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Shining.. ...

From before we can remember.
Was a weapon, bright not tender.
Now it seems they have reinvented.
Driving people to the  shadows.
From above, as the Sun rises.
Aimed at those that have no shelter.
Smell of burning flesh and sinew.
From the East not the West.
Made is China, more or less.


Tasha C said…
I have no idea what this post means. ???
T. W. said…
The atom bomb or the hydrogen bomb reinvented. Anyway not good.

Maybe people will stop laughing at the Doomsday Preppers.

Too late to get a bunker.

Chick'sOpinion said…
Is this some kind of nuclear warning . I'm not sure.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Well. We know there's been months of protests in Hong Kong, effectively a Chinese Territory.

So is there going to be a huge Chinese Military response?

And there's been no way. Despite their determined efforts. That the Communist Chinese Government have been able to stop the protests in Hong Kong. In all different suburbs anbd public places.

It's pretty much a people's revolution.

And. The protesters are not just angry about the Chinese Extradition Bill. That will see a Hong Konger or any nationality carted off to Mainland China...never to be seen again.

These protesters are angry about everything.

And they are far more Western there. Than mainland China.

They want Western Freedom. In its real form.

They are sick of the oppressive archaic ideology of Communism breathing down their necks.

And the Hong Kong Protesters have quite wisely widened their demands.

They are now demanding universal suffrage issues. And an Inquiry into the Chinese Police.

The protesters even stormed the Legislative Assembly last Wednesday.

I think the Chinese communist government thought they could disperse and end these protests in Hong Kong. Rather swiftly.

As they are rather skilled at making people who oppose Communism ...disappear. Or the government murder them. Or arrest them and their whole families. And jail them forever.

Think Tiananmen Square guys.

But that hasn't been the outcome in Hong Kong lately. With these levels of protests.

By the sheer size of protests. Its been uncontainable for the Chinese Mainland government police and military to stop.

And the protesters...Well. They are highly motivated. These mostly young Hong Kongers.

So what's China's next move?

More serious Military moves maybe?

Oh. And the protesters hate that Carrie Lam, leader of Hong Kong.

They want her head on a stick.

And the Chinese leader, Xi Jing Ping... said rather ominously, not long ago ....about it all,

'Anything that attempts to divide China will end up with its bones smashed and their bones ground to a powder'

Is that a normal thing to threaten for a leader about his people?

No. Quite bizarre. And hateful.

So quite possibly the Chinese Military are about to do something shocking to these protesters.

It wouldn't surprise me.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Even shops and railways stations considered to be Pro Beijing are being targeted by Hong Kong Protesters.

China needs to wake up and smell the coffee. There is no way they are going to beat these people into submission again.

They have had a taste of their own personal power in these popular protests.

Especially when they started defacing symbols of the Hong Kong lawmaking body, Legco. And one of their protesters was shot in the chest with a live bullet by the cops.

Actually it was one of 6 rounds of bullets the Chinese Police shot at them.

Yes. Old Hong Kong 'Colonial times' laws. That they have been digging up.

Like the illegality of wearing face masks. Is not gonna dissuade or deter these protesters.

Because. They can feel the separation forever from China.... is possible.

For the first time... in a long time.

I'm pretty certain Christian predicted...

In the end Hong Kong will get it.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Well. It's happened before.

Those who know a bit about Mexico's history will know.

That in the Summer of 1968. The year that Martin Luther King and John F Kennedy were murdered.

Mexican government troops killed about 200 students and bystanders. In the Plaza de las Tres Culturas. In Mexico City.

These Hong Kong Protesters are at this kind of risk. Sitting ducks for government to attack.

In the same year, 1968. Battles between 1000's of demonstrators, police, National Guardsmen and army troops broke out at The Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Chicago people would know of this event.

I think. What's worrying the Chinese. Is that demonstrating catches on.

Perhaps it will move on to Mainland China. That's the fear.

1968 is a good year. To study the phenomena of protesting/demonstrating igniting. Catching on.

And don't even start me on the 1968 Paris student protests at the Sorbonne and Nanterrre University. They appear to be wild.

Why does it catch on? Is it an energy frequency ...people vibrating at the same level.... all tune into?

