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Marathon to nowhere....


Chick'sOpinion said…
And there's troubles on the horizon. Where the clover grows.

In Ireland.

The New IRA made a statement yesterday.
About the Northern Irish border. And they claim they are already planning to attack the border and those who man it after Brexit.

Regardless of whether it's a hard or soft border.

They have emphasized that it is NOT an Irish border. It is a British border... imposed on Ireland by the illegal occupation of Britain in Ireland.

Here we go again.

What surprises me. Is that this message from the Irish Republican Army (IRA) was even in the media. For all to read.

When I lived in the UK. Their messages were banned from TV. And if Irishmen, like Jerry Adams were speaking to the media. Their sound was suppressed. By the BBC.
In fact every form of media was legally required to suppress them. That was in place for probably 20 years

Well the New IRA have already started their terrorism again anyway. As far back as 1998 and 2011.

With the murder of a policeman in Omagh

The murder of some Prison Officers. The recent murder of a young female Journalist and a car bomb outside a Courthouse in Derry.

Bombs under cars are their speciality unfortunately.

The worry is this.
At the moment the New IRA are being quite clear about their targets. And that is currently confined to Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic....Southern Ireland. Either side of the border.

But they have a known history of moving their targets to British mainland. When they believe they are not making the UK suffer enough.

The UK had decades of it.

This outcome is unavoidable for Boris Johnson I think.

Unless their is a political move to remove entirely a border between the Irish Republic or Northern Ireland. Which most people know is effectively a British Territory.

Well. That's not gonna happen. Sometime soon.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Further concern is. The IRA claim that the Good Friday Agreement is dead. Defunct.

And anyway wasn't ratified and has had numerous changes. That the Irish people didn't agree to.

The Good Friday Agreement or Belfast Agreement was a political outcome of the Peace Process that eventuated because of 2 Key agreements in 1998.

They were the Multiparty Agreement, and The British-Irish Agreement.

This had a number of provisions In it. To bring about peace finally.

Including the status and system of government.... of Northern Ireland within the United Kingdom and the relationship between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Cultural rights, the decommissioning of weapons, demilitarisation, justice and policing. And lots of prisoner exchanges between Ireland and the UK.

It came into place after 2 referendums. And the Irish voted for it.

And the only Irish political group who opposed the Good Friday Agreement was the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)

And who is Boris Johnson currently having to be on good terms with at the moment?


With great difficulty.

Given that the Irish voted for the Good Friday Agreement in no less than 2 referendums. I find it puzzling that the New IRA are claiming Ireland don't/didn't approve of it.

Or recognise it.

I can only assume that the New IRA and the rag tag dissident paramilitary groups who have combined with them to produce this so called New IRA

Are deluding themselves.
And are just a bunch of purposeless troublemakers. Who are uncomfortable with the Peace that came to Ireland and the UK. After decades of bloodshed.

If so. Controlling them is usually impossible. Always has been
But we live in technologically advanced times.
It ain't the 1990's anymore.

So perhaps they are in for a shock.
About how easily they can be identified. Profiled. Charged. Sentanced.
And jailed.
Miranda said…
Running into trouble!
T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “Black Folks Keep Getting Murdered By The Police”:

Police Kill Another Unarmed Black Man Over Chicken


A Louisiana man was shot dead by an East Feliciana Parish deputy who responded to a burglary call at a Texaco gas station early Monday.

The family of Christopher Whitfield, 31, say he had a history of mental illness and he fled from the cops because he had previous trouble with the law.

The store's owner, Danny Williams, said Whitfield broke into a cooler and stole a box of raw chicken before fleeing the store.

East Feliciana Parish Sheriff's Chief Deputy Greg Phares confirmed the deputy encountered Whitfield behind the gas station and shot him, according to The Advocate.

Whitfield had a previous arrest in 2010 for breaking into the same store.

Phares declined to say if Whitfield was armed with a weapon.
T. W. said…
Congressman Elijah Cummings has died. May he Rest In Peace.


Elijah Cummings, born to South Carolina sharecroppers, was born on January 18, 1951. In grade school he struggled academically and was told by teachers that he did not have the talent and ability to become a lawyer.

Cummings became a lawyer and a civil rights advocate before launching a nearly four decade long career in public service - first in the Maryland House of Delegates and then in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Elijah Cummings was also a staunch opponent of the Trump administration and a key figure in the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. His integrity, leadership and strength will be missed.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Boris Johnson needs his current Brexit Deal to be accepted by the House of Commons on Saturday.

By the skin of his teeth it may get the votes.

