Prince Harry's relationship with gf, Chelsy Davy, this was Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton.

If the Head Media Adviser said no. The story is wrong, inaccurate. The story would not go ahead.
Prince Harry is aware of all of this system.

However. I think because Prince Harry and Meghan have separated from the Palace to such a degree. They have become fair game for English newspapers. They don't seem part of the system anymore.
Seems they have their own media PR person. Separate. Negotiating with the media themselves.

And they are striking deals for paid appearances.

So if Prince Harry is working outside the normal protective routine of the Queen's Clarence House's Media Adviser. Then he will not be given the same level of respect.

Under the old normal system. If there was a true extreme incident or situation with a Royal. The Clarence House Media Head with have a sit down meeting with the Newspaper involved.

If the Newspapers is asked in that meeting... by the Clarence House Queens Advisor. To not go ahead.
The newspapers kill the story. As a matter of respect. This dosent happen often. As most Royals conduct themselves very carefully.

A sit down meeting with Clarence Media happened when Prince Harry, as a soldier, was about to be deployed to Iraq and Iran.

The newspapers agreed to the secrecy. For his safety.
And patriotism.
The Taliban knowing where Prince Harry was being deployed and in what unit. Put him and other British soldiers at physical risk.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Another thing. Yes. I find it interesting that Paul MacCartney ....of The Beatles. Is considered by the English newspapers as kind of Royal himself.

Ive read alot about Paul MacCartney. And he has a long workable relationship with the Press. And photographers. Also because he married early... a press photographer, Linda.

But as for his 2nd wife, Heather Mills.... I believe you are right.

They held back alot. Out of respect for him I think.

Because the fact is. Unlike Paul MacCartney...The British Public were familiar with Heather Mills. Long before she started dating Paul MacCartney.

And they 'thought' for a short while she was a lovely girl. A victim.

Because as far back as 1993. Heather Mills was on the front page of London newspapers.

Because as many UK people will remember...she was a good looking model. Who was hit one day in London by a passing Police Motorcycle. And her leg was amputated that day because of the accident.

She got alot of press coverage over it and later, compensation for it also. And I believe got more. For selling her story to The News Of The World newspaper.

So when she met and started going out with Paul MacCartney much later. Who she met at a Charity Event. The UK journalists had already done their real research on Heather Mills.

And were perfectly aware she was a compulsive liar. And not very loyal. To men. To anybody.

However, as well as being known as the UK's music Royalty and for being vegetarian, Paul MacCartney couldnt see Heather Mills true identity. He thought Heather Mills was Linda MacCartney version 2.
She certainly pretended to be.
For him.

The journalists discovered for a start that Heather Mills had single dad as a boyfriend. Who she told she was going to Europe for a modelling assignment. But in actual fact she was acting in a Soft Porn movie there.
She dumped the single dad soon after.

They knew she was a Star F..cker.
Because when she was younger she dated the guy from the UK soap, Crossroads.

She also stole very expensive jewellery from a london jewelerly shop where she was tea lady as a teenager.
She claimed she was homeless for 3 months in London as a teenager.

The journalists checked her school records. No she was in regular attendance at school in that period.
Though she did spend weekends with a bf who was in the circus. Her family deny she was ever homeless.

She wrote a book. Out On Limb. And claimed the book sales proceeds went to charity. This is contraversisl too.

She lied about being vegetarian.
She dated documentary filmmaker, Chris Terrell. And dumped him too.

He claims she regularly made Lancashire Lamb Hotpot. And that she only started to claim she was vegetarian the moment she started dating Paul MacCartney.

Unlike Paul MacCartney. Heather Mills has a very bad relationship with the UK Press. For continually lying about her life story.

In fact, the Sun called her, a 'hooker, liar, Porn star, fantasist, trouble maker, shoplifters.

Love is blind. Deaf dumb and stupid. And Paul MacCartney...despite how much he was warned by his kids. Persisted in his aim to marry Heather Mills.

He's no angel. At times he likes a drink. When he and Heather Mills used to fight. She'd record the fights.
And that's how she screwed him in court in the divorce for so much money.
She only got half what she wanted. But she got a huge sum anyway.

Isnt it strange how we will pretend to ourselves. When we want to believe someone is 'good'. When they are in fact not.

