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Not that “WE” didn’t know.....

So now Harry & William are on different roads.
More like motorways. To be honest.
There’s much worse to come.
Odd how Harry had a meltdown on.
Mental Health Day.
Well the first public one.
Wait till he’s in America for Thanksgiving.
Nothing like a family gathering to bring families together.
Maybe even separate flights home.


Chick'sOpinion said…
Interesting too how Meghan said publicly recently.

She said,

‘I tried , I really tried adopt the British sensibility of stiff upper lip. But what I think that does, is probably internally damaging.’

I tend to agree with her. Holding in emotions. Especially crying, and not expressing very bad for your spiritual health.

Notice how much better you feel after a good damned cry.

Preferably alone. So you can howl. It releases so much negative energy trapped within.

But the problem is. The British and the Royal family are not gonna like this comment of Meghan’s.
Because it’s inferring they are wrong.

In the way they are culturally.

And. For someone already unpopular with the British public. This observation of hers will go down a lead balloon.

I think she’s right.
I lived in the UK for many many years.
As an Australian I was used to chatting about anything. Emotions, politics, sex, religion.

Well UK culturally is not like that. Especially in London.

You will soon get an icy stare if you are chatting loudly, often.
And about their off limits subjects.

No point in fighting it. I learned that early.
Cause if you do you will be ostracised.

Also you need to learn your place. In the class structure.

Fortunately for Meghan, class wise she’s at the top of the tree. As a Royal.

But near the bottom of the pile as an American.
And even worse she doesn’t come from a fabulously wealthy important American family.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Do a lot of American Thanksgiving family get-togethers result in big family fights?

Perhaps our American friends can fill us in.

I saw the American movie... August Osage County.
That was an interesting window into the possibility of what happens when some American families get together.

Meghan’s family has its share of gronks, morons, loudmouths. And unevolved idiots.
So unless Meghan spends Thanksgiving just with Doria, her quiet respectable mum.
Then There’s gonna be rows.

Because there’s no way Prince Harry, and his genteel, refined, polite and proper manners.
Will stand for any insults towards him.
Or his wife.

In fact.
He will go nuclear. At any attempt to provoke her and him into an argument.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Regardless of whether they are Royals or not.
Cross Cultural marriages are often, very hard.
Anyone who’s married someone from another country and it hasn’t worked out.
Would know this.

People who marry someone of their own nationality. Have no idea how hard you have to work in Cross Cultural marriages.

I’ve been in one. And you often have vastly different approaches to raising children. And social behaviour.
Even food choices can become an issue.

Not to mention differing political beliefs.

I believe Meghan and Harry are experiencing this fully right now.

This is why I don’t believe in holiday romances that turn into marriage.

Cause pretty soon.

Wedding Bells turn to rust.

And then they argue once a month, over which country they should be living in.

I used to argue for Australia. And my ex would claim that the UK was the best place in the world to raise children.

And I’d reply sarcastically, ‘really ? cause there’s 9 stabbings a month in our borough’

No. The road to endless love is not in most Cross Cultural marriages.

Because at least one of you is often homesick.

Or. All the time.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I wonder if Prince Harry and Prince William mend their relationship completely. Before Prince William becomes King.

I seriously hope so.

Prince William is serious and long faced. Because
he has the weight of the world coming to his shoulders. As King.

In the not too distant future.

Prince William would view alot of the crap and hype Meghan and Prince Harry end up in. As unnecessary superficial nonsense.

Prince William's got far bigger concerns.
He could have seriously done without conflict with his brother. And his new wife.

Prince William probably has the following on his mind.

...World Affairs, Wars, the UK economy after Brexit, his role as Head Of State, Head of the Armed Forces, Head of the Church of England, Government duties including the Commonwealth countries.

And being a representative of the nation.

Oh and wouldnt be surprised if Meghan brought financial problems with her. Debts. Into this marriage.
That she wrongly assumed the Royal Family would fix.

But rather than having people sticking their nose into their money affairs. The Royal Family probably paid out her debts.

For privacy.

But without failing to warn her.
'Run up no more debts'

And Prince William would be getting anxious about Meghan's spending capabilities.
Cause as King....He will have to balance the books.

Of the Sovereign Grant. And everything.

Prince Charles claimed recently that he's delighted that Prince William has started to take an enthusiastic interest in the farms in the Duchy of Cornwall.
That he will inherit from his father. Eventually.

