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Oh what a web they weave...

David Correia arrested at JFK.
Is linked to Rudy Giuliani and the Ukraine plot.
But, wait that’s not all.
He’s on another list.....
The long list of cronies, of the man who committed ”suicide”.
Who also has a prince as a friend.
This will go all the way back to Trump.
Keep watching this space.


T. W. said…
Epstein had his fingers in a lot of pies.

I wish I could depart this earth. I hate it here.
Chick'sOpinion said…
He is David Correia.

He is one of the ones of Rudy Giuliani's associates.

And. He is a defendant in a U.S Campaign Finance Case.

His co co-offenders were fleeing Dulles Airport. On one-way tickets the other day. For a flight to..... where else?


When they were suddenly arrested by U.S cops.

David Correia was arrested separately. At JFK Airport. After he returned from a flight to the middle East.

Yes. At least 3 of these cronies had dinner with Rudy Giuliani. Before they fled

And Rudy Giuliani claims he doesn't know any of these arrested defendants.

Perhaps what he ate at dinner gave him memory loss.

Does Borsch give you amnesia?

.... he seriously expects people to believe his claim.

Maybe Ukrainian Borsch causes you to have confused thoughts too.

Anyway. This David Correia has been charged with participating in a scheme to use foreign money to build political support for a new recreational marijuana business in Nevada and other U.S states.

The finance regulators have released the names of some of these arrested cronies. That are all in this with David Correia and Rudy Giuliani.

Charged are, Lev Parnas And Igor Fruman.

They sound like Ukranian names to me.

As Ukranian as Borsch.

Funny that.

Anyway. The Washington Post have already nailed it.

And learned that Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman have been helping Rudy Giuliani investigate, dig dirt on Democrat, Joe Biden.

And also according to the Washington Post, federal Agents have been following and investigating Rudy Giuliani for a very long time.

And what it all comes down to. Is these people and him. Have been violating campaign finance laws.

David Correia is also charged with conspiracy as being part of an alleged scheme involving donations to Nevada politicians. In the hopes of winning support for a Marijuana business.

That is being financially backed by an unidentified Russian businessman named Kukushkin from California.

Also being dragged in is. Texas Republican, Pete Sessions.

Who has been interacting with all these cronies. Including Rudy Giuliani.

They know that, Lev Parnas met with Pete Sessions.
To try and get him to help remove from Ukraine, U.S Ambassador to Ukraine, Maria Yovanovitch.


Because she was trying to stop corruption in Ukraine.

They wanted that stopped as soon as possible.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And The Hollies described this situation better than anyone, in Long Cool Woman.

Older people know the lyrics,

'Saturday night I downtown
Working for the FBI
Sittin in a nest of bad men
Whiskey bottles piling high

Bootlegging boozer on the Westside
Full of people who are doing wrong
Just about to call up the D.A man
When I heard this woman singing a song.

She was long cool woman in a black dress'
Chick'sOpinion said…
Correction these cronies were on their way to Vienna.

The plot thickens.

Yes. Rudy Giuliani has got himself so knee deep in shit. It's a wonder he can breathe.

And why exactly is this David Correia on the FBI list of people they want to talk to.... about Jeffery Epstein.

Was he helping Jeffery Epstein to launder money. The huge income Epstein got. For procuring minors for sex for the powerful elite.


Was David Correia a customer.

Sounds like it's all gonna come out.

I personally don't believe they will ever get to the total bottom of all Epstein's financial transactions and customers.
And victims.

Because he was successfully active for far too long. He's paid alot of people ....alot of money to be silent forever. Years ago.

They are not about to start taking. Because the second they do. They are immediately implicated.

They'll get alot of these people.

But not all of them.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I see Katie Holmes has clearly had a face lift.

Good for her.

Unfortunately years of shit. Fighting that deluded Scientology Zealot, Tom Cruise in Court.

Over Suri. Really affected her.

Her looks.

She looks fantastic now. Like the young Katie Holmes we knew.

Plus shes ended that faked PR relationship with Jamie Foxx.

Now she can actually find herself a real partner. And stepfather for Suri.

Suri needs one. A good one. As a substitute for that crazy Scientologist fanatic, Tom Cruise.

Who thinks he's some kind of Scientology Apostle.

There isn't an actor I dislike more. Than Tom Cruise.

Katie Holms spent every penny she had. To fight the legal fight against him. And clearly shes won.