For this reason. I look for faults first. Positive aspects much later.
But usually by then I can't stand them. So the faults are rather conspicuous. Easy to accept. Self evident.
And un-disguised to me.
Anonymous said…
The only survivor of the crash that night that killed Princess Diana was the bodyguard. He was the only one who wore a seatbelt. Such a shame the princess did not wear a seatbelt. You would think that when things started to get "fast," she would have had the instinct to put on her seat belt.

Jules, the "something" might be that Meghan was once an escort. This woman had no business getting married to a royal. Why did no one see through Meghan when they were dating? Surely someone had to have sixth sense or gut instinct that there was something not quite right with this woman.
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah Jules I have thought that maybe Meghan and Harry are suing to prevent scandalous stuff about Meghan coming out. Not so long ago CD mentioned about an R-rated video regarding Meghan.

Oops for my last post the word is 'from' not 'for' in the last line.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes. I agree with all of you. This suing the British newspapers is like diversion. But also like Prince Harry's warning shot.

And him saying... '.

'publish that Meghan used to work as an Escort and

I will sue'

Prince Harry ought to have a very frank conversation with his Private Secretary.

And tell him/her the truth of what he's trying to avoid the British newspapers publishing. Cause at least his current Private Secretary can do damage control on it. On Meghan's former life.

But does Prince Harry not realise. You can't sue successfully if the other party is telling fact.

Though I'm no expert. But he could maybe claim its defamatory and the information being revealed has hurt Meghan's business reputation.

But should Meghan, as a Royal, have a business reputation? No.

Oh and as to that crash Diana was in.

Lady Diana always wore a seatbelt. She was fanatical about it according to her butler, Paul Burrell.

And the fact is. In the week prior to that car crash the seat belts had been removed from that car. Except for the one seatbelt. But not in the rear seats where Diana and Dodi sat.

Chick'sOpinion said…

Don't worry about the oop's.
I make spelling typos etc all the time. We are used to them here.
Chocmint33 said…
Chick's Opinion - just like Paul McCartney with Heather Mills, Harry is blinded by Meghan.

Anonymous - CD and us on this site intuitively saw through Meghan as early as 2016 - when he started dating her.
T. W. said…
I fear what the palace will do.

Remember. The Queen revoked Diana’s security detail. A member of the press shoved her because she was running away from them.

We all know what happened in France. Speaking of which, the alleged hit man has come forward. Front page of the National Enquirer.
Anonymous said…
The seatbelts were removed from the back seat of the vehicle? Wow. That actually makes sense. I am sure Diana and Dodi would have put on their seatbelts.

Chocmint33, sure, Christian knew (of course) and some of you here, but I meant the royal family. Why didn't someone in the royal family have the gut instinct that Meghan is fake? Maybe someone did, but didn't want to "ruin" the happy Harry. Who knows. You know what else bugs the hell out of me? Oprah and Meghan are buds. Yuck.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think you are right. In your wondering why the hell the Royal family could not see that Meghan was a superficial gold digger.

But I think plenty of them Sid identify it. immediately.
They are used to Goldiggers.

And they are easy to spot.
If you are not in love with them.

Intuitive people can spot faked 'love' instantly.

More practical people can too. If they bother.
Because as you know. We've all seen it.
People in early love, genuinely carry on in a certain way.

Like Chocmint33 said above. 'Just like Paul MacCartney and Heather Mills'. Prince Harry was blind to reason. And continued.

Plenty told him. Informed him. But would he see reason. No.

I also think the faking. Is exhausting Meghan. Faking behaviours drains your aura.

If anyone of us, have ever had a job. Where we have had to be superficially nice all day.
You'll know what i mean.
At the end of the day we feel unbelievably drained.

Also. I've always believed Lady Diana was murdered.
In a very very well planned murder. That included a team of a alot of people.

When Dodo Fayed insisted on using his own stupid and hopeless security in France.
They had their chance.
And how convenient to blame the international paparazzi.

This is why I'm hoping Meghan gets dumped by Prince Harry.
Not to be nasty.

But because it will force her to effectively leave the Royal family. Re-marry.
And return to the U.S.
That will save her life.
In more ways than one.