I'd love to know.

We've seen it over and over recently. In Paris... with the Yellow Vests Protesters. And their concerns about the cost of petrol and the attack on their Pension rights.

Perhaps they are all vibrating on the same frequency as Hong Kongers.
Anonymous said…
How heart breaking that this conflict is escalating around the world. I hope CD that this isn’t a reinvention of a chemical such as napalm. Lord give all those fighting the good fight in all shapes and ways strength, amen.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And speaking of Police States.
And government surveillance on citizens.

Unfortunately in the U.S and many Western Countries right now. The average citizen is in a Police Line Up.



Well Face Recognition Technology. Is having you
in the frame ....continuously.

The element of bias and lack of social justice is one thing that is running away here. With this new technology. But Governments have taken to it. Like a duck to water.

And there are alot of problems with it.

Not to mention how inaccurate the technology is with those persons with a darker pigment skin.

At the moment its being used to unlock phones, clear customs queues, identify immigrants and solve crimes.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's being used for other things we are not being told.

The Privacy Project appear to be trying address the scary aspect of this technology.

And get a pause on it as soon as possible and bring the issue to Congress.

But like alot of things that are introduced without measuring the impact.

It's like closing the gate after the cows got out.

And there will be a huge legal backlash due to this technology I think. For wrongful arrest.

And a whole variety of unjust things That people are experiencing. That are going to cause litigation. Big legal cases.

Big compensation settlements.

And then we'll see a pause on this Face Recognition technology. And a thorough investigation into its accuracy.

The Privacy Project are claiming its a denial of Constitutional rights.
T. W. said…
Everything Chick’sOpinion is saying is the truth. She speaks more eloquently than I do so maybe now people will believe.

I’m not an astrologer but I have read and been told this is the astrological season for the old ways to finally be torn down. The process will be painful but we will be better off in the long run. The younger people will take the risk and bring the change. Even the Bible says this.

Now you know why THEY promote abortions and want to put those who survive pregnancy onto drugs like Ritalin, Prozac, Lithium etc. Now you know why THEY want to legalize marijuana and other intoxicants. I’m not talking about CBD oil. THEY don’t want any young people to fulfill God’s prophecies.

If we don’t take this chance now we have sealed our doom.

We need more mass demonstrations. They can’t shoot us all.

If God is for us, who can be against us?
Chick'sOpinion said…

Interesting what you say about the Astrological season. I think it's right.

And about young people bringing the change.

This is why I don't get on hating Milennials. Like alot of people choose to do.

Because it's the Millenials and Gen Y who are bringing in positive change.

Some at huge risk to themselves.

Milennials are known for not being willing to sacrifice anything. And being self absorbed.

But the fact is... alot of them from my recent research... are currently sacrificing their careers, family relationships and reputations. To bring huge change or integrity.

To some unacceptable things that have been going on...way too long.

Yes. They love their phones and social media.

But they are masters of all that for a reason.

God made them that way.

Cause these are their essential tools.

Because they have used their technology 'know how', to film things... And share it with millions.
To unite online, and assemble in big numbers.

Spread the word. To get people on board. Immediately.

They network better than the Gestapo ever did in WW2.

That's what I love about them.

And they are shaking this shit up. From top to bottom.

While alot of older generations sit at home watching TV.
Believing change isn't possible.

So. I believe we should get behind Millenials.

And Gen Y.

And cheer these Selfie Loving Social Reformers on.

Not criticise them. For not being like older generations.

They can't be.

They were born into a different time.

With far different kinds of parents.

And immersed in useful technology.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Good point.

It's a fact that the U.S Government deliberately drugged the 1960's generation in America. And military personal.

From 1953 to 1964 ...on the CIA program, MK Ultra.

And they did not just focus on the younger generations.

It was anyone. And everyone.

They used prostitutes to slip the hallucinogen drug LSD into unsuspecting people's drinks. They drugged Military personnel. People at bars, the beach. Anywhere.

The goal was to find out if they could get compliance this way.

The 1960's generation were already taking LSD.
But for far different reasons.

To be chilled. And reach some kind of spiritual experience.

In the end... the CIA learned nothing from this program.