Now she needs some big movie roles. That are worthy of her.
T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “White People Stay Winning”

Felicity Huffman won't serve her full 14-day prison sentence


The former "Desperate Housewives" star, who reported for her 14-day prison sentence on Tuesday, October 15, will reportedly only serve 13 days behind bars. People cited the Federal Bureau of Prisons inmate locator when reporting the news. She'll be released on October 27.

TMZ added that Huffman won't serve the full 14 days because of the few hours she spent behind bars following her initial arrest as part of the college admissions scandal back in March. The outlet reports that the time it took for authorities to arrest her at her home, book her and ultimately release her after several hours will be counted as the fourteenth day of her sentence.
T. W. said…
Christian and Chick’sOpinion told us about this:

“Is This Real?”: Trump Sends Third-Grade Reading-Level Letter to Erdoğan

(Please note that Trump claimed he personally defeated ISIS)



Each line of the letter contains an obvious Trumpism—talk of “deals,” reference to “tough guys”—but packaged together, in all its batshit glory, in an official letter to another world leader, it seemed unbelievable even for a guy who most people agree should’ve been placed under conservatorship some time ago. The immediate reaction from the media was “HOW IS THIS THING REAL,” and yet, according to the White House, it totally is! That means that the president of the United States sat down and either penned—or more likely dictated—a letter in which he told the president of Turkey, “Don’t be a tough guy,” “Don’t be a fool,” history “will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don’t happen,” and then, in what might be the absolute craziest way to end a piece of correspondence that references “slaughtering thousands of people,” signed off with: “I will call you later.”

Incredibly, the Erdoğan letter wasn’t the only example of Trump’s mental decline on Wednesday afternoon, which also saw the president lash out at Democrats like a machete-wielding madman on the subway and claim that he personally defeated ISIS[.]
T. W. said…
Nancy Pelosi stated the following on live television:

"I think now we have to pray for his health. Because this was a very serious meltdown on the part of the president."

Friends, Christian told us several times this would happen. More to come...
Chick'sOpinion said…
I read the news today. Oh boy
About a lucky man who made the grade
And though the news was rather sad
Well I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph
Chick'sOpinion said…

Omg. I saw the pics of the cell that that Felicity Huffman is supposed to spending only 13 days incarceration in.

It looks like a hospital room. I swear it is luxurious. Has all the comforts of a modern hospital room.

It's nothing like a prison cell. The only thing that indicates its a cell is she looks like she will be sharing it with other women


I don't think she has any remorse whatsoever either.

Just pissed off she got caught.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And I believe any correspondence the Trump administration release regarding their communication with Turkey is a big Fat lie.

There is no transparency or authenticity in U.S Forein Policy at the moment.

Trump's makin deals on the side with Recep Tayip Erdogan, Turkey's leader. And then tellin the public a totally different story.

And Tayip Erdogan will be telling Trump lies too.
There's no integrity in anything going on just at the moment.

Except maybe the impeachment investigations that are underway.
T. W. said…
I have been listening to people.

Trump’s letter is causing more people to believe he is mentally retarded and insane.
T. W. said…
Felicity Huffman’s Former Desperate Housewives Co-Star Ricardo Chavira Calls Her Sentence “White Privilege”


Ricardo Chavira, the man who played Eva Longoria’s TV husband on Desperate Housewives, had some thoughts about Felicity Huffman getting a slap on the wrist for her involvement in the Operation Varsity Blues scandal. He was pissed. Unlike Eva, who went out of her way to write a fawning letter to the judge on Felicity’s case detailing what a wonderful person she is, Ricardo doesn’t seem to think Felicity’s a wonderful person AT. ALL.

According to Deadline, on the day Felicity’s 14-day sentence was announced, Ricardo #tooktotwitter to express his disdain for “these people” to whom “accountability and responsibility don’t mean shit” and called the sentence “white privilege”. Here’s Ricardo’s salty take!

White Privilege. And I saw Eight years worth of it, so I know what I’m talking about. Accountability and Responsibility don’t mean shit to these people.

— Ricardo Chavira (@RicardoAChavira) September 14, 2019

He also wrote (via Deadline):

He followed it up with a second tweet, claiming he witnessed “privilege” and experienced “bias” during his run on the series.

“I saw eight years worth of it working on Housewives. I’ve seen a lifetime of it being a halfbreed, and I’ve struggled with the intricacies of it on a daily basis with all the cultural bias I’ve received on both ends. But whatever. Slap on the wrist. Sorry, but this shit,” he wrote.

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