And if she thinks she can return to acting (in film, shows)
Forget it. It's not gonna happen.
But Meghan will get a new identity.
She's already planning it.
And I think she'll be successful.
Anonymous said…
Chick'sOpinion, really interesting points that you make. Faking is exhausting! I've worked with some not nice people and it's exhausting to work with them especially when you want to tell them off. But yes, I think you make an excellent point that Meghan is exhausted. I think that's why people are unconsciously picking up on this and seeing right through her phoniness.
Why do you think she won't be able to return to acting? Not that she was an A-list actor or anything. Suits was probably the biggest role she ever got and I personally never watched the show until after she left (and I loved the show).

I think she will get a huge lump sum (with an additional confidentiality agreement) from the divorce, a "gift" from the royals, which will be millions. She won't need to work as an actor ever again. I agree, I think she is planning something and she will be successful. I see her designing her own clothing line or something like that. She's not a stupid woman. Then she will probably set her sights on a new man, someone more powerful and successful than the royals and someone she might actually love.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I agree with what you said. The terms of Meghan's divorce and the confidentiality agreements within it. May be a big part of why Meghan never returns to working as an actress.

The other obstacle I think is... the fact that once you are in the Royal family, divorced or not. You cannot return to acting.

Actors and actresses are considered generally by the Royal family as below them, socially.
Plus. Actors and actresses, singers, often have contraversisl behaviours. That can reflect on a Royal if they have a publicly known friendship.

Too many secrets can get out. Into the wrong ears.
An example is Diana's friendship with Elton John.

He's now discussing it in the media for his book.

I also think Meghan knows she is going to be soon past the Hollywood babe age group.
She understands completely how the Hollywood system works.
As wrong as it is.
Meghan is a business woman at heart I think.
And that is at total odds with the role of Royal.
Especially a female one.

Royal life is just too exhausting and oppressive for her I think. And for a superficial Gold digger... Meghan seems to value having real friends.

Not people the Palace approves of.

And she values freedom.
I'd say she already has her sights on the 'new man'
And yes I agree, he'll be much more wealthy than Prince Harry.

Thrifty approaches to clothing and lifestyles aint Meghan's thing. You only have to have a quick look at her past decisions. Regarding the lux life, knowing A Listers personally, getting invited to exclusive VIP parties.
Look how devsstated she was when that Canadian chef she lived with. Didn't become a major celebrity.

In future, Prince Harry will be singing

'I guess the change in my pocket wasn't enough, I'm like....forget you and forget her too

'I'm sorry. If I can't afford a Ferrari. But that don't mean I can't get you there. I guess he's an Xbox. And I'm more Atari.'

'I pity the fool. Who falls in love with you'
Jules said…
Its not a foregone conclusion that anyone who divorces from the current Monarch or the Heir to the throne’s children will be financially compensated to such a degree that they are set up for life. Take for example the settlement Of Captain Mark Phillips, Princess Anne’s first husband, when his marriage to Princess Anne ended he himself reported his settlement as being very modest, with some reports stating it was under or around the two million mark. Although Sarah Fergusson often claimed she had been financially cut adrift by the Queen and the Duke of York, she wasn’t. Senior sources at the Palace were so angered by this they gave The Sunday Telegraph precise details of her divorce settlement in order to disprove the Duchess's "outrageous" claims. Her package agreed in 1996 when the couple divorced, The Queen gave her £500,000 to buy a new house for her and her children, as well as a further 1.4 million to set up a trust fund for Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie and another £350,000 in cash which had no restrictions on its use. There was also an agreement that the Duke of York would pay his daughters' private school and university fees as well as provide her with a modest monthly allowance which it is believed was then based on the Duke of York's salary as a Royal Navy officer. Royal sources estimate that the cost of 14 years of school fees and the modest monthly allowance total well over £500,000 meaning the Queen's former daughter-in-law and her children have received around £3 million from the Royal family in the past 14 years. Furthermore, the Royal family did not insist on an all-binding confidentiality clause as part of the divorce settlement which has enabled the Duchess to cash in on her royal connections, including earning £2.2 million from writing her autobiography.