Cause he is. Because the Duchy of Cornwall produces a huge amount of revenue and income.

Cause Royal household staff have to be paid, Castles have to be repaired.

The Royal Family pay their staff well below the usual rate. That's why they are actually easy to get a job with in alot of cases. In Royal Palaces etc.
Cause no sane UK resident would choose that kinda low pay. When there's so many other well paying jobs.

But even the far reduced wages the Royal Family pay. Has to be strictly managed. To afford the massive costs of security. Royal Tours, Royal Yachts.

Even the running of the Tower Of London Jewel House. Which holds the Royal Collection. Would be hugely costly. And the Beef Eater fellows who guard the Tower Of London.

They even live there.

The Jewel House in the Tower Of London is probably where Meghan's Royal owned jewellery will be stashed.
If she tries to remove it permanently from the UK.
Cordelia said…
Time to mend bridges. Your family is your true wealth.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Let's hope Prince William sees it that way.

I can imagine him being really upset by the conflict with Prince Harry.

They have so much in common.

Both Military men. And fly military helicopters. Prince William in the RAF.

Few people know. But getting a pass to be considered capable of being a Military Pilot is enormously difficult in the UK Armed Forces.

Prince Harry started his training in the Air Army Corps. And he did it as a way of getting back on the front line of the war zone in Afghanistan.

As ive said before... he also went to the infamously extreme and tough Sandhurst Military College.

But Harry being Harry. Immediately after getting through the worst of activities of Training there.

When he and the other Cadets were given a night off.

Harry suggested a local Strip Club.

The media found out about that one. Immediately. Cause a Lithuanian stripper sat on his knees there and kissed him. And invited him to dance.

Prince Harry immediately refused her.

And the stripper claims Harry said.

'Sorry but I've got a girlfriend named Chelsy and shes really beautiful. And dancing with you would be like cheating'

How cute is that?

He also said to the Stripper,

'Why are you working here. Why don't you try and get a better job.

He also told her he was,

'Enjoying his
time at Sandhurst but was missing his girlfriend'

I think Prince Harry makes some foolish choices at times. I dont dispute that.

But from my observation and research. His heart is always in the right place.

Even though the people he deals with often have a whole different agenda.

He's just quite naive. In a way that Prince William isn't.

I also think Prince William is alot more intelligent.

Prince Harry only just scraped through the raw intelligence test to get into Sandhurst.

Though I have to add. The standard is high.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I find it astounding that Prince Harry has ended up marrying someone who has worked as an Escort and been 'yachting'.

Because in his early younger days he wouldn't have touched a chick with that kind of background in a million years.

Unless he dosent know about Meghan's real background.

But Christian has predicted that he does know. And that is how, in fact Prince Harry met Meghan.
T. W. said…
Christian is correct.

I have also stated this several times on this site.

It is not unheard of for men to marry a prostitute they frequent.

These men find out the hard way that you don’t wife up a ho.
T. W. said…
I found out that mental health care services are extremely difficult to obtain for our British friends who utilize the NHS. Maybe you can get pastoral care?
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion said…

The English are no longer big church goers. So pastoral care is not in reach I think. For the average English person.

But if Meghan keeps banging on about keeping emotion in being 'internally damaging'.

She may just start something.

Tribes of English people turning up at their GP.

Saying 'what I'm holding in is internally damaging, can ya get me a psychologist.'

That UK NHS Psychiatrist who criticised Prince Harry in the Daily Mail the other day

Who specifically and bitchily criticised Prince Harry's content for his speech and his brief breakdown at the WellChild awards.

Ought to shut his wealthy privileged gob.

Cause those seeking help via psychologists and psychiatrists is a lucrative business. For so called Professional helpers.

And Harry may have started a trend.

The more people seek help with their emotional issues. The richer these psychologists/psychiatrist Bastards get.

And do they really care about their patients.

Well some may do. But I don't believe many do.

We have a psychiatrist in our family.. distant relative.

Well. Not distant enough in my view.

I want him and his house moved to The Northern Territory.

He is the biggest arsehole I've encountered in years. And that was just opposit him at a dinner table.

But as he loves money more than life itself. And if he learns that the English are taking up Psychology appointments by the 1000's.

