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Truth be told....


Miranda said…
Odin said…
I highly suspect Geert Wilders is bribed by Russians too
T. W. said…
Thank you Chick’sOpinion, I did not know this.

Entities like Wilders and Graham come into power because the true events of history are no longer taught and remembered.

Satan/Lucifer is the Ruler of Earth right now, but he knows his time has become short. Notice all the desperate moves THEY are making.

We need more peacemakers, light workers, young people, real Christians, real Muslims, and real Jews to say and do what is right.

People, if God asks you to do a work let your yes be yes or your no be no.

Don’t say maybe.

If you say yes, ask God to give you all the wisdom, knowledge, understanding, power, tools, and resources you need to do the work. Then go do it. God never fails.
Letty said…
Miss Lindsay is the drama queen of the south!!

Jules said…
TW - There is definitely a change in the energy, everything feels lighter.
T. W. said…
I agree with Odin.

People make deals with Russia and China.

What happens when you make a deal with scorpion?

The scorpion stings you.

When will people learn from this site instead of learning the hard way?
Chick'sOpinion said…

I had never considered that. That the Russians are paying some these more recent, Far Right Neo Nazi type leaders in Europe.

We know that not much of what the Russians do is legal. Or ethical. So nothing would surprise us.

The annexation of the Crimea is a good example of their kind of evil.
It's just a land grab. For Russia.

Interestingly, Turkey's Sinister President, Recep Tayip Erdogan's land grab of Syria is on the same scale.

Land grabs are always a risky venture for corruppt countries who attempt it I guess.

As it has a habit of setting off a war. That the grabbing country has to participate in. And pay for.

Bloomberg Opinion states that the U.S Government have frozen the assets of the Turkish Defense and Energy ministries. And interior ministers.

Over their land grab of Syria.

But it won't make much difference go Turkey. Nor will Trump's recent commitment to stop negotiations with Turkey on a Trade deal. And to raise tarrifs on Turkish steel.

It won't affect Turkey much because they don't have alot of U.S assets anyway. And they can find other financial branches to trade with.

Like Russia.

Alot of European countries have agreed to a loose Arms embargo on Turkey.

And refuse to sell Turkey any arms.

No problem.
The Russians are only too happy to continue to sell Turkey arms and ammunition.

The point I'm making is. Harsh sanctions are not working on these shockingly evil leaders. Because they are usually not harsh enough as sanctions.

And there is always countries like Russia willing to help them out. Once they are imposed on them.

They need to impose sanctions so harsh they are as crippling as the U.N Security Council authorized sanctions. That were imposed on Iraq after it invaded Kuwait. In 1990.

A complete and deep trade and financial embargo.
That will them right up.

Worked on Iraq.

And it's claimed this could be very effective in the 'land grabs' and aggression. Thats going on.

As for Geert Wilders, the Dutch Adolf and Neo Nazi. He's living on borrowed time.

He has already spent years having to have 24/7 Bodyguards.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Geert Wilders would be hyper aware.

Of the 2002 murder of fellow Dutch politician, Pim Fortuyn.

He also opposed Islam in The Netherlands.

And multiculturalism.

He was openly gay. And was murdered by a Left Wing Environmental and Animal Rights activist, Volkert Van der Graaf.

Who oddly, claimed during his trial that he murdered politician Pim Fortuyn. To stop him targeting Muslims as scapegates.

Pim Fortuyn was assassinated during the Dutch National Election Campaign of 2002.

And Volkert Van der Graaf, the Environment and Animal activist who murdered him. Does not have any Islamic affiliations or Muslim religion in his background.

So Geert Wilders is highly at risk in The Netherlands I think. To other fanatics. Not just Islamic Extremists.

I guess Neo Nazi type populist leaders attract any kind of extremist to their energy.

Because they are extreme.

And funny how, Pim Fortuyn would have grown up in an era of Gays being openly persecuted. Yet he grew up to be a politician intent on persecuting others.

And died for it.

Rather ironic I think.
C B said…
What is up with all these heinous men and their terrible hairdos?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Can someone with strong intuition. Or psychic ability tell us if it was real.

When Prince Harry had tears or struggled to speak because he was so choked up at the WellChild Awards the other day.

I watched the video of it. Was it sincere. Or was he crying about something else?

Or faking it?

He talked about how he understands so much more since becoming a father. Then broke down.

And then composed himself.
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion - Prince Harry is on the verge of a mental breakdown. He is being manipulated and controlled by Meghan, who displays all the classic signs of having a narcissistic personality. Meghan has controlled his every move, isolated him, and made him a co-dependent. He is crumbling before our very eyes. Here is a very informative video on the event ...