Diana, Princess of Wales received the most, she was rewarded 17 million from her divorce settlement, half of what she had asked for and she was to be given an allowance of £400,00 per year. Both Prince Charles and the Princess signed a watertight confidentiality agreement. It is said that the Queen was perfectly happy for the Princess to keep her title of Her Royal Highness because she is the mother of the future of Queen, however, Prince Charles objected and insisted it was removed.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I remember when Charles insisted Diana’s title be removed.
What an arsehole move that was.
And so needless.
The Queen should have intervened in that.
It was disgraceful.

I was disgusted with him when that happened.
The pettiness of it.

But don’t worry. Prince William heard all about when it happened. And he
is going to give Lady Diana back her title.
He can do this whether she is deceased or not.
When he is King.

Well. What you say proves Sarah Ferguson is a liar.
And did OK financially.
Anonymous said…
Chick'sOpinion, yes to everything you wrote! Yes, Meghan's strength is business(Queen of Diamonds), and I also agree that she does seem to care for her friends, but notice that they all have to be FAMOUS. Where were her childhood friends at her wedding? I think there were none. She has completely closed the door to her family and past friends (unless of course, they were famous). Meghan has a lot of karmic debts to pay!

Jules, thank you for providing all that information on the Royals. I think Diana was given the biggest settlement because 1) she was so well-liked by the people; 2) she could have written a blockbuster book on the Royals (and probably made more money than her settlement); and 3) the Royals wanted to get rid of her (Diana probably had really good lawyers).

Captain Mark Phillips (don't really know him), but this was years ago and he probably wasn't what the Royals consider a "problem."

Meghan's business claws will most likely result in the largest settlement in the history of the Royals. She will have "Trump" style lawyers, evil and wicked, but they will get her a huge settlement. Oh Harry, you should have married Chelsy or Cressida, instead of the master manipulator, Meghan Markle! MMMM That's my new acronym for her! LOL!
T. W. said…
I agree with all these comments.

I think Christian did say Harry should have married Cressida Bonas. Now I’m thinking about Troilus & Cressida. Shakespeare based “Romeo and Juliet” off that story. Meghan will wish she ended up like Juliet. Just watch.

Prince Charles wanted to humiliate Diana. She had to curtesy to the lesser royals after she lost her title.

Diana may have been a Lady but she will always be a Princess in my eyes.

Meghan may be married to a Prince but I’ve got the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in my corner and he’s gonna hook me up with a king. You’re all invited to the upcoming wedding whenever it happens.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think the acronym MMMM is perfect for Meghan.

But I think her current problem is. Shes met her match in master manipulators with the Royal Family.

I don't think she ever imagined that you could be controlled in a monarchy to this extent.

Princess Grace of Monaco, I think had a similar early struggle in with the role. Royal life and duties was a shock to her. And she was much younger than Meghan when she became a Princess.
Married early to basically the King of Monaco... Prince Ranier.

She was a former U.S actress too.
But she accepted the Royal role with dignity
All of it.
Because she knew how fortunate she was to live in such extravagance and such an important role.

And she had far more to lose than Meghan.
Grace Kelly... when an actress, was an Oscar winning A Lister actress. When she married into Royalty.

Meghan was TV Series actress. No big deal.

Princess Grace did try once to persuade Prince Ranier to allow her to make one last movie. When Director Hitchcock asked her. Prince Ranier and her had a fight about it.

But Prince Ranier made it very clear.
You can't be a movie actress. And perform a role as a Royal.

Princess Grace was adored as a Royal. She knuckled down, learned French. And served Monaco.
And never stepped out of line.

Meghan is not prepared to make that life long sacafice. Despite the Royal residences, maids, and extravagance. Even thats not enough for her. She wants access to far more money.

I think it would be enough for me.

You know, I thoroughly agree with you. Prince Harry should have married Chesly Davy or Cressida Bonas.
He would not have any of these problems had he done that.

Chelsy Davy said no to marriage and Royal life though.
The question is... did Cressida Bonas say no thanks too?

And another thing. Meghan should reflect. It was Princess Grace who saved the principality of Monaco from the French Blockade Crisis of 1962.

When basically France tried to kinda take over its neighbour, Monaco in 1962 . And force them to pay taxes to the French Government. And basically end Monaco's independence. And position as partly... a Tax Haven.