Due to Prince Harry and Meghans encouragement.

He'll be on the 1st plane to the UK. To work.

Reading up, on his way, his DS5. The latest version of the Diagnostical manual of Mental Disorders.

It's my view that most psychologists and psychiatrists are nuttier than their patients anyway.

Anyone who's ever known them as students at uni. Would know that.
T. W. said…
The infamous DSM-5 is pushing an agenda. Anyone interested in mental health care should get a DSM-4 for their personal reading.

ABC is showing the interview in full tonight. I will not watch. Meghan’s eyes looked like she wanted to cry but at one point she looked like she was trying not to laugh. To be fair, some people look like they are going to laugh just before they cry.

I hope the Harry & Meghan situation does some good in this world.

Let us pray God’s will is done.
Stef x said…
Um PS Wendy Williams just made a mockery of Meghan Markle on her talk show yesterday or the day before. Said that Meghan wanted to have a fashion segment on her talk show, Wendy Williams agreed to it or whoever manages her, and then they never heard from her again after she got engaged. Jeeeezee
Stef x said…
TW I just saw your comment about Wendy dragging her. I read the article. I think Wendy was partially mad because it sounds like they were in long negotiations with her and she ended up eventually not even properly declining the offer that she initially asked for. Also Wendy reads through people pretty quickly .. although doesn’t read through herself nearly as much
T. W. said…
Hi Stef x!

Your observations about Wendy Williams are spot on. That is why people loved her radio show and why we still love her tv show. Unfortunately she can’t take it when people call her out in her $hit.
T. W. said…
Whoever could these blind items be about...

1) Wounded Little Boy

2) Outsider Accidentally Outs Herself
Chick'sOpinion said…

Interesting your comment.

It's strange how some people have excellent understanding/intuition of other people and read them well.

But have very little self awareness of their own.

I agree with you about Wendy Williams too. Shes smart. But her personal life is a train wreck.

And doesn't she have a drug problem too?

It doesn't suprise me Meghan was in the process of getting a gig on Wendy William's show about fashion.

Meghan is really interested in fashion.

Long before she met Harry she was going to fashion shows. So much so was she was into fashion that the brand Reitmans (Canadian I think) offered her a contract to appear in an ad..... for their clothing.

And participate in the development and design of a new range of their clothes.

They nauseatingly call it Brand Ambassador these days.

To me, Meghan's humanitarian work as Rep for the U.N in the role as Goodwill Ambassador. Is contradictory with her love of all things luxury.

But despite her hiring recently, Sunshine Sachs, the PR people who were hired to make Harvey Wystein look good. Meghan has a good track record as a good advocate for women. In developing countries.

From my research, she was out in Africa in 2015. To visit Rwanda. To prove to the U.N she was serious. But also for her, it was a fact finding exercise for the U.N, to get an idea about Gender inequality there.

Her first stop in Rwanda was Kigali. And she spent a week talking to female politicians there. She then went to Gihembe Refugee Camp.

Meghan Markle would make an excellent Politician. That's why she needs to get off being this English Duchess thing.

And go do what's she born to do. Naturally.
A politician.
T. W. said…
Wendy Williams has been open about being a recovering addict.

Duchess Sussex is a Leo, so politics will suit her perfectly.

Oh! Some news reports claim the Sussex Royals are planning to live in Africa. Other reports claim the royals have been spotted viewing properties in California and Hawaii. We will see.
T. W. said…
I think this blind is about Prince Harry walking in a minefield like his mom. I’m not a member of the Blind Gossip site so I don’t make guesses there.

Someone else here said BG blinds are easy to solve once you see BG’s pattern and writing style. Friend told the truth.

“The Masked Walker”
Chick'sOpinion said…

Wouldn't surprise me if Prince Harry is taking up where his mother left off, in regards to clearing land mines and helping those in those countries who unfortunately lose limbs by walking on them.

Worthy cause.

What I don't like is. The Sussex Royal Media manipulation is popping in pics deliberately in the media. Of Prince Harry as baby in his mother's arms. And baby Archie Sussex at same age.

To me it's an attempt to make us believe this is Diana all over again.

Well they are wasting their manipulation on me. Because Diana was a totally different person to Meghan. In every way. And so was her early life and adult life.

The only thing she remotely has in common with Lady Diana is a strong interest in Humanitarian work.

