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Unknown said…
Will she run for re-election?
Odin said…
Who gets impeached in Westminster??? haha
T. W. said…
I’ll be back in a few days. Gotta do work.
Chocmint33 said…
The sooner the better. I saw Babyfart on the news yesterday saying that he's going after Biden and his son because he wants to get rid of corruption.

Yeah right mate. Just more diversion tactics from the most corrupt POTUS ever.

Why this FRUITLOOP is still in office is beyond me.

Kristy said…
Wow Pelosi president! Didn't see that coming
Missy said…
How long before the Replublicans all turn on him? The Replublicans majority still back even Billly Graham jr so very wrong.
Does Trump have something on Billly Graham jr?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Nancy Pelosi as President. That would be fantastic
Chick'sOpinion said…
No one's got harder nuts than Nancy.

Apart from a very long political career. She's survived quite well. This Baltimore, ball busting babe has led House Democrats since 2003. She was very against the U.S war with Iraq.

As well as Bush's attempt to privatise Social Security.

She is responsible for helping bring in the Affordable care Act, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act. And Consumer Protection Act.

Also. The Dont Tell Don't Ask Don't Tell Repeal Act. The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act. And the 2010 Tax Relief Act

She's an Italian American. And her father was once a Democratic Congressmen for Maryland.
And also he was Mayor of Baltimore.

Her brother, Thomas D'Allesandro III was Mayor of Baltimore from 1967 to 1971.

If she seems sarcastic at times. It's because she's seen it all.

She was even there when John F Kennedy did his inaugural address when sworn in as President in 1961.
She's a graduate of Trinity College, Washington.

And particularly wealthy.

She owns a vineyard in California.
T. W. said…

The Vice President is next in line, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives, then Senator pro temp(?), then Secretary of State, then other Secretaries.

Either Nancy Pelosi is a very lucky woman or she is more cunning than a fox and has the patience of Job.
Chick'sOpinion said…

University education was free in Australia when I first went in the late 1980's.

In my naivety. I thought all university education was free all over the world.

But that's how it should be.

And funded through taxation.

They even gave me as an undergrad, $2,000.00 AU, a year allowance.... cause my parents were divorced.

And Study allowance welfare.

It's not free anymore.
I think as soon as there was an election. The opposition got in.

And introduced fee paying.

So it was back to middle class kids getting educated. To becoming the ruling elite in Australia.

Lots of people would try and argue with this. But it's a clear fact to me. Australian educated parents are able to send their middle class kids to university.

They can afford it.

And they go on to have alot of power in Australia in their future job. Generations of them.

So in Australia. The majority of kids at university are now.... International students, mainly Asian, where the rich Asian parents have come up with. And pay $200,000.00 AU to the Australian university.

They are the majority in our Medicine Degrees too. Dominating.

Are Working Class Australian kids going to university these days?

But if you claim to be Aboriginal Australian. You get huge financial support.

But. The problem and $$$ waste is. Aboriginal Australians rarely finish their degree.
Financial help or not.

The government in a Australia couldn't give a shit about talented Working Class Australians.

Any talent wasted. Anywhere.
Is wrong.
T. W. said…
Middle class in America can barely afford to send their kids to college. Here in America, we have the Haves and the Have-Nots. Middle class is no longer a reality.

20,000 Australian Dollar equals
13,585.57 United States Dollar

Duke University tuition is $100,000 USD, that is 147,215 Australian ONLY for tuition. Anyone worthy enough to attend RISD (Rhode Island School of Design) pay half-million US Dollars PER YEAR.

Does anyone else see what is happening here?

The joke is on the poors. The hoity-toity schools rarely reveal they have a multitude of money to dole out in financial aid due to shrewd investments and generous donations and endowments.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I can what is happening. It's just wrong.

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