Princess Grace brought out the big guns. She used her American connections to bring back up. And bring an end to the French/Monaco tension. And get a resolution.

And she had other things to worry about too. The French involvement in the Algerian war with France.

So. You see... Meghan could create a big role in the Royal family if she wanted it.
But no.
She'll walk away.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I didn't know Christian predicted Prince Harry should have married Cressida Bonas.
I agree.
Can you get out your Silver Spade and find that prediction Christian made so long ago?

I'm intrigued to know why that relationship didn't work out either.

Perhaps Prince Harry's drinking. And carrying on.

Let us know when you meet your King. They are often inconspicuous.

And remember. Nerds often make better husbands than physically strong bad boys.

Things we wish we knew in High School.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think Captain Mark Phillips, Princess Ann's ex husband. Was probably a gentleman about the whole thing. And it's considered vulgar to talk a about money.

Meghan won't view discussion of money vulgar. Absolutely not.
Yes. Agree. Meghan's business claws will be out for every last penny she can squeeze out of a Royal divorce.

Plus the other reason Captain Mark Phillips probably accepted what was offered during divorce. Is that Princess Ann is very feisty. Going to war with her over divorce. Wouldn't be a good idea. She'd win.

Aside from the Queen, Princess Ann is the only one who really does the amount of Royal work shes supposed to.

And. I didn't know Romeo and Juliet was based on another original story. Cressida and Troilius.

Good comparison.

Yes. Well. There's so much secrecy about how why Prince Harry parted with Cressida Bonas.

And I wonder.... did it ever really end. She came to Prince Harry's wedding.

And Christian did point out that one of Prince Harry's ex's came to his wedding because in fact it never really ended.

The thing is. Chelsy Davy came to the wedding too.

You know. There's no f..cking way I'd allow my Fiancee's ex's at my wedding.

I certainly hope Meghan put on a performance about that. And tried to stop it.
Cause that was wrong.

If any ex's are coming to your wedding. They're coming to make trouble.
Almost always.
Everyone knows that.
Or. Whoever you're marrying, is still bonking them. Secretly.

That's been proven over and over.
Whether the ex attends the wedding with a so called 'new' partner or not.
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion – Could not agree more with you concerning the Prince of Wales, he was undeniably cruel to Diana.
Anonymous said…
Chick'sOpinion, yes, yes, yes! Princess Grace was classy and beautiful. MMMM could take a note from her. Didn't I read something where MMMM said she designed her dress after Princess Grace's dress? I vaguely recall something like that.

Who does MMMM think she is? She is not even in the same class of the lovely Princess Grace. I have seen some old movies that Princess Grace starred in, she was gorgeous and not a bad actress either!

Princess Grace was a lady, and it must have been very difficult in some respects to give up her very lucrative and successful career to marry Prince Rainer. But love prevailed, and their love from what I gather, was REAL.

While Harry may have true feelings of love for MMMM, she most definitely does not share those same feelings for him.

It makes no sense to invite your ex-girlfriends to your wedding. Harry was all fun and games prior to meeting MMMM. Drunk and partying, having a good time. Hardly husband material, even if you are a Royal and rich. (Yes, I think that nerds make the best husbands, LOL) Now he's all serious and appears grown up. MMMM has some hold on Harry, he did stop drinking and he got his act together. Perhaps this is what sold the Royals on MMMM, and possibly felt that perhaps this is a match made in heaven.

TW, do you think your King of Kings and Lord of Lords in your corner, could find a prince for me too? LOL If anyone deserves a "prince" of a guy, it's you! Namaste!
T. W. said…

I’ve been digging. The only predictions I found are of Christian talking about Harry being with Cressida. I cannot find any predictions saying he should marry her even though I am positive he said this.

A few years back some of Christian’s predictions would mysteriously disappear. Comments also mysteriously disappeared too. That’s why when you go back a few years you see 0 comments. That’s a shame because they were juicy.

Some people reported Cressida is or was Harry’s mistress. I think the American tabloids did report that. They also revealed Prince Williams’s American mistress’s identity (he dated her when he broke up with Waity Katey).

Prediction #137

Prediction #69 ha ha ha...