And that's where it stops and ends.

The PR Firm Sunshine Sachs are getting it wrong in the UK.

And where I live.

And perhaps that's the Karma for representing Harvey Wynstein.
Anonymous said…
Wendy Williams is going to be talking sh*t tomorrow on her show about hot topics in the news so I suspect that Harry and Meghan will be one of her topics. It's interesting to hear from black women and their thoughts on Meghan.

I see her as an actress. She knows the camera is on her and she goes into her act. Why is her kid so snow white? Why doesn't her kid have dark hair? Also, I got sick of hearing her tell the African people that she is their black sister or whatever she said. Now, all of sudden she's hip to be black. I think she's fake. Why say that anyways? If her royal prince of a husband was not fond of Africa, I don't think Meghan would travel there anytime soon. We don't hear Oprah telling the African people or any other audience that she is black. And by the way, Meghan, you are half black. In America, you seemed to color your hair brown, not black. Now, you have gone back to black.

I feel for Harry. I really don't think he sees Meghan for what she really is. He is in love with her. And I ask myself: Why do I not like this woman? I don't know her really, she's never done anything wrong towards me or anyone I know, and yet my gut just continues to say NO, NO, NO. And I'm not alone, there are millions of us who feel this way.

Prince William would have no issues or rift with Harry if it wasn't for his brother's wife. I think the Queen is in on this and approves of William separating from the "pack."

My thoughts on listening to them both whine on the show the other night while hundreds of thousands, millions of parents struggling to put food on the table or to feed their children. They can't afford diapers or formula. They can't afford their own home or rent for that matter. Then you have these two entitled spoiled brats living large whining about how hard things are and the difficulty of being photographed and the online bullying.

Meghan keeps saying how much she is in love, no? Well, why do they bother with what is said online? Why bother to read it? Who cares? Why does she feel the need to constantly step out in public? Why? Why can't she be content in her beautiful estate with her husband and child? With her pups? Who cares what anyone thinks? She does, that's who. Something's not right here. Because when you are in love and happy and don't have to worry about paying your mortgage or rent, all's well in the world, is it not? I... just... don't... get... it!!!!!!

They have everything, and they claim to have all these problems. No wonder the queen must look at these two idiots and shake her head. Grow... the f*ck up Harry and Meghan!!!!

If Meghan truly is a narcissist, that would explain it all. They have low self-esteem, low self-worth, have to be admired, idolized, etc., etc.

Agree? Disagree? I know it's not that simple and everything is relative, but this show the other night, they did it for sympathy, attention, they didn't do it for the betterment of Africa. Well, maybe Harry, but Meghan? I don't think she cares about Africa. I could be wrong, but I just think Meghan is all about Meghan.

CAP Anonymous

Anonymous said…
She's not that good or that smart, Chicks Opinion, to be a politician. What she is, or comes across as, is cunning and crafty.

I admit I didn't know that she was doing her talk thing in 2015 in Rwanda.

Was she there to inspire or was she there to eventually hookup with Harry Wales, the Royal Prince? Planting seeds.

Talking to that reporter on their African show the other night, she was planting seeds, again.

Letting us all know how hard it is to be a Royal.

She's going to leave Harry. And she will use that as the excuse.

There's just something untrustworthy about her, you know? I hope I'm wrong...

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…

It’s possible that baby Archie is Snow White because if you have the money you can quite easily get genetic engineering done in IVF. And choose for the future baby. To have either more of the father’s features. Or the mother’s.

Meghan did a trip to the U.S before so called pregnancy. And just before marriage. I believe this was to visit top IVF doctors with the plan.
And possibly the surrogate.
It’s possible the whole eggs, semen were manipulated to have totally Prince Harry’s features. Not Meghan’s.

And it dosent surprise me she chose for Archie to be white.

As for her level of intelligence to be a politician. You don’t have to be that smart to be a politician.

You only need a degree level of education.

And Meghan has that. She studied politics. And she did international studies too.
On her degree. That’s actually a hard subject.

Her father sent her to private school. So she’s had advantages others haven’t had.

If she was doing any escort work. Before Harry. It was simply because she wants/needs a lot of money for the lifestyle she loves.

It will be interesting.

Because if the next baby she has with Prince Harry is Snow White.

Then it will be perfectly obvious to me. She is choosing to have the IVF process manipulated towards Caucasian with the surrogate.