Did addiction to LSD hamper the organising abilities of 1960's political activists?

I think yes. In some cases. Because their own personal drug use. Caused them to either go mad. Or die. Or commit crimes.

The Manson Family is a good example.

Or they at least ended up temporarily unavailable.

Current young people's fascination with vegan diets and health. Is the best protection. For a generation who want to change the world.

And as Shaun Ryder of The Happy Mondays said,

'It's great when you're straight.

Unfortunately for him.

He rarely was.
T. W. said…

I agree with everything you wrote. I thank you for eloquently sharing your knowledge with us.

I think some people hate millennials because they are a reflection of what the older crowd refused to be.

Did you know that the Millenials are the first generation in America to have less wealth and to be poorer than their ancestors?
Chick'sOpinion said…

I thoroughly agree with you.

I am a Generation X'er. And yes. I'm outraged what Millenials get away with.
But I often laugh about it too.

And in some ways I am envious. Of Millenials.
The childhood theyve had.

I believe this global envy drives alot of the hating on Millenials. And to some extent Gen Y too.

Cause we would have loved to say/do some of the things they say/do.

We would hsve loved to say the word 'no'.

And as my similar age friend observed years ago,

She said,

'We would have been bashed senseless for speaking back to our parents the way Millenials talk to their parent's'

It's true.

We were the generation who, if we didn't get out of bed at the time our parents set. We were dragged by the ankles and thrown out of bed.

This actually happened to a Gen X'er friend I know.

We had duty and responsibility shoved down our neck.

Thats why we are generally good savers. Wont buy things unless we really need them. And do the right thing. Not the easy thing.
No wonder out Millenial kids don't get us.

We were quite an oppressed Generation, if you think about it. And scared of people older than us.
I'm still scared of the eldest old people in the family.

That's why I'm scared of old grandma Violet. And Lady Mary on Downton Abbey.

And if us Gen X'ers wanted to contribute an opinion at home. Anywhere. Ever.
The grown ups would tell us to 'shut the up'
Or glare us. With the implied threat of getting hit for making even an opinion. Or observation.

Well. I'm getting my opinions in now. As you have all noticed.

And Millenials have never been oppressed about opinions, complaints or how they feel. About duty, obligations, emotions, justice.

They have grown up with these rights.
They have always had them. Never denied... generally.

So we should not be surprised the Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong are mostly Millenials.
And Gen Y.

They are owning their confidence, and their understanding. That oppression.
Of anyone.
Is wrong.
And unacceptable.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And further good point you made.

When Gen X'ers and Baby boomers feel envy of Millenials.

It's important to remind ourselves. That when we entered the work force wages were fair.

The jobs offered were pretty much all permanent status. And there was more than enough of them.

The wages were good. And there was opportunity to access plenty of credit. To buy homes or investment properties.

Also. Rents were fair. And it was achievable to pay for it. Every week.

Millenials have had none of these advantages.

The work landscape is completely different. Impermanent, unreliable and very scary.

Cause also most of the jobs we went into. Don't even exist anymore.

This is why Millenials are stuck at home living with their parents.

Not because they want free shit... free life.
They want independant life. But in most cases they don't have a reliable income to pay rent on a lease.

And world governments are doing nothing about it.

Australia's solution has been to introduce Rent To Own houses.

But it's dangerous to enter into. Because there's very little consumer protection.

If you miss one payment. The contract is ended immediately.

And you lose all you invested in it in accumulated rent.

Millenials vote. And are growing up. If they become even more angry. Politicians only have themselves to blame.

Millenials have grown up hearing the story of how their parents met, married and bought a house.

They did expect those opportunities too.

But it didn't happen for them.

For some. It never will.
Jules said…
There is a reason why the protests in Hong Kong are not being reported on. It is imperative that we all pray for their success. What happens there will impact us all.

I agree with what TW ... If we don’t take this chance now we have sealed our doom.

T. W. said…
Today is April 5, 2020.

We have the COVID-19 pandemic still going on.

The bodies of the dead get cremated.

I wonder what was in that blue liquid China sprayed onto the Hong Kong protestors last year.

I remember many of them got sick...

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