Juicy Comments
T. W. said…
I’ll say again, Prince Harry has many male & female “friends” to comfort him. Interpret that anyway you like.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I think Princess Grace, as a fellow American would be a good role model for MMMM Meghan Markle to follow.

With how Princess Grace handled the loss of her freedom, the U.S and starting a big new Royal role.

But Princess Grace, Grace Kelly.... had a better start in life than Meghan. Family wise. And socially.
And her family certainly were not short of money.
And would never in a million years sold stories about Grace.
For money.

Also, Princess Grace grew up in a well off upper middle class family. With no skeletons in their cupboards. In Philadelphia.
Her parents, the Kelly's, were successful and political.

Unlike Meghan's crazy family.

Princess Grace was alot more naturally beautiful than Meghan. And was a model before Hollywood discovered her.

She didn't need a nose job like Meghan.

Also. She didn't have former marriages behind her. Or crazy jealous half sisters.

The Kelly's were quiet respectable Catholics.

And when Grace Kelly became a Hollywood A Lister. She did sleep with some of her leading men. But was very discreet about it.

She was respected in Hollywood because she was such a lady.

Meghan has worked as an Escort. And it's gonna come out. Unfortunately.

And also any woman her age. In this day and age, Meghan has a past with boyfriend's.
How long are her ex's gonna remain quiet?

As for Meghan Markle's wedding dress. It isn't the one that was based on Grace Kelly's Monaco Wedding dress.

Kate, the Duchess Of Cambridge's wedding dress was very much based on Princess Grace's. Which I believe was designed by Helen Rose of The MGM Hollywood studio.

MGM were permitted to film Grace Kelly's wedding in Monaco also.
I don't think Grace Kelly was happy about that.

Princess Grace had to work really hard at her new role as a Princess. Much harder than Meghan. Because Meghan speaks English.

There were only 2 other people in the Monaco Palace who spoke fluent English when Princess Grace went to live there.

It was a shocking struggle for her to learn French. And communicate. And she suffered badly from insomnia.

I feel it appropriate to say here. I went to Monaco last year.

It was only 1 day there. As we went on to Cannes.
I was on a whirlwind tour of Europe. Went lots of places.

Well we went to the church where princess Grace is is buried in the floor. After that horrific car accident she died in.... off the winding cliffs she actually drove in the movie she made there, To Catch A Thief.

I felt I could not stop and linger at the memorial to her grave in the floor. I actually found it too gloomy.

We were out the front of the Monaco Palace later. And the most shocking storm swept up. And we had to run for our lives back to the bus. Soaking wet.

My impression of modern Monaco is. It's so small a principality. That there would have been no way Princess Grace could have gone anywhere unrecognised. And nor her children.
No privacy at all.

I wonder if the new Princess Of Monaco is having as difficult time. Princess Charlene.
Charlene used to look miserable.

But seems to have found her role. She's a South African ex competitive swimmer. And she is very involved now in an International Charity that teaches kids to swim.
She actually gets in the water. And teaches.

She doesn't seem to have any interest in diamonds. Jewelery and Couture like Meghan.
Charlene is actually perfect for the role as Princess of Monaco I think.
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion - There are quite a few rumours floating around as to the reason why Cressida Bonas broke of her relationship with Prince Harry, however, according to royal biographer Katie Nicholl, author of Harry: Life, Loss, and Love, who wrote: "Cressida had been 'completely spooked' while watching TV coverage of William, Kate and George touring New Zealand and Australia that spring. There was no way she wanted that sort of attention and she told Harry so." Cressida is not single, she has just gotten engaged, to another Harry!!!! Her (potential) future husband is Harry Wentworth-Stanley a property developer, she dated him before she got together with Prince Harry.
Jules said…
Chicks opinion - When it comes to the different divorces of the Queen's children, I would think it would be Anne who would be the fairest, any money her former husband got would have come from the Queen, so there was no need to fight over it. I can’t understand why Sarah got such a little settlement from the Duke; it was a highly unrealistic settlement considering she was bringing up two blood princesses. Apparently, the Queen asked Sarah what she wanted, and all Sarah said was the Queen's continued friendship. The Queen should have been given her another royal home and an allowance for staff for as long as her girls resided with her. The Princess of Wales settlement was beyond insulting. I sincerely hope that her son does keep his promise to her and restores her title and I hope his father is still alive to see it.

