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Chick'sOpinion said…
The problem with getting rid of one Islamic extremist leader, another grows.

Or is more than ready to take the place of the latest captured, assassinated, jailed Middle Eastern Lunatic.

Trump can forget it. If he thinks he's solved the problem with these violent murdering Islamic extremists.

And fortunately or unfortunately, there's more than a role for the U.S in the Middle East.... than just protecting oil wells.

For a start, there's very little democracy in the The Middle East.

Democracy does exit. But in small pockets, like United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Oman, Lebanon, Tunisia, Iraqi and Syrian Kurdistan....

But really that's it. And it's not democracy as we know it.

All it is...Is they practice their Muslim religion in a moderate tolerant way. And women have certain freedoms.
Like being allowed to go to school.
And allowing modern education.

But the rest of the Middle East is mired in huge problems. And young men are apparently drawn to extremism.
Because of the pay. Yes they pay them.

But also they are also drawn to the power. With the weapons. And the access to rape young Middle Eastern women. Without facing punishment.

I'm assuming Trump is learning fast. That the problems in the Middle East are vast.
And complex.

Especially with all the corruption that goes on.
Anonymous said…
I am not knowledgeable about these ISIS recruits, and I had no idea that they paid these guys. I just thought they gave them room and board and a female.

From Wikepedia: In mid-2014, Iraqi intelligence obtained information from an ISIL operative which revealed that the organisation had assets worth US$2 billion, making it the richest jihadist group in the world.

$2 billion USD??????

I agree, you rid of one arseholic leader, a new one will eventually show up and they seem to be more evil than their predecessors.

I'm still glad they snuffed him out. He was evil.

We all must realize that because the U.S. killed this ISIS leader, the U.S. will more than likely pay dearly for this.

When will it end?

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…

Good point. When will it end.

I think as time goes on they will struggle to get recruits.

It seems like this generation and a bit older Middle East youth are attracted to it.
A new generation will grow up watching this nonsense they believe in. The Caliphate.

And learn it was just a stupid illusion that resulted in most of them dying.

That's not great advertising for a job. Or a cause.

At the moment. Yes, the recruits are mostly from impoverished backgrounds.... the vast majority of them.

With no future. So yes. Sex, money, power draws them in.

I think their incomes come from Saudi Arabia.

Someone's funding these arseholes.

And who dies can afford to.

Imagine what the little kids... who see the dead ones lying in the street in the Middle East think of their crazy dream of the Extreme Islamic Caliphate.

They'll think it dumb and pointless.

Governments should have controlled these Islamic Extremists nuts 25 years ago.

Wouldn't have been as big a global problem had they done so.

But they all sat on their hands.
T. W. said…
Have recruits on both sides realized they signed up to fight in a war that started before they were born?
Anonymous said…
Chick's Opinion, you make some excellent points. Saw one of the U.S. imprisoned ISIS creeps talking tonight on the news to an ABC reporter. These guys have no empathy or compassion for human beings. They are all business. They don't care who dies or who they kill. Aside from what you said about how there is a certain type of recruit that is attracted to ISIS, I also think they are sociopaths or psychopaths.

These captured ISIS men in the jail. I thought to myself why bother with them? Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth kind of thing? It seems only fair. You would think Trump would do away with them. I'm confident that most people would not protest, except for maybe the mothers of these extremists.

Good point about how governments should have dealt with these nutters 25 years ago. Wasn't ridding of Sadam the beginning of it all? The Saudis support ISIS and supply them arms. The Saudis hate the U.S. so why does Trump kiss their country's butt?

They said tonight on the news that because of the death of Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi that there will be terrorism expected in Europe (but not the U.S.?)

I hope Christian has some good news for us in his 2020 predictions. Can't wait.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Totally agree with you. There would have to be sociopaths and psychopaths among the ISIS soldiers.

And narcissists.

They grow up in a world of violence. Alot of them I think. So I think it must be relatively easy for some to drift into it.

I think the West should jail them indefinitely. Because the jailing of these people in the middle East is a bit uncertain. There's so such corruption. That they can easily be freed based on bribery.

The problem is. There's so many of them.

I read the channeling of Chris Kyle on the Channeling Erik blog.

Chris Kyle, the Passed away, U.S Navy Seal. The one they based the movie American Sniper on.

He emphatically stated that they hate us in Middle East. And thats a fact. I believe that was expressed in a general way though.

After I read what he channeled. I concluded that clearly it isn't just extremists we are dealing with. It's a whole mindset about the West.

As an aside. There has been rumours. That George and Amal Clooney's marriage is under strain because Amal Clooney. As a Human Rights lawyer. Is currently under security threat.

Because of the strain. And security risk her family have come under. As she is attempting to prosecute some ISIS recruits.

And the danger has meant George Clooney has moved their kids to Sardinia because of it. Don't know if it's true or not.

But what is true. Amal Clooney demanded at the U.N, justice for the epidemic of of sexual violence perpetrated by Islamic State extremists. In Iraq and Syria.

Her argument to the Security Council was,

'If the U.S's the most powerful body, cannot prevent the prevalence of sexual violence in wars all over the world, then at least it must punish it'

I really like Amal Clooney. And her professional side. She doesn't usually talk about her work. But she damn well does it. I just wish she didn't live such a lux life. As it is way too contrary to her work.

Amal Clooney is a bit of a piece of work. But she has to have that personality to go after the people ....she has to go after.

And she gets them.

Who else funds these Islamic Extremists. Well it appears from my research, they get funding from kidnapping people for ransom.


They occupy certain areas and take control of the oil there, gas companies. And also take control of banks.


Drug trade

Oil revenues

Fundraising online

Extortion rackets

Money and materials supplied by foreign fighters

All of the above.

In 2014, they were the richest radical group in the world.

And they owned alot of assets. Well stole them.

But alot of these assets were seized back in Mosul by the West. Eventually.

See, years ago, the Islamic Extremists looted the Mosul Central bank of $429 million.

That's a scary amount of money for a very dangerous radical group to get hold of.... to fund them.

The interesting thing is, the Saudi Arabians used to have endless money.
Not so much anymore. So I doubt the Saudis could continue to fund them. If they ever did. The Saudis are now budgeting.

There is some suggestion also, that the state of Qatar fund Islamic extremists.

And you know, the spending of these Islamic Extremist soldiers was out of control.
Alot of them were hooked on cocaine too.

Why is the U.S so 'in' with Saudi Arabia?

Well I guess a good reason. In 1951, the U.S signed with them, a Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement.

So in effect, the U.S can rely on them to assist militarily.

And that's been proved to be true.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick'sOpinion. I wanted to respond to some information you provided:

"Chris Kyle, the Passed away, U.S Navy Seal. The one they based the movie American Sniper on.

He emphatically stated that they hate us in Middle East. And thats a fact. I believe that was expressed in a general way though.

After I read what he channeled. I concluded that clearly it isn't just extremists we are dealing with. It's a whole mindset about the West."


My comment is, one does not need to speak to the dead to find out that the Middle East's mindset (in general) is to hate the West. I have heard this from the horse's mouth when I was young. Former service members have told me the same thing as well.

I just saved ya'll some time. The medium gave information that is readily available.

Please do not consult people who claim to channel the dead.
T. W. said…
I have read reports about the Clooney Family not being safe either. We must pray for them.

Dear God,

Please keep Amal Clooney and her family safe. Please cause those who wish them harm to fall victim to the traps and other harms they knowingly and willing set for others. In Jesus' name I ask. Amen.

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