I really do believe the world will eventually learn the truth of the lie.

That they used a surrogate. And was never pregnant.

Anyone who’s had a pregnancy would know.

That Meghan’s lower legs gave absolutely no indication of the fluid build up almost all pregnant women get.

And I was as slim as her in my pregnancies . And still got fluid build up.

And her puffy face when she finally faced the cameras after birth?

Fillers. In her face.

Sorry but as you know, Meghan Markle is the master of illusion.

Her problem is.

She didn’t count on half the world’s population having a very active intuition.

About deceit.

And working on their gut feeling.

That somethings off here.
T. W. said…
OMG, now I'm pissed off.

I am attacking the comment, not the person(s) making it.

Baby Archie looks white because he has white ancestry. Both his parents have white ancestry.

To say genetic engineering caused this is ignorant.

To say genetic engineering caused this is insulting to all the "high yellow" light skinned black people who were born decades and hundreds of years before IVF and genetic engineering through science existed.

Does not matter if your closest white direct ancestor was 5 generations ago. Genetic material is passed down from parent to child. Surely you all were taught that in elementary school?

I am black. Both my parents are black. I have close relatives, including half-siblings that look white, have blue eyes, straight hair, etc. And no, none of these people were conceived through IVF.

I also have close darker skinned relatives that have blue eyes or hazel eyes. My baby sister has hazel eyes, as did my dad. She has 2 boys that have interesting color eyes. My mom, one of her sisters, and my older sister have red or brunette hair. Trust me. It is obvious we are black.

And yes, I do have VERIFIED ancestry from every continent except Antarctica and Australia. I do have VERIFIED ancestry from the Pacific Islands.

Can people at least get an elementary level understanding of inheritance before they make ignorant comments about race and skin color?

T. W. said…
The Queen Is Angry Over Harry And Meghan Documentary
T. W. said…
Duchess Sussex has been caught in so many lies, I can't share all the links.

Duchess Sussex appears to have a Cluster B Personality Disorder. There is no cure for this.

These people (Cluster B) are dangerous. If her intentions were more pure she could have been an asset to the British Royal family.

T. W. said…
I'm still pissed.

I know for a fact that a jet black person can mate with a lily white person and the child CAN come out looking snow white. I live in the American South. Slave owners often bred their own slaves by sleeping with the female slaves. Also, not everyone in the South is racist, people do participate in interracial relationships here.

Meghan Markle is NOT dark skinned and at least 50% of her dna is NOT African in origin. Please explain to me that if her egg was used with Harry's sperm to create Baby Archie how the child will only come out looking black.

Please explain to me the odds of having a child whose appearance was genetically manipulated for skin color looks EXACTLY like their father did at the child's age.

I hear it now: "But T. W., they only manipulated the skin color, nothing else."

Well let me tell you. Genes often code for several things, not just one specific trait. For example, the genes associated with logical thinking and mathematical ability also influence whether or not a person develops schizophrenia.

When you tamper with genes you will have unintended consequences.

Don't believe me? I will provide evidence in subsequent posts.

Ya'll are either ignorant beyond belief or undercover racists.

Yes. I said it.
T. W. said…

1) Health and functioning of adolescents conceived by assisted reproductive technology

2) The longer-term health outcomes for children born as a result of IVF treatment: Part I–General health outcomes

3) Reproductive Technologies and the Risk of Birth Defects

4) Congenital malformations in infants conceived following assisted reproductive technology in comparison with spontaneously conceived infants

5) Obstetric and perinatal outcomes in singleton pregnancies resulting from IVF/ICSI: a systematic review and meta-analysis

6) Is ovarian hyperstimulation associated with higher blood pressure in 4-year-old IVF offspring? Part II: an explorative causal inference approach

7) Follow-up of a cohort of 422 children aged 6 to 13 years conceived by in vitro fertilization

8) Growth of children conceived by IVF and ICSI up to 12 years of age

9) Comparing indicators of health and development of singleton young adults conceived with and without assisted reproductive technology
T. W. said…

10) Phenotypic differences in children conceived from fresh and thawed embryos in in vitro fertilization compared with naturally conceived children

11) Pubertal development in children and adolescents born after IVF and spontaneous conception

12) Are ICSI adolescents at risk for increased adiposity?