Regarding the Sussex’s highly predicted divorce. It matters not what lawyers Meghan hires they will be no match for the Palace. To think that Meghan’s lawyers could intimidate or blackmail the Palace is just ridiculous. Although Harry is the one that would be divorcing, I can well imagine that the Queen and the Prince of Wales will be overseeing this divorce and if I was going to guess at what they might want I think it will definitely include a watertight confidentially agreement and the removal of the HRH status. When it comes to the financial side of things, any financial settlement will more than likely be met directly by his father or grandmother and if Charles has his way she will be getting a pittance. I will be highly surprised if she equals what the Princess of Wales was given.

I am wondering if Meghan understands that she will not get a massive financial settlement, hence all these highly questionable (possibly illegal) money-making schemes she is currently getting herself embroiled in.

By all accounts, the Palace is rumoured to have closed ranks and the couple is being ostracised. I have not checked but I have seen reports that state Prince Charles has withdrawn funding and has removed any mention of the couple from off his official website. He is apparently livid after he caught wind that the Duchess has allegedly been squirrelling money away from the very generous clothes allowance Prince Charles has given her, its rumoured that she been buying designer dresses, keeping the labels on, wearing them once and returning them and pocketing the money after it has been refunded instead of giving it back to Charles. Following the Balmoral fiasco, it has also been reported that the Queen has ordered her staff to look into the Sussex’s financial dealings with a fine-tooth comb as there is talk of money laundering and all kinds of shady things going on.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I'm surprised but not surprised that Sarah Ferguson walked away with a moderate divorce settlement from Prince Andrew.

Remember how Sarah Ferguson was a spendaholic in the 80's and 1990's. And is was discovered she had bought stuff all over London and not paid for them.
For years.

Even new kitchen cabinets were obtained and not paid for. Because she requested them for free based on her Royal Status.

Debts everywhere.

I remember it was in the papers. For weeks.
And the full ugly truth of her approx 7 year materialistic spending rampage came to light.

Perhaps when she was faced with the Queen. When divorcing.
She was trying to live down her outa control spending reputation. And didn't have the confidence to ask for a high divorce financial settlement.

At that time. And the climate then. It would have seemed impertinent maybe.

Probably grateful for what she was offered after her behaviour through the late 80's annd 90's.

Meghan Markle and her appear to have plenty in common. In terms of spending.

Meghan Markle doesnt realise. The Palace have seen this shit before. And do know how to manage it... to a degree.

Yes. Would not surprise me that Meghan is doing that with the Designer clothing shes bought.
Prince Charles would be furious about it.
Hopping mad.

Agree. I also will be so happy to see Diana's title restored to her.
That will piss alot of people off in the Palace. Who plotted her downfall too. In their own personal way.
It will piss that Rottweiler, Camilla off too.q
The Spencer's will be triumphant if it happens.

Cause as you know Jules. The Spencer's are more Royal than than The Royal family. If we want to get down to brass tacks. And facts about status. And lineage.

Yes. I think you are right. The Palace will probably have Fiona Shackleton as the divorce lawyer for Prince Harry.

And you know, she is a force to be reckoned with.


Meghan now knows some of the Royal family's secrets. Alot of Harry's secrets.

And I really do believe her and whoever represents her. Are going to use this to force a high financial settlement. On the condition she agrees not to write a Tell All book later.

Will Fiona Shackleton goes as far as recommend the removal of HRH status from Meghan?1 Well if Prince Charles has anything to do with it. He'll recommend it.

The thing I want to know is. Can Prince Harry's 2nd wife carry a HRH Ttle if Meghan gets to retain hers after divorce?

Surely there can't be 2 Duchesses.

Like alot of people. I'd like to see Prince Harry start afresh. And get it right. And solid next time.

And. 1I'm not surprised Cressida Bonas got spooked about marrying Harry.

And she hasn't had a good role model for a mother.
In regards to marriages.

Despite her mother, Lady Mary-Gaye Curzon, being the most beautiful English aristocrat of her time.

Lady Mary-Gaye Curzon was a train wreck. In relationships. And has been married 4 times. With babies to all different men.

Could Cressida see a future like her mother's disasters ....with marriage to Prince Harry.