Feared royal biographer Tom Bower has written a book on Meghan Markle ..

There are growing rumours that she wants to fake another pregnancy ... and there is an autobiography coming out by Tom Bower bhe

Here is a video of the event .. so ane

Tom Bower has written an autohere is a
T. W. said…
Thank you Jules!
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion, is this a joke? I couldn’t watch the whole thing.

Disclaimer: I have a mild concussion so I might be wrong.

1) Please pardon this rude American. I am used to more glamour and better lighting from awards shows.

2) Princess Harriett strokes her bearded chin after she said “My wife and I[.]” I don’t know what that means but intuitively I am suspicious.

3) Princess Harriett started laughing, looked down, laughed, looked up and started “crying.” Please. Either she has the worst sobs ever or she can’t help but laugh at the masses. We know you were pregnant Harriett. I remember all that weight you gained while MeAgain was pregnant with Moon Rocks...
T. W. said…
On second thought, maybe Prince Harry was crying because she knows we saw that bald spot on her head where a crown should be.


I am not and never have been a British subject nor subject to the laws of England and/or the British Commonwealth. My comments have never been made on English and/or British soil. Therefore I am not subject to being sued by the crown for expressing my personal beliefs and opinions about THEM and THEIR dealings. Also, my comments are intentionally outrageous for entertainment purposes. Go sue someone who deserves to be sued and can pay.
Jules said…
Oh dear I forgot to tidy up my post before I pressed send ... !

Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that. I thought it quite odd. For Prince Harry to breakdown like that in public.

Another thing.

There's got to be some corruption going on here.

Neo Nazi Fascist, Geert Wilders should have been jailed years ago. By breaking the the general European laws on inciting Racial hatred...over and over.

So what's going on?

Who is keeping this absurd Turd, Geert Wilders out of jail.

We know why.

We just don't know who is protecting this troublemaker.

Is he, as Odin suggested... being funded by the Russians?

British far Fascist Right leader, Tommy Robinson regularly goes to jail in the UK.
For inciting racial hatred.

And when he's in there. He probaly writes long loving letters.
To the the long list of fellow European Fascist, Neo Nazis and European Far Right politicians. And Parties.

Here's a list of them of his like minded friends.

And when you read the list. Consider that.
In the period prior to WW2. Fascism and Neo Nazi Party's were not as widespread as they are now.

And we all know where the existence of these type of leaders, Parties led to in the late 1930's.

World War 2

Here's the current list of our modern European troublemakers

France's Marine Le Pen,
Italy's Matteo Salvini, (Racism was invented in Italy)
the AfD in Germany,
Spain's Vox Party,
Austria's Sebastian Kurtz,
Sweden's Jimmie Akesson,
Finland's Finns Party,
Estonia's EKRA Party,
Hungary's Victor Orban,
Slovenia's Janez Jansa,
Denmark's Rasmus Paludan,
U.K's Nigel Farage

Tommy Robinson's letters to Geert Wilders. Would be returned.
As oddly, Geert Wilders refuses to align with those of his own kind.

Why? Cause he thinks he's different. Better.

Umm no.

Geert Wilders, you are the Dutch Benito Mussolini.
And a Fascist arsehole.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I was wondering if Prince Harry would be better to just shave his remaining hair off. Rather than having that huge bald spot on the top of his head.

It's not sexy.
So Meghan might have trouble getting pregnant over it.

She may need Porn to get there.

Prince Harry looks like Friar Tuck. In that old Robin Hood movie. With that particular bald spot.

He needs to get on the phone to Elton John

Who is an expert in growing lawns of new hair on your head. Via hair transplants.

Meghan and Harry went to stay at Elton's French property recently.

Perhaps Prince Harry said to Elton on the phone.

'Elton what can I do ?, I'm gonna end up havin to wear a a syrup of Figs?'

Apparently this form of loss... can be genetic or caused by an auto immune disease.



And we all know Prince Harry loves to party.
Jules said…
TW, Chicks Opinion - I thought I would share this video with you regarding SOHO house and the connections with the Duchess of Sussex. Its very very interesting.

THE SOHO Foundation

Chick'sOpinion said…

Don't worry about tidying up the post issue.

We're not neat freaks here.

We're future fanatics. Lol

Oh and thanks for the links

And. That Tom Bower books sounds juicy.
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion - I think Harry was laughing at the well-child awards. Here are two interesting videos for you to watch.


Meghan Markle Finally Admits That She Has MENTAL ILLNESS!

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