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Anonymous said…
Is Trump related to Lord Farquhar off shriek by any chance ? Both love a reflection of themselves.
T. W. said…
He is also the bestest!
Chick'sOpinion said…
So its true that Trump has had a bad relationship with alot of military men.

They're marvellous in his eyes when they are backing his ideas.

But then when they are not. He calls them losers, failures and fires them.

Recall how he described former U.S Senator,John McCain. A former Prisoner of war, who was captured by the North Vietnamese while on a mission in 1973 in Hanoi. John McCain was shot down, seriously injured. And then captured.

But according to Trump,

'John McCain was not a war hero, because he was captured. And I like people who weren't captured'

He's actually insulted John McCain many times over the years.

So now today, we have Col Alexander Vindman.

The media are calling him him quite rightly, the Oliver North of the Trump administration.

Well, in a way he is.

But, at least Alexander Vindman willingly arrived in uniform today, to testify about concerns that Trump was inappropriately pressuring the Ukraine. And his efforts to fix omissions in the July 25 phone call transcript.

Alexander Vindman heard the whole phone call. The real one. Without ommissions....because he was listening in.

And has told the truth. That key phrases were deliberately taken out of the White House version of that phone call.

Alexander Vindman has also stated that Ukrainian President, Zelensky made specific references to Joe Biden's son on the Ukrainian Energy Council. In that phone call.

So where are all the Military men today? that Trump used to call 'my general's.

Well fact is, they have all fled. Or have been fired.
T. W. said…

Top Trump adviser next in impeachment hearing hot seat


A senior administration official says Tim Morrison, a National Security Council official, "has decided to pursue other opportunities." The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, adds that Morrison has been considering leaving the administration for "some time."

Morrison is set to face lawmakers Thursday morning. He was one of the officials listening in on Trump's July call with the president of Ukraine.

He has been a central figure in other testimony about Trump's decision to withhold military assistance to Ukraine, as well as efforts by the president and his allies to pressure Ukraine to investigate Trump's political rivals.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Are you referring to Trump being Lord Farquaard from Shrek.

That's so funny.

And is Melania Princess Fiona?

I doubt it though. Cause Princess Fiona is not exactly beautiful.

Personally I think the UK Parliament is full of Lord Maximus Farquaards.

They don't even realise.

Oh and I looked it up for your amusement.

The character Lord Farquaard in Shrek is based on both Richard III

And Michael Eisner, the then CEO of Walt Disney.

Because the producer, Jeffery Katzenberg hated him.

And the name Farquaard comes from Mark Farquhar the animator.
T. W. said…
Pathologist: Jeffrey Epstein’s Body Showed Signs of Homicidal Violence


Former NYC medical examiner Dr. Michael Baden claims the body bore signs of homicidal violence, not suicide.


Baden says the billionaire had two broken bones on the left and right sides of his larynx, around the Adam's apple. But the telltale sign of murder was a fracture to the hyoid bone in his neck above the Adam's apple.

"Those three fractures are extremely unusual in suicidal hangings and could occur much more commonly in homicidal strangulation," Baden told Fox News.

Baden worked on high-profile cases involving Nicole Simpson (O.J. Simpson's ex-wife), President John F. Kennedy, former NFL star Aaron Hernandez, and more.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. It seems fairly certain Jeffery Epstein was murdered.

So he couldn't talk.

What a disgusting infernal monster he was.

Chick'sOpinion said…
It will be interesting to see what U.S Foreign Policy will be towards Ukraine.

After Trump is booted out. Or resigns.

Cause it's a fact guys...all foreign policy towards Ukraine, while Trump has been in office, has been focussed on removing the reasonable power and authority off U.S career diplomats. And into the power of Trump, Rudy Giuliani and corrupt Ukrainian Judges.

To keep the corruption going in Ukraine. In the U.S's favour. And for corrupt Ukranians.

And the clear bribing of the Ukrainian Prime Minister.... with denial of military aid to him. By Trump.

Saying 'If you don't allow the U.S to take over your energy industry. Then you get no military aid from the U.S'

Mmmmm. Will the U.S completely revert to their former role? Of assisting stop or limit the Russian aggression on their soil.

I hope so.

Because Ukraine have been through alot in recent years.

They need some good luck for a change.

And it may be sort of happening now.

Because recently Russian backed Separatists have been pulling back from the front line in Zolote, in Ukraine.

Yes its been 5 long years of conflict in Ukraine.

But the possible ending of the conflict and the withdrawal of Russian backed Separatists, is not without a capitulation.

Because Ukranian leader Volodymyr Zelensky is now suffering further humiliation.

He has had to agree to elections soon. In the territories that the Russians want. And claim are theirs. And the land these Russian backed separatists are murdering for.

Prime Minister Zelensky is doing these elections so the conflict can end.

So far, the conflict has resulted in the deaths of
13,000 people.

The Ukrainian leader, Zelensky should hold off I think.
Until Trump is out of power. So a new U.S government administration can assist Ukraine.

Without Ukraine having to give over more land to the 'land and power' hungry Russia.

Next they'll want Hawaii.
T. W. said…

Someone else made the Lord Farquard comment. It is up to you to decide who is the bestest!!!
T. W. said…
Maximus Farquaard, ha ha ha...
Chick'sOpinion said…

In regards to this Senior Official, Tim Morrison.

They are like rats fleeing a sinking ship.
T. W. said…
I agree with your assessment.
Chick'sOpinion said…
The fight to protect Syria. And it's oil fields begins.

And it's certainly better than Islamic State getting hold of the oil fields. Because as most know. That's how they fund their murderous tyranny on everyone.

So the U.S military entered as a convoy into Northern Syria yesterday. The U.S is doing this in partnership with the Kurdish Fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces.

Which is good. People working together.

The U.S are also taking positions to protect Syrians generally.

This is a reverse of Trump's former goal. To withdraw U.S troops out of the region.

And. As some might remember. The Turkish military, a short while ago starting massing on the Syrian border invade.

Trump has managed to stop Turkey's planned aggression and invasion of Syria. By basically threatening to destroy Turkey's economy if they continue the aggression.


Russia is unsurprisingly pissed off about all of these developments. In helping Syria. And controlling Turkey.

Calling the U.S moves, 'international banditry'

Yes. You can always rely on Russian disapproving of anything that helps people. Or is humanitarian.

Putin hates anything remotely like that.

I feel it won't be long before the world is finally rid of Vladamir Putin.

And it's not an exaggeration to say. That the world will be a safer place when he is gone. And I don't mean just out of Office.

I mean dead.

Because even if he's booted out. He'll try and control and influence from behind.

He's an ex head of the KGB. He doesn't know how to operate like a normal human being.

And never will.

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