Yes. And Prince Harry definitely has a drinking problem. They have been trying to keep that on the down-low. But it's leaking out.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Perhaps Fiona Shackleton, the Royal Divorce lawyer will respond to Meghan with,

'Well you have secrets yourself love. And we'll bring them all to light in affidavits and lodge them in Court. Long before the hearing Day. If you wanna play hard ball over Prince Harry's secrets and reveal them'

Playing hardball back with people often demotivates smart arses. In legal issues.

They soon change their position. Out of court.

And as I always say. They eat shit.

Their own.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Agree with you. It makes no sense to invite your ex's to your wedding.

Unless you are still banging them.

So its rather suspicious why Chelsy and Cressida were invited.

Though I get that Cressida is engaged to someone else these days.

And so is Chelsy Davy I believe.

But then theres sharing.

You know, like when you buy a packet of Crisps.

And let someone have one or two. Or three.

Depends how hungry you are.
And generous you are.

Sharing could even be considered a duty to the Crown.

Chelsy Davy is supposed to be in a relationship these days, with TV Producer James Marshall.

Hes 44. And interestingly he is the former husband of golden age Hollywwod actress, Ingrid Bergman's granddaughter. Elletra Wiedemann.

She is actress model Isabella Rossellini's daughter.

Isabella Rossellini is a bit nuts.

I read her book.

She is a perfect example of why it isn't a good idea to encourage your kids to be too Avant Garde.

Isabella Rossellini was even too wacky for her 1st husband, director, Martin Scorsese. And he is an amazing creative.

Ingrid Bergman was a highly skilled actress as we know. But her and Italian director, Roberto Rossellini were not strict enough as parents.
Anonymous said…
Jules and Chick'sOpinion, thank you for all the information that you posted here. You guys know a lot of history on the Royals!

Chick'sOpinion, I forgot about Chelsy Davies. Another blonde in the lineup, but she seemed like a nice girl. Harry was drinking and partying, probably wasn't faithful. He came to our city and made a spectacle of himself and landed on the front page of every city in the world.

Princess Charlene does seem to be a class act. She just loves those twins of hers! She is a great role model, mother and princess to the Prince of Monaco. I had no idea she was a prized swimmer. That takes discipline and commitment. No wonder she exudes "grace" whenever I have seen photos of her or on the TV.

Jules, you might be right. The Royals may offer a small sum in the divorce and show her the gate. I just think Meghan will cause an uproar, threaten to write books on the Royals if they don't offer X amount of dollars. I guess we'll find out. And by the way, I agree that Harry loves Meghan. I don't think she would have married him if he wasn't a Royal prince. Her love comes with a ________. What is the word I'm looking for?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Hi Anonymous

The interesting thing about Chelsy Davy is at the time she was dating Prince Harry she was as hard a partier as Prince Harry.

She was very young.

But she also knew how to work hard. She studied at Cape Town University. And then transferred to another degree program at Leeds University in the UK.

Chelsy may be blonde... but she's not dumb. She's always been ambitious career wise. She did work as a lawyer for a while too. She didn't do easy subjects at university.

She endured long periods of separation from Prince Harry. Due to her studies. And him being in Sandhurt Military College. And in the War zones of Iraq and Afghanistan.
She also hated the Press.
And told them nothing.

I believe Chelsy Davy and Prince Harry's long term relationship suffered to the unfortunate responsibilities each of them had.

They spent many happy times in Africa. They even hired a crappy old houseboat in Africa and lived on it for a week at one stage

Chelsy Davy couldn't handle the lack of privacy that a whole married life to Harry would have included.
So she said no to marrying Harry.
Meghan is definately Prince Harry's Plan B.
I'd say she now knows this.
Chick'sOpinion said…

The word you are looking for is conditions.

The condition of marriage for Meghan is wealth, power, influence.

She's not the sort of woman who could cope with just marrying an electrician.
Or a truck driver.
Even a Doctor wouldn't be enough for her.

I think shes obsessed in luxury because she didn't have much as a child.

As we know. That often makes some people seriously materialistic.

What cures it?

Having it taking all from you.

And you then learn value what really matters.
A basic roof over your head.
Some really friends or family.
And enough income to eat and pay rent.

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