With a backing of it, of the Irish DUP (The Democratic Unionist Party)
Who threw a spanner in the works at the last minute. Yesterday. And stated,

'They could not support it'

And insisted some of the text of the Withdrawal Agreement, changed....reworked.

Arlene Foster, Leader of The Northern Ireland DUP. Was so annoyed with what had to be reworked... she said,

'The Agreement drives a coach of horses through the professed sanctity of the Belfast Agreement (the Good Friday Agreement)'

Boris Johnson need 10 DUP members support to get this over the line on Saturday.

Personally I still don't think the DUP are happy.

Have they ever been happy??

Don't answer that.

Cause I know what Irish and British people will say. LOL

If ya do. Please make it funny. We need humour here guys.

And this Deal, Boris Johnson created with European leader does not protect jobs enough.

Well. Jean Claude Junker of the European Commission has stated that he doesn't see any need to prolong things any further now.

That view is not shared by other EU Leaders
And one even called Jean Claude Junker's comment to'fake news'

For those who don't know..The DUP, the Northern Ireland Democratic Unionist Party is a political party who favours British identity. In the Northern part of Ireland.... British Territory.

It was founded in 1971 by that troublemaking arsehole, the Reverend Ian Paisley. Who led the DUP for 37 years.
And who is mercifully, now dead.

The DUP is equal in popularity in Northern Ireland with the Party, Sinn Fein.

The DUP are mostly right wing, Conservative, Eurosceptic and are pro British Nationalism.

Not too popular as you can imagine, with the New or old IRA.

Never was.
And never will be.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And another important thing. The DUP of Ireland is hardline Protestant. In their religion.

So its suffice to say. If you are Catholic?

You cannot join the DUP
Chick'sOpinion said…

Omg. Elijah Cummings has probably been murdered.

He is the Congessman I was talking about a while back. Who Trump went berserk about.

Because Trump visited Congressman Cumming's Baltimore.

And came back wild with anger. And claimed the predominately black area, Cummings controlled in Baltimore, was not only,

'a rat and rodent invested mess and slum. But (he's) been checking the books....
And there was evidence of a huge amount of financial corruption in the local government of Baltimore'

Which infuriated Trump.

Because when he went there. He couldn't figure out why Baltimore's black suburbs looked like 3rd World slums. And yet, there was/is plenty of govt funding pouring into Baltimore.

I'm not claiming to know one way or another what has happened in Baltimore.

But was Elihjah Cummings murdered? Because he knew too much.
I know he was very involved in the NAAP.

But what I'm also about say may not be popular.

It would be naive to presume that when Trump came to power as President. There was not alot of corruption already going on in the Whitehouse, financially.

Obama would have discovered some of it.
That was going on.

Would he have done something about it?
Well. Not if he valued his life.

I think Obama ignored alot of the long term fraud and corruption that had been in place for years. In the Whitehouse.
Because he had too.

Trump comes along. As new President. And he's a totally different person.

With a big mouth. Used to getting his way if his businesses are losing money. Not profitable.

He's not a career politician. Doesn't even pretend to be. And he's been sick of for years...of the U.S having an image of a failed economy.

And he puts an immediate stop to some of the financial corruption in the Whitehouse he discovers.
Well as much of it as he can. Cause he needs that money for other things.

For a start to have power in trade negotiations with countries that have been screwing the U.S for decades.
For bribes. And to build an expensive wall.

Notice how Trump closed many Dept's when he came to power. Almost immediately.
Because he discovered they hadn't been needed for years. Or were not cost effective at all

He has pissed off alot of the elite I think. Who have been skimming off U.S govt money for decades.
For themselves.

I'm not saying Trump is an honest man. Far from it.
But it takes a liar to recognise a liar.

And I think it's part of his spiritual mission. To come in as an outsider and shake things up.

Remember he wasn't prepared to be manipulated by the American billionaires, the Koch brothers.

Who have been influencing U.S politics to suit themselves and their many industries.... for decades.

In fact. In August, Trump had the Koch brother's many Chicken Plants with 100's of illegal workers, raided by ICE in Mississippi. Arresting 680 undocumented workers there.

He did that I teach the Koch brothers a lesson.

For defying/critising his economic decisions
And to remind the Koch brothers who is running the show in U.S.

One of the old Koch brothers died recently.

It wouldn't surprise me if he died because of the stress Trump imposed on him and his corrupt brother.
When they suddenly had to start employing documented workers.
And pay them correct rates. In their many industries. And Mississippi Chicken Plants.

Or face another well coordinated ICE raid. Ordered by Trump.
The Koch brothers would have lost so much profit over those raids
Not to mention the fines for employing undocumented workers.

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