The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Thank you for reminding us all. That Steve 'slimy' Bannon runs Cambridge Analytica.
This global villain, George Clooney called rather early...'A failed screenwriter'
Is responsible for so many wrongs in this world.
And George Clooney hates him. And quite rightly so.
But more specifically George Clooney said this about him in an Sept 2017 interview with Vanity Fair,
He called Steve Bannon,
'A Schmuck. Who literally tried everything he could to sell scripts in Hollywood. He guys have to go online and read this script (referring to Steve Bannon's infamous Rap Musical screenplay) The production is supposed to be an update of Coriolanus. It's like a Rap Shakespearean thing about the L.A riots. It's the worst script you've ever read. But he was trying get it made in Hollywood. And had he, he would still be in Hollywood making movies and kissing my ass to make one if his films. That's who he is.'
Given how incensed in dislike Clooney is for Steve Bannon. Im rather surprised he hasn't set Amal Clooney onto him.
You know. How you unleash your dog onto someone unwelcome. And when they step into your yard.
Why hasn't Amal Clooney gone after Steve Bannon?
Perhaps she hasn't been asked yet. Or is it that she knew far sooner than us. That Robert Mueller was going after him instead.
Well this so called former White House Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon struck a deal in Jan 2018.
To save his skin.
He struck a deal with with Special Counsel, Robert Mueller. To coperate with him. To avoid a Grand Jury appearance in the Russia probe.
About Russia meddling in the 2016 U.S election.
Steve Bannon had the FBI all over him.
So he got himself a very good lawyer.
What pisses me off. Is that this slimy dishonest talentless dickhead Steve Bannon. Continues to evade jail and paying for all the wrongs he's done to democracy.
If he steps out of line in future. Maybe Amal does have a game plan. To put him in jail where he belongs.
He seems to know how to save his skin. When his skin is close to jail.
But he'll need more skills if Amal Clooney, the human Rights lawyer goes after him.
They look at eachother and say,
'Mummys on a diet and we're all gonna die'
Bannon came to Australia last year and in an interview said that the world is going through a right-wing populism revolution. He saw himself the leader and preacher of it all.
This nastiness will have its peak in January next year. After that it will decline, and be non-existent by 2021.
The right-wing populism is evident in the heavy planets of Saturn, Pluto and South Node being in Capricorn. When the planets go into Aquarius in 2021 things will be lighter and the fascists won't be powerful.
I'm so glad that Justin Trudeau won the Canadian election and not that conservative bunch. Bannon must have been annoyed. Ha ha ha.
Good comparison. Between Steve Bannon as a failed scriptwriter and Hitler as a failed artist.
And you are so right.
Right wing Populism has been on the rise for ages.
Especially in Europe.
That Hungarian politician, Viktor Orban is a real worry.
And Italy has been saved for the moment. By Matteo Salvini, that fascist little shitbag. Losing his political position.
And as for Viktor Orban. Have the Hungarians learned nothing.
Budapest was decimated in WW2. By the Russian Soviets invading. To take it from German occupation.
Because the Hungarian government was right 'in' with the Germans before and during WW2.
With their shared love of all things Fascist.
The WW2 siege of Budapest in Hugary and its reduction to virtually rubble. Was a very sad thing. The 1000's who died in it was unacceptable.
But this is what happens to countries that dabble in Fascism.
Or allow Fascist leaders to get control of their country.
Steve Bannon's dream was to turn the U.S into a Fascist dictatorship.
It ended when the FBI caught up with him.
Time Cambridge Analytica was shut down. For good.
And Steve Bannon jailed over its undemocratic activities.
Yes agree too. Thank God Justin Trudeau got back in.
I believe he was the victim of a carefully constructed smear campaign.