13) Medical outcome of 8-year-old singleton ICSI children (born ≥32 weeks’ gestation) and a spontaneously conceived comparison group

14) Absence of insulin resistance and low-grade inflammation despite early metabolic syndrome manifestations in children born after in vitro fertilization

15) Blood pressure in ICSI-conceived adolescents

16) Systemic and Pulmonary Vascular Dysfunction in Children Conceived by Assisted Reproductive Technologies

17) Post-neonatal health and development of children born after assisted reproduction: A systematic review of controlled studies

18) Prevalence of asthma and other allergic diseases in children born after in vitro fertilisation

19) A descriptive study of asthma in young adults conceived by IVF
T. W. said…

20) Fertility treatments and pediatric neoplasms of the offspring: results of a population-based cohort with a median follow-up of 10 years

21) Atopic diseases in twins born after assisted reproduction

22) Maternal and child outcome after in vitro fertilization – a review of 25 years of population‐based data from Sweden

23) Asthma in children born after infertility treatment: findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study

24) Conception via in vitro fertilization and delivery by Caesarean section are associated with paediatric asthma incidence

25) Altered Glucose Metabolism in Mouse and Humans Conceived by IVF

26) In Vitro Fertilization Improves Childhood Growth and Metabolism

27) Euthyroid Hyperthyrotropinemia in Children Born after in Vitro Fertilization

28) Perinatal outcome, health, growth, and medical care utilization of 5- to 8-year-old intracytoplasmic sperm injection singletons

29) Health of Children Born as a Result of In Vitro Fertilization
T. W. said…

30) The following article is from the prestigious medical journal The Lancet:

Outcome of assisted reproduction

31) The longer-term health outcomes for children born as a result of IVF treatment. Part II–Mental health and development outcomes

32) Psychological adjustment in adolescents conceived by assisted reproduction techniques: a systematic review
T. W. said…

When IVF Babies Grow Up, Are They Healthy?

New study finds babies born through IVF more likely to develop cancerous cells
T. W. said…
IVF Babies: Health Problems Linked to IVF


Scientists believe IVF and assisted reproduction procedures interfere with a normal genetic process called imprinting which occurs naturally in the womb. This interference stops certain genes from turning on or off naturally.

Children born through IVF are at greater risk of birth defects, low birth weight, and neurological deficits such as problems with their hearing and vision.

Over 30 percent of children born via IVF wear corrective lenses such as eyeglasses or contacts.

Recent studies show that the risk of certain cancers is three times higher in IVF babies.

A study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2017 found that "Children conceived after fertility treatments are at an increased risk for pediatric neoplasms [abnormal tissue growth associated with cancer]."

The study found that IVF babies were 2.5 times more likely to develop neoplasms than children born naturally.

Another study from Israel that followed 158 IVF children born in the same facility found that the children had significantly more doctor's appointments than their peers.

But there is also good news! The same study found that IVF adolescents who were discharged from military service were exempt due to personality disorders and behavioral problems, not due to health problems. The IVF children in Israel also scored slightly higher on intelligence and cognitive tests than their peers.


Other known health problems linked to IVF are listed below.

Exstrophyepispadias complex (EC)

Exstrophyepispadias complex is an extremely rare defect of the bladder and other structures of the genitourinary system. The condition involves a malformation of the bladder that turns the bladder inside out. The genitals can also be affected. Surgery corrects the defects and the children go on to live normal lives.

EC affects 28 out of 100,000 children born via IVF. It is 5 times more likely to occur in boys than girls.

Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS)

BWS is four times more common in IVF children. A study by the Cancer Research UK found that 150 IVF babies had rare types of kidney tumor, liver tumor and tumors of the nervous system that are linked to BWS.

Angelman Syndrome

Angelman Syndrome is a neurological condition that is found more often in IVF babies produced from eggs that were frozen for years, then thawed out. Experts say the process of freezing and thawing the eggs damages their genetic structure.
Anonymous said…
TW, I had asked why Archie was snow white because it was, and is my understanding that dark is dominant and light is recessive.

Thank you for educating us, that this is not a fact.

I may me be ignorant about some issues, but I can assure you that I am no undercover racist. I don't feel anyone on this forum is a racist.

I have never admired you more than I have today. Standing up for what you know and believe is very attractive and I applaud you!

CAP Anonymous

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